the weekend

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now playing: the weekend - bibi
"you only call me on the weekend"


“what’s your name?” 

“i’d answer you if i cared for meaningless small talk, but that would just be a waste of time, don’t you agree?” 

“well, do you have a better way to use our time?”

“i can think of a few ways.” 

the poor fool grinned and his eyes lit up like he had just won the lottery and irene knew she had him caught helplessly in her trap. another saturday night, another simple minded fellow that became the hunted and one thing about irene was that she never missed. 

irene kept her eyes on him as she lifted the martini glass to her lips, studying him carefully and observing the way he couldn't take his eyes off her; a giveaway sign of total infatuation. it only made her job easier. 

she finished off the last drop in the glass, the floral taste of gin from her lips and she thought it was about time for something a little sweeter. 

“shall we go somewhere a little quieter?” she asked with an irresistible smile and bat of her eyelashes.  

they left their seats at the bar, the man leading them straight to the backdoor barely able to contain his excitement and irene looked over her shoulder to catch the eye of a certain black haired woman with bright red lips sitting leisurely on one of the plush couches in the vip booth. 

the two exchanged secret smiles, and with the red neon lights in the club reflecting off her eyes, she raised her glass towards irene in a toast. 

irene grinned, possibly her first real smile of tonight, and if anyone in that establishment was sober enough or attentive enough to look closely, they would’ve been able to see the secret she hid behind the beautiful smile of hers.


there was something about the surge of adrenaline and pleasure that could only be attained by feeding off a live being rather than from the readily packaged meals that some preferred for their own moral qualms. irene scoffed at those because nothing compared to the thrill of the hunt and the element of risk. after all, there was nothing exciting about a guaranteed win and no competition. 

the backdoor to the alley behind the club swung open, letting out the loud thumping of music into the night air. 

heels clicked on the stone pavement, heading towards the pair up against the wall. from afar and in the dark where only silhouettes were visible, it appeared like just another couple canoodling but joy park knew better than that. 

“am i interrupting something?” she asked with a smirk, making her presence known and she was met with red eyes in the darkness. 

irene let out a harmless growl in response before she released her bite and she kept the limp body upright against the wall with one hand as she turned to look at joy. 

joy looked at him with a pitiful look, tsking. “he was quite handsome.” she commented. 

“all the same.” irene responded, wiping the corner of her lip with her thumb and the residue of blood. 

all of them had a different style and preference when it came to hunting. joy always liked to have some fun first - playing with her food as irene would call it. why not get the most out of it? joy would counter. but irene was straight to business, no unnecessary words or actions, and no time wasted. 

“you’re not done.” joy noted, “please, don’t let me disrupt your mealtime.” she grinned, fangs glinting in the overhead moonlight. 

irene scoffed, “you say that as if you didn’t come out intentionally.” but she still latched back onto the neck in front of her, hand gripping the hair to tilt the head back. 

“not my fault you’re a slow eater.” joy said. “but a cute one.” she added with a smile, always endeared by watching the shorter girl that was so unexpectedly powerful and she loved seeing the usually calm and composed irene let her real self come out when she was feeding. 

a text notification sounded and joy watched, disappointed, as irene detached herself from the neck and retrieved her phone from her handbag. 

“i have to go.” she released the limp body that sagged to the floor immediately. 

joy raised an eyebrow. “but you are not done yet.” she said, looking down at the body that she could tell still had a fair amount left. what else, if not feeding, was of such priority for irene? 

“you can have him.” irene was distracted and on her phone, texting with a small smile on her face. 

joy winced, “i’m not having your sloppy seconds.” 

“have you fed yet?” 

“no, but i have a target.” joy refuted. “he’s inside.” 

“an entree never hurts.” irene winked as she stepped back and disappeared into the shadows, leaving joy alone in the alley with the body. 


“i am here, my darling.” she announced the moment she stepped through the door into the small apartment unit. 

“irene.” the only other being in the room was sitting at the table, arms folded and expression stoic. despite the over-professionalism, irene still found her beyond beautiful, and she knew she hated being called darling but she had learnt to ignore it rather than fight it. 

“didn’t miss me too much i hope?” irene grinned, swiftly crossing the apartment to be beside her and she sat down on the other chair, leaning in close to look directly into the pair of dark brown eyes that stared back blankly. “because i’ve missed you, darling.” she said sweetly. 

irene’s darling leaned in slightly, getting her excited for a moment thinking that she was going to get a kiss. 

