Chapter 30

Its Not Actually Unrequited They Are Just Stupid
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Present Day (Dahyun's POV )

Today felt like a puzzle– only its not put together, pieces are scattered and some are missing. I wish my heart wasn't beating so fast but its getting harder to calm down. 

I stand at the window waiting for Nayeon to come back. The sun is out and my eyes are closed, thoughts continued to pour out. I look at all the days laid out until graduation and freedom and I feel a strange clutching in my chest.

Boston's oceans away... I hate missing her because it only means she's not around.  And she won't be when this ends..

"Prepare to be mindblown as I present you my specialty"  I turn my attention away from the window as Nayeon enters the room, walking over towards me and hands me a pink– too pink of a drink.  Despite its soft appearance, the smell was too strong.

"What poison did you put in this?"  I say, scrunching my nose.

"All kinds of stuff, just like you wanted" she replied, raising her glass at me. "Cheers"

She clinked both our glasses together. I take a little sip just to get used to the taste. A drop of it was already strong enough but I didn't mind.

Its true what they say, alcohol taste better when your life's a mess. It gives you more  reason to devour in it.  I chugged a great amount, tolerating the burning sensation on my throat,  making me cough in response.

"Slow down,  this isn't a race"  Nayeon amusingly commented.

Only it was. I want to stop thinking. I want it to get to my mind first before my thoughts could drown me.  I swallowed every drop, not wanting to waste anything. I  feel my body heat up.

"The  stunt you pulled back there, I have to admit– that was genius. Humiliation for humiliation" she continued.

"He looked unbothered when he saw the pictures, it seemed like he was already expecting it and its just a matter of time that it got out." I explained " He has delayed it long enough and he knows it. I wanted to give him something he didn't expect"

"That was so me of you" I laughed at this, causing her to throw me a questionable stare.

"Uhm that was a compliment"  I casually agreed, not wanting to challenge her in this aspect.

"If you weren't such an in the beginning, I would've actually considered befriending you.  Your skills and mine? We would've been untouchable. Well technically , I already am but likee... even more powerful"

"Not to insult you but I would've hated it. So much drama going on in your side of highschool"

She shrugged her shoulder at this. "I guess that's where we differ. I strive for thrills and you want  the quiet. But can I just sayyyy,   I never did a sloppy job in the midst of so"

"Please"I taunted. "I literally caught you on act when you exchanged your test questionaire in the teacher's office"

"You didn't have any evidence which means its not entirely sloppy"  she argued. "And before you bring up the drunk pic, I know you were bluffing" 

I looked at her in surprise, wondering when did she find out that I was equally far from sober as her that day.

"Hmm, makes me wonder. Why did you agree to this in the first place?" I curiously asked. "Now that I think about it, you have no reason to help me"

"Its thrills me." She shortly replied. "When good girls do bad things, its interesting" 

She poured me another glass, seeing mine was already empty. It was from a different bottle this time.

"I was waiting for you to pull the card ever since you caught me in that office but you never did. Until, I tried recruiting Tzuyu as my replacement"

"More like bothering her, she was clearly not interested"

Nayeon ignored my remarks and continued to her point.  "All this time, I thought you knew your place that's why you didn't say a word. But you were just waiting for the perfect time to strike, something that would benefit you. It annoyed me..when you finally did.  I got curious–about how far you would go"

"Sounds like you got a crush "

She rolled her eyes, intended to show her disgust. "You wishhh"

Time passed and the bottles slowly started getting empty. My eyes were droopy and my head was spinning. Nayeon laid on her couch, letting the alcohol take her away from reality. It further confirmed that I have a stronger tolerance than her.

I don't know what got into me but I unsteadily stood up to search for my phone. I dialed her number but it can't be reached. I tried and tried and tried until it hit me that she no longer has her phone. 

Letting out a heavy sigh from my lack of reasoning ability, I instead  dialed to take a cab. I wasn't on my right mind and I don't know why but I suddenly want to see her.  I drunkenly take myself out of the room and in front of the stairs.

Everything was blurry and I feel like the floor was an ocean wave. I struggled to take the next step.

A pair of hand guided me throughout the end, making it easier for me to safetly walk downstairs. She offered me  water but I quickly declined. If I put another drop of liquid in my body, I will literally vomit.

"Dude, you sure you can go home alone? I can call Momo to take you, I would offer but I gotta take care of Nayeon. She gets really baad hangover if I don't tend to her care right now"

"Noo its fwine , t-the cab's already here anyway"  Jeongyeon noded and carefully guided me outside and into the taxi.

"Get home safetly and drink your water, it helps. I'll call you later okay?"  She said before sending me away.

Instead of my front door, I ended up in hers. I payed for the fare, and stumbled on the ground when I tried to get out.  I dizzily stood back up and walked towards her front porch. I squint my eyes and saw that her bedroom light was still on. I smiled at the thought.

With great effort, I loudly knocked. After the 7th att

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Not to get real 🌽-y but I added qr codes to listen to just bc ><


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saitofu98 #1
Chapter 1: rereading, i miss you author.
Chapter 34: i hope you update someday. 🥺
dahyunnieonly #3
Update pls?
I knew it was her
Jamess #5
Chapter 34: 😮…so it was mina
saitofu98 #6
Chapter 34: i knew it was her...
Chapter 33: I think the culprit that threatening Sana is Tzuyu...
Jamess #8
Chapter 33: finally an update…thnks buddy😁👍👍
Chapter 33: I'm so glad you continued this!!! ^_^

now of course we have to deal men who can't accept rejection. FIGHTING SAIDA!!!