Son Wendy

Dancing With Your Ghost

She never fond of that smile since the first day they met. 

Why? Well, for everyone who love their girlfriend or boyfriend so much would notice the judging look she always has everytime they meet.

Especially when Seulgi asked Wendy to come for dinner. Irene can see the hesitation and the jealousy on Wendy's eye, when they were being so clingy towards each other.

Irene scoffs. Remember the past right after she had a session with Kim Yerim. She really need to change her psychiatrist. Otherwise, bad things will invading her life sooner.

Or perhaps it already did. A lot sooner than Irene had thought.

"You look surprise to see me?" 

Yes, because you shouldn't be here in South Korea.

"Well, yes! I mean, it's been a long time, right?" 

Irene start to think where did she get the talent? Acting. Perhaps she should had taken the offer for being an actress long time ago instead of building a company.

“That is true. That is also why I'm here looking for you!"

Me? That’s surprising. How did she know I’m here?

“Me?” Wendy nodded.

In the past, Irene would only see Wendy when Seulgi asked her to come. Otherwise, they were completely a stranger. Not so surprising though. Considering the jealousy on her face and the way she treat Irene was a sign that she doesn’t like her.

Well, Irene also dislike Wendy since the day Seulgi introduce her to Wendy. She never been fond of her. It’s like she can sense that Wendy will be a bad news for her. Turns out it’s true. 

She heard that Wendy managed to buy a quater of her company’s stock. Which was weird and it come to her thought though. Maybe Wendy is the one trying to hurt her? 

The fact that they both never like each other since the first time and that Wendy bought her stock. It could be a perfect motive! But Wendy is not in the board member yet. Her stock still not qualified enough for her to make it to the board member.

“Yes! I want to talk to you about our next project!” 

Our next project? What? 

“Our project?” 

Wendy nodded with a smile. At this very moment, Irene would like to volunteer herself to smash that annoying smile on her face.

Project? What project? Irene know nothing about her company’s new project. Is she playing with me right now? Because she really grab my attention. Seeing how confuse Irene is, Wendy gasp. 

“Wait. They haven’t told you yet?” 

What? What did they not tell me yet?

“Irene! I finally made it to the board member last year!”


“Yes! Can’t you believe that? We can finally work together!”

No! No! No! This can’t be happening! 

“Are you free today? I have many things for us to talk about!”

Certainly no! 

Irene gulp. She is indeed nervous. The more she think about it, the more she is suspicious if Wendy is the one who wanted to hurt her.

There are tons of reasons why Wendy wanted to hurt her. Most of the reasons are because of Seulgi.

She knew how much Wendy like Seulgi. But turns out Seulgi love Irene more than she love her best friends. Perhaps the news of them going to marry hit her hard because Wendy was nowhere to be found.

Irene saw how worried and desperate Seulgi was. However, Irene assured her that Wendy will be fine. Took her several days to stop calling Wendy.

You see, Kang Seulgi is quiet slow when it’s about feeling. So Kang Seulgi never knew about Wendy’s feeling towards her. Only Irene notice it. It was so obvious.

At the end Seulgi tried to give Wendy some space. Until she died, that was the only time Wendy came and she was as desperate as Irene. She didn’t talk to her that day. Not that Irene care anyway.

“Irene? Hey”


“I was asking you if you have time to talk? There is a cafe near here” said Wendy.

No! Definitely no!

“Sorry. I can’t. I need to visit my family. After all, I took a week off to visit them”

“Ah, I see”

This is the right time!

“How do you know I’m here?” Asked Irene.

“Oh. I just figured that you might be at Yeri’s place! Oh by the way! How is the couple doing?”

. Did she know? If she knew.... This can’t be good.

“Sorry, Wendy. Need to go now. Talk to you soon” said Irene didn’t bother to congratulate her for becoming one of the board member.

Now. She need to see Kang Seulgi. Where the hell that girl go?


“Seulgi? Are you here?” 

Irene went straight to her penthouse. After all she doesn’t have any other schedule this week other than attending sessions with Yeri. The most horrible week in her life would be this one. 

As she get inside the penthouse, she was expecting Seulgi be somewhere in the room. Welcome her with a smile on her face. However, she found her living room  empty. Then her bedroom. Then the kitchen. Seulgi was nowhere to be found in her penthouse.

Maybe she hurt that girl last night. Irene wanted to apologize but the girl is not here. Where could possible she go right now? Hmm...where could a ghost like her be right now?

No one knows. No way...if Seulgi is could be two possibilities why she came back to earth. That maybe Seulgi was never able to enter the next life or she begged God to comeback. Those two possibilities doesn’t sound good at all. 

