Hello Manager

Baekhyun POV

*Ting Ting Ting*

I quickly woke up at the sound of my alarm. I quickly picked up my phone and switched it off. And-

Ughh! My head feels like it's gonna split into two.

I turned aside to find Jongin sleeping beside me. I looked around to see, it was Jongin's house.

Did I spend the night here?

"Ughh my head..." I groaned holding my head. Last night events were quite blurry.

After the script writing we went for dinner, then I was with the producer...

Aish...that stupid producer...!!

I facepalmed at my own stupidness.

How could I let him get me drunk?

I tried to recall last night's event.

Last night

As we were eating, I saw Jongin glaring at someone. I followed his eye and saw him looking at the producer and Kyungsoo speaking.

Soon I understood, why Jongin looked quite mad. The producer kept on touching Kyungsoo, though he clearly looked uncomfortable.

So the rumours about the producers weren't a lie...

Jongin quickly got up but I quickly stopped him. "Where are you going?" I asked him, though I was sure why.

"I am gonna get Kyungsoo." Jongin said biting his teeth. Knowing Jongin I am sure he won't just get Kyungsoo.

"Yah...don't forget you are an idol. First sit down." I said calmly.

"What? can also see it right. He looks really uncomfortable." Jongin said biting his teeth.

"Don't forget he's the producer, you can't just act reckless..." I said seriously. Ofcourse I was mad too. But one wrong move, it can greatly affect his career.

"Then are you telling me to just sit and watch that!" Jongin asked clearly mad now.

"I said you to not do anything, You wait here... Kyungsoo will be here soon. Okay?" I said smiling getting up.

I walked over to their table. And brought my acting game up.

"Ah D.O! Here you are!" I chirped clapping my hands.

"Manager Byun...?" Kyungsoo looked at me confused.

"Oh look a bit tired." I said concerned, looking at Soo.


"You are tired aren't you?" I quickly cut him off and asked again.

Please catch on soo...

. "Ah y-yes." Kyungsoo nodded, understanding me.

"The why don't you go and sit with Kai, He was tired too, you two could get some energy drinks." I pointed towards the table Jongin was sitting. Jongin waved his hand, calling him over.

I looked at the producer who was trying to make Kyungsoo stay.

I guess I need to add some more...

"Oh and you also wanted to discuss about the script right?" I asked him smiling.

He can't deny, if it's regarding work.

"Me?...Ah yes yes I completely forgot." Kyungsoo laughed awkwardly, Standing up.

"I think I should go now PDnim...Then I'll speak with you later." Kyungsoo bowed and turned towards me.

He mouthed a small thank you, I shook my head winking. He quickly went towards Kai's table.

Well my job here is done.

"What do you think you are doing?" The Producer asked me a little annoyed. I tried not to roll my eyes. Ofcourse I can't upset him...

I need to do something to this old hag.

I smirked mentally.

"Aigoo...I am sorry. Producer Lee, it's just, you know how much health is important for idols, that's why. Oh why don't I pour you some drink?"
I quickly changed the subject picking up a Soju bottle.

I grabbed a huge glass and filled it till the brim.

"I hope you can drink this much..." I asked in a mocking tone. I did hear that he was quite proud of his drinking. Let's see how long you can hold out.

The Producer, grunted and grabbed the drink from me.

I did learn few techniques from my grandpa on mixing the drinks. One shot was enough to knock one up.

Though I was skilled in this, my alcohol tolerance is too low. I wish I inherited my grandpa's height instead of this.

Soon the producer was drunk. I smiled to myself in victory.

"Manager Byun....Its not nice for you to only give us, Why don't you drink some too!" The producer said throwing his arms around my shoulder.

Ah ...I can't get drunk...

"No no....It's ok, I need to drive too, so you can drink." I said smiling pouring another glass. The producer shook his head not satisfied.

Aish...did I not knock him of yet.

"I won't take no as an answer! Here you should drink it." The producer took the glass from and tried to make me drink forcefully.

Ughh... seriously this old hag-

The other staffs of the producer too were cheering the producer, in making me drink.

Before I could resist, the Producer made me drink it. I could feel the alcohol burning my throat.

I really wanted to punch that guy in the face. If only he wasn't the Damn producer. I don't care what happens to me, but since Kai's future depends on this project...I really can't do anything to ruin his reputation.

Slowly I could feel, my head get Fuzzy. 

Somehow I sliped from the table and went to the restroom.


Ughh!! My head hurts!

Aishh...I can remember anything after that.

Why do I feel like I forgot something important....

I shook my head and went to the Bathroom to freshen up. Finishing my morning routine. I headed to the kitchen to make some hangover soup.

I noticed Jongin too had woken up and came sat behind the counter.

"Yah How are you?" I asked him placing a bowl of soup in front of him. He nodded sluggish and looked at me.

"But.. I should be the one asking that? You were completely out yesterday." Jongin said frowning, grabbing a glass.

"Why did you drink when you knew you have low tolerance for alcohol?" Jongin asked rolling his eyes.

"Yah! I didn't drink because I wanted to! That stupid producer." I grunted sitting opposite to him. Jongin sighed, and started drinking the soup.

