Hello Manager


Chanyeol and I rushed towards Jongin's apartment at the next block. We quickly got on the elevator and each second felt frightening. I could sense Chanyeol was quite tensed too.

Reaching his apartment door, I quickly punched in the code and looked at Chanyeol. He gave quick nod and I slowly opened the door.

I looked around to see, if anyone was still there. The house looked normal, nothing had been broken. We walked in slowly without making any noise.

If she's carrying a knife, anyone can get hurt...

We both stood in front of Jongin's room. "Jongin said they were hiding in the closet right?" Chanyeol asked whispering looking at me. I gave a firm nod.

Suddenly I heard Giggle from the room inside, which sent a chill down my spine.

What the-

"Oppa~Why do look so scared?" I heard female voice from the room. "That look...I don't like it." The voice sounded more chilling.

We both looked at each other and nodded. We opened the door, and saw Jongin's and Kyungsoo's hands were tied back to back. A girl, around her 20s stood behind them with a knife in her hand.

"What? Who are you??" The girl yelled at us.

"H-hyung..." Jongin choked, tears falling down and Kyungsoo was unconscious.

I could feel my rage building up.

"Stop this right now. And move away from them." Chanyeol said growling glaring at her.

"We've called the cops, So stop this right now if you don't want to be in more trouble." I said biting my teeth.

"You... Ah you are Our Jonginiee's Manager right? Why are you here?? You were here last night too ..." The girl asked pointing the knife to me Sounding disappointed.

What the hell? She was stalking us??

"Why are you doing this to me??" Jongin yelled trying to release his hand.

"Why? Because I love you~" The girl said giggiling.


"And you should only belong to me." The girl said with no emotion.

"Do you hurt the ones you love?!" I yelled loosing my patience, stepping forward. Chanyeol quickly grabbed my arm. He shook his telling me to wait.

Not now.

"Don't come close!!" The girl screamed at the top of her lungs. "If  You step any closer, I don't know what I'll do." She said placing the knife near Kyungsoo's neck who was still unconscious.

"Leave Kyungsoo hyung alone!" Jongin yelled desperate.

"The cops will be here So don't do anything reckless..." Chanyeol warned cautious.

"No...I can't leave Oppa. He's mine!" She screamed again now pointing the knife towards us. She came towards us, we moved a step back. I looked at Chanyeol and we both nodded.

Chanyeol quickly Stepped forward and grabbed her hand and tried to make her let go of the knife. I rushed towards Jongin and Kyungsoo, and untied their hands.

"Jongin-ah Are you ok??" I asked removing the knots.

How the hell did she tie this?!

"I- I am fine... Kyungsoo hyung..." Jongin choked at the end. I quickly tried to wake Kyungsoo up, hitting his cheeks lightly. "Kyungsoo? Kyungsoo can you hear me?" Kyungsoo groaned in pain squinting his eyes.

Thank god!

I untied the rope finally and helped them stand up. Kyungsoo was still quite dizzy from waking up. Jongin held him, supporting him to stand.

"Ahh!" I heard a sudden scream. I looked up to see Chanyeol holding his arm. The knife sasaeng was holding was now slightly red.

"Chanyeol!" I called out moving towards them.

Just then, I heard the footsteps outside the room and cops rushed into room getting a hold of the girl.

"You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law. You have the right to an attorney. If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be provided for you." The cops quickly hand cuffed her and took her out of the room.

"Noo!! You can't seperate me from Jongin!!" The girl struggled, trying to get away from them.

I rushed towards Chanyeol and looked at his arm. It wasn't a deep cut, but still his hand was bleeding. "Are you okay??" I asked worried.

Ah seriously!! I can't believe she did this too!

"I am okay..." Chanyeol said taking a deep breath. I released a releived breath. I pulled out my hand kerchief and wrapped around it tight.

Two cops quickly rushed towards Jongin and Kyungsoo checking if they were okay and moving them out. And another cop came to us. "Are you two okay?"

We both nodded and headed to the living room. We both went to Jongin and Kyungsoo to check on them who were now sitting on the couch.

"Kyungsoo, are you okay? " Chanyeol asked sitting beside Kyungsoo.

"Jongin, are you hurt any where?" I asked again sitting next to him. Jongin nodded giving a small smile.

"I am fine... Kyungsoo was the one who got hurt on his head." Jongin said worried placing his hands on Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"What??" Chanyeol and I screamed shocked.

"I am fine, it was just a small concussion. I'll be fine with some rest " Kyungsoo said smiled reassuring.

"Are you sure you? Do you want to go the hospital?" Chanyeol asked worried.

"You should go first. You are the one who got hurt." Kyungsoo said rolling his eyes. But I could sense the worry in his voice.

"Are you the one you who reported?" The cops asked looking at us. "Yes, I was the one who reported." Chanyeol said standing up

"We have arrested her, and we went through her phone, it looks like she has been stalking, Mr.Kai for a while." The cops said Showing us the phone. It had the pictures of Jongin coming and exiting his apartment and even at the restaurant.

I could feel Jongin shaking beside me. Thought he said he's alright, I know he's far from that. I gave light squeeze on his hand reassuring everything is okay. I looked at Kyungsoo who was pretty shocked too.

"Can you tell us what exactly happened?" The cop asked Jongin and Kyungsoo carefully. Both nodded and started explaining what happened.

Seems like when Jongin and Kyungsoo were in their room, they heard a noise from the Kitchen. When the went out, they saw the Sasaeng picking up the knife and humming one of Jongin's song.

They had no idea how she entered. When she noticed them she started laughing, carrying the knife. She looked at Kyungsoo with annoyance and tried to harm him.

"She just suddenly started saying I shouldn't run and look at her like that, and started coming closer. We just ran to my room and hid inside the closet. But somehow she broke the closet and opened it" Jongin said looking at Kyungsoo.

"Then she knocked me out with the light lamp." Kyungsoo said rubbing the back of his head.

"Then she threatened she'll hurt Kyungsoo if I didn't listen to her..." Jongin said looking down. The rest of the story was understood. We filled in what happened after we came.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure she gets punished for what she did." I nodded smiling grateful.

They asked few more questions to Jongin and Kyungsoo for the enquiry.

Chanyeol and I went to speak with the entertainment and other procedures.

"Yeah Lay Hyung....They are okay now. I'll take them to my house today, I am sure both are pretty tired."

"And Chanyeol, you said he got hurt?"

"He's..." I looked at Chanyeol speaking to the police officer.

"It's just a small cut, He said he's alright. I'll check on him again, So don't worry." I said reassuring. Lay hummed in response.

"I'll take care of the legal matters, so you take care of them for now." Lay said taking a deep breath.

"Okay hyung, I'll see you tomorrow."

I went to the cop, Chanyeol was speaking to. He gave me a nod and told me she's been taken to the station.

"We'll take care of the legal matters through our Entertainment lawyer. They'll meet you tomorrow morning." I said giving him my card. Chanyeol too gave his and soon the cops left.

I looked at Chanyeol's arms which were injured. It wasn't bleeding but still it would pain a lot.

He's crazy for sure. Shouldn't he atleast treat it?

I quickly dragged him to the kitchen.

"W-What are you doing?" Chanyeol asked confused.

"Just sit down." I said stern pushing him to sit down on the chair. I rummaged through the cabinet for the first aid box.

"Show your arm." I said picking up the disinfectant. Surprisingly Chanyeol obeyed what I said. i removed the kerchief and noticed the bleeding stopped. I applied the medicine. I could see Chanyeol miserably failing trying to hide his pain. Quickly wrapped his arm with cotton and cotton bandage.

"Make sure to disinfectant it tomorrow too. If you leave it like that, you might not have an arm later." I said with a poker face. Chanyeol looked at me wide eyes shook. I tried hard not to laugh. Chanyeol nodded looking away.

It's fun teasing him~

We went to Kai and Kyungsoo who were at the living room. Both looked pretty tired and exhausted. I looked around and the house was quite a mess.

"Kyungsoo are you sure you don't need to go to the Hospital?" I asked worried.

"I am really okay. If you are really worried, I'll go tomorrow morning okay?" Kyungsoo said chuckling. I gave up nodding.

"Yeah Soo, it's better to have a check up." Jongin said frowning. Chanyeol too nodded agreeing.

"Yah Yoda you got your car here right?" I asked Chanyeol, who just looked at me annoyed.


"Give me your car keys, It's already late and both of your house are not nearby either, So let's go to my house for now. And I am sure staying here is not gonna help them." I said looking around the house. After the cops came, it was quite messed up. Chanyeol looked like he was about to refute, but after looking at Kyungsoo who was exhausted, Chanyeol sighed nodding.

"Fine...but  I'll drive." Chanyeol said unamused.

"You got hurt, and I don't want to die in a car crash. So I'll drive." I said folding my arms.

"Yah why would I get into a car crash??!"

