About Baby Fat and Chocolate Abs -Part 1/2-

About Baby Fat and Chocolate Abs -Twoshot-


„Guys! Come and take a look at this picture which was just uploaded! That’s really awesome!” Yongguk-hyungs voice could be heard booming throughout the dorm. All the members hurried to their leader’s side to see what he was looking at. All except for Youngjae who wasn’t particularly interested since he himself was busy reading a magazine.  Only as roaring laughter erupted from the other side of the room he finally tore his eyes from the colourful pictures in the magazine to pay attention to s.

They were laughing as if someone just told them the best joke they ever heard, making him slightly annoyed. “Yah, what’s so funny?!” Youngjae yelled at the others, only to be followed with an even worse laughing fit. That was odd. He furrowed his eyebrows as he watched Zelo drop to the floor while clutching his belly from laughing too hard and Himchan had to hold onto Yongguk’s shoulder, steadying himself to not end up like Zelo. The only one not laughing at all was Daehyun, who shot a worried glance at Youngjae. “I think you should take a look as well.” He murmured trough his mask making the latter slightly worried.


Finally getting off the couch Youngjae dusted off his clothes and slowly made his way to the other members, careful not to look too interested in what they were looking at. As soon as he stood behind them and managed to catch a glimpse of the image on the screen his eyes widened in shock and he froze in his place. The image showed a picture taken during their last live performance of warrior. Due to the intense dance moves his shirt flew up, leaving his belly completely uncovered.


Youngjae kept staring at the screen. He just couldn’t believe how someone managed to catch exactly that moment to take a screenshot! Just then his thoughts were interrupted as Himchan ran out of breath due to laughing to hard. “That looks even worse than in real!” he yelled out, tears collecting in his eyes.
In return to his statement Youngjae widened his eyes at his hyung. “YAH! What do you know?!” He tried to defend himself but the slight blush that gathered on his cheeks didn’t really help making it convincing. “It’s alright Youngjae-ah, we all know that you still have your baby fat~” Yongguk smirked at him as he turned around from the screen. Youngjae’s face resembled a ripe tomato by now. “I don’t have baby fat hyung!” He yelled at the leader only to be answered with a quirked eyebrow from the two eldest of the group. “You sure? Care to show us your chocolate abs then?”

Youngjae just kept looking at the ground, allowing his bangs to fall into his face, covering his eyes entirely. He was clearly embarrassed by the situation. Of course, he couldn’t compare himself to Jongup’s abs which were aired on TV lately and he would never even dare to compare to Yongguk-hyung whose muscles were just plain amazing, but it really wasn’t as bad as the picture showed. Youngjae felt tears burning up in his eyes and quickly bit his lower lip as to not embarrass himself any further in front of his hyungs. The feeling disappeared as he felt arms slowly sneaking around his waist from behind and he slightly flinched as he noticed it was their maknae Zelo who was hugging him instead of his boyfriend Daehyun who should be comforting him in a moment like this. Looking around he noticed that Daehyun was still standing far apart from the rest of the group together with Jongup, watching him with an unreadable expression.
“It’s okay hyung” he heard the soothing voice of his dongsaeng. “not everyone can be as awesome as Yongguk-hyung.  That’s just normal!” Youngjae looked at the youngest and managed to smile a little, even though he still felt like being watched by all the members in the room. “But you know what hyung? There is something I always wanted to do…”


Zelo didn’t even finish his sentence as Youngjae suddenly felt cold air hitting his skin. In panic he immediately looked down only to find his shirt pulled up to his chest revealing his tummy for the world to see… again.

He quickly slapped his dongsaeng's arms away, but it was already too late as another wave of laughter erupted. “You call THAT abs?!” Himchan was scoffing from the floor as he finally lost the strength in his legs. “Last time I checked THAT’s what you call baby fat!” Yongguk added who was sprawled all over the kitchen table by now. “Good job Zelo!”

That was enough for Youngjae. He was already used to s’ teasing, but they just officially stepped over the line. The blonde threw another helpless glance to Daehyun, tears threatening to spill, but the other remained motionless at his place next to Jongup. ‘That’s it!’ Youngjae thought as he his heels and fled from the kitchen, fled from s to the safety of his room. Taking the knob into his hand he turned around one last time looking at the perplexed faces of his fellow members. “Fine, think whatever you want! I hate you, you all! Just burn in hell or something!” and with that he swiftly slipped inside the room banging the door shut behind him.

The other members kept staring at the door, not believing what just happened. “Did we just go too far?” The leader broke the awkward silence, scratching the back of his neck nervously. “I think we did… is he PMS-ing or what? He doesn’t normally snap THAT easily…” Himchan wondered out loud. Feeling the responsibility on him Daehyun couldn’t help but sigh loudly. “I’m going to talk to him.” “Maybe you should, he kept looking at you the whole time…” Jongup muttered throwing a worried glance at the door to the sleeping room.
As soon as Daehyun opened the door they could hear Youngjae’s voice screaming “GET OUT!” Daehyun turned around glaring at the other members, which only mouthed “Fighting~” to him and hurriedly turned around to return to their earlier activities. Daehyun rolled his eyes at their behaviour and still entered the room, closing the door behind him silently. A pissed off Youngjae could be really dangerous and they all prayed for Daehyun to come back in one piece. And praying was all they could do since Daehyun was the only one able to handle Youngjae in a moment like this.




Hey guys, hope I didn't disappoint you too much? ^^' I decided to split this up in two parts since this is already more than 1.000 words long (and I seriously have to go to sleep, I'm tired u____u)
I still didn't really decide what will happen in the second half ^^' I don't think I will be able to add since I never wrote any before... and I really don't think I'll be able to do it ^^' Or would you even prefer it if I keep it with ing on Youngjae's part and fluffly approaches on Daehyun's? ;D
Well I'll sleep over it and continue writing tomorrow~ And thank's to all the subscribers x3 I don't really have a lot, so every subscriber is dear to me x3 (I'm pathetic, aren't I? D: I need to write more, but writer's block is something really depressing...)

@pripri: Lol, I know, right? Sound's like something a mother would do to her baby XD I think the image is just to cute x3 I mean they are such a manly group and warrior is a really manly song and then look at his little belly x3 You don't see that a lot with idols recently XD

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chiminispabo #1
Chapter 4: Okay, daehyun is in a big trouble now lol
Qbi_10 #2
Chapter 2: I likeed the story ^^ it was funny and fluffy *-* but I still think they youngjae is super handsome and hot and all and omo have you seen his abs now? *drooling*
trymyluck #3
Chapter 2: lol..the picture...younjae-ah gwenchana..daehyun is still love you^^
Chapter 1: YoungJae lost all the baby fat now... In 2015 he promised to reveal his abs... of course I don't care if he has abs or not, a flat tummy is just fine with me.
Chapter 3: Nice story author nim C:
Re-reading this just beacause :P
Chapter 4: Youngjae makes it look cute okay? Mkay. Every BABY agrees with that, no? ;D

Love the story xDDD
Chapter 4: GO..GO..TUNAAAA...!!! ~ >.< ^-^

DinoCarrot #9
Chapter 4: so sweet and hot.. and FUNNY lol Himchan's going to have Daehyun's head lol heheh