Chapter 3

It's not the first time, I think I've been here before
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In the backroom it was slient, the only thing you could really hear is the music from the main hall. 

and well the girls inside that backroom were quiet nor really moving. 

Seulgi was the first to move taking a step closer to Joohyun. 

As she did, she lifted her hand to wipe away the tears that had run across her cheeks earlier. When she arrived infrom of Joohyun she was concerned but very cautious as well. 


 "Unnie, Are you okay?"


There was no response, so she reached out to Joohyun, lifitng her head up only to see the a mirror of herself a couple minutes earleir. 

Tears and eyes that seem to show a pain they never knew could experince.


Joy looked over and felt sad. Both of them did. The older girl had never really cried around them and if she did, her eyes never gave off the pain it did now. It much for someone who showed so little.


Seulgi hugged the girl hoping in her heart that it could bring some ease to her or some warmth, just something, anything.

 Though it didnt last long, A knock or rather a hard bang could be heard from the other side of the door.


"Guys, whatever it is you are doing, I think you need to hurry it up. The first dance will start soon."


It hit Joohyun where she was and that she needed to pull herself together.

She pushed seulgi away and turned to the mirrors to try and fix herself up…she has too many things to focus on that right now.

 Even if her heart was hurt she had to be strong to pull thorugh.


Seulgi did stumble a bit but Joy was able catch her before she could fall. 

Joohyun then turned around and looked at the girls, eyes still a bit red, her face still beautiful though her makeup a bit ruined.


"Y-ehm" Joohyun struggled to speak. "You both knew she wouldn't come today?"


Seulgi and Joy didn’t know how to answer.


“Did you or not?” With simple nods the girls answered not having the courage to speak up.


"Why didn’t you tell me huh? Why?”


“Unnie how could we… it wasn’t just simply every other day it was your wedding…we-“ seulgi said


“So what? I don’t care. The whole time I was worrying about her, telling you guys that I had a bad feeling and you guys knowing, let me go through all that? Really, do I mean nothing to you guys.”


“Unnie please it’s not that-“ Seulgi tried to calm Joohyun


“But it is. Does Yeri know too? Were you all in it?” But Seulgi couldn’t stop an emotinal Joohyun.


"For what we know, she doesn't." Seulgi with her head slightly down.


"I- I don't even want to look at you guys right now. I....If you would have just said something. Even Yeri deserved to know, it's her cousin for god sakes. Does she not know how much she adores her."

It was too much for Joohyun to even begin to understand, How could they, how could seungwan just leave. Was she not worth a goodbye, an explanation? and these two she knows somehwere in her heart that it isn't all their fault but the hurt she feels is strong. She felt betrayed by them. Lied too. It made her mad.


"Unnie, that's not, we can explain, just-"  their was a desperate need in seulgi's voice to explain to Joohyun, but it seems like it would just end up in faliure.


Joohyun just passed them with the intent to leave the room


I don’t, can’t and won’t listen to anything you have to say. Not now, not in a while. I’m angry, furious..everything but more than that I’m hurt. So for now let’s not talk. Oh and don’t dare tell yeri anything."

The younger girls just stood there, accepting what they did and taking in what she has told them. They know it would have been inevitable situation but still. The disappointment in Joohyun’s voice and such dislike towards them was a way the older girl never spoke to them in. It stung to know that all of it was direct at them.


The bride opened the door and she saw Yeri a few feet away.

"Yeri-ah, let's go back to the main hall. The girls said they'd catch up in a bit, since they are still talking. How about we dance?" Joohyun said as she reached out for yeri's hand and started guiding them the hall.


Yerim noticed the fake smile and how Joohyun eyes seemed a bit more duller than earlier. She knows that the older girl found out about seungwan leaving. But it seems like Joy didn’t tell her she knew nor Seulgi and maybe that was a good decision. She also decided to play dumb until the situation clears up a bit more. Especially because it seems like Joohyun needs someone with her.      

The wedding went beautfully. Joohyun and Bogum danced and the girls were there to cheer for her regardless of what happened they tried to make it a great day.


It a was memorable one that's for sure.


As the newlyweds left for their honey moon, they walked out with everyone cheering and clapping. Some yelling out congrats others saying the real party is going to start but when they reached the limo, Joohyun couldn't help but just feel down. She wasn't happy not in the slighest. She just can't understand why, if seungwan left her she shouldn't care and enjoy her time with her Husband but none of it seemed right. just why.


- Honey. you looks so stunning, I didn't get to say this earlier but I truly am so lucky to have you. I love you so much Joohyun. I can't wait to enjoy the rest of my life with you. Have children and grow old together.- Bogum interwined their hands and fiddled with her wedding ring, gazing at Joohyun with such an enamored gaze.

"Yes, it is an amazing amazing. I'm glad to have married you too." She didn't squeeze his hand back, it remained limp. Joohyun just stared outside the window and leaned her head on his shoulder. 


As the limo rode to the airport on to the private plane that would take them to their honeymoon.

And it seemed as if time had no intention of slowing down.


Which leads them to now, almost 3 years after the wedding.


