Track 04. Hey Stephen

Fearless (Taylor’s Version) Collection

'Cause I can't help it if you look like an angel

Can't help it if I wanna kiss you in the rain, so

Come feel this magic I've been feeling since I met you

Can't help it if there's no one else


“Stop staring.”


“I’m not staring.”


“Pfft..sure Rosie, you keep telling yourself that.”


“Shut it Joy.”


“Yeah totally not staring at Je AH! HEY THAT HURT!” Lisa rubs the back of her head, glaring at me.


“I’m. not. staring. at. any.body.” I say carefully, while grabbing my things running off before the people I call friends can bully even more.


“Hey wait where..” I keep walking, ignoring Lisa’s whining.


~ ~


“You sure like sneaking off here when I remember clearly telling you not to.” A familiar voice teasingly says.


How does she always know I’m up here?!


“It’s not sneaking off if it’s still break right?” I cheekily reply, tapping on the empty space next to me.


“Sure Park...just this time I’ll let you off.” Suzy laughs lightly.


“Oh does this mean I finally have a free pass to come here?”


“Only when it’s not during class.”


“Ayyy c’mon Bae.”


“I’m the student body president Park.”


“Alright alright. But if I don’t get caught..”


“Roseanne Park.”


“I’m just joking.”


“ tell me what’s so special about this annex’s rooftop?” Suzy stands up, walking towards the ledge.


“’s just away from everyone.” I shrug, following after her.


“Hmm I don’t think that’s all there is to it.” Suzy looks at me with a knowing smile.


“What do..” But my words were cut off by the bell.


“That’s our cue, after you Park.” Suzy gestures towards the door.


“Saved by the bell again Bae.” I wink at her.


“Stop being such a flirt Park.”


“Only with you.” I laugh as Suzy rolls her eyes at me.


“Make sure you head to class Park.” Suzy yells as we separate.


“I will I will.” I wave a hand, whistling as I actually do head to class. Only because it’s my favorite.


“Let’s get out of this town drive out of the ci...oohh careful there.” My little T. Swift moment was interrupted when a small body lightly ran into me, “Yeah I..uhm sorry I was...oh it’s you.” She says after getting a good look at my face.


“Hey Jennie.” I smile.


“Hey.” Jennie returns my greeting.


“What are you…”


“Sorry, but I can’t talk...I’ll be late to class. Thanks for stopping me from face planting and I’m sorry for running into you!” Jennie runs off before I can get another word out.


“Ah yeah..bye.” I watch as she rounds a corner, disappearing.


“Not staring alright.”


“Lisa what the hell you scared me. Where were you hiding?” I clutch my chest, “My soul just left my body.”


“I called out to you but actually it was the two of you, ignored me.”




“Mhm, but the point here is..Jennie Kim.”


“What about her?”


“All I can say is good luck Chong-ah..Jennie Kim is..unreachable.”


“Well yeah Lis, she’s an angel.”


“Oh my gosh you’ve gone cheesy. I’m going ahead.”


“What it’s true?”


“Okay whatever, look there’s been many that toss rocks at her window, but not once did girly open up.”


“Well maybe instead of tossing rocks at her window, it’ll be better to knock on the front door.” I pat Lisa’s shoulder, walking ahead to class.


Jennie Kim..even her name is beautiful. I wonder when it started...wonder when I began to look at you more than I should. It’s funny really, now that I think about it I don’t even know anything about you. Maybe that’s’s because I don’t know you so you intrigue me. I want to know you more Jennie Kim.


~ ~


“She’s smiling. A lot.”


“Mhm..and smiling after Lee’s history class from hell too.”


“Who wants to burst her bubble and ask”






“Oh..she’s leaving, where..oh..OH?!”


“Hey Jennie.” I approach her table.


“Leave Park.” Suzy glares at me.


“Wasn’t talking to you Bae.”


“Roseanne..what do you want from Jennie?” Jisoo, her best friend, is quick to block my view of Jennie.


“We’re partnered up for Lee’s project...and I, being the good student that I am, wanted to ask my partner when she would like to get started.”


“You? A good student? Don’t make me laugh, Roseanne. We practically share 95% of our classes and you only show up to art class.”


“I like art and don't like the rest. Sue me.” I shrug.


