I begged you not to,I did.But you ignored it

Loving Yeh Shuhua (ft OT5)+(S L O W)

Chapter 5



That's all I felt right at this moment.Not because the place I'm in smells of alcohol and cigarette,No.

I'm talking about my body,covered with bruises and bite marks that are the aftermath of what had happened last night.

Yeobun,I ask that you not take what you currently know too far and imagine things that are....well,its not like they're far from what truly happened but..

The thing is,I almost slept with my best friend.

Keyword: Almost

With who?

Choi Tzuyu.

Did I ask for it? no

Did I want it? Again,no.

But yet I lay here bruised and marked up by her sharp fangs.It would be a pain to hide them all.

    Thankfully,before she had the chance to claim me for real,her senses came back.

The damage though,was already done.I could never look at her the same way again,no matter how much she tries to apologize and beg for my forgiveness.

My body will never forget.

After all,she was the first alpha to touch me that way.
My first kiss that I was trying to save for Miyeon unnie,was taken away by Tzuyu.

The girl whom I thought I could trust,who I thought would never bring me to harm.

I feel foolish,naive..and all the possible synonyms the word "dumb" could have,I mean if I could I would have spelled out each word but English is not my forte.It was Minnie unnie's.Speaking of Minnie,I never missed her this much until this incident happened.

Sure her hands were big and strong but they always held me as if I was the most vulnerable thing in the world,soft and gentle.

Minnie unnie's touch was warm and welcoming,but Tzuyu's?

Her's were rough.demanding even.It scared me to know how much a person can change once they let their instincts...rule.

Which makes me wonder,would my unnies do the same if they were to find out about my true Identity?

Would they as well see me as nothing more but a toy to be used when your far too deep in a rut?

I can't help but wonder,and feel scared of how they'll react.I don't want things to change between us,hell I don't even want to be seen as something lower than I am now.

Im scared,so scared,but it hurts to know that I can't do anything about it but to hide.Like our CEO had told me,like how Tzuyu did.



 how could I allow such a thing happen,I should  have just listened to manager unnie and go home to my girls.

I shouldnt have answered Tzuyu's phone call,asking if It would be okay to meet up.

As this train of thoughts continue on running around my mind,I realized that all of this was my fault.

It wasn't Tzuyu's,or manager-unnie's fault that I ended up looking like this,a broken puppy ready to be discarded without much of a thought on the street.

No,it was mine all along.

I should have pushed her away the moment she tried to kiss me but I didn't.

I was too much of a coward,I couldn't even move a muscle when she started whispering a confession of love and devotion to me.

All I knew was,the alpha in front of me is not the one who I want to fully give myself to.

I belong to my group.To my unnies who have done nothing but make me happy,comfortable and safe.

Yet here I am,crying underneath the covers in regret.My best friend already gone,but not without a note of apology on top of this hotel's night stand.

It read:

"To my dearest Shuhua,by the time you read this I would most likely be gone from your side.
I just want to say that I'm truly sorry for what tried to do last night.
I shouldn't have let my instincts take over and left you alone instead.I'm not sure if you'll ever forgive me but one thing's for certain,I love you even if you don't feel the same way"

I can't help but feel my chest tighten at the words laid out before me.

If you had truly loved me Tzuyu,you would have stopped the moment I told you-no. begged you to.
I cried and cried that it hurts so much,that your touch burns my skin yet you kept on continuing till my own blood drips down lower on my body.

Is this what you do to people that you love?
Probably not,from what I read from stories or watched from movies..

Which makes me wonder back to our past,to the time where my friendship with Tzuyu has yet to blossom.


Tzuyu and I have been close friends since the start of my career as an Idol. Being taiwanese in a foreign country like Korea was hard to say the least.The language barrier I had with my Korean unnies-Miyeon,Soojin and Soyeon had prevented me from ever trying to get close to them.

  1. I only ever talk to Minnie unnie or Yuqi when I have the chance,but the other 3?No,as much as I want to I wasn't confident enough to approach unless deemed necessary.

Which is why when I met Choi Tzuyu,a successful sunbaemin from Asia's Girl group Twice.
I was estatic.My happiness cannot be brought to surface the moment Tzuyu had personally approached me for a one on one talk with the intention of becoming good friends.

She was known for being the cold beauty of this industry after all,so she doesn't have that many friends aside from the ones inside her group.

It was nice to talk to her,we shared many stories,mostly Tzuyu who I didn't know was so talk active when given the chance to.
She told me so much about her life as a K-pop idol.The good and the bad,her struggles and ways of coping with it.

