#OneDreamForIZONE (KkuChaen)

Another Night to Illuminate
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“Finally, my own house!”

A voice chirpily resounds within the empty unit while pumping her fist in the air. Lee Chaeyeon knew that she had been working her off for the past few years to collect enough money for her first down payment for this beautiful house located within a quaint neighborhood. It’s been her dream to own her own house after going out from the orphanage and to think that she able to grind through difficult moments in her life, Chaeyeon patted herself on the back while pulling her baggage through her sparkling unit.

“Oh, I can’t wait to fill this house with my own touch! My personal space at long last! I don’t need to share with anyone for the first time in forever,” Chaeyeon can feel her eyes are somewhat teary as she strides inside her house. Her gaze is darting around, having countless ideas to decorate this white canvas in front of her and turned it into a lovely home.

She carefully placed her baggage while making sure that her front door is wide opened so that she can easily move a few boxes filled with basic necessities. She figured that she wants to monitor how her house transforms with her own eyes and willing to stay in this unit even only with a comforter as well as a cup of instant noodles.

A vibration coming from her pocket distracts Chaeyeon from her brief smile while looking at the fruit of her labor. Even at this moment, she can’t believe that she is really able to pull such an extraordinary feat in her life. Owning a house at her age is really something that Chaeyeon is proud of herself as she is aware that she had no one to rely on aside from herself. Fishing out her phone, she slides the green button, revealing a gorgeous woman on the screen with a wide grin.

“Chaeyeon-ah! I heard that you move already? Congratulations!”

“Oh, Hyewon-ah! Thanks, I was thinking to call you tomorrow. Your team can come immediately and start renovation in my place as planned, right?”

“About that, it seems that someone didn’t foresee the schedule well. My team needs to separate into two tomorrow as there is another unit to be remodeled. I think it’s unit 1-9-3?”

Whipping her head to her front door, Chaeyeon frowned at her unit number which is 1-1-1, and noticed the very same number that Hyewon spoke about just across her door. Flipping her camera, Chaeyeon showed the house plate to Hyewon who is barfing out loud at the coincidence. “Yah! Talk about fate! I think you will finally meet your only one, Chaeyeon-ah! Try to talk to your new neighbor, alright?”

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Thank you very much everyone. Until now, it is your tofu writer sending my love for our girls. Please support them and shower a lot of love in their next journey ♡(ӦvӦ。)


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augustvel #1
1761 streak #2
Chapter 62: thank you!!! one day we will meet again!!! I believe so!
Chapter 2: Owhhh luckily nothing happened.. I was worried when minjoo give the warning
Pcyqo0 #4
Chapter 62: Thank you for everything! Your stories lessened the pain and I enjoyed reading them.
1761 streak #5
Chapter 61: Umm part 2?!?! I love kkuchaen!!!
Leechaeyeon11 #6
Chapter 61: “we’ll see abou that,Miss Lee” - woahh ,interesting ;)
1761 streak #7
Chapter 60: I love it and I love yenyul!!
Chapter 59: it’s more like dimkwon inside kkubi and ssambang 🤭
dimkwon inspired by their similar instagram post juseyo (≧▽≦)
1761 streak #10
Chapter 58: give her a call!! minyul is such a cute and soft ship!!