“you fed.” she stated with the slightest furrow of her brow that irene still noticed. 

“how did you know?” she had already made sure to rinse entirely clean of any possible hint of her earlier meal. 

the woman of irene’s dreams reached out with a careful hand to touch her collarbone lightly, making irene look down and see the drop of dried blood on her pale skin. her fingertips lingered longer on her skin and irene almost shivered at the delicate touch. 

“you make an exceptional detective indeed.” irene said with a smirk as she leaned back in her chair, putting distance between them. irene took her time to admire the human sitting before her, her red eyes eagerly taking in every detail she could find because it was only once a week that she could see her.

irene forgot when she started being involved with the law enforcers, but she must’ve been bored enough after centuries of living on this earth to agree to being an informant for the covert department that dealt with matters relating to her kind. 

after a year or so, she was ready to call off the arrangement when the detective she reported to was suddenly killed. irene was never close with detective hwang so the news did not faze her, but then they replaced her contact person and that was when irene first met detective kang seulgi. 

it took approximately five seconds for irene to grow fond of her new detective and decide to stay in the arrangement. seulgi was heartbreakingly beautiful even when she was hostile and untrusting of irene at the start, but something about seulgi being so indifferent about her made irene grow even more fascinated. it took some time for seulgi to warm up to her and trust her after much effort from irene but unfortunately for her, seulgi still had a strict no nonsense policy and was more task-focused than irene would prefer.  

“there’s been a new lead on the case.” seulgi said, crushing any hopes irene had of small talk. “we recently shut down another lab and found vials of the substance that we believe is what they’re using for the experimentations to turn humans or give them enhanced abilities. they analysed the composition and found that it contains a rare earth element, one that’s not even officially registered as legal.” seulgi paused and looked up to check if irene was paying attention and just as she suspected, irene was leaning forward with her chin propped on her hand, staring at her with a distracted gaze. “irene.” she said in a stern voice. 

“hm?” irene blinked out of her daydreams, red irises brightening in response to the attention seulgi was giving her. 

“i need you to listen carefully.”

“i am.” irene lied, her gaze drifting back to seulgi’s lips when seulgi did that habitual biting of her lower lip that she did whenever she was a little bit annoyed. 

“another informant has given us intel that-”

“you have another informant?” irene asked, eyes narrowing in displeasure at that piece of news and seulgi let out a small sigh, knowing exactly where this was going. “who is it? is she pretty? how often do you see her? do you see her on weeknights?” 

“i’m not telling you who our informant is and why are you assuming it’s a woman?” seulgi asked, ignoring the other questions. 

“so it is.” irene deduced and she pouted. “that breaks my heart darling, i thought i was your only one.” 

seulgi looked like she was weighing up her options and she eventually decided that she would have to address irene’s curiosity if she wanted to move on with their meeting agenda. 

“i don’t meet this other informant.” seulgi stated plainly. 

“you don’t?” irene perked up, excited glint returning to her eyes. 

seulgi shook her head, picking up the paper in front of her again to indicate that it was back to business. “so there’s only one company in the country that has been known to import the element. therefore, we suspect they have involvement with the experimentations. the question is how much involvement and how much they know.” 

“you are also my only one.” irene said, just making sure seulgi knew she was special to her.

seulgi sighed but she knew irene well enough to know that she was taking in all the information despite acting like she wasn’t listening to a word that was being said. 

“this is park bogum, the current ceo of x-tech.” seulgi said, taking out a magazine clipping from an article that was written about him. 

irene looked at the photo, “he is one of us.” 

“really?” seulgi raised her eyebrows in surprise. 

irene giggled, “oh you’re so cute, darling.” 

seulgi’s expression reverted back to unamused and irene stayed smiling. “i mean, he very well could be.” irene said, looking at the photo again. 

“it doesn’t matter if he is or not. we just need to find out how he is involved with the experiments.” 

“and you want me to get close to him to find out?” 

seulgi nodded slowly, “your company has done business with them in the past, so it shouldn’t be difficult to find a reason to contact him.” she explained, showing the careful planning she had done beforehand.

irene moved her chair to be closer to seulgi and leaned forward on the table which made seulgi lean back. “but won’t you get jealous, darling?” 

“no.” seulgi replied monotonously. “so, that’s all for tonight.” she said, packing up the documents into her folder after checking her watch. 