Tzuyu helped me to grow confident enough to talk with my unnies.In fact,she became the only alpha I could ever trust with my biggest secret that I have recently discovered myself months prior to my debut.

It was that I was an omega.

At first she was shocked,telling me that she had always pegged me for an alpha.My outgoing-ness and straight forward attitude had left her wondering if I was an alpha.

Alas I was not,and was an omega instead.

This troubled me deeply as I was in a group with nothing but Alphas.So I turned to her for help,asking what it is that I should do.

Her answer was simple.

Quit the group.


"What do you mean quit the group Chewy??" I half yelled in anger when I took in what she said,surely she can't be serious?Tzuyu knows that performing on stage was my dream,the reason why I'm here in this god forsaken country.

"Its not safe for you to stay with them.Who know's what'll happen." For the first time in my life,I felt threatened by Tzuyu's gaze.Something about it screams "predator" and I can't help but feel like a prey waiting to be devoured.

"You know that it's my dream to be an idol!I cnat just stop be-because I'm an omega??"
I was so close to tears when I said this,the girl who I had always seen as my best friend was telling me to give up on my dream just because of my second-gender?
An omega?

Is that how low others see us as?

"Look" I refused to,I don't think I can continue on staring at her eyes for much longer for I fear to only break down more than I have to.

"I said-" A strong hand held on to my wrist "Look at me"

"Y-yes but your hurting me Tzuyu-unnie!" I called out to her formally in the midst of my panick,I seriously cannot believe that the sweet girl I knew can have this much strength.

Oh the things I am yet to find out about Tzuyu...

Author's P.o.V

Tzuyu's eyes softened at the sight of her Shuhua whimpering in a panic,she had not intended for this to have this kind of effect but she can't help it.

She desires Shuhua in more ways a friend normally would.

The Taiwanese would never admit it straight ahead,but she has her methods in getting it across without saying the exact words.

"I'm worried about you,especially when your with members with Miyeon and Soyeon.Have you heard the rumours about them,Shuhua-yah?" She made sure to speak gently,to calm her omega down.

Wait,Tzuyu questions herself in her mind.

Why am I reffering to shuhua as "my" omega?

She simply shook her head right to the left,and continued on speaking.

"Soyeon is practically your generation's Alpha,while Miyeon,as innocent as she may look is the under dog."

"You cannot trust both,or any of the others"

"But I just debuted and.."



"Its for your own good"


We ended the conversation there,and as I return back to our dorm I can't help but doubt at my importance as a member of (G)I-DLE'.

tzuyu's words resonates through my mind like a broken record,making me think that perhaps maybe she's right.

That once everyone knew of my status,I won't be treated the same.

After all,we aren't even that close yet.

So what's not to lose by taking advantage of your maknae who happens to be an omega?Who btw conveniently looks so damn beautiful,don't judge me its good to have confidence in yourself sometimes.

Still,jokes aside.

I'm scared.

Though I won't leave the group, that I promise myself.
All I would do however is,to try my best in hiding my true identity.

For the sake of my relationship with my members,lastly for myself...

/flashback end/

I honestly don't know anymore,still I m thankful that things did not escalate farther than ...what she did.

I would have never forgiven you,or myself for that matter.


A familiar sound resonated on this room,snapping me out my self-loathing session.

I looked beside my night stand and saw my phone's vibrate from messages after message getting sent my way.

Oh no,I have over 100 missed calls and text messages by Miyeon,Soojin and Soyeon unnie...

,what the hell have I done.

Our manager must have told them I would be going back yesterday yet..

I'm still here,I need to get going.

What time is it now anyways?..

7:26 am...Ah,I'm not a morning person but I wouldn't want to worry my unnies anymore longer than I have to.

Alright,now where is the make up bag my manger unnie left me???

As much as I want to get back to them as quickly as I can,I don't want to show up looking like a dead woman.
No,I'd have to to look okay and the usual "Shuhua" that they know.
For the sake of myself and Tzuyu,my unnies must never know of what happened yesterday.

No one has to know..

Yes,You Yeh Shuhua will take whatever horrors happened yesterday to the grave.

/Cube Entertainment Building,Main Hall/

"What the do you mean by " You don't know" huh?!You told us She'd be back by yesterday!" Soyeon's dominating pheromones clouded the room like a thick musk,making everyone,but the girls behind her bend their necks slightly in submission.

"Ye-Yes we did Soyeon-sshi!Look someone called Shuhua yesterday and she asked me to drop her by the cafe and-!"

