In our arms is where you belong

Loving Yeh Shuhua (ft OT5)+(S L O W)

NoName P.o.v

Don't be jealous.

Don't desire for things that are far out of your reach.

Don't this don't that

Those are the words I would hear daily from my mother,who often say that my one true love.

Seo Soojin,is not made for me therfore she isn't fated to be my soulmate.

What utter bull.

Sure she maybe an alpha and all,but my first gender is a man.

Men are made to be stronger than women.

So even if our rankings collide,I can make our relationship work.


Can make her submit to me as one true mate,an Alpha worthy of her heart and body.

Not some mere child from a foreign country .

Soojin is mine.

She was once mine,until that ing brat came along and stole her from me.

Just what is so great about Shuhua anyways?

She can't even speak Korean very well,only adding more burden for her members to carry.

There's no point in keeping her around..

Unless,of course the girls feel bad for her.

That's it!

That must be it.

The girls,especially Soojin is simply too kind to push the burden out of the group.

If I..

If I lend a hand on the matter,perhaps it will be easier for them to let go of such emotions,right?

Alright then

Time to begin the show

Shuhua's p.o.v

Drinking up the last bit of water Tzuyu gave to me a few minutes ago,I was able to quench my thirst even if its just a little bit.

My body is still on fire,as expected the medicine that had in hand isn't effective on me anymore because I require a specific kind of suppressor to alleviate my needs for a..well you know.

I really should have just declined her offer,but Tzuyu looked so sincere and desperate to help my sorry that I just had to.

Its the least I can do for her being so kind to me,I mean who would risk taking in an unmated omega in heat inside your home when your an alpha?

Only Tzuyu.

I'm proud of how far she'd come in controlling herself around omegas,I almost no longer see any trace of that "Alpha" I met in her years ago.

Good for her I guess,I hope she finds a good girl or boy somewhere in this world who can make her genuinely happy,because I sure do believe that I'm not the one for her.

I'm too dumb,stubborn and careless.

I can't even ..ah damn it stop don't give yourself a reason to cry again,its emberassing.

Grow a ing spine already, Shuhua!

You got this!Your the tough one in the group right??You-You protect everyone from the haters,comfort them and and..

Don't shed a tear over something so irrelevant,your feelings I mean.

You chose this,always remember that okay?

So you don't get a say,or blame anyone but yourself for the situation your in.

Ah I must be going insane,to think I would have to give myself this kind of conversation is beyond me.

But then again,what else can I do?

What choice do I have?

Its not like I can always rely on Tzuyu for emotional support,what she's doing now is more than enough.

Giving me shelter I mean,and I'm sure that she has more baggage to carry now that her group is literally one of the biggest act on the kpop industry.

I can't..add more to that.

Ah,this is so sad.

To think my life as an Idol would come to an end like this,I was hoping that my time with the girls would be longer.

Maybe a few more years for us to enjoy performing on the stage together,making our neverlands happy, eating delicious meals and getting to travel all over the world in search for things new to us.

But alas,life was never fair.

So it up little me.

You ed up your own life.

Having done my thing of hating myself for like a few minutes.

I sighed in dismay as I watch the clock go around,waiting for my ing heat to pass so I could go to my company,ask our CEO to let me go because he mentioned before,I would no longer be safe once they found out what I am.

So leaving the group,is the best option there is right?

I mean its not like I play a major role other than being a clown and a part time visual,because Im sure that most neverlands see Miyeon as the true visual of the group and not me.

Which means there's literally no point of keeping me close here.I'm sure the girls would feel the same way about it soon.

Hopefully,they do.

Ah here goes my tears again

I lifted up my sleeves to wipe away these tears that threathen to ruin my beautiful face.This is all I have anyways.

Ah hopefully whoever that person is on the door keeps Tzuyu company for a whole otherwise she'll end up seeing me looking like a sick child.

But then again,when have I not been this vulnerable looking to other people?

# Thud#

I heard a loud thud came from the outside the room.

I felt my heart quake with fear as soon I realize whose scent the one Tzuyu is facing belongs to.

It smells so much like Soyeon unnie.


How did they get here so fast?

With my heart overpowering my mind,I took all the courage I could muster to try and aid Tzuyu ah.

Her scent was oozing this undescribable fear and terror,something I find hard to understand as I was sure..

That my Soyeon unnie,despite her tough image to the public is never a violent alpha.

So why.


Why am I seeing you look so much like the ones I fear Soyeon unnie?


It took a moment for the girls to recover from the shock Shuhua had inflicted on them just by suddenly appearing.

And by the looks of it the omega was not happy at all to be seeing them in the same room as her.

As she looks anywhere but their eyes,her hands tightly holding on to the Taiwanese alpha's biceps.

On any other occasion,Yuqi and Soojin would have growled at anyone who touched or look at their maknae the wrong way.

But they knew that they lost the right to the omega until she can fully trust them again.


"I've seen enough unnie,leave"

Her cold,tired voice pierced through everyone's heart,making their Alphas go mad at how the omega before them had rejected their mere prescense.

And it return

Go to this...


"Shuhua please let us explain first before you go jump in conclusions again"

"I know enough,leave.Before..Before I call the cops on you"

Shuhua visibly shivered at the thought of having to call to them just to push her unnies away again.

It left a bad taste on ,but the omega knew that its better to put up a tough exterior rather than appearing weak and timid.


A low snarl left Miyeon's lips as she stare intensely at Shuhua's black orbs,seemingly searching for a way to make the omega calm and steady to talk to.

"I know Soojin here scared you earlier but you have to believe us when we say we mean you no harm.We just want to talk,clear things out because we're only concerned for you"

The eldest continued on,softening the tone of her voice to match the sincerity was speaking,hoping that it would reach Shuhua's stubborn mind and make her realize that they are not the enemy.

