
Dancing With Your Ghost

"Are you sure?" Irene rolled her eyes.

"Plugging CCTVs without my consent not enough for you guys? Don't try to invaded my privacy than you already did" said Irene.

Joy and Jennie sigh. 

"We are just worried about you, okay?" said Joy.

"Relax. I'm not going to hurt myself in the mean time. Just...give me some privacy for awhile" said Irene didn't wait for their answer as she open the door to her penthouse and sigh. 

After threee days at the hospital, she finally cameback home. No. It doesn't mean she love being here. Memories of her past were made here and meaning there is a lot of things that might trigger her memories.

But where else she would be staying when the only place she can get privacy is here? Just to remember you incase you all forget, even her only place for privacy was invaded by her best friends too. So basically she has nowhere to go.

Stuck in here with unspoken truth about Seulgi. Where the hell that girl go anyway? 

Ever since Seulgi reveal herself that day, Irene hasn't see her afterwards. When her best friends left, all she's feeling was tired and sleepy. Made her drove into dreamland right away.

Only to wake up by herself. Irene waited for Seulgi to reveal herself again. But after waiting for three days at the hospital, she was never there. It make her think again if she really gone crazy.

Why does it feel so real anyway? It's true. She know how to tell the differences between her hallucination and...Seulgi's ghost. However, since the girl enver reveal herself after three days, it make her wonder if she was fooled by her own mind.

That she finally gone crazy. By crazy she mean really crazy. 

Maybe that's all just a lie. Projected by her own mind to make her believe that Seulgi really is here on earth. That's impossible right? Having death person to rise from the death and come to earth?


"Welcome home" 

It really did freak her out. She screamed to the top of her lung. Her dolphin scream. Make her drop all her things to the ground as she turn around and look sompletely surprise to see Seulgi standing there with a smile.

Oh . This is ing real?

"How did you get in?" asked Joohyun. It was a spontaneuos question obviously.

Seulgi chuckle.

"I'm a ghost, remember?" 


Irene want to believe that so bad but how? Just how? She's crazy, don't you remember? But seeing Seulgi standing beside the kitchen pantry, everything seems so real.

Just exactly what happened in the past. She lower her head and sigh. She doesn't care if her best friends said she's crazy. Right now, she need confirmation.

She need to know that this is not her hallucination playing with her. Hope that they don't see this footage and actually respect her own privacy for once. 

If only they received her message early on. 

Other thing she notice is that her hallucination would never look at her the way this figure look at her. Staring at her lovingly though she can see there is some worriedness hiding behind her smile.

The way this figure talk to her...very much different than her own hallucination. If she able to tell the differences then she's not completely crazy. 

"Joohyun" called Seulgi.

She missed it. She missed that voice very much. Is God heard her prayers? Oh she prayed long time ago until she no longer believe Him. Well, then isn't it too late now?

She's fragile. ing fragile. Too late if God want to fix her now because she cannot be the same Bae Joohyun everybody used to know. 

And she blame Him for that.

"I know you're confuse"


Irene begged.

"Joohyun I-"

"Stop" said Irene.

The monolid girl did exactly what Irene told her. She remain still at where she is standing right now. Letting her eyes watch every move Irene make. Only to find the girl walking closer to her.

Seulgi had anticipate this. She didn't stop her though. Although she know Irene might not believe whatever that's happening right now because she, herself also cannot believe this is happening to her.

As Irene get herself closer to Seulgi, she wonder what push her to do this. She was never been this brave before. But she must do this. To get some proves. 

What is it she's trying to prove though? Her hallucination and this person are not much different. They are untouchable then what else Irene want to confirm?

She doesn't know. What she know is that she need confirmation if Seulgi really is here but she's untouchable. A ghost. 

She pull her hand up, trying to reach over for Seulgi and she knew at that moment she should have been able to touch Seulgi's shoulder. But all she could feel is thin and cold air.

Just like how those books describe about ghost...or merely the authors imagination. 

Tears start to fall as her eyes getting teary. Yes. She cry. She cry to know that, even if this is real, Seulgi will always remain dead. Only now her soul is here, her ghost is here, it still doesn't change the fact that she's untouchable.

Despite how desperate she is to touch Seulgi and feel her, Irene knew her effort will resulted nothing but pain. The pain made by reality itself. 

"I want to feel you" said Irene sobbing. 

I wish the same too, thought Seulgi.

Her hand reach out to Irene's face, wanting so bad to erase those tears running down her cheeks. She knew she cannot touch Irene. She knew that but she still do it.

She feel the need to do it because it's been her habit. Oh. How she missed Irene so bad and seeing her so fragile like this, hurt her heart so much. She want to hug Irene so bad.

