Part 6

The Caretaker [Series]

The dreams intensified, much as your feelings for Hyunwoo since giving into your affections for one another. The house was almost finished, with just landscaping to contract in.

The townsfolk were slowly changing their tune also, watching your hope for the home come alive. “I’ve never seen it look so welcoming before.”

“Did you know it’s got five bedrooms up in that house? It’s beautiful!”

“I wonder if this new lease on life will remove all the bad luck from the house. Someone could be very happy living here.”

“See!” you proudly said to both Eric and Hyunwoo after listening to yet another compliment roll in. “Our work here has been worth it!”

“Yeah, okay. I admit that we’ve done great here, Y/N.”

Hyunwoo cleared his throat, and Eric laughed awkwardly. “To be fair, it’s been you both driving this project. I’ve just been overlooking it. From the sidelines. Far away.”

“Don’t tell me this house still gives you the creeps, Eric.”

He shook his head at you and then cringed. “Maybe a little. I can’t help but want to know what the murder mystery is all about. You know, how Michael died and where his body is.”

The truth was that you already knew the answer. Hyunwoo hadn’t spoken of it to you yet, and every time the topic came close to being spoken about, you would change the subject or kiss him until he was distracted.

But your dreams had painted the whole picture all too well.


“That’s the last door handle,” Hyunwoo announced, placing the screwdriver back into the toolbox at his feet. “We’re done here.”

“No, I’m sure there’s something else we could improve.”

“Y/N, the door handles were absolutely fine. So were the window latches and the curtain rods and the—”

“Okay, okay. So, I’ve been a little over the top.”

“You’re avoiding the conclusion to our story.”

“I don’t want to read that final chapter, thanks.”

Hyunwoo pulled you into his strong embrace, resting his head upon your shoulder. “I can’t stay forever.”

“Yes, you can. You have this long.”

“That’s because I had some—”

“Don’t say it.”

“Will you then?”


“Why not?” he implored, and you began to change the subject again when he held up a hand. “I’m not listening until you admit it.”

“I have nothing to say,” you replied, and Hyunwoo looked at you, shaking his head.

“I’m the ghost here.”

“I don’t believe in ghost stories.”

“I’m the murdered person. This was my home.”

“Hyunwoo, I’m warning you.”

“They took it from me, and then my wife and child too. All I had left was this hellish damnation.”

Staring up at him through a veil of tears, you swallowed roughly. “I told you, I didn’t need to hear it!”

“I know you don’t. I’ve been showing you in your dreams this whole time,” he admitted, and you stopped, eyes wide at the man before you. “I did that to you.”

“No, you didn’t. You’re just trying to—”

“I wanted someone to know my story. Just one person to listen to me without thinking the Galloways were good people who ended in ruins by sheer luck. They ruined everything I had worked hard for. Their greed for taking what wasn’t theirs is what ruined that family.”

“So, what if you’ve been showing me. Telling me about your past doesn’t mean what we have now has to end.”

“My heart no longer is full of hatred. Thanks to you.”

“Don’t say that!” you pleaded, sobs racking through you. “Don’t start talking like that, I beg of you. We have so much more to do. You made this house. Built it for love and laughter and-”

“We’ve experienced both within these walls already. For the last several months, Y/N,” he calmly offered, but you backed away from Hyunwoo, shaking your head repeatedly.

“I don’t want this to end.”

“Do you think I want it to? Ironic how I’ve been stuck here for over a century, and then when something good finally happens to me, the grudge that kept me here is gone, and I’m starting to feel too light to be weighed down in this realm for much longer.”

“What do I need to do to make you stay?” you asked fruitlessly, knowing full well there was nothing.

“When did you realise what I was?” Hyunwoo asked, stepping forward and taking you back in his arms. You shuddered against him, heaving with your emotions. “When did you noticed I wasn’t alive?”

“In the library,” you whispered out hoarsely, and Hyunwoo blinked several times.

“How? You seemed so unaware back then.”

“The librarian looked at me strangely for talking to you. I looked up and noticed there was a reflection in the windows nearby. I only saw myself.”

“You humoured me for so long.”

“No, I didn’t humour anything. I liked you. I wanted to know more about your story. And you’ve told me.”

“Not out loud. Will you listen now?”

Nodding, you allowed Hyunwoo to take you into the study, sitting down upon the couch by the fireplace. He smiled sadly.

“You don’t have to tell me. Maybe another time,” you suddenly said with a knee-jerk reaction, and Hyunwoo gave you a look. “Okay, okay. I’m listening.”

“I was born to parents who loved one another. They worked hard for what they had and were happy when the Lord of this town offered their daughter to me as my wife. Foolishly, I had believed love would blossom, and whilst Amelia was someone who smiled often and only had nice things to say to me, I realised early into our marriage that she didn’t love me.”

Hyunwoo glanced away. “I thought that changed when she fell pregnant with our daughter.”

“That’s why you put so much effort into the house.”

Hyunwoo nodded. “I wanted to raise our family here. The bones of this home I had already begun before marrying Amelia. We moved in, and she complimented my work but always asked for more. I was busy trying to meet her demands and work the land that we had been gifted as part of her dowry.”

“You were too busy to give her the right attention.”

“I had no idea when William Galloway met my wife or when he courted her, but she became distant towards me. And even to our sweet Victoria, too.”

“Your daughter?”