“Sometimes I wonder how you’re still not stuck in grade school with all the classes you skip.”


“Chu, it’s fine...” Jennie’s melodic voice made Jisoo stop and sit back down, “Why don’t we meet at the library this weekend?”


“Sure.” I nod.


~ ~


“Where should we start?” Jennie asks as soon as she arrives at the library.


“Woah not even a hello?”


“Hey.” She smiles, “Where do we start?” She asks again, while taking her laptop out of her bag.


“Here.” I show her my laptop with the presentation already in the works.


“The Beatles?” She looks at me with a raised brow.




“And how is a rock band from the 50s historical figures that shaped our present?”


“First they’re from the 60s/70s and second they are VERY important figures. I mean they literally shaped music!” I exclaim, earning a harsh sush from the librarian.


“Okay okay, calm down.” Jennie whispers, ducking her head a bit when the other students at the library turned their attention towards us.


“Right, sorry, what did you have in mind?” I ask, feeling slightly embarrassed at my outburst.


“Well I actually wasn’t too sure. I want to do something different, but it’s also quite hard. I was thinking of Gabrielle Chanel.”


“Ah the infamous Coco Chanel, I mean she did shape the fashion world.”


“You know about her?”


“Of course Jen.”


“Yeah..but I mean you..” She eyes me with furrowed brows.


“Because I’m not rich like you, I shouldn’t know about these things?”


“That’s not what I meant. It’s not because of that..I just..”


“Calm down.” I chuckle, “I was teasing.”


“Roseanne.” Jennie huffs.


“It’s fine, I just wanted you to loosen up a bit. I don’t bite.”


“Yeah yeah, but seriously Roseanne please take this project grades can’t drop.”


“Why does everyone seem to think I’m doing badly in school?”


“Well I mean you never attend class.”


“And how would you know that? We only share history together Ms. Kim.”


“Suzy complains about you a lot.”


“Ahh..well sometimes things aren’t what they seem Jennie.” I smile getting up.


“Where are you going? We haven’t even started.”


“Nowhere, I just need to refill my water bottle.”


“Oh okay.” Jenine nods.




“Huh..I’m fine..”


“Just take the drink.”


“It’s really fine Roseanne.”


“Alright.” I take the drink back, placing it next to me.


“So for..”


“Jennie, what are you doing here with Park?” Suzy eyes me.


“We’re working on our history project.”


“Ah that’s right.” Suzy nods, before that smile on her face turns into a glare directed at me.


“Woah there Bae, no need to look like you’re about to kill me.” I get up, grabbing the drink, “Here take this to cool you off.” I shove the orange juice in her hand.


“Ah that.” Jennie suddenly says.




“I uhm..nothing.”


“Alright..well I’ll see you later Jen..and you Park.”


“Yes yes Bae, I’ll behave.”


“You saying it makes me even more nervous.” Suzy sighs, before walking off.


“Why does everyone think I’m this bad girl player when I’ve never been in an actual fight in my life?”


“It’s cause you keep skipping class.”


“And? It’s fine as long as I don’t fail, right?”


“Yes, but people just like to assume you know.”


“Look Jennie..I don’t want you to get the wrong idea about me. But I’m not whoever those rumors say I am.”


“I know.” Jennie says so nonchalantly, her eyes focused on our project’s rubric.


I left that conversation at that, nodding in understanding, shifting the conversation to our project’s topic.


~ ~


“ and Jennie huh.” Lisa nudges my elbow teasingly. It’s been a week since Jennie and I finished our history project, and it’s been 2 weeks since we’ve become closer..become actual friends.


“We’re friends now.”


“Right...friends.” Joy pops in and stresses ‘friends.’


“Yeah sure..but hey at least you’ve leveled up from staring to besties.”


“Alright alright get it all out of your systems.” I shake my head, knowing that the teasing won’t stop.


“Awwww see you accepting it..makes it not fun anymore.” Joy whines.


“But seriously Rosie..good luck.” Lisa motions towards Jennie who was currently all smiley towards some jock, I think his name is Kyle or Kai, I honestly don’t know.


“Yeah Rosie...careful.” Yeri nods.


“Look it’s just a crush, not that deep.” I shrug, letting my eyes linger on Jennie.


