as long as I’m with you, that’s enough for me.

Cruel Summer
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Jimin is not a clingy person.


Usually, in her relationships, she's the passive one. She takes the backseat and just lets her lover lead.


She really is not a clingy person...until now.


Minjeong hasn’t contacted her since yesterday morning. 


It was weird.


She can’t help but feel worried.


Why was she worried?


She doesn’t know why. 


She doesn’t know why, with Minjeong, it’s different. 


She’s different. 


They are not even officially dating in the first place.


Was it because she got used to the blonde girl being around her? Or was it that she got used to reading her texts first thing in the morning and before she sleeps, even though the latter is not a fan of texting? Or was it because she got used to getting random calls from her daily for no reason, just to talk?


"Ah, she’s doing it again, huh?" she hears Yizhou laughing on the other line.


"What do you mean?" Jimin asks as she walks around the mall. She had plans to meet up with her high school friends, Lia & Chaeryeong, to do some shopping, but she was early. She called the Chinese girl to ask if Minjeong contacted her.


"You see, Unnie, bestie has a habit of not answering her phone or forgetting the existence of it because she was too worked up doing something else." Yizhou nonchalantly explains to her, "that might be the case right now."


"I guess, give it a day or two, Minjeong Unnie will eventually contact you, Unnie."


She can’t believe how chill Yizhou sounded when she called. Minjeong must have done this too many times to her before.


Still, Jimin is worried. She sighed heavily.


She was supposed to enjoy her day with her friends but instead, she's here, too concerned over her fake girlfriend not contacting her for more than the whole day. She can’t help but think she might have done something wrong or said something wrong. 


She then remembered what Yizhou told her, to give it a day or two. 


I think I can do that.


Yes, she needs to do that. She was now with her friends, jumping from one store to another, bonding over clothes, and enjoying their free time. She shouldn't be distracted.




After a few more hours, Jimin was still worried.


It was unsettling.


She’s not used to this feeling.


The feeling of missing her.


She misses Minjeong, a lot.


Yes, she missed her in the past, but that had a reason. They weren't on talking terms so she missed interacting with the blonde girl. 




What's her reason?


She can’t really say.


It’s been a month since they started interacting again. A month since they started this arrangement, fake dating. It’s still too early so she shouldn't be this attached to the blonde girl. And yet, she can’t help but miss her. Very much.


She just wants to at least know if her fake girlfriend was still breathing.


A text would be nice. 


She wasn’t like this in her previous relationships, romantic or not.


Why only to Minjeong?


Is it because they haven’t interacted much lately? The last time they interacted in person was from last week, Minjeong’s Aunt’s birthday party.


I’m yours, Yoo Jimin. Only yours. Always remember that.


Ah, Jimin thought. Those words had been repeating in her mind since the blonde girl said it. 


Every time she remembers it, she can’t help but feel butterflies in her stomach. Along with that sweet kiss on the forehead and those subtle touches, Jimin couldn’t help but blush hard just by thinking all about it. She knows she shouldn’t assume anything. Minjeong probably said and did all of those to ease her jealousy. After all, they were just fake dating, and Minjeong doesn’t see her that way. 


But still...those words were too romantic for me not to ignore.


Is this the reason?


Is she missing her so much because she’s starting to- No.


No, don't go there.


She sighed heavily. She shouldn’t be thinking and feeling this way. It's wrong. She keeps on reminding herself that Minjeong is off-limits. 


If I want her to stay by my side, I can’t fall for her.


She sighed once again.


“Jimin-ah,” she felt a nudge on her shoulder. “Huh?”


“You seemed...stressed. Are you alright?” Lia expressed concern. They were now in a cafe, chilling, after a whole day of shopping.


“Yeah, I’m alright,” the raven-haired girl looked at her friends and saw that their attention was now on her. “Guys, really. Don’t mind me, this is nothing.”


Her friends are still worried, “Jimin-ah, you’ve been off the whole day. We are just worried,” says Chaeryeong.


“It’s not really a big deal,” Jimin gave them a small smile, “just me overthinking stuff, I guess.” Lia reached out and touched the raven-haired girl’s forearm, “Hey, we are here to listen.”


