Track 02. Fifteen

Fearless (Taylor’s Version) Collection

'Cause when you're fifteen,

Somebody tells you they love you

You're gonna believe them


-Lisa’s POV-


“So are you going to the reunion tomorrow?” Joy asks me.


“Dunno.” I shrug, focusing my eyes on the movie we were supposed to all be watching.


“C’mon Lisa it’ll be fun.” Yeri replies.


“Okay.” I begin and I notice the others already smiling with delight, “But only if.”


“Aww c’mon Lalisa.” Bambam groans.


“Only if this one.” I point to Rosie, “Will go too.”




“I mean I’m su..” Ten begins


“Without Jen.”


“Yep that’s not gonna happen.” Bambam deadpans.


“Yeah no way...not with her high school sweetheart hosting the thing.”


“Okay first of all.” Rosie speaks up, only to be interrupted by Jennie, “Who’s sweetheart? Hosting what?” She asks, plopping down next to her wife on the couch.


“Our reunion love.” Rosie answers, wrapping an arm around Jennie.




“I think you should go Lis. It’ll be fun. I even heard that you-know-who RSVP’d.” Joy smirked.


“Who?” Jennie asks.


“No one.” I answer.


“C’mon Lis, she was your best friend.” Yeri says.


“Exactly. Was.” I get up, “If she’s going then, I’m definitely not.” I say with finality.


-Rosie’s POV-


“What was that?” Jennie asks me, as the others stayed quiet.


“It’s..a long story.” Bambam sighs.

“You’d think after 10 years she’d forget about her.”


“Yeah well...she did just disappear, without a single word.”


“Right after all that drama.”


“Worst was just a day later.”


“Yeah.” We all chorsued together.


“Okay can you four stop being so cryptic.” Jennie looks at us.


“Sorry.” We apologize.


“You know you really never talked about your high school days.” Jennie looks at us.


“Nothing to tell, we went to any other high school in LA. Got the usual cliques, usual teachers, usual high school stuff.”




“But the rest should come from Lis.” I interrupt and Jennie pouts at me.


“It’s not our story to tell. Okay?” I look at her.


“Okay.” She relents, cuddling closer to my side.


“Can you two stop making us all feel extra single every time.” Joy groans.


~ ~ ~


-Lisa’s POV-


“So it really is a no then Lisa?”


“’s a no.”




“You’re still going to put me down as a ‘maybe’ aren’t you.” I sigh over the phone.


“Have you ever resisted her?” She asks.


“Goodbye Rene.” I hang up, shutting my eyes, rubbing my temple with my fingers.


“Should I?” I sigh, my mind going back to those times.


“It’s a party Lili c’mon..please go with me.”

“Nope nope nope. Don’t look at me like that Chu.” Lisa turns her head away from her best friend, Jisoo.


“Lili pleaseeee.” Jisoo begs, trying to catch Lisa’s gaze.


“I have to study and I have work that night.”


“You have the rest of senior year to study Lisa..c’mon everyone is going.”




“Fine fine. I’ll stop insisting.”




“Hey babe.” A voice cooes, interrupting Lisa.


“Hey.” Jisoo’s attention is turned to the guy with an arm slung around her shoulder.


“Okay so the guys and I…” The guy begins to say, and Lisa drowns out his voice like always. She’s never liked him, Bobby, Jisoo’s boyfriend since sophomore year. But of course being the good best friend that she is, Lisa pretends to like the guy, acting friendly when needed...but mostly ignoring his presence.


‘What does she even see in this soccer playing meathead?’ Lisa wonders, ‘Like he’s not all that tall, grades barely passing...if it wasn’t for his family’s wea…’


“YO!” Lisa’s pulled out of her thoughts when a loud voice calls out to her, “Whatchu staring off into space for?”


“Leave me alone Bam.” Lisa shrugs Bambam’s arm away.


“Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.” Yeri speaks, popping out from behind Bambam.


“And we all know the reason.” Joy nudges Lisa.


“Do we now?” Lisa sarcastically asks.


“C’mon Lis.” Ten looks at the girl pointedly


“Whatever. I gotta get to class.” Lisa shakes her head, leaving her friends in the hallway.


