Part 7

The Caretaker [Series]

“I don’t think this colour scheme will work for what you’re envisioning in this space,” you admitted, pulling out a detailed colour chart and discussing other alternatives.

Your head hurt when you were finally done with your meeting, and you sat down heavily at your desk and leaned back into your chair. “How hard is it to understand some colours don’t mix or match?”

“We’re here to appease our clients, not tell them what works best.”

Sitting up and scowling at Eric, you pointed in his direction. “Even you said it was an ugly combination.”

“You know, I miss him when you look like that.”


Eric smiled gently. “He always would scowl like that at me. It’s funny how you picked up that trait to continue with.”

“This isn’t what I wanted,” you breathed, sinking back into your chair. “Of all the things to take from my time with Hyunwoo, his scowl? Seriously, he was much more handsome when he smiled.”

You wistfully smiled as you looked out the window to your office, seeing the quarry home off into the distance.

Your home.

You didn’t know how to be its caretaker at first. Especially since everything reminded you of your time with Hyunwoo and his personal touches. Slowly, you began to find your routine within the home, and it didn’t feel so empty. Those same touches that once brought you to tears now held you captivated, and you often walked around talking to them, as if Hyunwoo could somehow hear you from wherever he had gone to.

You wished for one last goodbye kiss, however.

“That smile of his won’t help you with your plumbing issue, now will it? You have twenty minutes to get home and be ready for your inspection,” Eric announced, and you grumbled lightly.

“He was a builder, and the house was made in the nineteenth century with hardly any changes made until we renovated it. Kihyun’s investment didn’t cover everything.”

“No, and isn’t it wonderful that business is booming so you can replace those rusty pipes for modern ones?”

“At least the toilet is inside now,” you agreed with a laugh, picking up your bag and throwing a kiss at your best friend before heading for the door.

There had been several tasks around the quarry home that you had worked hard to iron out over the past two years of living in it, but the one thing you knew you had little to no knowledge of was plumbing.

You hoped the plumber you had called in would be able to help you have a hot shower sometime soon.

You had just enough time to open the house up when you heard a van pull into your driveway, a man soon stepping out and coming up the path to the front door. Turning around, you stepped down to meet him halfway.

“Lee Jooheon?” you asked as you held out a hand towards him, and he smiled brightly, taking a hold of you as you watched dimples form in his cheeks. “Oh wow. You uh, you’re something.”

“So is this house of yours.”

“Right. The house, of course. Let me show you to my issues,” you remarked jarringly, leading the way into your house.

“Woah, this place is amazing,” Jooheon exclaimed once inside, looking at you in approval. “I heard you redid this place up a few years ago.”

“I had some formidable help.”

“From the caretaker, right?”

“I’m sorry?” you said, furrowing your brows together.

For a moment, you simply stared at one another, and Jooheon smiled again. You knew that smile, and your heart began to race. Whilst he didn’t look like Hyunwoo, you could sense he was up to something right now.

And then Jooheon blinked rapidly, shaking himself off. “What just happened?”

“It’s an old home. Do you believe in ghost stories?”

“Whoever is haunting this place would be lucky if you’re here,” he mentioned, and then covered his mouth awkwardly. “Sorry that, uh, just slipped out.”

You giggled. “I think it’s fair to say that sometimes things happen in this house that provokes a lot of honesty. Anyway, let me show you to the bathroom. It’s not the greatest situation, I’m afraid.”

“That’s why you called me in, right?”

“Of course.”


“It’s going to be a few weeks of work,” Jooheon admitted once he’d done a full inspection of your house. He found you in the kitchen, and you turned to him with a grin.

“Not months?”

“Well, that would be excessive. You just need a few new plumbing lines and a small rehaul of the connections in the house. Whoever did them in the past gave it their best.”

“He wasn’t exactly up to modern advances when he tried,” you admitted, and Jooheon laughed.

“No, I guess he knew he’d be just lending you some time before it would all need repairing.”

“It was no doubt in his plans.”

You stared at one another again, and then you suddenly asked Jooheon a question right as he spoke too. “You go first, Y/N.”

“Would you like a drink?”


“I’ll just get some water from the—”

“Don’t turn it on yet!” Jooheon exclaimed right as you twisted the tap, water spraying out everywhere.

