#LoveJustForIZONE (KangChaen x 3 Musketeers)

Another Night to Illuminate
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Life is such a .


First, she got laid off from her job because she is deemed as incapable of making a Karen wearing a mask to enter the establishment. The heated argument during the peak hour finally making her rationality snapped and ended up showing the exit to the customer just to be clobbered as a nasty server.

Not only that, upon reaching home, she finds her fiancé is having a heated moment on their bed with her so-called best friend. Oh, don’t get her start on how she kicked them off - from her house. She thinks that a few people recorded that, but why would she care?

“Ah, I’m so tired of everything,” Chaeyeon heaved a deep sigh as she slumped against her front door. She is exhausted. Drained. Everything that can be associated with the feeling of tiredness. However, the world will not stop rotating just because she feels not wanting to continue on.

Instead, a knock is heard from the door. She thought that maybe her fiancé is coming back to away the PS5 controller that Chaeyeon presented on their anniversary. Just how shameless that this person would be, Chaeyeon thought.

She is ready to pounce on the person who causes her day to be in greater misery, but instead,  Chaeyeon is being greeted by a posh-looking lady who is donning a suit that is paired with a pair of black-frame spectacles. She ended up staring at this woman in a daze before realizing that she needs to ask whether her uninvited guest has any business with her.

“Miss Lee Chaeyeon?”

“Yeah? What can I do to help you, miss?”

“I am a solicitor for your great-aunt, Miss Lee Chaesoo. This is regarding her will, may I enter?”

Chaeyeon twitched her eyebrows upon hearing the name of her great-aunt. She remembers that this very aunt is a great friend to Chaeyeon. She is sassy, elegant and never afraid of facing people’s snicker about her being single. For Chaeyeon, her aunt is the embodiment of a rich and fun aunt that she always wishes to meet often. To her, a will from her aunt can only mean one thing, the person who Chaeyeon lookup must already depart from this world.

Serving a set of tea together with biscuits for her guest, Chaeyeon braces herself to listen to the solicitor words. If possible, she wants to know about her aunt that she greatly misses. What kind of final moment that her aunt has? Did her aunt live a fulfilling life that she always told Chaeyeon before?

“Before anything, I was told to give you this letter. Even I do not know the content of it,” the solicitor passes Chaeyeon a teal envelope across the table. Ripping open the seal, Chaeyeon eyes dancing on the paper and let out a gasp as she read the four words written inside it countless time.

Come to my manor.

Tilting her head, she tried asking the solicitor who blinked back at her before clearing .

“The second request is that for me to bring you over to the Central.”

“The Central?”

“Yes, your aunt request to bring you there. Whether you want to go there is up to you.”

The Central. A place where the wealthiest of the wealthiest lived. Chaeyeon knew that her great-aunt is well-off but never expects her to be that rich. She thought that this will be a good chance for her to escape her dull, tiring life and enter the Central. Besides, this will be her one and only chance to step into the place that is deemed as the heaven on this planet.

“Okay. I’ll go. When will we depart?”

“Right now.”


She is about to question the solicitor words but a sudden light wrapped the room wholly, forcing Chaeyeon to shut her eyes. She finds herself standing in front of the gate of an enormous building with vast land, even bigger than the town she lived.

“I remember aunt written to come to her manor.”

“Correct. This is Lee Chaesoo’s manor.”

“B-But this

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Thank you very much everyone. Until now, it is your tofu writer sending my love for our girls. Please support them and shower a lot of love in their next journey ♡(ӦvӦ。)


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augustvel #1
1761 streak #2
Chapter 62: thank you!!! one day we will meet again!!! I believe so!
Chapter 2: Owhhh luckily nothing happened.. I was worried when minjoo give the warning
Pcyqo0 #4
Chapter 62: Thank you for everything! Your stories lessened the pain and I enjoyed reading them.
1761 streak #5
Chapter 61: Umm part 2?!?! I love kkuchaen!!!
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 61: “we’ll see abou that,Miss Lee” - woahh ,interesting ;)
1761 streak #7
Chapter 60: I love it and I love yenyul!!
Chapter 59: it’s more like dimkwon inside kkubi and ssambang 🤭
dimkwon inspired by their similar instagram post juseyo (≧▽≦)
1761 streak #10
Chapter 58: give her a call!! minyul is such a cute and soft ship!!