“I don’t know what’s worse..Lisa denying her feelings or Chu being that oblivious of it.” Joy sighs, as they all eye Lisa’s back.


~ ~ ~ ~


“What happened?” Lisa groans, clutching her head.


“Well good morning sleepy head.” Roseanne beams a smile, seeing her best friend finally regaining consciousness, a glass of water and meds in hand.


“Rosie..stop shouting.” Lisa massages her temples.


“We tried to stop you last night.”


“You should have dragged me out of there. head.”


“Here.” Roseanne hands Lisa some meds, “Make sure you drink all the water.”


“Hmm.” Lisa hums.


“Also...Chu just left.” Roseanne says, eyeing the dark haired girl in bed.


“She was here?”


“Yeah, she took you home.”


“ she’ll ever pick me over her precious Bobby.” Lisa’s words come out more bitter than she intended.




“It’s whatever Rosie. It’s not like she’s my only friend.” Lisa forces a chuckle.


“Yeah, but..” Roseanne sighs, “You know Chu cares for you right?”


“Duh. She’s one of my bestest friends Rosie.”


And Roseanne just smiles, thinking how hopeless both her friends are.


~ ~ ~


“We’re distant.” Jisoo says, startling the couple drawing together on the bleachers.


“Huh??” Irene asks, confused.


“Lisa and me.”


“Are you sure?” Roseanne asks.




“I mean how can you even tell?” Irene asks.


“I just can.” Jisoo pouts, squeezing herself between Roseanne and Irene.


“’s Lisa, you know she can never resist you.” Irene smiles, placing a comforting hand atop Jisoo’s, “I’m sure she’s just stressed with midterms coming.”

“Yeah know Lisa better than any of us. She’ll come around.” Roseanne reassures, mimicking Irene’s gesture.


“Yeah...I guess I’m just used to it.”


Roseanne and Irene look at each other, gauging their friend, “Used to what?” Roseanne asks carefully.




“Huh?” The couple was confused,


“Having her around..”




“Just go talk to her if you miss her then. She can’t always be the one to reach out.” Roseanne says.


“What are you saying Rosie?” Jisoo looks at the taller girl, slightly offended by her words.


“I’m just saying that sometimes, you get so caught up in Bobby that you seem to forget that we exist.”


“I do not.”


“Babe.” Irene stops Roseanne from retaliating.


“Is that what you really think? That I’m too clingy with my boyfriend? Wow, as if you two are any different?” Jisoo stood up, arms crossed. She was pissed.


“I’m not saying that you’re clingy. What I mean is that he monopolizes your time so much that we all just stopped trying to reach out to you anymore. Rene and I may be together, but we also spend time with our friends.”


“Whatever. I gotta go.”


“Yeah, bet Bobby’s looking for you.” Roseanne couldn’t help herself from calling out as Jisoo storms away.


“You need to apologize.” Irene says, as soon as Jisoo disappears from their sights.


“But was I wrong?” Roseanne looks at Irene knowingly.


“No..but there could have been another way to handle that.”


“I know, but I’m also tired of Lisa looking like a kicked puppy each time she ditches their plans or our group plans.” The taller girl huffs.


“Alright alright. Calm down.” Irene holds Roseanne’s hand, “Let’s just look for Lisa. Because we both know something happened to push her to avoid Chu.”


~ ~


“Wait wait say that again.” Bambam and Ten were already up on their feet after Lisa told them why she’s been so distant with Jisoo. It seems like Roseanne and Irene weren’t the only ones who Jisoo ranted to.


“You two calm down.” Irene tried to keep the peace, but she knew that everyone was ready to throw hands.


“Calm down? Rene, how can we calm down when that…”


“Guys.” Lisa stops everyone from planning a homicide, “It’s whatever. She told me that she can see a future with him and who am I to make her choose between him and me?”


“Because you’re her person Lisa. She’ll listen to you.” Bambam places a hand on Lisa’s shoulders.


“Yeah.” The others chorused.


~ ~ ~


“He won’t do that Lisa. He told me he loves me.”


“Jisoo...I’m not lying, he really told me to stay away from you or else he’ll dump you.”


