I Got U
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Lee House


Hoya’s room

On the other side, the boys were enjoying their time together with no problems, unlike the adults’ downstairs, or so they thought. Sunggyu was lying on the bed playing with his phone. Hoya checked his messages every two seconds, worried about what’s happening downstairs, and Sungjong and Myungsoo did their assignment for the other two to copy.

“Stop moving around; you’re making me dizzy!!” Myungsoo complained; he was in a bad mood, and Sungjong noticed.

“You okay, buddy?” Myungsoo nodded to Sungjong’s concern, “how did you come here? Is your father back?”


“We could’ve passed by your house and gave you a ride.”

Myungsoo smiled for his friend; Sungjong is a good friend, that he sometimes wonders if it’s fair to break his heart and date his father, “thanks, I didn’t want to bother you or coach.”

“Aigo~~, don’t say that; we’re driving you back home.”


“He is not texting back!!”

“Of course, he’s not; Seonsaeng-nim is probably proposing”, Sunggyu teased his friend, and it was easy; Hoya was easily irritated.

Hoya threw a pillow on his friend, “shut up.”

“Do you guys want to play truth or dare?” Sunggyu suggested obviously done with online gaming.

“How about you solve your homework first!” Myungsoo wasn’t a fan of such games; someone always gets hurt.

“Come on, let’s take a break”, Sungjong seemed down to play already grabbed an empty water bottle.

“I can’t sit on the floor, you idiot!”

“You wanted to play that game!!”

“How about we write names in a bowl”, Hoya suggested.

“If only you guys use that brain for homework, it would be great!”

“My god Myungsoo, loosen up a little”, Sunggyu gave his friend a shoulder massage.

“Careful with that leg, Kim”, Sungjong warned, “your hubby won’t be happy if you’re hurt.”

“Shut up, give me the bowl, I’ll start”, Sunggyu smirked, reading the name he got. “Sungjong dear.”

“, why does it have to be you!!!”

“Truth or dare? Go on.”


“If you would choose one of us to kiss, who would it be?”

Sungjong got off and leaned over Sunggyu smirking, eyes fixed on Sunggyu’s lips “you.”

Sunggyu smirked, “good choice.”

“Hey, he asked a question, not a dare.” Myungsoo pulled Sungjong off Sunggyu; what are they trying to do!! Kiss!

“You’re no fun, Myungsoo” Sungjong picked a name, “I’ll go next, Myungsoo.”

“Ugh, I hate these games.”



“Are you in love?”

Myungsoo looked into Sungjong’s eyes for a moment before answering “yes.”

“Yes??” Hoya was shocked “who??”

“One question at a time”, Myungsoo eyes were still fixed on Sungjong, unsure of what his friend knows, so Sunggyu had to keep the game going, “Myungsoo, your turn.”

“Hmm, Hoya, truth or dare.”

“Dare, of course.”

“I dare you to go downstairs and kiss Seonsaeng-nim.”


“Yah, no!” Sungjong tried to stop Hoya “this is dangerous; you could get caught!”


“Hoya, Seonsaeng-nim could lose his job for this, listen to Sungjong”, Sunggyu agreed with Sungjong; they still don’t know if Mr Lee will accept such a relationship or not. Dongwoo isn’t only 20 years older than him; he is Hoya’s teacher.

“I was kidding, Hoya, just do the penalty”, Myungsoo was kidding; of course, he doesn’t want to put his teacher in trouble for a game.

“Ugh, fine, what’s the penalty?”

Myungsoo smirked, “take a cold shower.”

“Yah, it’s cold out there!”

“You shouldn’t pick dare if you’re going to be like this!!”

“Fine, can I keep my clothes on?”

“Sure”, Myungsoo walked ahead of Hoya and opened the bathroom door, “after you.”

“I’m coming too”, Sungjong joined them in the bathroom.”

“Yah, don’t start without me; I want to watch too”, and Sunggyu limped to the bathroom to record this moment in case he wanted to use it for the future.


Hoya couldn’t stop sneezing after the challenge, even though he changed into other clean, warm clothes fast, “your turn, Hoya.” Sungjong gave Hoya the paper since there was only one left “there is only one, Sunggyu.”