And will never be the enemy.

"Your lying!I can smell your desire for Shuhua you ing scum!"

Tzuyu suddenly bursts out in an
ger,startling the said omega who was still holding her onto her arms.

Miyeon,knowing that she is not worth the time nor the breath to waste on,simply ignored the riled up Alpha and instead reached out her hand to Shuhua.

"Come back home with us,please.I swear on my life that we wouldn't do anything you wouldn't want to happen.Your happiness is ours as well,always remember that shu"

With a gentle smile she said,waiting for Shuhua to take it of her own will.

The girls of IDLE can see the hesitation in Shuhua's,still afraid and ever so cautious.

But thanks to Miyeon's gentle,charming smile.

She had managed to somehow convince the young omega that she-no,that (they) had remained the same,despite Shuhua lying to their faces all those years ago.

(G)I-DLE just had to make themselves understand the situation Shuhua is in,and ask her later for details on why she did such a dangerous thing.

"...You promise?"

Shuhua asks the girls,finding herself slowly letting go of the protective grip she has on her Alpha-friend.

This of course didn't go unnoticed by Tzuyu,and in a last desperate attempt to make her stay.

The Alpha slightly wobbled to stand up ,pulls Shuhua down by the wrist and attempt to leave a mating bite on Shuhua's vulnerable neck.

With her heat getting intense by the minute it should be easy to tie the omega down with her if she take just a short,quick bite of ownership.

After that no one,not even these puny alphas can take her away.

At least that's what she thought.
For before she can even move an inch closer to G-IDLE's maknae

Soojin,Yuqi,who acted by relfex had already pulled her off of their omega before she can even do anything reckless.

While Soyeon,Miyeon and Minnie ran towards Shuhua to circle her and protect her from Tzuyu.

Who they now see as a threat thanks to her trying to make Shuhua her mate without any sort of consent.

"You mother er-!" Yuqi's powerful,deep growl did her rage no justice,as she take punch after punch on Tzuyu's pretty face.

Soojin merely stood by,not really interested in stepping and stopping the younger alpha from her rampage.

Her main concern was-


The main dancer of the group turned around to see Minnie,Soyeon and Miyeon comforting a very frightened Shuhua,who was shaking violently at having suddenly felt an Alpha's intense desire to have her as a mate.

The mere sight of it made Soojin's heart clench in pain.

It was also not helping how the younger now had visible bruise on her wrist that she got when Tzuyu tried to pull her down on the ground with her.

Pushing back a snarl,Soojin tried to calm her alpha down and argued that instead of joining Yuqi in beating the living out of an alpha that is by the way 2-3 heads taller than her,it is better to just go to Shuhua and give her omega comfort.

Muffling down the grunts and soft cries of pain from the alpha behind her,Soojin walked towards Shuhua.

The other remaining three was already spouting out wholesome reassurance that she is safe.

"Ssssh baby its okay your alright we're right here no one's gonna hurt you"

"Its alright Shu,our Beijing puppy got it under control no need for you to fear anything."

"Come ere Shu,let unnie embrace you"

Words of comfort and safety reached the Omega's ears,allowing her heated mind state to calm down enough for her body to willingly fall onto the arms of her unnies.

"That's right baby,just rest easy and leave the rest to us."

Soojin whispered softly,nuzzling her face onto Shuhua's jet black hair.

Scent marking her.

She may not be able to seal the deal along with the other girls now,but Soojin is satisfied with just her scent on Shuhua's body.

The overpowering smell of her Alpha's pheromones covering her body was driving the omega nuts.

She still wasn't used to getting this close to them unprotected by her suppressors and other medicinal properties.


Physically and mentally exhausted from running away like a coward,Shuhua slowly drifted away to sleep.

As her unnies sigh in content,Soyeon.

Being the responsible leader that she is,pulled Yuqi off of Twice's maknae otherwise they'll all end up facing ing law suit.

Not that they're scared or anything,Soyeon just doesn't want their image to be ruined on Shuhua.

She wants to show the maknae that they are capable of taking care and protecting her as a friend-(MATE).

Hopefully she gets to realize that soon but for now.

The girls will first take a well deserve rest and let the rest do its own thing.

Author's note!

Im back,I just had a few things to take care of so uh !! Finally the drama is done(for now??) So a do expect a lot of fluffy ;)) stuff coming up fresh on the next chapters.

Anyways what do you guys think of this chapter??

And who is this mysterious "No name" that introduced themselves at the first part of the fic?

Do let me know in the comments down below and as always,take care of yourselves and stay safe!

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Oh boi I accidentally uploaded the chapter😭😭a few had read already AHH SO FAST DAMN IT


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Chapter 12: Next chapter please!❤️❤️
sutudaumoi #2
Chapter 12: Hiii 😭 please do continue, have a break from your love language please, we need it, we need the fluff
angularmomentum #3
Chapter 12: cliffhanger must be really your love language huh? I need the fluff :')
angularmomentum #4
Chapter 5: I wholeheartedly agree with your headcanons of mishu, like that is so true, it is just like that. 100%
twiceonce999 #5
Chapter 12: Hi....
Nanakanan221 #6
Chapter 12: such a good story even if its not finished right now, i loved it💕💕
zsy0713 #7
Chapter 7: I really like this story, even though it hasn't been finished.It makes me feel different from Soyeon and Shuhua.Hope you will come back one day :))
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #8
Chapter 12: Can someone pls give me a recommendation story of shuhua x ot5? Any kind is ok
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #9
Chapter 12: Damn author, your story is so good it's making me check on it everyday just incase that there will be a new chapter
Ivy_Jeon-Pascual #10
Author pls continue this story, I love it so bad