“Bobby won’t do that Lisa. He won't, I know him. I’ll talk to him ab..”


“No! You can’t.” Lisa stops Jisoo from leaving, “He can’t know I told you.”


“Then what am I supposed to do if I can’t talk to him about it?”


Lisa stayed quiet...this wasn’t how she thought the conversation would go.


“Lis..I told you right? I see myself with him until the end. He makes me happy.” Jisoo says in a soft voice.


“I know and you know I’ll always support you Chu.” Lisa forces a smile, before leaving Jisoo’s place.


“The others were wrong...she didn’t listen.” Lisa sighs, placing her hands in her hoodie, wondering if time can heal her heartbreak.


~ ~ ~ ~


“Lisa!” A hard shake pulls me out of my thoughts.




“Hey, I was coming to grab you for lunch, but you were pretty deep in thought there.” Jennie sits on the couch in my office.


“Was I?”


“Yeah...I was literally calling you for 5 minutes.”




“Mhm, care to share what’s going on in that pretty little head of yours?”


“It’s nothing.”


“I can tell it’s not nothing.”


“I’m sure Rosie’s already told you the story.”


“She hasn’t actually. None of them have told me anything. It’s not their story to tell and I’m not going to push you to tell me either. But since it’s bothering you still...maybe you should talk it out with her. It’s been a decade since you last saw her. Clear the bad vibes between you guys.”


“There’s nothing to clear.”


“Lisa...I might not know the story, but I can tell you’re still angry with her.”


“Who wouldn’t be angry if you made up with your best friend after not talking for months only for them to leave as soon as the diploma reached their hand? Like why did she ghost us? What did we do for her to turn her back on us so easily? After all that we went through with her boyfriend you’d think our friendship would be stronger, but no..she leaves and I’m the one left alone wondering why.”


“So you miss her.” Jennie’s voice softens.


“Yes.”I admit, for the first time, “Very much.”


“Then that’s even more of a reason for you to go. You love her right? More than she knew?”


I stay quiet.


“We’ll be there too. You have us.” Jennie smiles, getting up, “Now let’s go eat, if we don’t leave soon I won’t catch my Hubby’s lunch hour.”


I chuckle at this, “Okay let’s go see your Rosie.”


“I know that’s right.”


~ ~ ~


“I heard from Rene.” Rosie smiles as soon as I open the front door for her.


“Why hello Lisa, good morning. Sorry for dropping by unannounced at 8am.” I sarcastically reply


“Good morning Lisa..I brought breakfast?” Rosie lifts a small bag up.


“You’re lucky I was already awake.” I shake her head.


“Okay but are you seriously going tonight?!” Rosie calls out from inside while I lock my front door.


“I am and if you tease me about her I’m telling Jen you and Rene are talking.” I yell back.


“Go ahead, Jen’s cool with us being friends.”


“Right sure.”


“Yes, now what made you change your mind?”


“Nothing..I just figured, maybe I need to tell her what I wanted to say back then.”


“Which is?”


“Can’t tell you.”


“Ah she has to be the first.” Rosie nods.


“Something like that.”


~ ~ ~


“Oh look who finally arrived.” Joy smirks, sipping on her glass of champagne.


“Yeah look.” Bambam hands me a glass of wine, and honestly I’d rather have the bottle instead.


“Have you seen her?” I ask, ignoring their comments, feeling more anxious. I can’t believe I went.


“Not yet.” Yeri shakes a head, “But we’ve all been on the lookout.”


“Okay.” I nod.


“Relax.” Rosie smiles at me, “Maybe you can finally get the answers to all your questions.”


“Yeah...maybe.” I give a small smile, downing the wine, and grabbing another from one of the drink carriers passing by.


“And I’ll take that.” Jennie grabs the glass from my hand, “You need to be sober.”


“It’s just wine.” I reach for the glass, but she chugs it down.


“Lisa...we all know you’re a lightweight.” Joy points out and I would argue if it wasn’t true.


“Fine fine,” I lift my hands up in surrender.


“I knew you couldn’t resist.” A familiar voice says from behind me.


“Rene!” The group choruses happily.