“Truth”, sneeze “or dare?”

Sunggyu chuckled, “dare.”

“I dare you to go downstairs to my dad’s office and get us a wine bottle.”

“You’ll get us in trouble”, Sungjong didn’t like Hoya’s dare.

“Make him eat a spicy thing, Sungjong is right”, Myungsoo agreed with Sungjong.

“I think they’re right-” even Sunggyu agreed with his friends “we don’t drink anyway.”

“Why~~~? You guys are no fun!!” Hoya dropped his body on his bed “you guys are like little kids, especially you, Sunggyu, you’re all talk.”



“Fine”, Sunggyu pushed his body to stand. “I’ll do it, but we’re not drinking.”

“Yeah, yeah, we won’t, of course.”

“Sunggyu, don’t listen to him”, Sungjong tried one more time “you don’t have to prove anything; you’ll get in trouble.”

“I can do it; I’ll be back in no time.”



Mr Lee office

It was easy to sneak into Mr Lee’s office; everyone was sitting in the living room talking loudly, too busy to notice Sunggyu getting inside Mr Lee’s office to ‘borrow’ a wine bottle. To make it easier to carry the bottle, Sunggyu had to leave his crutch and limp, which wasn’t a big deal to him as long as Woohyun doesn’t see him, then he’d make a big deal out of it and how his ankle won’t heal because he’s careless.

Sunggyu found his target easy, but the minute he held the bottle, “Sunggyu?”

“”, Sunggyu didn’t think Mr Lee would come here, but to think of it, he might’ve come to get a wine bottle for his guests!! “u-uncle.”

“What are you doing here alone?” Sunggyu put back the wine bottle when Mr Lee was busy checking his ankle “are you in pain?”

“No, I just needed to stretch my legs; been laying down all day”, Sunggyu bowed. “I apologize, uncle, the door was open, and I was curious.”

Mr Lee smiled, “you know, Sunggyu, curiosity killed the cat.”

“I apologize again; I’ll leave.”

“Say Sunggyu”, Sunggyu’s eyes followed Mr Lee when he walked toward the door to close it “can I ask you a question and get an honest answer?”

“Sure, if I know the answer.”

Mr Lee then made the younger sit on the chair, “oh, you know the answer, I’m sure. It’s about Howon, my son.”

Mr Lee then poured a glass of wine for him, “I’m 18.”

The elder smirked, “as if you’re not here to get this bottle; I was a teen once too.” He then winked “don’t worry; I won’t tell anyone.”

“I want to go”, this got uncomfortable; never in his life, he felt like it’s wrong to be in a room with Mr Lee, Hoya’s father isn’t a stranger.

“How about answering my question before you leave.” The elder sipped from the wine, “what do you know about his boyfriend?”


“You look confused; I’ll make myself clearer; what do you know about Hoya and his boyfriend, Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim?”

“Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim is our teacher; he helps Howon practice” Mr Lee placed his hand on the armchair, leaning toward the younger, “t-that’s all I know.”

“Lying doesn’t suit you, Sunggyu.”

“You should ask Hoya about it.”

“Even better, I’ll report Dongwoo to the school board for harassing my teen son, his student.”

“B-But Uncle-!”

“And maybe report Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim too for setting a bad example in school.”

“Hyung and I are married.”

“Even worse.”

“Please don’t do that.”

“Araso”, Sunggyu looked down when Mr Lee squeezed his shoulder, pinning him in place “let’s make a deal.”

“What if I say no?”

“Don’t challenge me, boy”, Mr Lee added, “you think you’re supposed to be husband will defend you like you’re doing now?” Sunggyu lowered his head, unsure how to answer the elder, “that’s what I thought.”

“Can I go, please?”

“Sure, go to your friends.”


The office door suddenly opened, Mr Lee must’ve gone for too long that Woohyun decided to look for him, and he’s happy he did!

“Sunggyu?” Woohyun’s eyes fell on Mr Lee hand, which was on Sunggyu’s shoulder “are you okay?”

Though Sunggyu nodded, he looked far from okay; something weird happened here “leg cramps” Mr Lee removed his hand. “I was offering him a massage.”

