Dark Horse 🐎

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Chapter 11 – Dark Horse

[이 여행은 힘들고 외로울 때도

있다는 걸 알고 있어

그럴 땐 내 어깰 내어줄게

난 너의 편이 되고 싶어

I know this journey can be

Hard and lonely at times

You can lean on my shoulder then

I want to be on your side]


“How many this time?”

“Not too many, Captain. I think the plan’s working. Minister Yu doesn’t seem to be concerned with our cause. I think it is because he is occupied with something else.”

“And what is it?”

“Something of your doing, Captain.”

“My doing?”

“Yes, the Crown Prince did not select anyone yet again. But this time, it is rather personal because Minister Yu’s daughter was also in the selection.”

She sighs heavily. He really needs to heed her advice before Minister Yu does something drastic. At this rate, everything he has done so far has only been against the favor of the Minister and she worries that it might potentially jeopardize their cause.

“Speaking of which, he is here, captain.”

“Okay, leave us be.”

She sees the Crown Prince entering the room with a big smile, arms ready to embrace her. She crosses her arms and stays still, not moving from her seat.

“Your Highness, how can I help you?”

“Why are you being so distant?”

“The selection this time, it involved his daughter. I think he would have taken that personally.”

The Crown Prince sits down in front of her and nonchalantly takes a sip from her cup of tea on the table before replying very casually.

“It was Lady Yu’s decision.”


“Somehow, she managed to get my sister to arrange a meeting for us to meet and she told me very directly that she had no interest in becoming my wife and that she would appreciate it if I didn’t choose her.”

“Does the Minister know about this?”

“You know I respect a woman’s decision and besides, I never plan to settle for anyone but you. If it isn’t you, I will never get married.”

She sighs once more. How can he be so stubborn?

“Your Highness, you are a royalty. You are responsible for producing an heir for the monarchy. It is your duty.”

“Well, my duty right now is to devote myself to the cause that my mother had initiated before her death. I owe it to her to fulfil her final death wish. That is all I care about right now.”

“Your Highness…”

“Besides, when we fulfil our cause, the duty doesn’t fall on just me anymore. She will have a part as well.”

He says with a smile, and she realizes that there is just no reasoning with the royalty. She sighs in defeat.

“How’s my sister?”

She hears him ask. She frowns deeply. He was really making her upset in all ways today.

First with the Minister and now his sister.

“She seems happy.”

“I’m glad.”

The Crown Prince says with big smile as he adjusts himself to rest his head on her lap. She looks away, unconvincingly trying to show her distaste at his action. The Crown Prince completely ignores it as he rest his hands under his head comfortably. She sighs as she looks back at him with a deep frown.

“Are you sure she is safe there? Won’t anyone find out?”

“Don’t worry, Lord Kim is there. If anything happens, he will let me know.”

“You know I don’t trust him.”

“You need to open up yourself more, Yizhou. Not everyone in this world is as bad as you think they are.”

“Well, you trust just about anyone. It’s careless. One day, it will hurt you.”

“Funny, that’s what Minjeong said as well. Ah, but you know what’s funnier?”

“What is?”

“The girl that Minjeong likes is none other than Lady Yu Jimin.”

“Wait, Minister Yu’s daughter?! You knew this, and you allowed this to happen?”

She exclaims, as she stands up, disrupting him from his comfortable position. She then proceeds to stare at him with wide eyes, as if he just said the most ridiculous thing ever.

Because he did.

“Your Majesty, you do know the whole purpose of this rebellion, don’t you?”

“I know.”

“If you do, then…”

“Yizhou, I can’t stop her from loving someone. I haven’t seen her smile like that in years.”

She rubs her temple in distress as she paces up and down the room. He was being ridiculous, wait, no, he has always been ridiculous. Why has she put up with him for so long? Is it because of his pretty face?

Well, he is prettier than most men. Still, that is not a valid reason, she reminds herself.

No, maybe it is because of his ridiculously gentle demeanor? Yet sometimes, he can be pretty annoying.

Or is it just because she has loved him ever since she laid her eyes on him?

No, she’s not in love. She refuses to admit it.

Not when he is the Crown Prince and she is a just some foreigner.

She has always understood her standing in this kingdom and with that in mind, they were impossible.

“Besides, it’s mutual. Lady Yu likes her back.”

She hears him say with a smile and she merely frowns in response.

“Why are you playing Cupid when we are almost at war?”

She asks again, her voice sounding frustrated now.

“Yizhou-ah, above all, happiness comes first.”

“Ni buneng bei jiule.”

[You’re hopeless.]

She finally says out loud with a deep frown. She sees him flashing that pretty smile and almost forgets about

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sorry for the hiatus everyone! Please enjoy Chapter 20! :D


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Kannakobayashi09 #1
Is this complete?
Chapter 20: Wow when will you up this story?:(
Chapter 20: oohhh?👀👀
Chapter 20: i did not expect that, wow.
Chapter 19: Omg lezzgowww! Finally get to catch up with the latest chapter and honestly I enjoyed every bit of it. Can’t wait for the next chapter😊
Hamsterjeongie #6
Chapter 19: Oh here we come
Chapter 19: hmmm👀
oofiee 1081 streak #8
Chapter 19: no cause why wont she tell her D:
Chapter 19: "Lady Jimin, it's time" (sound effect) babam
Hamsterjeongie #10
Chapter 18: Shi- oh no