Hyunwoo nodded. “She would often come out and help me on the farm once big enough. I suppose then William was free to take Amelia’s heart where she longed for it to go.”

“Then why didn’t she just leave you?”

“Her family ties to mine were strong. Our parents cared for one another quite dearly. She was their only child, so to disappoint her family…”


“She started to talk about the ground near the house and how mining it would improve our wealth. I was against it, but then she seemed to rally the whole town into the idea. Or the Galloway brothers did.”

“The only obstacle left was you.”

“Michael did it, of course. A rather simple and effective way to die. An axe to the back of the head as I was busy cutting firewood. No one would suspect a thing. However, the guilt ate at him over the years as they mined my land. I watched as he slowly went crazy. His death isn’t a mystery. He shot himself, and William buried him near the quarry. People talked about machinery not functioning well or hearing strange noises on the site. They stopped working for William, and they went into ruins.”

“At first, I thought Michael shot you. In my dreams, I would see fragments of him and you and then hear the gunshot.”

“Now you know my story.”

“Not all of it,” you replied, and Hyunwoo tilted his head to the side. “Why did you stay and guard a house that your wife never came back to? Michael lived here instead.”

“At first, I showed up in front of Michael, angry and telling him to set things straight. When I realised I wasn’t helping the situation, I stayed in the shadows, but I had spooked him enough. When he killed himself, I held myself accountable for sending him over the edge. Guilt racked me, and so I tried to help Michael move on. I promised him I would look over this place. What I didn’t realise was the townspeople would start to see a home that I had built as so unlucky and feel sorry for the Galloways. My grudge formed from that. I didn’t want anyone to touch this place. If they wanted to think badly of my home, I would make it the most unpleasant spot in this town. I know, it sounds silly.”

“It doesn’t to me.”

“Then you showed up and changed everything. You didn’t care about the rumours, the murder mystery, the drama. You just wanted to look at what I had created. You were different from the rest.”

You smiled sadly.

“I thought I could fool you. I used a lot of my energy to help you think I was alive. Or at least, in this realm. I guess it was a good thing I had so much pent-up frustration stored. It helped me assist you in this renovation. Looking back over it all, you did a lot more than I realised. But you never made me feel like I didn’t help.”

“It was your vision too.”

“Now it can be yours. To promote my story, my craftsmanship.”

“We can do it together,” you said, holding on to the last fragment of foolish hope you possessed.

Hyunwoo smiled weakly. “You and I both know I’ve overstayed my place here as the caretaker. I’m passing it all on to you. I’ve lodged my will in the book on the desk. The original deed to this home is there too. It’s yours, Y/N.”

“What good to me is this home without the ghost who occupies it?”

Hyunwoo leaned in and kissed you faintly. “You don’t believe in ghost stories, remember?”

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Chapter 7: Oh no! The end already? I was looking for the next button.
this was interesting read, thank you for writing.
2034 streak #3
Chapter 7: Even though it was only one chapter that didn't have Hyunwoo in it, I'm still missing him dearly. Excuse my biased self... Other than that, this chapter was nice. Eric was a sweety, the plumber Jooheon was cute and flirty. Anyway, I had fun reading this story and I'm definitely gonna miss them. Please let me know if you have any other Shownu/Kihyun stories in your collection. I'd like to check them too ^^
2034 streak #4
Chapter 6: Oh my! So my theory was right? I'm not sure if I should be happy or sad that it's true. And now I wonder what the last chapter might hold *wipes tears* for some odd reasons, I was expecting many more chapters to come. Still can't believe I'm just one chapter away from its ending. Will definitely be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #5
Chapter 5: Whoa! *Fans self* I laughed up hard at Eric and his rant in the beginning but definitely wasn't expecting the chapter to take such a turn and so quickly at that. Not that I'm complaining, just a bit surprised. LoL XD and, Kihyun has hots for her too? Anyway, I'm curious of so many things. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #6
Chapter 4: Ooh! This chapter was intriguing. I mean until last chapter I didn't really have any theory behind Shownu and that house but I think after reading this chapter, I'm starting to have one. Regardless, I liked their interactions here. Can't wait to see what those two are gonna do with the house. And also wonder what Eric's reaction would be later when he sees these two being acquainted and on more than amicable terms. Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #7
Chapter 3: The way Hyunwoo reacts makes me more and more curious of what's his story and the dark secrets of the house. Anyway, now that she had held up her side of the promise, wonder how things would develop herein. Can't wait to read more. But will be back later to do so ^^
2034 streak #8
Chapter 2: Hahaha Eric's reaction is hilarious XD is it just an OC or based on an idol/artist? Just curious though! Anyway, can't wait to see how things go on between Hyunwoo and her now that they have kinda made a deal. Also makes me curious of the resident ghost too. LoL... Anyway, will be back later to read more ^^
2034 streak #9
Chapter 1: Hi, I know I said I'd be waiting to hear from you but kinda got impatient and dived right in. As of yet, I have only read the first chapter and although it's the same/similar to the foreword/description, I'm still intrigued. Can't wait to read more and find out about this mysterious caretaker here. Will be back later to do so ^^

PS I still hope you don't mind me reading one chapter at a time and left a comment after.
2034 streak #10
Hello there, a new reader here! I came across your story while searching for something interesting to read. And it has Shownu, so that's an added bonus. But before I started, I just wanted to check if it's alright with you if I read one chapter at a time and left a comment after. Hope to hear from you soon ^^