But she can't. She's a ghost. And it will never change the fact that she's dead. This is her punishment for asking such wish to God which He granted to her. After begging for years and years.

He granted her wish. Why?

Seulgi doesn’t know why. Maybe because she begged him and annoyed him? Perhaps God got annoyed at her and granted her the wish? No one knows. But for sure, she knew she must make this call usefull. Not gonna waste it.

Even after years, Joohyun’s beatuy still the same. Her beauty is eternal like everybody says. Their wedding could have been great. If only she didn’t go that day...she would have say her vow. Make this wonderful woman as her beloved wife.

And this place wouldn’t feel so empty. They would have make extraordinary family togethed. But those dream will remain as a dream. 

“I-I want to touch bad” Joohyun begged again. 

It’s painful. Very much painful. But notice the given time, she doesn’t want to waste anymore time. Seulgi retreat her hand and pull herself together. 

She came to earth for some reasons and she must fulfill those reasons before her time. Until then, she must make sure Bae Joohyun is okay. 

“We need to talk, Hyun” said Seulgi.

She must stay strong for Joohyun because she will need Joohyun for things she need to do next.

And like Seulgi never dead, Joohyun understood enough that tone from Seulgi. Despite how much she’s still crying right now, she nod. To realize that everything is real and she’s not crazy somehow make her...happy. But cannot hide how confuse she is with the whole situation.

So....Kang Seulgi really is here.


“Passengers, please fasten your seatbelt. We will be arriving at Incheon Airport in 30 more minutes. Welcome to Seoul, South Korea” said the pilot announcing.

Inside the quiet airplane, flight attendants walk on path, looking at every passengers making sure they fasten their seatbelt. 

However, there is this woman. Sitting right beside the airplane window. Looking very much occupied. Eyes stuck on the beautiful sight outside the window. Clouds and sunlight showing off their beauty.

She smirk. After years not coming back here, some things doesn't change apparently. Still greet her with the usual weather. 

"Excuse me, miss?" 

Her attention divert to the flight attendent. To her, this girl is not her type at all but she agree that this flight attendant is quiet attractive. If she's not a heartbroken, pathetic, and have a one side love, she would have ask this flight attendant to come home with her.

That sounds very intriguing. But her love will still remain to one person only and she's death. In an airplane crash. Yet here she is. Inside a plane. Flying back to the country she hate the most. Then why she came? 

Well, she's here not on a vacation actually. She's here because she need to do some errands. Important one.

"Please fasten your seatbelt. We are about to land" said the flight attendant.

"Ah, yes. Sorry" 

Welcome to Seoul,






What could be anymore weird than sitting in your kitchen pantry and talking with a ghost? Irene cannot think anything weirder than this. But she is used to this anyway.

Talking with someone that no one able to see...perhaps might make it her strength. Irene laugh inside with that thought. Maybe she really is crazy. 

Honestly, it's been an hour exactly after Seulgi said they need to talk. However, Seulgi didnt' say anything. She was just there. Standing across her and staring at her.

Irene didn't mind actually. It was like going back to the past and Irene has been stuck in her past all this years. So, for her...nothing change. But maybe something do change.

She cannot touch Kang Seulgi because she's...transparent...a freaking ghost. Also she notice Seulgi's behavior. She's stronger. The Kang Seulgi she remember in the past was very soft and friendly.

Perhaps coming back to life really change her. Irene cannot imagine what she been through. Right. She also has this one specific question...



"You first" said both of them. Irene tilted her head and Seulgi sigh before she point to herself, telling Irene she's going first. Sad. Kang Seulgi in the past would always let her go first.

"I'm sorry, Irene. But as I said before we need to talk and this is quiet important" said Seulgi.

"Yeah...yeah. That's okay" said Irene trying to keep everything short.

"I know you have many question. However, the only thing you need to know right now is I'm here to help you"

Help me? What? With my mental health?

"Partly I want to help you get better but I've been hearing voices during my time up there and I cannot bear to stand there knowing someone on earth trying to hurt you and the reason is because of me" said Seulgi.

Hurt me? Who? Guess me going crazy still not enough for few people, thought Irene.

By this time, Irene is so ing sure that the Seulgi infront of her is the real one. Not her imagination. Not her hallucination. Kang Seulgi truly here on earth.

And she said she came down to earth to help her? Are every death soul able to do that? First of all, Irene is not a religious person. She let her faith died together along with Seulgi.

She still believe it was God who took Seulgi away from her and until now she still cannot forgive Him. Although He actually brought Seulgi back to earth but she cannot touch her. 

What Irene wants is Kang Seulgi in human form. So that she can feel her and touch her. Being all clingy towards her. This is not fair for both of them. 