Should I? Ever since she learned about Ryujin’s return and the fact that no one of her friends has told her about it has made Jimin a bit on guard with her high school friends. She didn’t do this on purpose because she hates them or anything, but she tries to be more careful in sharing anything about Minjeong, an effort not to offend anyone.


“Are you on the rocks with Minjeong?” Lia inquired which made Jimin panicked a bit, “what? No, no. We are okay.” I think…


“It’s more on,” Jimin sighed before continuing, “she hasn’t replied to my texts and calls since yesterday morning.” Both Lia and Chaeryeong looked at each other before looking back at her. “Did you guys fight? Or something?”


“Oh no, no fights. Just...she’s unavailable, I guess. I mean, I kind of know what might be happening but I can’t help but still feel worried.”


“Hey, that’s okay Jimin-ah,” Lia comforted her, “she is your girlfriend so it's natural for you to be worried.” But she’s not my girlfriend, officially, that is, Jimin thought. It’s not like she could ever say that aloud. “I guess.”


“You can try and visit her later,” Chaeryeong added, “I mean, you did mention before that your houses are close to each other.”




Yeah, she should do that.


Actually, she did plan on doing that. 


She purposefully passed by Minjeong’s house before going to the mall. Actually thinking of visiting her to see if the blonde girl was still alive.


But she didn’t.




Because she feels like she’s crossing the line. She’s not really Minjeong’s girlfriend, she’s somewhat of a friend? A partner? 


Is it really alright to visit Minjeong randomly, all because she misses her?


“I’ll try later,” She said to her friends as she gave them a small reassuring smile.


But in reality, she’s actually contemplating. 


Is she really going to visit? 


Minjeong and I are technically friends now, so I guess it’s alright to visit. Friends can visit each other’s homes for no reason. Right?


Her phone suddenly rang, it was a text from Minjeong’s mother.


Mrs. Kim (6:00 pm): Yooji-ah, sorry for disturbing you, but can I ask a favor? 

Can you check up on Minjeongie? She hasn’t answered my calls today. I just wanted to know if she’s okay. Minjeong tends to get caught up with her music and she forgets to take care of herself. So please, if it’s okay with you, that is.


Ah, Jimin thought. It seemed she wasn’t the only victim, Minjeong’s mother had also been ghosted by the blonde girl. She chuckled a bit. I guess I have a reason now to visit her.


Jimin (6:02 pm): Hi Omma, don’t worry too much. I’ll come over and check up on her. I will make sure that she takes care of herself. 🙂




She was now in front of Minjeong’s home. 


The last time she was here was a bit eventful. Not only she meets Minjeong’s parents again, she literally got into a nostalgia train, reminiscing the happy days when she used to hang out in the house. Also, she hasn't forgotten what happened recently in Minjeong's room. The way Minjeong looked at her that moment, a part of her still thinks that the other girl was looking at her lips. But she can’t assume. She can’t have these thoughts, especially if she wants to keep the blonde girl by her side.


She sighed.


She looked at her phone and read the instructions Minjeong’s mother gave her. Jimin doesn’t have a key to the blonde girl’s house so she needed to find the spare one. “Facing the door, look over to your left, you will see a random block sticking out,” Jimin looked over it and saw a random block. She tried to remove it, and the spare key was there. “Okay, that was easy.”


As she entered the house, it was really quiet.




No one was answering.


She went to the kitchen and put down the food she bought for the both of them. After settling everything, she decided to go to Minjeong’s room. She knocked on the door and was still welcome with silence. Is she sleeping? She tried to twist the doorknob and realized it was open. As she went inside, the room was really dark, except for the lamp on the desk. 


Minjeong was indeed asleep, but not on her bed, but was sleeping on her desk. 


Jimin sighs in relief. At least, it’s good to know she’s alive and breathing.


To wake her up, she went near the girl and nudged her softly, “Minjeong-ah, hey.” She sees the blonde girl stirring awake. “Hhmmm?”


“Minjeong-ah,” she softly said as the girl was slowly waking up. She sees her slowly looking up to her, still delirious, “Yooji?”


