Chapter 2:

It's not the first time, I think I've been here before
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Hi, It your author here! I changed the quote for this chapter. Please read the author note regarding future chapter updates! THANK YOU(2021)

(2023 note)- so yeah its revised ? 



As soon as her 6 am alarm goes off Joohyun excitedly hops out of her bed, takes a shower and prepares for her big day while she does so she happens to catch a glimpse of the sky.


“ Oh what a pretty morning”


Loving the sky was Joohyun’s hobby. It was a place of happiness and safety.


But todays sky felt a bit more happier, since its her wedding day after all.


Suddenly she remembers how she would tell Seungwan about her dream to marry a wonderful man, her prince charming. Seungwan use to say she was crazy but it was that very girl who helped her get the confidence to go out with Bogum. She gave her the best advice and made her feel reassured that everything will go alright.


If it weren’t for Seungwan she would have probably planned her wedding terribly.


Thinking about her got Joohyun wondering If seungwan was awake by now.



Wannie arę you awake yet? I know we said we’d see each other at the wedding hall but do you think you could come earlier? Maybe you could come to Seulgi’s apartment, after all that’s were I’ll get dressed for the wedding :). I want you to be the first to see me in it and I kinda just want you by my side. For some reason you help me feel at ease and Im super nervous. Text me when you wake up<3.


After sending that message Joohyun started to get ready. She put all her necessities in her bag and headed out to the car. As soon as the car  starts , she heads to the hair salon.


She listens to music as she drives there but it was classical music. She was never someone who loved that type of music but seungwan absolutely loves it. She says that classical music has the ability to give you comfort no matter what you go through. It can be whatever you want it to be and without fail it will always give you what you need.


She says that classical music doesn’t have to be loved by everyone to receive it’s comfort. That’s why she finds herself listening to it because the memories of her and seungwan playing the piano will always be precious to her heart.


7:30 AM




“Mrs. Bae, welcome you can sit her and we’ll get started right away>”


“Hm. “


She quickly shoots Seulgi a text letting her know she’s at the salon already and would probably arrive later on to her house.


As soon as she finishes sending her message she checks if Seungwan responded to her message but she actually hasn’t?


“That’s weird….she usually up by now.”



She sent her another message hoping that she’d get a response later on.


9:30 AM


As soon as the appointment ended Joohyun headed over to Seulgi’s excepting her to be there waiting

But what she didn’t except was to see the chaos creating duo.


“Oh Unnie you’re here already” Says Joy


“Hi Unnie” Yer said as she was eating some pringles she probably took from seulgi’s pantry.


“Oh, isn’t this a surprise? I thought you guys weren’t coming till later with seungwan?”


“Um we were but we decided to come early…to you know, hype you up on your wedding and help out too.”


“Yeah Unnie”


Joohyun noticed the slight hesitation from both girls as they answered her but she assumed that it was because they were tired since it was early for them.


“That’s nice of you…..wait, is seungwan here with you too?” Joohyun says as she starts to look around the room looking for both the bear and seungwan.


“No No. It’s just us Unnie….seungwan Unnie will come later like we agreed on originally.” Joohyun just stared at the younger girl.


“Huh….I wonder if she was up late last night? She hasn’t responded to my messages….Has she texted you guys at all? I’m worried…is she okay?”


“I’m sure she’s just sleeping. Don’t overthink it Unnie.” Joy said trying to reassure her.


“Yeah…but she alway responds to me by now its like she’s dis-“


Before she could finish Seulgi interrupted.


“Unnie you’re here already? why didn’t you text me, let’s go and get you ready, the wedding isn’t that far away now.”


As soon as Joohyun is reminded that it was indeed her wedding day her mind pushed aside her worry for seungwan for a bit. She rushed in the room to get dressed and everything. She didn’t want to ruin her own wedding by being late after all. Probably what Joy said calmed her intrusive thoughts about seungwan.


As soon as the bride and bear left to the guest room the other two started at each other


Aware of IT.


“Hmm, I’ll take it as you are aware of the situation?” joy sighed out


Yeri slumped back in her chair nodding her head


“Yeah last night I overheard my mom talking to her sister. Apparently Seungwan had reconsidered something that her family asked of her and that she would leave Korea for awhile. At first I didn’t think it was true until they mentioned when she’d leave….I mean I always had hunch about it but It was never confirmed until that conversation. I talked to Seungwan yesterday when I went to visit her and I can’t believe that I never figured it out. Her sadness, Her sad smile and tired eyes, she just isn’t herself anymore. I felt so guilty thinking how sge must have felt throiugh everthing that all could was hug her. She apologized for not saying anything but she knew how much I cherished Joohyun and didn’t want to involve me in the mess she’d cause.”