You shrieked as Jooheon lurched forward to twist the handle back around, and finally, the water was off.

But you were both drenched.

Looking over his shoulder at you, Jooheon’s face was dripping with the water running down it. You suppressed a laugh, and reached over for some tea towels, and handed one to him. “Sorry, I shouldn’t have done that.”

“It’s not every day that I get cooled down on the job.”

“Really? But you’re a plumber.”

Jooheon chuckled. “I guess I should reiterate. It’s not every day I need to be cooled down on the job. It’s sure going to be interesting working on you. I mean, on your pipes!”

You giggled, and Jooheon hung his head in shame. “I’m not getting myself out of this hole, now am I?”

“I don’t think you entirely need to. Besides, I’m enjoying it. This house hasn’t experienced so much laughter in one afternoon in a long time.”

“Maybe it’ll get to hear a lot more,” Jooheon offered as you walked him to the front door.

You grinned. “I hope so. It’s about time these walls remember what it sounds like.”

“I’ll see you next week when I start the job. I’ve fixed the hot water, so you’ll be able to take a shower now.”

You arched an eyebrow at Jooheon, and he groaned.

“It’s why you hired me. I’m not having indecent thoughts!”

“Let’s just make sure when you’re here next time that the water is off. I’d hate for you to need a reason to use my shower yourself.”

Jooheon slowly grinned before waving you off, heading back to his van with soft laughter along the way.

Turning back indoors, you shut the door and cuddled your arms around yourself, looking down the hallway with a smile. “You know, you told me you were going to rest. Still taking care of this place and me even long after you’re gone, huh?”

You wouldn’t ever forget the caretaker of the home you lived in. Hyunwoo had built the foundations so strongly that even your chaotic wind couldn’t shake it off the ground. Though you had tried to several times, in hopes it would keep him here.

Now with him gone, you knew you would eventually need helping hands to continue what Hyunwoo had begun.

You were hopeful that person was only a week away from changing your world again.

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Chapter 7: Oh no! The end already? I was looking for the next button.
this was interesting read, thank you for writing.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 7: Even though it was only one chapter that didn't have Hyunwoo in it, I'm still missing him dearly. Excuse my biased self... Other than that, this chapter was nice. Eric was a sweety, the plumber Jooheon was cute and flirty. Anyway, I had fun reading this story and I'm definitely gonna miss them. Please let me know if you have any other Shownu/Kihyun stories in your collection. I'd like to check them too ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 6: Oh my! So my theory was right? I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad that it's true. And now I wonder what the last chapter might hold *wipes tears* for some odd reasons, I was expecting many more chapters to come. Still can't believe I'm just one chapter away from its ending. Will definitely be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 5: Whoa! *Fans self* I laughed up hard at Eric and his rant in the beginning but definitely wasn't expecting the chapter to take such a turn and so quickly at that. Not that I'm complaining, just a bit surprised. LoL XD and, Kihyun has hots for her too? Anyway, I'm curious of so many things. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ooh! This chapter was intriguing. I mean until last chapter I didn't really have any theory behind Shownu and that house but I think after reading this chapter, I'm starting to have one. Regardless, I liked their interactions here. Can't wait to see what those two are gonna do with the house. And also wonder what Eric's reaction would be later when he sees these two being acquainted and on more than amicable terms. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 3: The way Hyunwoo reacts makes me more and more curious of what's his story and the dark secrets of the house. Anyway, now that she had held up her side of the promise, wonder how things would develop herein. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 2: Hahaha Eric's reaction is hilarious XD is it just an OC or based on an idol/artist? Just curious though! Anyway, can't wait to see how things go on between Hyunwoo and her now that they have kinda made a deal. Also makes me curious of the resident ghost too. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hi, I know I said I'd be waiting to hear from you but kinda got impatient and dived right in. As of yet, I have only read the first chapter and although it's the same/similar to the foreword/description, I'm still intrigued. Can't wait to read more and find out about this mysterious caretaker here. Will be back later to do so ^^

PS I still hope you don't mind me reading one chapter at a time and left a comment after.
2034 streak #10
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. And it has Shownu, so that's an added bonus. But before I started, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^