“leaving so soon?” irene asked and seulgi nodded, “but it is still early. i thought we could have some fun.” irene smirked, her red eyes glowing with anticipation.  

seulgi stood up from her seat, determined to evade irene’s attempts of seduction tonight. “i’ll call you next weekend.” she said, heading towards the door. 

she didn’t even hear her coming but in a split second, irene was in front of her, blocking her way to the door.

“darling, you’re really going to leave me here all cold and alone?” irene asked with a pout, hands making their way to seulgi’s waist and pulling her closer to which seulgi was compliant with. 

“that’s what you are used to, no?” seulgi responded, making irene’s lips upturn in an amused smile. they were closely pressed together now, with irene relishing in the warmth and softness of seulgi’s body and in the way seulgi looked at her. as much as seulgi liked to deny it and pretend that she was nonchalant, her eyes always betrayed her in moments like these. 

“touché.” irene grinned, moving her hand up to cradle the back of her head and leaning up to kiss her impatiently. seulgi’s lips were soft and pliant against hers, allowing a delighted irene to take the lead as she kissed her harder. 

sometimes seulgi worried that she would taste blood whenever she kissed irene but somehow, irene always tasted so sweet and - as much as seulgi wished otherwise - so addictive. as soon as she gave in, she was powerless. 

“come.” irene murmured before pulling away, her hand finding seulgi’s to lead her over to the bed. seulgi’s eyes never left hers, like a magnet, she was drawn into her entirely and the way she looked at her always left irene breathless.

but it was only lustful infatuation, irene reminded herself as she undressed. but it was better than nothing, she thought. this was the only time where seulgi would look at her with eyes like that - eyes that almost made irene believe that she loved her. 

“darling,” irene sighed against the soft skin of seulgi’s neck when she pressed her down on the mattress, their skin on skin making her feel like she was burning up. “you are so beautiful.” she murmured, kissing her neck gently. it took a moment for irene to notice the unusual lack of response and she moved herself up to kiss the corner of seulgi’s mouth before pulling back to look her in the eyes.

“don’t worry, you know i already fed.” she said. “and i could never hurt you.” she reassured, her hair as she gazed at her affectionately. 

“it’s not that.” seulgi said, but irene didn’t seem fully convinced. 

“you have the ring.” irene reminded, interlacing their fingers and feeling the cool surface of the silver ring around seulgi’s index finger. it was a gift from irene about 3 months ago, when they first started succumbing to their desires. any human with common sense would know the risk of allowing oneself to be in such a vulnerable situation with someone like irene, so irene had the ring made for seulgi - a simple twist of the ring would reveal a poisonous blade that could kill her in seconds. 

now we’re equal. irene had said. because we can kill each other at any time? seulgi had replied to which irene smiled and said, that’s what makes it exciting, darling. 

“it’s not that.” seulgi sighed. 

“then what is it?” irene asked, propping herself up to look at her intently and seulgi looked back at her, like she was studying her. she took in the deep glow of her hypnotising doe eyes, her flawless pale skin, the bright red lips and the hidden fangs that no longer fazed her. she was the image of perfection, with a face and body that seemed to have been sculpted by the gods, and as much as seulgi knew it was immoral in so many ways for her to have relations with her, she just couldn’t possibly deny irene. 

“are you going to be okay with getting close to park bogum?” seulgi asked, “if he really is involved, it could be very dangerous-”

irene hushed her with a finger pressed to her lips. “how adorable, you are worried about me, darling.” she cooed. “but i can manage myself just fine.”

“but if he is not human?” seulgi countered.

irene shook her head, “let’s not speak of work matters when i am finally able to be with you like this.” she said softly. 

unexpectedly, seulgi relented. “sorry.” 

“i’ll forgive you for a kiss.” 

seulgi smiled, the first of the night, and the sight made irene’s heart throb. when seulgi brought her in for a kiss, irene held onto her tightly, desperately wishing she could keep her for longer. 

because she knew that their time together would be over soon and then seulgi would leave her as she always did, with nothing except a promise of calling her the next weekend. 


monday to friday she occupied herself with work, with her night hunts, and with staying at home to stare at her phone longingly.  

she checked her messages periodically, opening the chat with seulgi even though it always stayed the same: empty. but she would still always be secretly hoping a message would pop up, hopefully wishing seulgi could be thinking of her like she was thinking of her right now, or that seulgi wanted to see her like she wanted to see her right now. 

but it was only friday. 

and seulgi only called her on the weekend. 