Jimin froze. Did she just call me…?


She hasn't heard that name come out of Minjeong’s mouth for so long.


Yes, it’s not a secret that Jimin’s nickname when she was a kid was Yooji. Everyone who knows her from years ago calls her that, especially Minjeong. After all, it was Minjeong who first called her that. She doesn’t have a nickname before and Minjeong created Yooji for her. Hearing the blonde girl say her nickname again, after a long time, is making her emotional and weak. She didn’t expect she needed this. That she longed for this.


“Jimin?” Her thoughts were cut off when she noticed the blonde girl stretching, “What are you doing here? Uuughhh, what time is it?”


“Uuhh,” Jimin blinked and cleared . She looked at her phone, “it’s already 7 in the evening.”






Minjeong stared at her blankly, “I slept the whole afternoon. Wow.”


“Whole afternoon?”


Minjeong yawns, “yeah.” She slowly stood up from her chair and was slowly walking to her bed. “I’m so tired.”


Jimin could only shake her head, “it’s dinner time you know,” she sat down on the bed near the blonde girl, who was now lazily lying on her bed, face down, “if you slept most of the day, then you haven’t eaten properly yet.” She hears Minjeong mumbling incoherently, “Minjeong, I can’t hear you.”


Minjeong moved her head a bit to speak, “I’m not hungry.”


“That’s your sleepy brain talking.”


“But I’m not.”


“I bought tonkatsu.” The moment Jimin said this, Minjeong’s stomach grumbled, “oh look, someone’s stomach making some noise.” She gave Minjeong a smirk which made the blonde girl groan and slowly got up from the bed. “You win.”


“Is it okay if I wash up for a bit?” The blonde girl lazily walked to her closet, to get her necessities. “Of course,” Jimin replied. She suddenly had a thought, “Do you want to eat dinner downstairs or here?”


Minjeong looked at her for a bit, contemplating, “it would be nice if it’s here.”


“Okay then,” Jimin smiled at her, “I’ll prepare dinner.” Minjeong smiled back, “Thank you.”


After a few minutes, Jimin had prepared everything. I totally forgot how big Minjeong’s room is, she thought. She was able to set up a mini table on the floor for them to use. Jimin also prepared the utensils and the food. She smiled proudly at what she prepared.


As she waits for the blonde girl to finish freshening up, she decides to roam around. She saw Minjeong’s phone on the bed. She took it and had it charged. Her attention then transferred to Minjeong’s desk, which was very messy. Along with the laptop, music sheets and papers were scattered around the table. She picked up the music sheets and saw it was piano pieces. There’s no title...are these originals?


She had heard a lot of amazing things about Minjeong’s talent in music at their University. From her winning awards left and right, to her being sought after by different clubs and circles for her music. They were still in their sophomore year, but the blonde girl had carved a name for herself already. It’s not like she was keeping tabs on the blonde girl, Minjeong’s talent was appreciated by everyone, she can’t help but take notice too.


As she continued to look at the music sheets, she was able to read and follow through the melody to one of the pieces, wow, this is really good. It’s been years since Jimin had played the piano, but just looking at the music sheet made her want to play it. But I don’t play anymore, she thought sadly. 


She slowly put it down to the desk and tried to arrange them when she noticed one music sheet under the blonde girl’s laptop. 


It has a title. She can’t read it properly, but it was familiar to her like she had seen it before. She can’t pinpoint how it was familiar to her, it just was.


She was about to reach out to see it clearly when, “Aaahhh, that was refreshing.” Jimin immediately looked over to the blonde girl, who had re-entered the room looking so fresh. She smiled at her and said, “let’s eat.”




“So you’re saying, Omma contacted you,”


“Yep,” both girls were now sitting on the floor, eating dinner.


“Oh,” the blonde girl looked around, she seemed to be looking for her phone. “If you are looking for your phone, I charged it,” Jimin nonchalantly shared. “Thanks,” Minjeong scratched her head, ”I was caught up with writing music, I forgot to charge it.” Jimin hummed in response. She felt relief now knowing that Minjeong was doing something productive, even though she’s still a bit bitter about the no contact for more than a day. Still, she can’t help but understand.