“So you have a crush on Jendeuk.” Jisoo comes out from right behind Lisa.


“Jisoo?!” We all turned to her shocked.


“Why are you all surprised? I’ve literally been standing here.” Jisoo points behind Joy, “That’s my locker.”




“Yeah, but that’s not the point.” Jisoo stares at me, her eyes practically piercing my soul.


“Come with me.” Jisoo drags me by the arm before I can even protest.




“Is this the part where you tell me to stay the hell away from Jennie because I’m some bad girl who skips class and always gets into trouble?” I ask after Jisoo finally lets go of my wrist.


“No.” She says, plopping onto one of the bleachers.


“Oh.” I was mildly surprised.


“I’m not going to tell you all that, because maybe Jennie was right..and that I was judging you based on rumors.”


“Okay..” I was very much confused.


“But I don’t know I can’t tell if you’re good for her or not. And that’s also not up to me to decide.”


“Do all her suitors get this weird talk with you?” I joke, trying to get rid of whatever this mood is right now.


“No..” Jisoo chuckles lightly, “But are you a suitor?”


“Nah.” I shake my head, “It’s just a crush.”


“Hmmm really?”


“Yeah..I mean look at all the others trying to catch her attention..I’m a literal nobody compared to them. What can I offer her?”


“Jennie told us that you aren’t anything the rumors say you are.” Jisoo stands up as the warning bell rings, “And Jennie..she too isn’t like the rumors say she is. You gotta shoot your shot Rosie.” Jisoo taps my shoulder.


“Oh so I’m Rosie now!” I yell out to her.


“Take care of my best friend Rosie!” Jisoo yells back.


~ ~ ~ ~


-2 months later-


“Really Park? Again?”


“Bae.” I open my eyes, briefly turning my head towards Suzy.


“Roseanne this is the 3rd no the…”


“Suzy please..spare me today.” I sigh, closing my eyes again.


“You called me by my name.” I feel Suzy’s presence next to me on the rooftop.


“Just go.”


“What’s going on..this isn’t you.” Her tone shifts from authoritative to worry.


“I’m fine..”




“Oh you called me by my name too.” I back, not liking this air around us.


“Something’s can tell me..I mean I know we’re not exactly friends bu..”


“ROSIE!” Jennie’s voice interrupts Suzy.


“Je…” I got up, and was met with a bone crushing hug, “Lisa spilled the beans..” She says, hugging me impossibly tighter.


“I’m fine.” I return the hug, savoring the feeling of having her in my arms.


“I’m sorry..for your loss.” She whispers.


“It’s okay..Mr. Fredricksen is off on another adventure. I’ll just miss him, and our bantering.”


“Rosie.” Jennie pulls away, looking into my eyes deeply.


“I’ll be fine..I just need to process it all.”I smile at her.


“Okay..” Jennie nods, “Walk to class with me?”


“Sure, Ba..oh where di..”


“C’mon Rosie, we’ll be late.” Jennie pulls on my arm.


Suzy probably went off to class.


~ ~ ~


It’s just a crush...just a crush..nothing more. At least that’s what I keep trying to convince myself, but I know better. It’s not just a crush, it’s more..and I’m scared because I don’t want to lose her. To lose what we have. Especially since she’s wi..


“Just tell her.” My train of thoughts is interrupted by a familiar voice.


“Bae?” I was surprised to find Suzy up on the annex rooftop with me.


“Why are you acting so surprised, Park.”


“Well first you just came out of nowhere and second tell who what?”


“I’m not blind..I see it you know.”


“See what exactly?”


“The way you look at Jennie.”


“And how do I look at her?” I challenged Suzy.


“Like…” Suzy looks at me, with a soft smile, “Like she deserves to be looked at.”


“You know that’s the first time you’ve smiled at me.” I curve the conversation away from my feelings.


“Roseanne...the dance is almost over. It’s your chance.”


“You really think I have a chance when she’s there dancing with someone else?” I point towards the gym.


“Yeah, I do. Just go Park. Go and tell Jennie..before you lose her.” Suzy pulls me towards the gym.


~ ~



“Rosie?” Jennie looks at me surprised.


“Dance with me?” I hold a hand out.