- k.s

“would it be that hard to say more in the texts?” irene asked when she finally saw seulgi in person on the weekend. 

“what else do i need to say?” seulgi replied, taking a seat and folding her hands atop the table. 

“a greeting perhaps? a good evening irene or hi irene, cant wait to see you soon, i’ve missed seeing your beautiful face.” 

“i think i will stick with my usual texts.” seulgi said, looking away from irene's pout and opening the file she had on the table and shuffling a few pieces of paper around. 

“all im saying is that a little warmth would be very welcome.”

“this is work.” 

“not all of it.” irene leaned across the table, suggestive smile on her face as she traced her fingertip down the back of seulgi's hand to the silver ring on her index finger. 

seulgi coughed and retracted her hand from the table, her ears turning the slightest shade redder but irene noticed everything. 

“so i see that you are getting close to park bogum.” seulgi said, back to work mode immediately, much to irene's disappointment. 

there was a collection of photographs in seulgi's file of irene and bogum in a series of different locations, taken from afar. “did you take these?” irenes eyes sparkled with excitement at the thought of seulgi following her and watching her.



seulgi searched through the photographs before stopping on one depicting the two just exiting the doors of the company building. “did he take you inside the office?” 

“he did a lot more than just take me inside the office.” irene teased, just to see seulgi’s reaction. 

seulgi had no reaction. “what did you do inside?” 

“my darling, i had no idea you were such a ert.” irene gasped dramatically but she was smiling from ear to ear. 

seulgi winced at her own slip up, shaking her head. “what did you see inside? what was going on at x-tech headquarters, was there anything strange or suspicious inside?” she corrected herself. 

irene contemplated teasing her some more but seulgi looked impatient so she decided not to. “there was a level with restricted access. floor 0 which is underground, i tried to find out what it was but he said no, even when i said it would be a good private place for-“

“so you don’t know what is there.” seulgi interrupted her a little too quickly.

“no.” irene answered boredly because she hated wasting the limited time she had with seulgi on talking about work. “but bogum has a pass, it’s attached to his keys.”

seulgi nodded slowly, thinking hard about the case although there were other distracting thoughts on her mind. 

“did you?”

“did i what?”

“do… things… with him.” 

seulgi’s eyes had a strange look in them as she looked at her and irene was convinced she could have jumped over the moon with joy in that moment. 

she rose up from her seat, watching as seulgi's eyes followed her every movement intently as she rounded the table and settled herself on top of seulgi's lap to which seulgi surprisingly didn't protest. she even placed a gentle hand on her waist out of instinct to steady her and irene revelled in their closeness that seulgi was allowing. 

“my darling, are you jealous?” irene purred, placing her hands on seulgi’s shoulders and smoothing them down the front of her spotless white shirt. 

“no.” seulgi said, voice coming out softer and she stared back into irene's maroon eyes unwaveringly. “i was just making sure you know that sleeping with the target is not part of the mission.” 

disappointed at the denial but not defeated, irene gave a cheeky smile. “but is it unallowed?” she batted her lashes innocently, running a finger lightly along the opening of seulgi’s button up and she could hear seulgi’s heart race. 

“you can do what you want but i would never ask you to do anything of that sort for the sake of a mission, i hope you know that.” seulgi told her and irene was momentarily taken aback by the warmth in seulgi’s eyes and her words. the acknowledgment that it was seulgi and not the mission that would make sure she was protected showed that seulgi cared for her. 

irene's playful gaze morphed into something more serious, as did her t

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KaiserKawaii #1
Chapter 8: I revisited this story (White Night). It is still one of my favs.
252613 #2
Chapter 18: Hey i got a bit disappointed because you didn't have plan for next chapter which means idk when you'll post again :( you might be busy irl. But just in case you need a song recommendation, I'll recommend you birds of a feather by billie. It's a perfect song to describe seulrene relationship. Soooo see you soon, please? Haha
72 streak #3
Chapter 5: Rereading and I saw the note!! About time is one of my fave movie authornim!
262 streak #4
Chapter 18: Oh author, 'We can't be friends' is soooo good! I really enjoy your writing. The pace is always on point and the ideas for your stories are original. Thank you for your hard work! Can't wait for more 🧡
72 streak #5
72 streak #6
72 streak #7
72 streak #8
72 streak #9
Chapter 18: THIS TWO AIISSSHHHHH🥹😖🥹😖🥹😭🥹😭🥹😭🥹im happy for the both of you