
Closet Bad Boy


"Jiyong-ah" Dara whispered near Jiyong's ear and gently shake him to wake up.
"Jiyongie, wake up."
She slowly turned him around so he was lying flat on his back and pulled the sheets away from his face.
"Jiyong, baby. Time to wake up"
"Huh? What time is it?" He mumbled sleepily.
"It's 4:30 already." Dara answered excitedly. Still shaking Jiyong's body.
"But it's too early." Jiyong complained and suddenly pulled Dara gently so she was laying on top of him. Trapped.
"I made breakfast for you." She pouted and squeezed his cheeks with both hands.
"Need...sleep...some more." Jiyong replied and started snoring softly.
"But...but Baby and I prepared it." Dara whined and pulled back to give Jiyong a pleading look.
Hearing her last statement, Jiyong cracked one eye open and chuckled. "Babe, our baby's not even born yet."
"But baby did. He chose your breakfast." She insisted.
"He? How do you know that our baby's a boy?"
"I just know it. Now come on Ji!"
He saw her pout and tried to break free from his hold. Jiyong rolled them around to prevent her escape and gaze at her lovingly.
'After a year of being married together, I still can't keep my eyes from my wife. How come her skin is so soft, lips so pink and her hair so shiny?
How come she's perfect?
I rest my chin on my hand in contemplation. I'm so happy to have her but sometimes I wonder if I deserve Dara at all. I mean look at her *roams eyes at Dara's body* and look at me *gives himself a once over*
Though we're still not certain of our baby's gender, I hope our he or she will look just like my wife. *sigh* Baby. Our baby. I unconsciously stretch my hand to caress her still flat stomach. Aigoo! I still can't believe I'm gonna be a Dad soon. Approximately 6 months from now. All of this is so surreal.'
"What are you thinking about?" Dara suddenly asked, looking at him curiously.
"You're beautiful" Jiyong answered and nuzzle her neck.
"Liar. You're just saying that 'cause I'm carrying your child." She playfully slap his arm while blushing slightly.
"I'm only telling the truth Jagiya.....I love you. Thank you for making me this happy."
"I love you too Ji." With a smile, she lifted her head to kiss Jiyong on the lips.
"Now, where's the breakfast you've been telling me about?" Jiyong asked while pulling back from their embrace, as he help Dara stand up from the bed.
''Ohhh~ It's downstairs. Come one! I'm starving." Dara excitedly grab Jiyong's hand and towed him to the kitchen.
Upon entering the kitchen, Jiyong nose was hit with a variety of peculiar smells. But he tried to ignore it since he's now use to Dara's cooking. Kekeke, you know what I mean.
"So Mrs. Kwon, what did you cooked this time?"
With her eyes shining bright in excitement, Dara lifted the cover and proudly showed Jiyong the product of her and baby's creativity.
"Uhm...Baby, I can', I can't exactly tell what this is. And that wasabi?" he said puzzled.
"Yes!" Dara clapped her hands together. "I cooked fried rice mixed with Chili powder, Eggs with honey, bacon with a wasabi dip and for dessert, waffle with mustard!" Dara announce enthusiastically. Looking hungrily at the food laid down on the table.
"Where did you get the wasabi? And is it even good for pregnant women to eat spicy foods?" He asked anxiously.
"Of course it's okay. I mean, this is what Baby wants."
"Are you-"
"Let's eat Ji. Ask questions later."
Reluctantly, Jiyong sat down and lifted a spoon to get a small serving of everything; not wanting to disappoint Dara.
'Ugh! I love Dara. I really do...But this is...ugh! I can't even describe the taste'
"Well? Do you like it?" Dara asked after a few minutes.
"It's really unique." He offered.
"This is my first time tasting something like this."
"Is it good?"
Dara glance at the food for a second before he notice her smile slowly fading.
"You don't like it." She stated.
"Ani! It's not like that..." Jiyong denied
Dara just nodded while looking down. Her lower lip slightly jutting out.
"Baby, I'm sorry. I Mean-"
"You don't like it. I won't cook for you anymore." she stated apologetically still avoiding his eyes.
"Aigoo! It's not that I didn't like it. I was just overwhelmed, that's all." Jiyong assured her and pulled her to sit on his lap.
'Kekekekekeke!!! It's working~ It's working~ I rejoiced inside my head. You see, I deliberately woke up at 4 in the morning to prepare this 'unique'  breakfast, as my husband called it. I knew he wouldn't like it! And since we swore never to lie to each other, he can't possibly tell me it's good. Riiiiight? Wahhh~ I'm a genius! You see, ever since we found out about my pregnancy, Jiyong's been super strict and guards me like a dog. Tsk! I can't even go out and see my friends without his permission these days. I've been stuck here inside our house for months now and I'm reaaalllyyyy bored! 
Sooooooooooooooo... I've devised a plan! 
And that plan it to cook something 'unique' and pretend to be offended if he ends up not liking it! To make it up to me, I'm sure he's gonna ask me what I want and that would be....
TO GO TO THE MALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Kyahhhhhhh~~~~~~~ Sneaky!
"Arasso. I get it." Dara said, still pretending to be sad.
"Tell you what babe, let me make it up to you. Say what you want and I promise I'm gonna make it happen." Jiyong tried to bargain. Unable to bear seeing his wife so crestfallen.
Hearing the magic words, Dara suddenly lifted her head to look at Jiyong with a huge smile on her face.
"Then take me to the mall!"
"The mall? But.."
"Yes~ Please Ji? Please, please?"
Jiyong sigh in defeat and nodded.
"Yes! Well, let's go sleep again. I'm gonna wake you up later." Dara stood up and once again grab Jiyong's hand to tow him to their bedroom.
Jiyong's POV
Later that evening.....
'Ahh...My body hurts.'
3 hours after going back to bed, I felt Dara waking me up for the second time today and mumbling something about going to the mall before scrambling to the bathroom to take a shower.
I swear she's like a kid let loose in a toy store. We were one of the first shoppers inside the mall and we stayed there until closing time.
I guess I'm partly at fault for not letting her go out often enough. But I just want her and baby to be safe.
Although if she's gonna be like this every time we go out, then I swear to let her go play every once in a while.
Aigoo~ My whole body is aching from walking around all day and carrying those bags. She even made me try those disturbing, feathery clothes. *shudder* 
I sigh and look to my right at my wife's sleeping face.
Despite my aching muscles, I move my body so she was snuggled tightly to me.
"I love you, Jagiya. Even though you don't cook so well, I love you a lot." with that said, Jiyong slowly felt himself drifting to sleep.
But what he doesn't know is that, that certain someone who can't cook so well is still awake and is smiling giddily upon hearing her husband's words.
"I love you too Jiyong. Even though you don't like my cooking, I love you a lot." she whispered.
The End