“She’s my da..”


“Sure.” Jennie has a wide smile as she takes my hand.


“Alright everyone, it's the last dance. Let’s make it count!” The dj says and a slow song begins to play.


“You said you weren’t going..that dances weren’t your thing. What changed?” Jennie asks, wrapping her arms around my neck.


“Do I seem dressed to be here?” I joke and she eyes my outfit.


“I didn’t notice, I was too surprised to see you.”


“I hope it’s a good surprise.”


“If it wasn’t I wouldn’t be dancing with you now would I?” Jennie teases me back.




“But seriously though, what made you change your mind.”


“Suzy caught me on the rooftop.” I motioned towards her friend group, who seemed to be watching us very carefully.


“Suzy huh.” Jennie’s voice sounded off.


“Hmm..I don’t know how she knows I’m up there. Like did she install CCTV or something?” I laugh. I really would like to know how Suzy always seems to find me.


“So you came here because of her?”


“Well no..she kinda pushed me to come here because of you.” I admit.




“ see Jen..” I take a breath, “I like you. Like as more than a friend. I know that I’m probably not the type of person you want or need in your life..and that’s fine. I just wanted to tell you because it’s gotten really hard to hold back what I feel and…”


“Rosie.” Jennie interrupts my ramble.


“Wait, let me finish before you reject me.”




“Just I know I’m a mess but..”


“I like you too.”


“As I was say...wait what?”


“You really couldn’t tell?”


“Tell what?”


“Rosie I swear.” Jennie playfully rolls her eyes at me.


“So you like me too.” I say in a teasing tone.


“Yeah..very much.”


“Good.” I smile, leaning down and capturing her lips with mine.


~ ~ ~ ~

-3rd Person POV-


“You should have told her.”


“Told who what?” Suzy turns her head towards her cousin, peeling her eyes away at the newly formed couple enjoying their dance.


“Told Roseanne your feelings.”


“Me? Have feelings for Park? Never.” Suzy denies, wondering how Irene was able to pick up on it.


“C’mon Suzy..don’t deny it. I see how you look at her when she’s not looking.”


“Oh and how do I look at her?”


“Like they way you’ve always been, since the first time you she’s the love of your life.”


“I don’t. Park and I are like oil and water.”


“I know it was you that told her to come here. I also know it was you that pushed Jen to stop hiding her feelings too.”


“I mean they’re pretty obvious, I want Jennie to be happy.”

“At the expense of your own?”


“I am happy Rene.” Suzy smiles at Irene before leaving the gym, heading towards a familiar rooftop annex.


“Hey Rosie..” Suzy smiles, feeling a warmth overtake her body at just the mention of Rosesanne’s name. “I’ve always known you were more than the girl who skipped classes. That looks can be deceiving..and I’ve always seen this light in you that seemed to draw me in. And as we talked up here I got to know you more..and there were so many instances where I wish I would have said half the things I didn’t. That’s a mute point now right? I mean I guess it never mattered because you were tossing rocks at Jen’s window, so you couldn’t hear the ones I was tossing at yours.”


The lights in the gym began to dim..Suzy watched as the students filtered out, watched as Jennie and Rosie left together hand in hand, bright smiles on both their faces.


“Hey Rosie..” Suzy begins again, “I could give you 50 reasons why I should be the one you choose, but I only need 1 reason not to.”


~ ~ ~ ~

A/n: Hello...long time no see in these parts yeah?


Here’s another ramble of a mess for you guys. Not sure where I was going really..but hope you all enjoy, even if it’s just a bit.


Till the next track~~



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Chapter 4: ahh... i miss your story authornim 🥺..
Chapter 4: my 💔 for suzy...
1120 streak #3
Chapter 4: Happy that Rosie and Jennie finally confessed their feelings to each other but sad for Suzy...
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Chapter 3: Oh gosh the crackhead duo of BP hehehe...
Chapter 4: Awwww it was a beautiful ending, you just had to go and ruin it lol
Poor bae :(
Chaennie chaennie
blink_11 #7
Chapter 4: My main is chaennie but I'm sad for suzy😢
tiss89y #8
Chapter 4: My my... the love for each other
Chapter 3: The perfect ending lol
Chapter 2: Awwww