Anyways, since Seulgi is not here, perhaps she should do some digging on Wendy. How can she not know about this? Or maybe she missed the information. 

She went to her little office room right beside her bedroom and takes out all the file she have.

To think about it, she need to organize her things more often because seeing mountain of files in her office room making her unable to search the file she need quickly.

She will deal with it later. For now she need to find that file. The file her secretary must had gave her about their current stake owners. How can she missed Wendy’s name on it?



Maybe that’s the perk of being a ghost. You cannot hear them. There she stand by the door, watching Irene with her calm face. A smile suddenly appear when she saw Irene getting shocked because of her.

“I’m sorry” said Seulgi.

“ It’s okay” said Irene still trying to gather herself together. 

Seulgi pressed her lips, waiting for Irene to speak again. 

Irene take her time to breathe and at the same time she's staring at Seulgi. Remembering every part of her body which Irene believe she start to fading. 

Now she feel like the right time to refresh her memories. However, she notice the warm feeling she used to get from Seulgi has gone. Not gone completely but it's not that strong like before.

Perhaps she's not the only one has change. Seulgi change too. Irene wonder what is it like to be dead? Was it scary? To wake up and realize you are dead?

Heaven or hell? Irene wonder. 

On the other hand, Seulgi wonder what's going on inside Irene's mind. From the way Irene looking at her, she knew she's thinking of something. Seulgi is very much aware that she haven't explain everything to Irene.

But she's waiting for Irene to ask the question. Doesn't know why but she cannot talk about it without Irene asking her first. Maybe because she doesn't know where to start.

After all, everything that happening right now still very much overwhelming for Seulgi. The fact that God let her comeback to earth when no one was able to asked such wish, still is and will always be one of the most talk topic in Heaven and Hell.

Probably Hell is roaming with anger and annoyed that they must let Seulgi go. One of their favorite prisoners. Seulgi managed to heard about that once she cameback to earth and was welcomed by the longest living ghost on earth, Moonbyul. 

Anyway, about Irene...


"Hell or heaven?" asked Irene.

Which completely surprising and caught Seulgi out of guard. Seulgi wasn't expecting Irene to ask her directly like that. She was expecting Irene to ask her nicely.

Maybe a sentence with five to six words? 

So...hell or heaven?

Seulgi wish she able to answer that question easily. However, she can't knowing that whoever she tell the answer would probably disappointed because they put their hopes to high.

Not that Seulgi complain though but...why does human always hoping whoever dies would go up straight to heaven? 

Judging by the way Seulgi react to her question, Irene knew the answer at that very moment. She no longer need for Seulgi answer because her face expression had answer her question.

HellWhy? She doesn't do anything wrong!

Irene doesn't know what to do actually. She's mad for sure but all she can do is sigh. Everything is too confusing and overwhelming at the same time. Make her unable to understand how the world actually works. 

"I know it's hard to accept but I'm fine. And do please remember it's not about me, okay?" said Seulgi trying to assuring Irene she's okay. However, Irene thought the otherwise.

"No. It's always been about you, Seul. Since day one, it's always been about you" said Irene whispering at the end.

"Hyun, I-"


Irene raise her eyebrow. It's still daylight. What the hell Jennie doing in here? 

"Talk later?" said Seulgi more like stating not asking. 

Irene nodded slightly. 

"Unnie? Where are you?"

you Kim Jennie. I should really change the passcode.

Irene groaned as she walk to the living room and saw Jennie standing there with two plastic bags. Jennie usually come around the evening and very rare to see her came during daylight.

She's wondering what the hell Kim Jennie doing right now? All Irene want right now is some privacy and no! Her friends do not need to worry if she will hurt herself.

Because Kang Seulgi is here. That gir- ghost will watch over her...though she cannot do anything to prevent her but at least just seeing her presence, Irene might think twice before she try to hurt herself.

Coming closer to Jennie, she folded her hand on her chest, looking unhappy to see Kim Jennie here. Meanwhile, the younger is used with the cold stare from her cousin.

"I brought you lunch. How about we eat together?" asked Jennie. 

"What are you doing here, Jen? Shouldn't you be doing photoshoot?" 

"I'm free for today, unnie. Also I want to check up on you. I heard today was quiet tough with Yeri" said Jennie.

Disaster! Worse! 

It's a lot worse if she told Jennie, Wendy has cameback to South Korea. That might surprise everyone here. However, she knew very much that if she tell Jennie right now, there is possibility that Seulgi might still be around here and hear their conversation.

Irene even feel the need to look around her house. At least to make sure that Seulgi is not here but she still quiet paranoid though/

"You okay, unnie? Are you seeing things?" asked Jennie.