Joy just stayed silent listening to Yeri, so Yeri decided to continue explaining.


“She explained certians things though  she didn’t have too, then it was time for me to leave. I felt sad that it would probably the last time I see her in a while but….Joy I have a question…I didn’t want to ask seungwan you really think things will turn out okay? With her leaving and Joohyun……?”


“Well Yerim…I know seugnwan will be okay in her own way but I can’t say the same for Joohyun. So we have to be strong and be there for her in everyway we can.”


“I guess …though I don’t if it’s just me but I do have this uncomfortable feeling like it’ do I explain…it’s not exactly bad but not good, an Erie feel about this."


Joy understood Yeri well, because she had a similar  feeling in the pit of her stomach.


To be exact it like todays is the  edge of a storm that's slowing getting ready to cause chaos for a while.





“Unniee oh my. You look stunning my goodness. I really can’t believe you are finally getting married.”


“Thank you Seulgi-ah. I’m glad I’m finally able to marry the man of my dreams. I’m so very lucky really. A wonderful man, friends and the bestest bridesmaid ever. It’s funny you know seungwan would always tell me to shut up because she was annoyed at how much I would talk about being married but she’s the one who helped me plan and set up the whole wedding.” Joohyun laughed with a smile.


“Wait she what? she helped you set up your wedding or did she do everything?”


“Well if I had to say honestly it was everything because when I tried to plain it with bogum we would have fights here and there never really accomplishing anything but with seungwan it was so easy. She knew exactly what I liked, it’s like we shared the same brain without her I think there wouldn’t even be a wedding.”


Seulgi was shocked at the new information…

Seungwan went that far for her




Just how much did she hurt herself through these past months for Joohyun?




How oblivious were we all to notice how sad she had become?


“Seulgi-ah? Are you okay?” Joohyun says as she nudges Seulgi.


She looked at Joohyun a bit worried 


“Y-Yes unnie, I’m fine just thinking about uh…the um wedding but I didn’t know seungwan helped that much…”


As Seulgi turned around to get the make up kit she mumbled “she practically planned her dream.”


But Joohyun was too busy checking her phone to hear. She went to her messages in hope of finding a message back from seungwan.


She did have a message though it was from her fiancee or better said soon to be husband. “Hi baby, did you wake up alright?” But she just plainly ignored it, her worry for seungwan was more important to her.


“Seulgi have you texted Seungwan-ah?” 


“Oh not really why?” 


“Hmm I getting worried, she hasn’t me since the morning, I’ve called quite a few times already but she doesn’t answer either. Aigooo, is mad or something? I wish she would just answer and come over here.”


“Unnie, don’t worry about it. I’m sure she’ll contact you soon enough. Also Bogum texted me saying if you’re busy because you aren’t answering him.”


“Oh just tell him I am, I’ll get to him later. Right now I’m trying to figure out where seungwan is. Do you think I should tell yeri to go to her apartment to see if she’s doing alright?”


You could tell by just the tone of Joohyun’s voice that she was concerned but Seulgi couldn’t really understand why. Her future husband is contacting her worried and  Joohyun seems to not care about it. It seems as if Seungwan was the most dominating thought, it makes Seulgi wonder if Joohyun realizes how she’s acting.


“Unnie stop. Your over concerning yourself over nothing. She said she would meet us later plus you know how she is when she’s doing something important.”


“Something more important than me? Such a lair calling me Her Joohyun if she finds something

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WluvsBaetokki #1
How much more pain do we have to endure for author-nim to give us a happy ending 😭
113 streak #2
oh please happy ending author :(
Happy ending for my wenrene author not angst please
Follow first, read story next 😁😁
Chapter 6: Couldn't wait to see the next chapter and how things will become better and Joohyun will know something and realized her strong feelings for Seungwan.
Lialac_ #6
Chapter 6: when I first saw the update with completed tag and I read it, I thought it’s already ended with Joohyun still haven’t know the reason. gonna wait an see their next step
misguidedangel1989 #7
Chapter 6: Is the place Joohyun currently going to is the same place wenrene hang out before? Where Seungwan left the letter under the tree?? I hipe Joohyun will sees it if she chooses to sit directly under the tree rather thatn sitting on the chair..

Will Joohyun realize something that she was in love with Seungwan? That she only falls for Bogum because of how Seungwan guide him towards Joohyun ideal guy??

Thanks for the update author-nim
WluvsBaetokki #8
Chapter 6: I am rendered speechless with how gutted I still feel. I just want to in 🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬
Paparapakyaw #9
Chapter 6: Yeah give me the pain 😩
Chapter 6: please continue author nim! i really like the angst.