I Got U
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Coach House


“You’ve got to be kidding me, Dongwoo!”

“It was out of my hands; it just happened!”

“You’re a teacher. So, you think you’d actually have a job after this???”

Sungyeol was on the phone with Dongwoo, the latter told him about his little adventure with Howon, hoping to get help. Dongwoo isn’t stupid; he knows he could lose his job for that kiss. However, Dongwoo kept this to himself and told Sungyeol over the phone on purpose; he didn’t want to see his judging eyes, the teacher knows well that he messed up.


“I like him.”

“Liking him is one thing, but doing things to a minor is another thing. I mean, kiss him!! What were you thinking, man!!”

“He’s 18; he is no longer a minor!”


Knock, knock

Sungyeol’s heart flattered when Myungsoo walked into the kitchen, “Talk to you later, uh?”

“Hmm, see you tomorrow in school.”


“I’m sorry, were you busy, coach?”

“Not at all, come in”, Sungyeol was cooking dinner for the boys. “Where is Sungjong?”

“It’s his turn to play; I told him I’d check on dinner” Myungsoo walked closer to the coach, pretending to check on the food, “and maybe help?”

Sungyeol gulped. “Alright, help me prepare the table then?”

“Yes, coach”, Myungsoo got the plates out from the cabinet and placed them nicely on the table, “I overheard your call with Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim”, Myungsoo bowed, “I apologize.”

Sungyeol got the glasses and placed them by the plates; as if he ran out of space, Sungyeol glued himself to Myungsoo’s back as he arranged them, “What did you hear?”

“About Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim kissing someone”, Myungsoo turned, facing the elder who was glued to his back, “Howon.”

“But I never mentioned Howon’s name.”

Myungsoo bit his lips, looking up to match his tall coach eyes, “Howon told me.”

“And, what do you think about it?”


“Yes,” Sungyeol fixed Myungsoo’s hair getting closer, “you.”

Myungsoo’s eyes half-closed as the teacher leaned closer to his face, lips almost touching, “Age is just a number.”

“You’re my son’s friend.”

Myungsoo smiled playfully as his hand roamed on Sungyeol’s firm chest, “who said I was talking about us?”

Sungyeol smirked, brushing their noses together, “Call Sungjong; dinner is ready.”

Sungyeol wanted to shoot himself for missing out on such a chance; Myungsoo was ready for it, more like asking for it, but it still doesn’t feel right; Myungsoo is his son’s best friend! How could he mistrust the younger’s parents and do this to their son! Will he be okay if the table turned and it was Sungjong and some 20 years old lover?


Sungjong looked between his father and friend for being extra quiet at dinner as if he was talking by himself. Myungsoo was absentminded as if he was disappointed by something and Sungyeol was busy on his phone, which was unlike him; his father hated electronics on the dining table.

“Myungsoo, you’re not eating”, Sungyeol suddenly said without raising his eyes from his phone, and it made the younger happy, so he does care. “Do you want me to order something else for you?”

“Ani, I love it.”

Sungyeol finally spared him a look with a smile, “Then hurry and eat, you don’t want to be late to home.”

“Can Myungsoo stay with us tonight?”

“No”, Myungsoo frowned at the quick answer, “No sleepovers on school nights, even Myungsoo’s parents won’t agree.”

“Hmm, coach is right. Unfortunately, I have to leave early today.”

“Ugh, bummer.”

“I’ll give you a lift, Myungsoo.”

“Thank you, coach.”


On the ride back to Myungsoo’s home, Sungyeol made sure he doesn’t leave a space for talks, so he the music for distraction, only Myungsoo won’t settle for this and turned off the music reaching halfway to his house. Sungyeol remained silent, understanding his student well, but instead ignored it rather than answering unwanted questions.


“What happened between us in the kitchen was wrong; I apologize.”

“What about what happened in today’s gym class? Was it wrong too?”