"No. No. I'm fine Jennie. You don't need to come here and babysit me all the time" said Irene a bit annoyed.

"I'm just worried about you, okay?" Irene sigh. 

She hates it when her closest people trying to babysit her. It's been like years ever since the last time she tried to hurt herself. Afterwards, she never done that due to her busy schedule.

Either it's about work thing or her useless therapy session with Kim Yerim. Good thing she didn't pay for her therapy session with Yeri. Who knows how much she had costs just to pay for her therapy session.

It felt not worth it at all. 

Irene knew they mean well. But she can take care of herself. She won't hurt herself again. Maybe? Irene still not sure. But she knew she won't hurt herself because Seulgi is here.

Although their relationship isn't the same in the past, her presence still mean a lot for her. 

" pre-"

"I'LL PREPARE THE REST! And you can do whatever you were doing at your office. Ah! Didn't Yeri told you no office things for a week?" Irene rolled her eyes.


While Kim Jennie preparing their lunch, Irene went back to her office room only to see Seulgi standing beside her work desk. Calmly waiting for her to comeback and a smile appear when both party meet each other eyes.

If only the situation more romantic, Irene would have smile widely. However, the situation isn't like that. Both of them knew that. Just a simple smile was all Irene could do and goes the same to Seulgi.

"Jennie just worried about you, Hyun"

"Everybody does" 

"You shouldn't push them away, you know?"

If only you weren't dead, I wouldn't be like this, Seul. If only I hold you that day...

Instead of answering, Irene decided to ignore that because she knew once she say something, it won't do anything good. She will only create chaos and fight.

Which are the least thing that should be happening right now.

She need to focus on finding that file about Wendy. With Seulgi in here? Yes. After all, Seulgi doesn't know...yet. Ignoring Seulgi is hard just so you know. 

However, she must keep herself busy otherwise, she might say something she shouldn't have.

"Hyun" Irene hummed while searching for that file within the mountain of papers in her office room.

"When will you tell me that Wendy is here?" 

She stop whatever she was doing and looked at Seulgi who is now staring at her with sad face. It make Irene wonder if Seulgi able to read her mind or was she stalking her all day?

Then how come she never saw her? 

"I'm trying to find the right time" said Irene more like she's trying to avoid the fact that she doesn't want Seulgi to know.

"And when is that?" 

"I don't know, okay? Why are you making it such a fuss?!" asked Irene annoyed. 

"Because you know she mean a lot to me"


That's it. Irene couldn't take it anymore. They just reunite once more and instead of asking how she were doing for the past few years, she came here telling her someone wanted to hurt her.

And then she asked about Wendy? How can she do that? Did death really change her a lot? 


"No, Seul! Do you know how much I suffer? I almost killed myself! And then you cameback! Telling me someone wanted to hurt me but you never bother to ask how am I doing? But when it comes to Wendy, you make it such a big deal! WHY? DO YOU NOT LOVE ME ANYMORE?"

"I do, Hyun. I do"

"THEN WHY?! WHY? Why can't you just...ask am I doing? Comfort me...Although you are here, it still feels like you are far away...too distant for me to even reach you" 

True. Seulgi making some distant because she doesn't want to hurt Irene even more. With the fact that she cameback and will be gone from her sight sooner. That fact....she cannot bear to see Irene crying again.

Left here on earth all alone. She wish she can help Irene. After all that is one of her mission. However, coming back here seems to bring lot of sadness on Irene's life.

She's trying to make some distant so that no strong strings attach between them. But maybe...Irene didn't think the same as her.

"I'm sorry"

"Don't ing apologize! I need explaination, Seul! Why? Why are you so distant?! All I want is for you"

Hug me. Caress me. Kiss meWhy I beg such things to happen when basically I know it won't happen? 

"Hyun I-"


For sake, Kim Jennie! Can't you not disturb us?!!

Irene sigh. Perhaps she should not stay in her penthouse for today. Otherwise, her therapy with Kim Yerim will only go useless and a waste. She need to control her emotion, right?

Staying here won't let her practice that. 

The door to her office room being open and there Kim Jennie peeking. 


"Were you talking to someone?" asked Jennie. 

Right. Didn't realize she was yelling too loud. Irene sigh. Again she look at where Seulgi is, giving her a glare. She suppose to apologize to Seulgi for last night.

But turns out seems too impossible for her to do that in the mena time. 

"I called my employee. The lunch is ready? Right. Can I stay with you for tonight? I feel like I won't be able to stay alone for tonight" 

That's sound too sudden and though Jennie sense something is wrong, she would like to minimalize any small conflict with Irene.

For she know, Irene is not quiet stable lately. So it's best if she say yes.





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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
925 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD