About Baby Fat and Chocolate Abs -Part 2/2-

About Baby Fat and Chocolate Abs -Twoshot-


As soon as he closed the door behind him Daehyun took a deep breath to prepare himself for what was about to happen. The room was dark, too dark to his liking. Since the sun already set some time ago the faint glow of the moon was the only light source illuminating the room. It took some time for his eyes to adjust to the dark but as they finally did he could make out the silhouette of his lover sitting on his bed, curled up in a ball with his back facing the door. Daehyun couldn’t help but frown at the view. “Youngjae-ah…” he began, but was soon cut off by the said boy. “I already told you to leave!” Ignoring the younger Daehyun slowly made his way to the bed only to freeze midways as he heard a faint sniff. “Are you crying?” He asked, his voice filled with worry. “N-no I’m not! Now leave me alone!” Youngjae tried to get his boyfriend to leave but from the way his voice cracked oh so slightly Daehyun immediately knew that he was indeed crying.


That was really odd. He expected him to yell at him, to throw a tantrum like he usually would; even if the younger hit him he wouldn’t be surprised… but seeing him cry like this, looking so frail in the dark of the room made his heart break a bit. Coming to a hold right next to the bed, Daehyun couldn’t help but stare at his younger lover, the way his hair fell into his face, the way his arm clutched at his knees, pulling them as close to his body as possible… it hurt. And the fact that Youngjae still sat with his back facing him made him doubt that it was only the teasing of the hyungs which was bothering him.

“Youngjae-ah… please look at me.” he pleaded, and usually the latter would have done exactly that, but not this time.


“Youngjae… please.”


Daehyun laid his hand on Youngjae’s shoulder to make him turn around, but backed off in an instant as the other slapped his arm away, facing the Busan boy as he did that. The older bit his lower lip as he examined his lover’s face, from the messy hair which was normally so neatly styled to the slightly red and swollen eyes and the trails of tears on his cheeks which glistered in the moonlight. “Don’t touch me!” Youngjae spat and tried to turn away again, but failed as the other quickly grabbed his face in both of his hands, making him look directly in his eyes. Even though he was still angry and hurt he couldn’t help but feel the usual burning sensation at the light touch and he felt his stomach doing a back flip as he stared into the deep brown orbs of his boyfriend, making him melt even more into his touch.

“Youngjae-ah…” The said boy flinched as he felt Daehyun’s breath tickling his skin, only now realizing that their faces were only mere centimetres apart, their noses almost touching. “You have to tell me what’s wrong with you or I can’t help comfort you. And don’t you dare to tell me you’re alright since you’re definitely not.” Youngjae immediately avoided his lover’s eyes and started biting his lower lip. Images started to reappear in his mind, images of Daehyun’s emotionless expression, images of him standing close to Jongup… too close. He felt the anger bubble up again, resulting in him pushing his boyfriend away, the second time this day. “Don’t pretend to actually care about my feelings!” he snapped. Daehyun by now was really confused and even started getting annoyed at Youngjae’s sudden mood swings.
“Are you serious?! Of course I care! I’m your boyfriend after all, what the hell is wrong with you?!”
“What is wrong with me?! Why don’t you ask Jongup?!”
“Your not making any sense right now!” Daehyun retorted. He was getting really frustrated with the situation. “Jongup has nothing to do with this!”
“You should have just told me that you’re fed up with me! Just leave me alone and got to Jongup and these perfect chocolate abs of his!” Marking the end of the conversation with this phrase, Youngjae just turned away from the other boy, missing the smile that slowly crept over his boyfriends face. So that was what he was bothered about. Daehyun couldn’t help but smile at the childish attitude of the other boy. Sometimes he was just too cute for his own good.

Still smiling Daehyun suddenly grabbed Youngjae’s hands, pulling him up from his sitting position on the bed. Youngjae, who didn’t expect this at all, stumbled over his own feet, causing him to fall directly into Daehyun’s arms. The latter only tightened the hug, making the younger widen his eyes and blush at the same time, the anger long forgotten. “So that’s all? You are just jealous?” Daehyun whispered directly into the other’s ear. Youngjae hurriedly pulled away a bit and hit him on the chest lightly, his face now an even deeper shade of red. “Y-yah! I-I’m not jealous! I’m just…” Not knowing what to say Youngjae just avoided his eyes. Daehyun’s smile on the other hand only grew as he observed this shy act. He lightly held the younger’s chin, lifting it up with two fingers to make his lover look at him. He then slowly leaned forward, making their foreheads connect as he stared deeply into Youngjae’s teary-eyes which glowed in the moonlight. 

“Just for your information, I would always take your little baby fat tummy over any chocolate abs out there, even Jongup’s.”