Woohyun worriedly caressed Sunggyu’s hair; why is this boy close to tears? It must’ve hurt badly “why didn’t you call me? I have your painkillers with me.”

Get me out of here is what Sunggyu wanted to say, yet the next thing Mr Lee said shocked him, “he wouldn’t call you for sure”, the elder showed Woohyun the bottle of wine, “he was caught red-handed.”


“Sunggyu! Is that true???”


“ANSWER ME, boy! And think twice before lying”, Sunggyu lowered his head and nodded, “what is this? So now you want to get drunk?”

“Hyung, it was a dare I wasn’t going-”

“Shut up!! You’re not allowed to talk!!”

“Aigo~~, Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim, don’t be harsh on the boy.”

Woohyun bowed, apologizing for Mr Lee; not only Sunggyu entered his office without permission, but he was also going to steal the wine bottle too!! “I don’t know how this happened; I’m truly sorry, Mr Lee.”

Woohyun voice was loud enough to gather everyone at Mr Lee office, including the boys; Sunggyu took long for a bottle, “Woohyun, what’s going on?” Sungyeol questioned; Sunggyu was crying!

“Mr Lee caught Sunggyu trying to steal the wine bottle”, Woohyun explained. “I don’t know if everyone else is involved or not.”

Sungyeol immediately looked at his son “it was a dare, we’re all part of it”, though Sungjong said that the coach knew his son better, Sungjong is lying, Sunggyu was more than thankful for him, Hoya didn’t seem like he’ll tell the truth.

“We weren’t going to drink, I swear, a silly dare, that’s all”, Myungsoo added.

“Sunggyu didn’t even want to do it, but we pushed him into doing it”, Sungjong added.

Dongwoo didn’t like how Sunggyu was the only one questioned; it’s clearly teens games, so he took his side and hugged him; he knew how Woohyun was, he isn’t going to let it pass easily; for his student “don’t cry, uh? Why are you crying?”

“I’m sorry, Seonsaeng-nim.”

“Omg, you think I’ll believe this show!!”

“Woohyun, calm down”, Dongwoo tried to reason his friend, something about Mr Lee face felt uneasy, “they said they weren’t planning on drinking.”

“Not drink it?” Mr Lee was far from stopping as if he was giving Sunggyu a message or an answer for his question before Woohyun walked in on them. “Sunggyu poured a glass for himself.” Hoya’s father showed them the glass he poured for himself.

“What!! No, I didn’t I-!! Un

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702 streak #1
Chapter 20: can’t believe i finished rereading this in one go 😅
Chapter 20: It is the end of another beautiful story of yours.. As always I loved reading this story too. As you have said, this was light and I absolutely had fun reading this. Thankyou for writing this story. ❤️
Simran20 #3
Chapter 20: As always you give us many life lessons in a fic. That's an end to amazing fic of yours, I really loved it..the emotional struggles were really relatable glad that they found the happiness they deserve. Thankyou so much for an amazing fic author nim❤️❤️❤️❤️
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Atlast the adults are acting like adults. Hyojung has decieved all her friends for the past 18 years telling she was the victim. Hope everyone pays her back nicely.
Every one of them matured nicely since they all talk it out with each other soon and trying to solve it.
Thankyou so much for the update author was such a long wait but nevertheless beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 19: It's been sooooo long....
I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks.
fanfics_trash #6
Chapter 19: thanks for update
i waited so long😁
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating💛
Chapter 19: Damn.. All hyojung's and sunggyu's lives were a lie. Hyojung chose to lie while Gyu was trapped inside her lie.
I think the best decision Hyun took was to move out from the house. That will give them the space and the trust they need. When you move out you become independent and you make mistakes but that mistakes will shape your life. In my honest opinion, I think that newly married couple should start by living alone with just them. That way they will learn to understand themselves more.
So everything is starting to get sorted out. Cuz next one is the last chapter. That means another wonderful story of yours comes to an end. Hope you will start writing another one soon.
Thanks for the update. Loved reading this as always
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: Waiting for your update author nim😍😍
Chapter 18: Update please😢