“Hey guys it’s been a while.” Irene chuckles and I notice how Jennie hooks her arm around Rosie’s.


“Yeah since the breakup.” Joy deadpans and we all stare at the two exes.


Rosie and Irene share awkward smiles.


“I mean it’s not like we’re not friends. It ended on a good note, right?” Irene shrugs.


“Yeah out of left field, like we legit you two we’re going to be mmmppphphh.” I cover Yeri’s mouth before she ends up instigating murder.


“We grew apart.” The two answer together, “Nothing more than that.”


“Okay enough about that, I actually came to tell Lisa that someone wants to speak to her.” Irene looks at me.


“Who?” I frown.


“Just come on.” Irene drags me away and I let her.


~ ~ ~ ~


“Who exactly is it?” I asked as Irene dragged me around our high school.


“Really?” She stops, “You haven’t figured it out yet?”


“Uhh would I be asking you if I did?”


“Lalisa,,,I..” Irene sighs, pinching her nose bridge.


“Just...go to the ..” Irene pushes me forward.


“Okay??” I nod.


“Lisa!” Irene yells out after I’ve made it a few feet.


“Yeah!” I turn around.


“Nevermind.” Irene shakes her head, “Go…” Irene says, and she mutters something under her breath but I was too far to catch it.




I stood in front of the door. Contemplating whether or not to open it. My gut tells me that it’s her who’s waiting for me...but a part of me wishes it wasn’t. Maybe I’m not ready to meet her after all.


“Just come in.” I hear her voice from the other side and I will myself to finally open the door.


“Hi.” She says, with a soft smile. I stay quiet though, returning a smile instead.


“It’s been a while.” She tries to get a conversation started, but I just nod in agreement, still unable to form a coherent sentence.


We stare at each other in deafening silence.


“I’m sorry.” She finally speaks up, “For leaving.”


“It’s fine.” I shrug, “It was high school.”


“Lisa.” I hear her call my name for the first time in a decade.


“I don’t really know what you want from me.”


“I just want to explain myself…”


“You don’t have to do that.”


“No..I have to..after everything that happened senior year, you deserve that.” She replies, cautiously taking steps closer to me.




“Because…” she pauses, “’re Lisa.”


“Then why couldn’t you tell me then?” I question, feeling a surge of annoyance.


“Because I was scared.”




“Yes..we just had made up after the whole Bobby thing and..well..something happened again between us..right before graduation.”




“I found out I was pregnant.”




“And when I told him..” Jisoo shuts her eyes, and I get closer, wrapping my arms around her.


“It’s okay you don’t have to say anything.” I whisper in her ear.


“The baby didn’t make it…” She hugs me tighter, “I…”


“Chu….” I didn’t know what to say.


“I wanted to reach out to you….to everyone, but I just..lost myself for a bit there.”


“It’s okay’s okay…”


“You were right…” She pulls back, and I reach a hand to wipe her tears, “back then..I should have looked before I fell.”




“But I’ve found that time can heal most anything and it can also help find who I’m supposed to be.”


I soften at her words, realizing how mature my once childish best friend is now, “I missed you.” I admit to her.


“I missed you too.”


“How about we go join everyone? The others are also wanting to see you.”




“C’mon.” I grab her hand, “Let’s go say hi to our friends you haven’t seen in a while.”


~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~

A/n: Hi...sorry for the wait...I was busy with work and yeah adulting. Honestly, idk what happened here cause I had one storyline and then I changed my mind and is highkey a mess.


But as always, let me know what you think.


Oh oh and one more important question: Do you want me to decide on which pairing I write about or should I just make a poll after each part? Or just alternate?


See you guys in track 3: Love Story.



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Chapter 4: ahh... i miss your story authornim 🥺..
Chapter 4: my 💔 for suzy...
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Chapter 4: Happy that Rosie and Jennie finally confessed their feelings to each other but sad for Suzy...
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Chapter 4: Awwww it was a beautiful ending, you just had to go and ruin it lol
Poor bae :(
Chaennie chaennie
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Chapter 4: My main is chaennie but I'm sad for suzy😢
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Chapter 4: My my... the love for each other
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Chapter 2: Awwww