Alot of things changed. Yeri got her own apartment, even a job. Seulgi and Joy are living together because it was economical for them. Seul opened her photo studio and became part of a dance group. Joy helped her with the studio, although technically Seulgi was the owner she wanted to focus more on the photography then the actual business which led to Joy being manager for the busniess part of it all. Joohyun even started working at her office as an interior designer. She loves it so much she even styled yeri's apartment but she spends all her time there. She's always busy, well she makes herself busy.


Though not everything completely changes, Joohyun still hasn't spoken to the girls like they use too. Everyone in their friend group is worried.Ever since they found out  about Seungwan leaving they kept checking up on them…though it was mostly on Joohyun but what made them confused was how indifferent Joohyun acted towards the whole thing and when they asked her about Seulgi and Joy she would just use the excuse “I’m not sure, I’ve been busy lately” or “Ask them”. It was noticeable that something happened between them all but no one knew exactly what, most of them assumed it was a fight.


As for her marriage it began to seem so….different

At the beginning they were so in love or so it seemed that way but as time went on it began to fall apart. Joohyun and Bogum would agrue more often and it was always about having children or why Joohyun won't change her last name to his. That she seemed to not be in love with him anymore but she would always say he's overreacting. The tension with them was suffocating though because even though they fought they never acknowledge the problem and just blew it off so they could back to pretending to be okay.


When yeri told the other two they also had concerns but what could they do really. Only hope. Hope that they are able to rebulid their friendship and be there for Joohyun like they promised but also to see with their own eyes how Joohyun is truly doing.

Yeri saw their faces, it does saddened her heart that the girls haven't been able to work things out. Ever since seungwan left everything's been all over the place. If she could ask her for advice she would but seungwan hasn't reached out to them for a while now.

Yeri decided that its been enough, so her little mind came up with a plan to get the gang back together.


So, She invited all three of them to her apartment to "hangout". 

Once she heard a knock at the door she took a deep breathe and prayed for the best.


"Seulgi Unnie" She hugged her unnie and let her inside.


"Yeri-ah, it's been so long. omo- you got your own apartment and a job. you are growing up well."  


"Thank you unnie. I got it a couple weeks ago and you literally saw me like a month or two ago don't be dramatic oh is big bird not here with you?"


"You mean Joy? She finds out you called her Big Bird, she'll kick your ."


Both girls laugh at the thought and soon after there was a knock at the door.


"Speak of the devil" Yeri opens the door "Big Bir- I mean Joy unnie you made it, finally."


"I was just making sure that we had some drinks, knowning yeri she wouldn't have any beer in her fridge.."

The girls start to set up the table so they can eat but they come to realize that the food yeri was suppose to order isn't at the table yet..


"Yeri-ah, where's the tteokbokkie, chicken and Samgyeopsal? Did you not get them?"  Seulgi asked worried the younget forgot about the best part of the food.


"Well the things is I ordered them with a person that'll join us as well"


"Who would be coming other than us? is it a new friend..,you should have told us so we could bring a drink they'd like as well." joy added as she looked at yeri with a scolding gaze


"It'll be fine, they like the same things as us because well we already know her."


The girls think about it...someone they already know? I mean of course they shared friends but they would usually already know who it is..or their friends would tell them?


"Well.... I it Moonbyul-unnie or Solar? but they come in a pair so it can't be them.?" joy scrunched her eyebrow trying to think about who the friends they had in common


" aren't right. It's someone much MUCH closer...someone you two owe a talk too" yeri pointed out


then it clicked....their bodies froze up... Bae Joohyun is coming. After so long of ignored messages, calls and greetings.

"Yeri...Do you think that's a good idea? you know she hasn't wanted to talk us since well the wedding." seulgi asked considering the only contact they've had with joohyun isn't one that exactly screams more radiates stay away from me or else.


Joy agreed with seulgi " yeri-ah. Joohyun might get mad at you. I know, we all do, that the conversation with hyun needs to happen. It's been so long since seungwan left but that doesn't change the fact that to her we betrayed her. Knowing that, i have a feeling this might not end to well." 


" I know that and you are right this conversation is overdue. You guys need to sort out this situation because although it's a serious one, it's also one that has to find a start to bein

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WluvsBaetokki #1
How much more pain do we have to endure for author-nim to give us a happy ending 😭
113 streak #2
oh please happy ending author :(
Happy ending for my wenrene author not angst please
Follow first, read story next 😁😁
Chapter 6: Couldn't wait to see the next chapter and how things will become better and Joohyun will know something and realized her strong feelings for Seungwan.
Lialac_ #6
Chapter 6: when I first saw the update with completed tag and I read it, I thought it’s already ended with Joohyun still haven’t know the reason. gonna wait an see their next step
misguidedangel1989 #7
Chapter 6: Is the place Joohyun currently going to is the same place wenrene hang out before? Where Seungwan left the letter under the tree?? I hipe Joohyun will sees it if she chooses to sit directly under the tree rather thatn sitting on the chair..

Will Joohyun realize something that she was in love with Seungwan? That she only falls for Bogum because of how Seungwan guide him towards Joohyun ideal guy??

Thanks for the update author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 6: I am rendered speechless with how gutted I still feel. I just want to in 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Paparapakyaw #9
Chapter 6: Yeah give me the pain 😩
Chapter 6: please continue author nim! i really like the angst.