He then tilted his head a bit leaning even further forward to brush his lips lightly against Youngjae’s soft one. As he pulled away he could notice a faint smile on Youngjae’s face. The latter didn’t say anything, he just removed his arms which were resting on Daehyun’s chest and wrapped them tightly around his neck. Still staring at each other, Youngjae quietly muttered the words “Thank you…”, and then pulled the older in for another kiss, deepening it this time.
And as they kissed their silhouettes melted together in the beam of moonlight. 

Daehyun just proceeded to nibble at Youngjae’s lower lip, asking for entrance as suddenly…

“EWW! They kissed!” Both widened their eyes in shock quickly turning to the source of the voice, only to find the door to the room slightly opened, all the other members observing them trough the gap in the door. “Yah, Zelo! Shut up or you’ll give us away!” Yongguk shushed the maknae, slapping him lightly on the back of his head. “But hyung! They just kissed! In front of my innocent eyes!” The youngest whined only to earn another slap on the head. “As if you are innocent!”  
“YAH, STOP STALKING US!” Youngjae yelled as he threw a pillow at the others. Yongguk barely managed to dodge the flying pillow, resulting in Himchan getting hit head-on in the face. “Are you trying to kill us?!” the second oldest screamed back, his face getting red where the pillow just hit him. “Are you trying to get yourself killed? If not get lost, I still don’t want to see you!” And with that the others quickly slammed the door shut, clearly intimidated by Youngjae’s threat.
As soon as the silence returned to the room, Daehyun couldn’t help but break out into laughter which only irritated Youngjae further. “YAH! What’s so funny?!” he asked while stomping his foot on the ground. The older quickly wiped a tear away and smiled his perfect smile, calming the younger down a bit in the process. “N-nothing…” he laughed.


“I just realized that I love you. A lot.”



I fail… big times U____U
Sorry for not updating yesterday as I promised! I just kind of lost my motivation in the middle of writing… Do you know that feeling? You try to portrait something as extremely romantic or fluffy or stuff and you just fail to write it as you imagined it to be?  That … it really does… I don’t think this chapter is even close to what I imagined it to be like, not enough fluff, not enough romance… nothing… I fail >__<

And again, thank you so much to all off you, all the subscribers, those who leave comments and even to all the silent readers! Even though I tried to thank you all privately I just had to repeat myself. x3 If not for you I might have given up after I posted the first half of the story. Only the fact that there were so many people anticipating the rest kept me writing. I really felt good every time I read any new comments or saw that I had new subscribers. x3 Feel free to leave comments even now that it’s finished, and don’t hesitate to criticise anything! My writing style, the storyline, my English, whatever it is, I still try to improve and maybe your criticism might help me in the future.

To everyone who wanted to have in this chapter, feel free to request a sequel! If many of you do I might think about giving it a try! ^^ (But it will probably take ages to finish and it will XD I never tried to write before, I bet I would feel really awkward writing it XD)


I bet you didn’t read the whole author note ;D So again, thanks for reading!


Comment replies:

@pripri: I also hope he doesn’t feel to bad about that little fat of his… he still is really good-looking, he doesn’t need nice abs to please his fans. As long as he stays healthy I don’t really care x3

@Raechun: I knooooow right, aren’t they just a bunch of dorky cutie-pies? x3

@phiphuong: My forever OTP in B.A.P is DaeJae as well (or I wouldn’t even have written this story XD) and it will forever stay DaeJae x3 These two are just too cute together x3 Thanks~

@craze_: Thank you x3 And sorry for keeping you waiting, here was your update ;D

@__mochi__: I also think it fits him ^^ Not everyone needs perfect abs to be charming, and he still manages to be so good-looking even without showing of his body x3 (Biased much? Noooo never~)

@magnae: I also think it’s really cute x3 But then again, he just is cute in general x33

@Evilblea: I couldn’t stop smiling throughout the interview since I already knew that image XD I also love DaeJae to death, but there are clearly not enough fanfics about them!

@AngelsCreed: That’s a pity… it’s my favourite pairing ever and the first I started shipping without looking at fanfics. x3 But they are always together while filming and they seem so close… I hope you’ll grow attached to this pairing as well! ;D

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chiminispabo #1
Chapter 4: Okay, daehyun is in a big trouble now lol
Qbi_10 #2
Chapter 2: I likeed the story ^^ it was funny and fluffy *-* but I still think they youngjae is super handsome and hot and all and omo have you seen his abs now? *drooling*
trymyluck #3
Chapter 2: lol..the picture...younjae-ah gwenchana..daehyun is still love you^^
Chapter 1: YoungJae lost all the baby fat now... In 2015 he promised to reveal his abs... of course I don't care if he has abs or not, a flat tummy is just fine with me.
Chapter 3: Nice story author nim C:
Re-reading this just beacause :P
Chapter 4: Youngjae makes it look cute okay? Mkay. Every BABY agrees with that, no? ;D

Love the story xDDD
Chapter 4: GO..GO..TUNAAAA...!!! ~ >.< ^-^

DinoCarrot #9
Chapter 4: so sweet and hot.. and FUNNY lol Himchan's going to have Daehyun's head lol heheh