"You let her leave without security??!What kind of ing manager are you!?" At this point the leader was too mad to think rationally that she tried to take a literal bite out of the beta in front of her,if only Yuqi and Minnie didn't intervene.

(What if the person she was meeting was a saesang huh?!)

"YAH!Jeon Soyeon get a hold of yourself!" yelled Yuqi,holding onto Soyeon's neck with her right arm as Minnie push herself in between their leader and their manager.

Also mad but she kept herself in check because if she doesnt,tabloids of them fighting inside the company would spread and would tarnish their reputation as a whole group.
That cannot happen,so they must not let their emotions rule over rationality and act like a dumb flock of puppies.

No,She and the girls are mature adults.They take pride in self control,but why is it when it comes to Shuhua that they find it so hard to do so?

Minnie looks at their leader and notices how different she acts now that their maknae still haven't returned home despite the company's promise of her doing so.

What was once a calm and collected leader,A confident alpha who is a master of her own emotions.
Was left into a raging mess the moment Yeh Shuhua was mentioned.

Who wouldn't to be honest,it took all of Minnie's years of training on how to control her alpha to not snap at their management team and CEO right about now because of how badly they treat their idols.

Shuhua was gone for exactly 5 days,she was supposed to return yesterday so Minnie and the girls was excited to clean their dumpster of a dorm so that they can welcome their maknae warmly and spoil her rotten after what seemed to be a hellish week of a rut.

That was the plan.

however,they knew something was not right when the clock strikes 10 and there was still no sign of the maknae returning.And so they flooded her phone with texts and calls,hoping for some sort of a reassurance that she's safe and is on her way home.

But she didn't pick up,didn't even send one short message to the girls.

This continued for hours,until Miyeon and Soojin had finally lost their last bit sense of control and led the others to the company,just for a simple talk.

Or so they thought :))


"Soyeonnie,look at me..." Minnie softly spoke to the alpha in front of her,trying her best to produce calming pheromones to wash away soyeon's raging hormones.

"Let's talk like civil adults here okay?Calm down" She lightly murmurs into her ears,hand patting the top of her head in hopes to calm the alpha down.

It worked,partially.But it worked.

Soyeon was no longer trying to break free out of Yuqi's hold.She slowly relaxed against the younger's body,taking slow-deepbreaths,but her eyes still hold a promise of danger if her demands are not met anytime soon.

"Good Leader,just as I expected" The second eldest praised Soyeon,turning around to see their manager struggling to maintain her posture,her eyes reflecting how terrified she is to be at this kind of situation.

Honestly,Minnie can't help but feel bad.

Surely if she was not herself and was yet another beta or worst an omega working with Soyeon,and the leader had aggressively threatened her like that she would most likely have dropped down low on her knees.

She must praise their manager for being so strong

Normal people couldn't do that,not even the strongest of alpha's in this industry can hold a candle to Soyeon when she's like this.
So yeah,this feat of her should be an achievement worth giving an award to,only in Minnie's mind of course.

"Now that the show is over,care to. Explain manager-nim?" Miyeon broke through the ice of silence first,her voice low and harsh.

Not something you would normally expect from Puppy Miyeon that everyone is accustomed to from (G)I-DLE's I-Talks.

Nope,this is Alpha Miyeon speaking.So you sure as hell better be listening when she says something.Its for your own good,manager nim

"I well...A friend of hers called,so she said if I could drop her off to a coffee shop and..she'd go back to your dorm on her own"

"We waited but she didn't show up,how will you take responsibility If something bad happened to her?" The eldest kept on speaking,barely managing to hold back a warning growl on her manager's stupidity.

"I..I'm so sorry!Its just I can't resist Shuhua's adorable puppy eyes when she begs you know!"

The manager yelled out loud for everyone to hear,hoping that her reasoning would be understood and these possessive alpha's leave her the alone but guess what?

Surprise,s@urprise mf thanks to Manager-nim's poor choice of words,(Shuhua,begs,adorable,puppy eyes??) her declaration did nothing more than to trigger the girls even more.

"Did you just.." soojin,who she had assumed to be the most possessive among them all despite acting like a tsundere on cam,tried to reach her by the collar when suddenly,Miyeon pulled the main dancer back by the arm.

(Lesson Learned: Never EVER say Shuhua looks adorable when she begs infront of (G)I-DLE.Please don't y'all)

Her gaze predatory,as if she's contemplating on whether or not she should act on her desire to dominate or to let their poor manager unnie slide this one time

Her reasoning?For Shuhua's sake.

