and I can see it, we're gonna make it now

i'm not sure where this is going but i'm glad i'm with you
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Author’s Note: This is primarily written in an interview form to prevent it from getting too long (seeing as I’m quite fond of going off on tangents or I get too preoccupied with other things in my writing). It’s also me experimenting with different forms of storytelling. I didn’t really have anything else in mind when I was thinking of this fic other than that I needed to see more jensoo fluff because the ones I’ve been waiting for on Twitter have been quite angsty. 






It was quite early in the studio and people were still finalizing the set-up for today’s shoot but in one of the corner rooms, one could see the makeup crew working on some touches for the first couple of the shoot. 


As one of the artists placed down her brushes, an indication that she was done, the lady that she was working on stood up and signaled to the other women working on her girlfriend to keep the lady occupied for a bit. Biting back a grin, she then hurriedly went up to get her partner some coffee milk for her to drink as they waited for the director to call them and  begin the shoot. 


Carefully, she approached her girlfriend and right on time, the makeup artist also finished her final touches. 


“Coffee milk for Jisoo?” she jokingly asked as she laid the package in front of Jisoo herself.


Jisoo turned to her girlfriend and smiled at her as if she just gave her the world. 


“Awww J, you didn’t have to.” is what she said but as she beckoned Jennie to sit beside her, she was already picking up the small packet and trying to put the straw in. Jennie shook her head fondly and took the coffee milk and straw from Jisoo to avoid the possibility of spillage that the excited girl might be turning to reality. With practiced ease, she punched a hole in the container and handed it back to Jisoo. 


“Here you go, love” and she leaned back, practically melting to the couch. 


Meanwhile, Jisoo also made herself comfortable and ended up leaning on Jennie as they waited a little more for the set to be ready. 


A couple of minutes later they were called to go on set. 


Off-cam Interviewer: Now, Jennie and Jisoo right? Welcome to Couples Answer Questions. Thank you so much for accepting our invitation!


Jennie and Jisoo: Sure! It’s a lot of fun. We love watching videos from your channel in our down time. 


Off-cam Interviewer: Aww, that’s so heartwarming to hear. Now, your video will hopefully make it out there soon too! Are you ready to get started?


Jennie and Jisoo: Alright! We’ve really been so excited for this. 


Off-cam Interviewer: You know how this works right? One of you will be wearing headphones and playing music, not able to hear the answers said by the other one.


Jennie: Sure! We talked about this earlier and would it be fine if Jisoo answered first?


Jisoo: Jen gets a bit shy so me going first will hopefully give her a bit more time to settle down. 


Off-cam Interviewer: Alright, shall we?


Jennie then picks up and wears the headphones while Jisoo was holding the phone and picking the playlist Jennie will listen to. 


“Jen takes forever to pick a playlist.” Jisoo says as an explanation. Jennie then smiles at her, as if she knew what Jisoo was saying. 


Jisoo then asks Jennie, “You good with this?” and showed everyone the song queue with a lot of Coldplay and Imagine Dragons. “J is picky sometimes but these songs always get her full attention, they make her pay attention to the lyrics she always says.” She added with a wry smile.


As Jennie finally got settled, the interviewer and Jisoo both agreed to start.


Off-cam Interviewer: So we can start light, how did you both meet?


Jisoo: We met in college, I was working in this cafe/lounge and Jen walked up and asked me about the ad posted outside the cafe. She was waving around, very excited and curious about the in-house singer opening the ad mentioned. Now, mind you, I just started that week too so I couldn’t really explain it so I had to call the manager. But guess what, boss was busy so I had to keep talking to her and I just found her so cute. She was such a paradox. All leather and hard edges to her look but with such a shy but enthusiastic way of speaking. Right there, I was hooked. I knew I wanted to be her friend but little did I know, we’d be here, together.


Throughout her answer, she would keep looking at Jen with a small smile on her face and Jennie takes to her smiles like a plant with a phototropic response following the direction of the light. 


Off-cam Interviewer: How long have you been together?


Jisoo: Oh, we’re turning 8 years together in September! If my math is right, that is. 


Off-cam Interviewer: How was your first date?