They were eating their dinner quietly when Minjeong suddenly reached out to her face. Jimin immediately froze on the spot. She looked at the blonde girl as her brain went haywire the moment she felt Minjeong’s touch. It seemed there was a stain from the tonkatsu sauce on her face, and Minjeong wiped it off. "Are you a kid? Take it easy on eating," the blonde girl chuckled as she the stain from her fingers. 


Jimin, on the other hand, was malfunctioning. She didn't expect that kind of gesture to happen to her. She thought that it only happens in the movies, but now that she's experiencing it first hand, she feels like she wants to faint on the spot. She doesn't understand how come the blonde girl, who had confessed to her before that she doesn’t have dating experiences, knows how to make her heart flutter so much. She does it too easily, what the hell.


She immediately looked away. Jimin doesn't want the blonde girl to see her like this. She clears as she thinks of a different topic, “Speaking of music, why are you writing them? I mean, isn't it a vacation? You shouldn’t have school work.”


“It’s an order.” Minjeong drank water to clear , “I have been doing some freelance work outside the school for the summer and some of those songs I’m working on is for an indie movie OST.”




“Yeah, but it’s more on the background music now,” Minjeong ate more tonkatsu, “they were able to get some music artists for the main music, so I’m handling a few bgms.”


“Woah,” Jimin was amazed. "Who knew my fake girlfriend is now a professional songwriter," she nudged the blonde girl as she . "Oh please, stop that," Minjeong squirms, "I'm no professional. I'm still a noob in everything, though this freelancing sure is helping me see a glimpse of what it's like outside school." Jimin nods, "it does sound like you will learn a lot with it," she looked at the blonde girl, "but that doesn't mean you should forget about yourself in the process."


"Yeah, sorry about that," Minjeong gave her a goofy smile, "thanks for coming over though."


"You're welcome," Jimin smiles back, Tsk, this girl. "I'm glad I did."




"So you made all of this,” Jimin pointed at the music sheets she arranged a while ago, “yeah, but most of them are still incomplete.” She hears the blonde girl sighing and slouching on her chair, “I’m having a hard time getting the right.” Jimin hummed, “but these are already good though,”


“Thanks, I guess.”


Jimin looked over to the electronic keyboard beside them and thought of something, “Minjeong-ah,“ she handed the music sheets to the blonde girl, “play them for me.”


“Sure,” Minjeong was confused, “but why?”


“Maybe I can help.” Jimin might have stopped playing piano years ago, but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t appreciate music anymore. She still listens to a lot of piano music even until now. She might not be really good when it comes to composing music, but if she can at least help the other girl out in any way she can, she will.


Minjeong positioned herself in front of the piano and played one of her songs. Jimin was in awe. The last time she saw the blonde girl play, she was still not very good at it, she really practiced hard.


She can’t help but smile looking at the blonde girl playing, it was a sight to see. She tried to pay more attention to the music as that was her original intention. It was a beautiful song, but like what Minjeong said, it did lack something.


“So,” Minjeong looked at Jimin, “what do you think?”


“I like it." Jimin smiled at her, "but I'm not going to lie, it does lack something." Minjeong sighs, “I really dunno what to put anymore.” Jimin looked at the music sheet again before asking, “what’s the theme of this song?”


“Longing,” Minjeong said as she glanced at Jimin, “longing for that love she wished for. That love she missed.”


“That’s deep.”


Minjeong chuckled, “it’s pretty much the theme of the indie movie so, I just tried to incorporate it here.”


“I think you got it right so far,”


“But it's missing something,” Jimin nodded sadly, “yeah.”


“I guess, that’s it for the night,” Minjeong stood up from her chair, “it’s getting a bit late, you should head home.”


Jimin wants to do that, but at the same time, she feels unsatisfied. “Uh, Minjeong?”




“Is it okay if I try and play it?” She glanced at the blonde girl, only to see a shocked expression, “ sure? I mean,”


Jimin smiled at her, “I’m sure,” she looked at the music sheets again and the keyboard, “I want to play it.”