“Hmm, I apologize. I crossed the line, and I as a teacher should know better.”

“Is it because I’m Sungjong’s friend?”

“It’s because you’re my student.”

“Dongwoo Seonsaeng-nim and Howon kissed!”

“Dongwoo was wrong; Howon is his student; he shouldn’t let it go that far.”

“And Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim and Sunggyu are-”

“You know well this doesn’t count as an example, so save it.”

Myungsoo crossed his arms, pouting, “You have answers for everything!!”

Childish yet cute, Sungyeol couldn’t stop himself from smiling, “You’re right”, Sungyeol parked the car and turned to look at Myungsoo. “It’s because you’re my son’s friend.”

“What if I was not Sungjong’s friend? Would you consider us a thing?”


Then Myungsoo did the boldest thing; he gave the elder a quick peck on the lips, and it made Sungyeol lose it; he didn’t know what happened to him that he unwillingly jumped over the younger, cupping his face, breathing heavily. 

Myungsoo bit his lips, unsure what to do; all he knew is that this is the moment he was waiting for, “Well?”

“You don’t want to be late; we’re here”, Sungyeol let go of the younger and backed; his sense kicked on the last minute before he screws things with his student.”




Park near Nam House


Howon waved for his friend as he joined him and Nicky on the park bench; Sunggyu felt out of breath in the house and needed an excuse to leave the house, so he used Nicky. The park was across the Nam and Lee house, so it was perfect.

“Hey, little Nicky”, Howon ruffled the little boy’s hair.


“Ugh, so cute”, he then noticed how depressed his friend looked, “You okay, buddy?”

“Gyugyu sad”, Nicky replied on Sunggyu’s behalf, hugging him.

“Aigo~~, aren’t you a sweet little boy. Do you want to play in the slides?” Howon carried the little boy from Sunggyu; his friend looked down.



The three walked toward the slides for Nicky to play; Sunggyu and Howon sat on the grass beside it to talk as the little boy enjoyed playing.

“How do you feel now?”

“Not good.”

“Why? Did you eat?” Sunggyu nodded, “Did Woohyun Seonsaeng-nim scold you again?”

“Howon, I don’t belong there.”

“What do you mean you don’t belong there!”

“Seonsaeng-nim hates me.”

“Didn’t he like change? I thought you two worked things out.”

Sunggyu was a little boy when his sister met Woohyun. When they married four years ago, their relationship wasn’t the best; Woohyun didn’t hesitate to kick him out politely; of course, Sunggyu wasn’t dumb; he knew he wasn’t welcomed in their house.

“Why did you sign those papers, Sunggyu?”

Sunggyu paused a little, watching Nicky laughing as he slid from the slider, “I had no other option.”


“Nicky reminds me of Nuna, the same smile”, tears gathered in Sunggyu’s eyes remembering his sister “I miss my sister so much, Howon.”

“I don’t think Seonsaeng-nim hates you; he signed those papers willingly.”

“He signed them because he pitted me; he treats me like a kid!”

“Because you’re acting like one”, Howon tried to tease his friend and make him smile, making baby sounds, and it worked a little.

Sunggyu chuckled, pushing Howon, “Yah!! Do you want to die!!”

“Very funny, with these weak arms, I don’t think you can beat me”, this lasted for less than two seconds, and Sunggyu returned to the sad mode again. “Hey, did something else happen?”

Howon hugged his friend when his tears fell; Sunggyu doesn’t cry easily, but ever since he moved in with Woohyun, all he does is cry, “I feel wronged, Howon.”

“Is it that witch again?”

Sunggyu nodded, “she said that I’m only here because of my sister as if I was a charity case, and that stupid teacher agreed with her. She even lied to my face, and Seonsaeng-nim believed her; he didn’t even want to hear my side of the story!!”

“You are not a charity case, Sunggyu.”

“Then what am I!! I can’t get mad and leave; where will I stay! I don’t have money, no job, no house.”