Oh! Wait...I'm not Baby Soldier emoticon
Aigoo~~ I'll miss you guys...
Thank you soooo much for reading my story MocMoc Girl emoticon
I appreciate it from the bottom of my heart...
Please support me as well with my future fanfics :)
Sooo~ Goodbye for now!!!!
MocMoc Girl emoticon
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will be posting the final chapter later ~


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Chapter 3: SsangPark sisters..uWu
Chapter 47: I just hope that dara is still you're heroin..... By the way I'm still waiting for your updates to prince secret girlfriend, and noons can you be my girlfriend. Please....
saguntop #3
Chapter 47: Will be waiting for your new story.. loved your story.. all the best and fighting
Angelz0715 #4
Chapter 46: This story is sooooo cute xD
greiyz_14 #5
Chapter 46: Love it!!a sequel please athornim
hi authornim, please accept my friend request. I really want to read more of your stories. Hope you can notice me. Thank you. I already read this fic of yours and this is so coooool! :))))
trysusiet #7
Chapter 46: That was fun and sweet. :)
kkenggi #8
Chapter 46: Thanks for sharing..i love your pics and moving animals..too cute..i would definitely recommend this as a feel good fic for light read..good job!
phEnxx #9
Chapter 46: done rereading it ... authornim is jjang <3
memoria_99 #10
Chapter 46: chappie 44: this story is DAEBAK!!!