Jimin sat down on the chair and positioned herself in front of the keyboard. She won’t lie, it was nerve-wracking, it has been years since she played, “I’m a bit rusty so, don’t mind the mistakes.” Minjeong chuckled, “believe me, I don’t mind.” The blonde went near Jimin to foresee her playing.


Jimin sighs. She looked at the keys of the keyboard and contemplated.


Is she really going to do this?


She abandoned playing the piano because of him. It was hard on her part, but she did it for herself, as it was too painful for her. It was too much of a reminder, of the good old times.


But now, she doesn’t understand it fully well, but she just wants to play.


She felt a hand on her shoulder, “You don’t have to push yourself, you know,” Minjeong softly said. Jimin shook her head, “It’s okay,” she sighs once more, “I can do this.”


She starts off slow. She was careful, careful not to make any mistake. Careful not to ruin the song. But the melody was soothing, it was like the notes connected with one another, which helped her to get the flow right. As if she never even took a break from playing, she feels the melody flowing within her.


She missed this.


This feeling.


Feeling of playing the piano.


It made her remember why she loved it in the first place. She can’t help but smile as she plays through the notes. The song was sad, but she can’t help but feel joy.


Joy from being able to play again.


Yes, she missed this. A lot.


As the song came to an end, she felt refreshed. 




At home.


She then heard Minjeong clapping from her side. “Damn, you really are so good. So good. Like literally, you slayed it. Woohoooo!!” Jimin laughed at the overreaction of the blonde girl, “thanks.” She looked over the keyboard and smiled. She can still play, without any problems. Maybe, she really has moved on from the past. She acknowledges that it wasn’t easy, everything she went through, but she was able to separate him from her love for playing the piano and that was more important to her. She can now enjoy this again, without any complications. She feels proud of herself for that.


“You should play more,” Minjeong expressed as she nudged onto the raven-haired girl, “you have always glowed and shone like a star every time you play the piano.”


Jimin nudges back, “stop the flatteries,”


“Now, you feel what I feel,” both of them laughed. 


“C’mon, it’s getting late,” the blonde girl offered her hand to Jimin, “I’ll drive you home.” Jimin smiled and took the other girl’s hand.




When she arrived at her house, she greeted her family members, she was happily skipping around the house. Her family immediately noticed her happy aura and was bothered by it.


Jimin’s mom carefully asked her daughter, “Jimin-ah,”




“You’re awfully happy today.”


“Everything’s good, Omma,” she gave her mom a back hug, “everything is good.”


Even on the next day, Jimin was still radiating happiness. Her family members don't really know much why the youngest of the family was so happy, but they do have an idea. After all, she became like that after coming home from the blonde girl’s house.


Before Jimin exits their home to go to Minjeong’s, she calls out to her mom, “Omma, do you know anyone that can fix the piano in my room?” All of the members of the family looked at her bewildered, “What?”


“Did you just say fix and piano in one sentence?” Jisoo inferred as she looked at her younger sister warily, “Uh..yeah?” Jisoo was indeed shocked, he

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0 points #1
Chapter 26: a grear story, love it
Chapter 6: i hope you will update this story author
Chapter 23: rereading one of my comfort fics :<
I hope you're doing okayy authorr
Faithyouri #4
still waiting for you:))
moshiryu #5
Chapter 26: miss u :(
will this continue?
naevidzy #7
Chapter 26: hope this will be updated soon
Coleeee #8
There's been a lot of hindrances since the moment they met. They do have little happy moments buy it only lasts for a while and it doesn't justify the amount of pain that they have to go through in exchange for it. Kinda makes you think that maybe they are not really meant for each other?

Winrina learning about Ryujin's intervention in past could have been the perfect of the story. Ryujin's acceptance and Winrina finally being together with no strings attached could have been the perfect ending, but it seems like they're facing yet another dilemma and I don't think I can take it anymore 😅

It's been fun reading it but this is it for me. Had enough of winrina angst 😅 God they're everywhere. Wish you all the best author! Hope your hand heal soon.
Chapter 26: damn. i reread the whole story coz i forgot the plot 😂 welcome back! thanks for the update hehe
Chapter 26: yeayy you updated ! thank you ^^
they are so cute