“My house is your house, Sunggyu. I mean it, my parents love you.”

Nicky ran toward Sunggyu when he noticed that he was crying, “Gyugyu, cry again?” he tried to push Howon off Sunggyu with his little hands taking his place to hug him, “Bad, bad Hoya.”

“Y-Yah, it wasn’t me, Sunggyu, say something.”        

Sunggyu wiped his tears and tried to smile not to scare the little boy, “Gyugyu is fine; I just had something in my eyes.”

“Aw~~, okay.”

“Let’s go home; it’s Nicky’s bedtime.”




Nam House


Nicky was sleepy on their way back, so Sunggyu carried him to sleep; he was greeted by Woohyun laughs as he was sitting with his family watching TV.

“Sunggyu?” the first one to notice him was Mr Nam; he got off the couch and walked towards him. “Nicky is sleeping?”

“Yes, he slept on our way back. Where is auntie? I want to wish her good night.”

“Your auntie is getting old; she slept already; don’t tell her I said that”, the elder winked, taking the little boy from Sunggyu. “Give me Nicky; I’ll put him to bed; you join them.”

Sunggyu’s eyes fell on Woohyun when he looked in their direction; the elder simply looked away and continued his conversation with his brother and wife.

“A-Ani, I have to sleep too; I need to wake up early tomorrow.”

“What about dinner? You did eat before you left, right?”

“I ate with Howon, thank you, uncle”, Sunggyu retook Nicky. “I’ll put him in bed; you rest, uncle.”


When Sunggyu was out of the picture, Woohyun rose from the sofa and excused himself to join Sunggyu and his kid, “Ugh, he had to ruin this.”

Boohyun nudged his wife, “Honey, I thought we talked about this.”

“Woohyun is my friend; I can’t just stay still watch him ruin his life with a kid.”

“He is my brother too, so cut it out.”

“Whatever, I’m going to bed too.”

“Hyojung- damn it.”


Nicky’s room

Woohyun walked into Nicky’s room just in time Sunggyu was covering him with his little blanket, “Thank you for looking after Nicky.”

“No worries.”

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702 streak #1
Chapter 20: can’t believe i finished rereading this in one go 😅
Chapter 20: It is the end of another beautiful story of yours.. As always I loved reading this story too. As you have said, this was light and I absolutely had fun reading this. Thankyou for writing this story. ❤️
Simran20 #3
Chapter 20: As always you give us many life lessons in a fic. That's an end to amazing fic of yours, I really loved it..the emotional struggles were really relatable glad that they found the happiness they deserve. Thankyou so much for an amazing fic author nim❤️❤️❤️❤️
Simran20 #4
Chapter 19: Atlast the adults are acting like adults. Hyojung has decieved all her friends for the past 18 years telling she was the victim. Hope everyone pays her back nicely.
Every one of them matured nicely since they all talk it out with each other soon and trying to solve it.
Thankyou so much for the update author was such a long wait but nevertheless beautiful ❤️❤️❤️
Chapter 19: It's been sooooo long....
I enjoyed the chapter. Thanks.
fanfics_trash #6
Chapter 19: thanks for update
i waited so long😁
Chapter 19: Thank you for updating💛
Chapter 19: Damn.. All hyojung's and sunggyu's lives were a lie. Hyojung chose to lie while Gyu was trapped inside her lie.
I think the best decision Hyun took was to move out from the house. That will give them the space and the trust they need. When you move out you become independent and you make mistakes but that mistakes will shape your life. In my honest opinion, I think that newly married couple should start by living alone with just them. That way they will learn to understand themselves more.
So everything is starting to get sorted out. Cuz next one is the last chapter. That means another wonderful story of yours comes to an end. Hope you will start writing another one soon.
Thanks for the update. Loved reading this as always
Simran20 #9
Chapter 18: Waiting for your update author nim😍😍
Chapter 18: Update please😢