Jisoo: Fun. It was so much fun. I think we had the date about 6 months after we met? Funny thing is, I already planned to ask her out because I was getting impatient but then, she surprised me with a coffee at work. Cliché right? But that date was the best one I’ve ever been on at that point. She took me to the arcade and we played so many games. She won me a couple of stuffed toys then just when I thought the date was done, she brought me to a skating rink. She doesn’t know how to skate but she said she wanted me to teach her and for a while we tried, but skating and Jennie don’t agree so she ended up filming me skating around while she ran after me cause she said she wanted to make a short montage to remember that date by. Then she took me to the park and brought out this cute picnic basket of food she cooked and we sat there and talked about everything we could think of. I honestly have never had a date like that before J, and you know what amazed me so much then? She managed to make me feel so comfortable the whole time. And I think she won’t talk about this but I just want her to know that she made me feel so safe and accepted then, and she still does that to this day. 


Off-cam Interviewer: How did you get together?


Jisoo: I asked her. I think we were seeing each other for about a year before I popped the question. I think it was after our sophomore finals. We were chilling in my place after the hell of exams and Jen cooked us a nice dinner to celebrate the end of that year then I asked her what she thought about going steady and she smiled so huge and said that she thinks that it’s a very good idea and that was that. Anticlimactic for some people I guess but that simplicity is what makes us. 


Off-cam Interviewer: Who said I love you first?


Jisoo: She did. 


And again, she looked at Jennie with a soft smile on her face.


Jisoo: I used to have hang-ups with saying I love you and she knew that. You know what she said then? “I love you, you don’t have to say it back. I just really wanted you to know.” with her dopey smile and I was just blown away. She has always been so open with her affections but she never made me feel like I had to answer her. Then when I finally did, she looked at me with tears in her eyes. I’ll never forget that look. She still looks at me like that after all this time. 


Off-cam Interviewer: What was the cheesiest thing the other person ever did?


Jisoo started laughing so hard and jennie, despite not knowing what Jisoo was laughing about, also burst out in laughter. It was like looking at people so in sync with each other they could follow how the other thinks and reacts. After a couple more minutes, Jisoo got her laughter under control and she finally answered.


Jisoo: For our first anniversary, I wasn’t able to switch my shifts off with my co-workers in the cafe so I was really bummed. I could tell she had plans to surprise me but the moment I told her I might have to work on the day of the anniversary itself, her first reaction was automatically, it’s okay, we’ll make it work. I had no idea what else she had in mind but over the next days leading up to our anniversary, I would keep apologizing to her and she’d just smile at me and say that it’s alright and that she’d wait for me after work then we can have a simple dinner at home then go on a date the next day. 


Then our anniversary day arrived and guess who’s singing that night in the cafe? Jennie! She was always shy about singing something for me and till that point, she never sang to me directly. She always sang when she thought I was asleep so that was the first time she really did that for me and she sang Taylor Swift’s “Mine”. It was probably the cheesiest thing she ever did because she’s not really fond of big gestures but I’ll always treasure that memory. She was blushing like there was no tomorrow but she sounded like an angel and she was singing to me. Just the memory of it makes me feel giddy too!


Off-cam Interviewer: Alright, we’re down to our last few questions before it’s Jennie’s turn. We’ve talked a bit about the fun stuff but now, we’re veering towards the not so good ones so here’s a question for you. What’s your pet peeve about her?


Jisoo: She forgets to lock the front door sometimes. Kidding aside, sometimes, she doesn’t see that she deserves all the love she has put out to the universe. Sometimes, she finds it hard to believe that good things are happening to her because she put in the work for them to happen but this isn’t necessarily a peeve but it’s something that she is working on already and I hope to work with her too! She is such a beautiful person and I will never tire of getting her to see just how wonderful she is through my eyes as well. 


Off-cam Interviewer: Wonderful. Now, what about you? Do you have any insecurities in your relationship?


Jisoo: Honestly? I’m scared I’m not able to show her just how much she means to me. I’m usually not this talkative but she always assures me that she knows I love her. She used to talk all about love language

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1128 streak #2
Chapter 7: Hi
Chapter 5: the way my heart dropped nung nabasa ko yung tita 😭 ang galing po otornim this is one of the best non-endgame ones ive read!! looking forward to more i really enjoy your writing 🤍
Chapter 4: Ugh this makes me smile and definitely melts my heart ❤️
qazedctgb12345 #5
Chapter 3: BAKIT GANON😢 fluff next sana
Chapter 3: Gago napakasakit ng ganito 🥲🥲🥲 pero tama rin na tapusin na kesa naman umabot pa sa pagloloko at sobrang pagkakasakitan 😫 tagos sa puso itong chapter na ‘to hindi ko alam bakit affected ako 💀
qazedctgb12345 #7
Chapter 2: tangina☹️
Chapter 2: 🥲🥲🥲
Chapter 1: Now why you hurting me like that? 🥺