The maknae wouldn't like it if someone was hurt because of her,so Miyeon,despite her heart and mind speaking it's volume of unfiltered rage,held back.

After all,the last time she lost control it had costed her debut with YG's newest girl group Black Pink.

If possible she would like it very much for the same thing to not happen again,all because she had beaten up a staff member for spreading fake rumours of her dating .

She would have kept quiet and invite the girls to just come home already if oNLY their manager had kept shut-

"Come on girls your not being fair with me!Don't forget shuhua is an alpha too so technically its almost impossible for her to belong to any of you!"


On a second thought,Idol image be damned she's ing pissed now :))

Miyeon would have done what Soyeon almost did if only the sound of the door slamming wide open take away her and everyone's attention from the scene.

A familiar scent of sweet peach and mangoes filled their noses,it was at this moment that the girls knew..

Yeh Shuhua is back.

"YEOBUN!!I'm sorry for the delay but your favorite maknae is now here hehehehe" she laughs out loud,her radiant smile taking away everyone's tension,and most probably their breath away as well.


The meeting hall was silent for a moment,no one said a word and its making a newly arrived Shuhua feel anxious.

Just why does her members look as if they want to murder someone and their management staff looking a like a bunch of scaredy cats?

Are they filiming an I-Talk episode right now?If so then she probably shouldn't be here-

"Yeh Shuhua!!"
Everyone yelled in unison,shocking the maknae by the intensity of their voices.


A/N: and that's it for chapter 5!I'm really sorry if the story's pace is slow but I ask for everyone to be patient,since I'm trying to set up a plot here instead of you know.

All fluff and ,that kind of thing.I'm also a big fan of drama and angst so I have to apologize to anyone who might have been triggered by this chapter!

Anyways,thank you for reading and feel free to leave down a comment below!I get more motivated when people actually interact with my story :'))




  Headcanons I have for Mishu in this fic >:))

Miyeon as Shuhua's mate:

Would give extra amount of love and affection


Try to Remember how affectionate Miyeon is with Shuhua,now triple it >:CCCC

  - Though despite her whipped doing whatever she can to please Shuhua,don't forget she's still an alpha.

  - Miyeon doesn't like it,but when she has to she will put Shuhua in her place.
  - scenarious that include being too playful in a time where they are supposed to act professional
  - just one glare would do and Shuhua would immediately stop.
  - she would make up for scaring shuhua by peperring her with kisses.By her cheeks,neck and lastly the lips :))
  - (and inner thighs,depending on her mood. :)) )
 - The maknae doesn't want to admit but she loves it when Miyeon's kisses her.Her stomach would always end up feeling like a ing a zoo when the eldest's soft lips would come in contact with hers.
-Gently demanding entrance with her tounge :))
  - That's why as much as possible she avoid skinship with Miyeon on screen,she gay panics so hard it makes her malfunction for real.


  - Now this is pretty much my ultimate head canon that Miyeon likes to spoil Shuhua ROTTEN.
  - She would buy the omega almost anything she desires,except for soojin.
  - I swear she almost lost her when the maknae said in a cute way that she wants her to "buy" soojin for her.
  - it may seem like a funny joke to everyone but to Miyeon :)).
  -Let's just say she made sure to stake her claim on the group's /maknae/omega once again,for like the 5th time this week.
  - someone give Shushu a break :((

  - among all her mates,Miyeon is secretly her go-to-kind of person when she's upset.
There's something about Miyeon's scent that can immedietly calm her down and make her feel safe.

So yeah so far that's what I have!I figured I would add my head canons for each member as alpha's with Shushu for some extra content for this fic!

Have a good day folks and stay safe!


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Chapter 12: Next chapter please!❤️❤️
sutudaumoi #2
Chapter 12: Hiii 😭 please do continue, have a break from your love language please, we need it, we need the fluff
angularmomentum #3
Chapter 12: cliffhanger must be really your love language huh? I need the fluff :')
angularmomentum #4
Chapter 5: I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanons of mishu, like that is so true, it is just like that. 100%
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 12: Hi....
Nanakanan221 #6
Chapter 12: such a good story even if its not finished right now, i loved it💕💕
zsy0713 #7
Chapter 7: I really like this story, even though it hasn't been finished.It makes me feel different from Soyeon and Shuhua.Hope you will come back one day :))
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #8
Chapter 12: Can someone pls give me a recommendation story of shuhua x ot5? Any kind is ok
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #9
Chapter 12: Damn author, your story is so good it's making me check on it everyday just incase that there will be a new chapter
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #10
Author pls continue this story, I love it so bad