"Guess me being crazy is not enough" said Irene.

She wanted to hug Irene so bad that it hurt her every second seeing Irene pitying herself. She's in this state because of her. Because she left her years ago for work.

Unfortunately, she cannot avoid the crash. After her death, she learned to accept all of it. However, her love for Irene is a lot stronger than anything else. Perhaps that's the realization of their wedding vow.

Until death no longer break us apart.

Because somehow, even though she's dead, she can still feel Irene's presence. Her feeling. Her mind. Her breathe. Plenty of times she also hurting because she can feel Irene's pain.

When she want to kill herself, it was the most painful feeling Seulgi ever felt. The reason why Irene's come this state is all because of her. And guilt made her came down to the underground.

Her hell loop was that she's in the airplane and crash. The last person she saw was the love of her life. Bae Irene. It was really painful and indeed hell loop.

But she's here. Again with another hell due the fact that she cannot touch Irene and is given time limit for her stays on earth. That's why she must not waste her time on earth.

She must stay strong although she wanted so bad to catch up with Irene and held her on her lap. Telling her that her death wasn't her fault. It was her time to go.

However, she cannot do that right now. It will be wasting her time on earth.

Instead of being soft, she try her best to avoid Irene's fragile side.

"I need you to be strong, Hyun. This is not the time for you to pity yourself" said Seulgi. 

Irene gather herself together, biting her lips, wipe her face as she already crying by now. 

"First, we need to find out who have good motive to hurt you. How about we start from the board?" 

"I got a week off after what happened"

"I know. Is it possible to talk about it with Yeri?" 

"I don't know" Seulgi nodded.

"Alright. You'll help me by talking with Yeri and I will start to look at the board member. See if one of them have motives" said Seulgi.

Irene just nod since honestly she doesn't know what to say.

All she's feeling right now is quiet complicated. Who would want to hurt her? All she know is that the board members want to kick her out from her position due to her mental health problem.

But since she still has the biggest share within the company, they still unable to kick her out. That quiet piss them off. Well, she build that company from the ground and of course she know the drill.

But...was it really piss them off until one of them actually have motives to hurt her? Who would want to do that? 

Though she want to think about it more further, she cannot go any further because of the ghost infront of her right now. She's afraid if she think about something else, that woman will gone.

She cannot bear to see her leave again.

"You had a rough day, Hyun. Go to sleep" said Seulgi and Irene knew it was her signal to go.

"Can you stay?" asked Irene. More like begging.

Ghost cannot sleep. When most human go to sleep, she went to the least place human expect her to be. Where else she should go other than that place? Ah, right. Cemetary. 

But she prefer not to go there because most evil spirit live there. Although she actually went to hell, her soul still consider innocent. Considering God actually grant her wish...she might get the chance to get forgiveness from him.


Seeing Irene eyes begging at her like that, her heart melted. Perhaps a night staying here won't be a waste of time. After all, staring at sleeping Irene has been her habit ever since then.

A light nod is all Seulgi can do and Irene smile before walking to her bedroom and get ready to sleep.

Perhaps something really change. Before they both will say I love you to each other. both are in the same place. Hurting and saying those words seems so hard right now.

However, Irene cannot bear to not say it. Even if Seulgi cannot hear her directly, she whispered in her heart.

Goodnight, Seulgi and I love you.





"Goodnight, Hyun and I love you eternally" said Seulgi after Irene went into dreamland. She heard that. She heard that clearly. Sometimes she able to read Irene's mind. Sometimes she don't. Maybe God just chose what thought He want Seulgi to hear and she's glad God let her hear this.

Because deep down, her love for Joohyun will never change. It remains the same. It always will be. 


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Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #1
update please author nim🥺🥺
925 streak #2
Chapter 12: I'm crying fr 😭😭😭
born10966 #3
Chapter 11: Seulgi is dead but she is a ghost and talk to Joohyun. How and why did she die?.
Wendy assaulted Seulgi?. Wow I'm hooked now. I can't wait for next update.
Thanks author nim.
HeinzKang99 #4
Chapter 9: its Schizophrenia Author-nim. :)
Aejoo_ #5
Will this have a good ending? I’m scared to read the angst
Chapter 1: I love the storyline also curious too who wants to hurt Irene? JENNIE? maybe I Don't know. wendy is an interesting character I hope what I am thinking of Wendy is going to happen.......🙃
Chapter 4: now im hook!! Looking forward to your updates!!
woah the forewoooord!!!
Serenity_love #9
Looks so interesting looking forward to it
the foreword is interestingg!! when are you going to continue the story authornimmm?? i'm excited to read your story XD