"Ah right. Your car is still at the restaurant. Since we came in Chanyeol hyung's car." Jongin said yawning.

"Oh okay...I'll go get it later.."

"Wait- What?? Chanyeol dropped us? Park Chanyeol??" I asked widening my eyes.

What the hell? Chanyeol helped us?

"Yeah...You should thank him later. He was one too who got you out from the restroom, when you passed out." Jongin said nonchalant.

I can't believe this. Chanyeol

"Yah...Check if I have any bruise on me?" I asked Jongin leaning forward showing my face. Jongin rolled his eyes and pushed me back.

(Author mind: Yeah baek...He Attacked you.😑)

"Eyy, stop with your useless worries. Chanyeol hyung is not that bad..." Jongin said shrugging.

"Not that bad....Yah...It's because you don't know him. Do you know how many times I tried to make up with him during our school days, he was the one who straight up ignored me." I said frustrated.

Jongin widened his eyes surprised.

Though our first encounter wasn't that memorable, Since he was Jongdae's friend I didn't want to be in bad terms with him.

But still!!

He was the one who didn't even want to look at me.

"And even I have no idea why he hated me so much. Since he hates me, I have no reason to be nice to him." I said rolling my eyes, leaning back on the chair.

"But why would Chanyeol hyung do that..." Jongin mumbled thinking.

"Beats me." I shrugged scoffing.

Soon we both started eating in silence.

"Hyung, Do I have any schedule today?" Jongin as he finished his bowl.

"No, There's nothing much today-" Suddenly I felt my pocket buzzing.

"Or maybe not." I said frowning looking at the caller ID.

Lay hyung Calling...

I showed the caller to Jongin who choked on his water. Since when the Entertainment Director calls in the morning, it's always something serious.

"Did you do something?" I asked raising my eyebrows. Jongin shook his head saying no. I looked at him suspiciously. Taking a deep breath I answered the call.

"Yes Lay Hyung. How are you?" I asked smiling.

"Ah Baekhyun! I am fine! How are you?"  Well he sounds quite cheerful.

"I am fine...what is it? You suddenly called in the morning." I asked curious.

"Ah yes. So..We're having a meeting With the CEO at noon. So bring Kai with you to the meeting."

"Huh? CEO?....Is Kai in trouble?" I asked looking at Jongin. Jongin's eyes was filled with terror.

Hehe it's fun to .

"Eyy No No, just come. You'll know when you arrive." Lay said chuckling at the end. I hummed in response. After hanging up, I looked at Jongin who was quite nervous.

"Seems like we have a meeting at 12, So quickly get ready." I said folding my arms. Jongin groaned but still quickly went to get ready.

I too got up and cleared the dishes, and went to get ready. Thank god I kept some extra clothes here.


Author POV

Baekhyun and Kai reached the entertainment quick with Kai's constant worried rambling.

Baekhyun told Kai to head first to the meeting room, As he got a call from one of the magazines.

"Oh Baekhyun!!" Baekhyun turned back to the familiar voice. His face brightened seeing his first idol he used to manage.

"Luhan!!" Baekhyun called back excited hugging the bubblegum Pink haired boy.

"When did you come back from China?" Baekhyun asked surprised. It's been a month since Baekhyun saw the Idol.

When Luhan's group, OVERDOSE, picked up popularity in China, they start promoting a lot there. Baekhyun used to be one of their manager when Baekhyun first entered the company.

"Two days back and..Eyy... Boya, After you started managing Kai, did you forget about us?" Luhan asked pouting.

"I became a little busy that's why... Hehe." Baekhyun chuckled slightly punching luhan.

"Ah right? Where are the other members?" Baekhyun asked looking around for the couple.

"Tao headed first to the Practice room and Kris said he'll come in bit later." Luhan said sighing.

"Wow...they two are coming seperately? That's a first." Baekhyun said surprised. Those never leave eachother's side not even for a min.

They were one of the cringiest couple in JM Entertainment.

One of the reason Baekhyun loved working here because of the freedom all the staffs or artist had. This was only Entertainment where any ualality can achieve their dream.

"Ughh don't even talk about them! I am having a huge headache because of those two." Luhan groaned annoyed.

"Why what happened?"

"It's horrible being stuck between their couple quarrel. They had a fight during the flight and now they don't even wanna look at each other." Luhan said frustrated.

Ooo...that's the worst.

"Don't worry  I am sure they'd be over by today." Baekhyun said chuckling remembering the times Tao and Kris had those tiny disputes and came complaining to Baekhyun.

"And my manager is no where to be seen after out flight..." Luhan rolled his eyes.

"Eyy You really love back biting about me don't you? I am the one who has to manage you three idiots." Suddenly Heechul, Overdose manager, popped behind Luhan, making him jolt. Luhan scowled for scaring him out of the blue. Heechul just laughed ignoring Luhan.

"Hey Sunbae." Baekhyun greeted Heechul smiling, who returned with his usual playful wink.

"Oh Baekhyun I thought you had a meeting today?" Heechul asked looking at the time. Baekhyun quickly looked at his watch realising he was late.

"Oh -! I gotta go! See you later guys!!" Baekhyun quickly bolted to the meeting room. 

Upon entering the room he saw a lot of familer faces. Lay and CEO Kim Suho were discussing sitting at the head of the table.

"Baekhyun here!" Baekhyun turned towards the voice to see Jongdae at the table. Baekhyun stared quite surprised why he was here.

"Oi Chen...What are you doing here?" Baekhyun asked confused.

"I don't know, but Lay Hyung said they're were gonna start a new project. So here I am." Jongdae said shrugging his shoulder. Apart from his photography, Chen is also in the concept team in JM.

Chen's idea were always new and freash, So Suho had to make him a part of JM.

"New project?" Baekhyun widened his surprised. He looked at Kai who was quite excited talking to the dance instructor Sehun.

"Oh Jongin!" I looked at the door to Kyungsoo waving his hand, and soon Chanyeol followed behind.

Boya... Kyungsoo too?

Baekhyun looked at Chanyeol who looked quite tired.but suddenly Chanyeol averted his eyes when their eyes met.

Huh? That's weird. By now he should rolled his eyes or atleast given a ridiculous smirk.

Baekhyun thought as his eyes followed the taller. Kyungsoo and Jongin were quite shocked too to see each other.

"Alright then! I guess everyone is here!  Then Everyone please take your seat." Suho said clapping his hands. I sat beside Jongdae and Kai too quickly joined beside me.

"So...we know, Kai and D.O are having a movie coming up, and the response is really good. And JM Ent's anniversary is also near. So I was wondering if we could create a New Duo Unit with them two." Suho explained his idea. To which both Jongin and Kyungsoo reacted really excited.

"So we were wondering if you are, ready for this. We know Kai has an album coming up too, but since we are near the comeback date, You can start working on the album after your promotions." Lay explained further.

"It's not a problem. I really wanted to do a Collab with Kyungsoo. I can't possibly miss this opportunity." Jongin said chuckling excited.

"Yeah me too. I am sure would be a great gift for the fans too." Kyungsoo agreed nodding.

"Then that's all we want to hear. Then for this project, Sehun will be the Choreographer and For the concept I'll leave it to Chen." Lay said giving his dimple smile.

Chen and Sehun nodded excited and Chen started pitching his idea.

The rest of the meeting went with a lot of ideas coming in. Baekhyun and Chanyeol started taking the notes for later to discuss with their artists.

Through the meeting, Baekhyun felt a constant gaze on him. He looked up to see Chanyeol staring at him. But as he looked Chanyeol quickly looked away, back to his notes.

Baekhyun felt something was really weird.

Really weird.


Yess! I am Back! Hehehe...Finally my Exams are over~!!

So I wrote a bit longer chapter. Honestly I wanted to add a lot more, Since there is just too much in my head, it was a little hard to control myself. and you guys...Really make my days with your comments. Thanks to everyone who subscribed, upvoted and commented. 

So Here is a Short intro to all the characters so far in the Story, cause i just realised i havent exactly described thier appearance. (I am the worst) Thats one thing thats quite hard for is some eye treat~!




AGE: 27



 DO MANAGER              

AGE: 27




AGE: 27




AGE: 25

Debut Age: 22




AGE: 25

Debut Age: 21




AGE: 35




AGE: 26

Debut Age: 21




AGE: 25




AGE: 33




AGE: 30




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747 streak #1
Chapter 26: Welcome back! Poor Chanyeol, hope his sacrifice is at least kiss worthy. 😁 Cute chapter and both guys are still competitive as ever. Can’t wait to see what happens next.
Beau1996 1378 streak #2
Chapter 26: Oh no 😯 Chan is all wet!!
Chapter 25: Kyaa~ Not Chanyeol trying to get them seats together. Why are they soo cute?!!
747 streak #4
Chapter 25: Go Chanyeol! Not that he has to work to get Baekhyun to fall for him, but I love the fact that he is so determined to win him over. Their ‘date’ at the movie was adorable, can’t wait to see what else he has up his sleeve.
Beau1996 1378 streak #5
Chapter 25: I love it!! It's what a happy virus would do - figure out a positive way to get Baek!!
horanggay #6
Chapter 11: I love this so much!
747 streak #7
Chapter 24: Thank you so much for the update! I really enjoyed this chapter and I loved the little alone time with Jongin and Soo. It seems that things have been moving a lot faster with them than originally thought. I love it! Can’t wait for Baekhyun and Chanyeol to actually have a real conversation.
Chapter 24: "I missed those lips" so glad they can be reunited with that kiss ahh it's so sweet, their moments together are so good, I can't get enough >< Thanks for the update, this is so lovely :3
Beau1996 1378 streak #9
Chapter 24: I like the spikes of jealousy!! Baek and Chan still unresolved...
Glad to see an update!
Chapter 23: Author-nim you can't just call us out like that🤫😂😂
And Chen helping both of his best friend's love life without knowing that it's actually them both is hilarious 😂😂 I can't wait to see Chen's reaction when he gets to know the truth