"Yeah Chanyeol, Baekhyun is right, well not that you'd get into accident, but you are hurt, so let him drive " Kyungsoo said agreeing. I smiled in victory. I showed my palms for the key. Chanyeol was reluctant at first, but gave the key mumbling to himself.

We went to Chanyeol's car and drove to my condo.

"Woah... Baekhyun this is your house?" Kyungsoo asked shocked looking around.

"Ah...Yeah." I said laughing awkwardly. I looked at Chanyeol, who was pretty shocked too. Jongin started laughing throwing his arms around Kyungsoo's shoulder.

"You didn't know right? Baekhyun Hyung is really rich! Maybe even more than me." Jongin said chuckling.

"Yah Jongin." I glared at him biting my teeth. Jongin quickly stopped laughing looking down. I looked at Kyungsoo, softening my expression.

"I am just interested in stocks and investments." I said rubbing my nape.

It wasn't a lie, I did buy this Condo with my money. 

"Look around if you want!"  I said showing around the house.

"Are you sure you are not doing any illegal business?" Chanyeol asked whispering in my ears. I glared at him, stomping his legs.

"Wow...Wait why do you have a Music studio?" Kyungsoo asked opening one of my room.

"Ah...that? Jongin stayed with me during his debut days, So I made one here. Since anyway I don't use most of the rooms. And later after he moved out, he just started to stay over a lot, So I just left it that way." I said shrugging.

Kyungsoo looked at me with his usual surprised doe eyes.

"Wow...How many rooms do you have?" Kyungsoo asked looking around.

"3 including the Music room..." I said scratching my head.

Kyungsoo gave me a 'seriously?'  look. 

I need to change the topic..

"Anyway! You can stay the night here, I have a vacant room, so you can use that." I looked at Chanyeol who was glaring at me.  "There's an extra cot too, So You can help yourself." I said rolling my eyes at Chanyeol.

"Then me?" Jongin asked pouting. "We can share the the bed, don't you always sleep next-" Jongin quickly closed mouth from talking.

I saw Kyungsoo trying to hold his laughter.

"Yeah yeah I understood." Jongin said biting his teeth, closing my mouth harder.  I rolled my eyes nodding.

I ordered dinner and since I literally have nothing in my house, except for Ramyun and Kimbap. Kyungsoo was quite surprised and worried seeing my empty fridge.

Maybe I should buy something tomorrow morning...It's been long since I cooked any...

After dinner Chanyeol went to  pick up his and Kyungsoo's extra set of clothes from his car, and quickly changed into those.

"Here are your blankets." I said shoving it into Chanyeol's hand. He looked at me suspiciously. 

"How do I know you won't kill me in my sleep?" Chanyeol asked raising one his eyebrows.

"If I wanted to kill you I have a lot of better ways...I can make it look like an accident." I said smirking, whispering the last part. Chanyeol frowned annoyed. " are worse than that sasaeng fan." Chanyeol hissed taking a step back.

"Yah how dare you compare me to that psycho??!" 

"Ughh Please guys! Not today!! We already had very tiring day..." Jongin said yawning standing next o kyungsoo. We both turned to the opposite side huffing.

"Thanks for letting us stay Baekhyun." Kyunsoo said showing his heart smile. 

Ack! So bright! 

"Eyy, No need for that, Just have a good night rest." Kyungsoo nodded chuckling. Kyungsoo and Chanyeol went to the guest room and Jongin and I went to my room. I noticed Jongin sitting pouting on the bed, hugging my Rilakkuma plushie. 

"...What happened?" I asked confused. He looked at me about to say something, but just sighed. "Its nothing...Lets just sleep." Jongin quickly laid back hugging the plushie. 

What's wrong with him?

Shaking my head, laid on the other side of the bed. I looked up at the ceiling, taking a deep breath. 


It really was a loong night.....



This is a pretty long chapter. Hehehe. But I hope you guys enjoyed it!! I actually wanted to uplaod it yesterday, I was caught up with Baekhyuns Enlistment and Birthday. Every Enlistment just hits hard. It tough being an EXO-L, Still love them a lot!!

And once again thank you so much for Subscribing, Commenting and UpVoting~!! 

And Stay Safe Everyone~ Its getting really worse in my country, I  hope everyone are safe. 

(Oh!...And check out the chapter 4 for a little more bio data on the members {Sorry I forgot it earlier...}...And no need to if you are reading for the first time *Laughing awkwardly*)


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747 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
747 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
747 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth