Chapter 1 "21st Century"

In Disguise
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It was a bright and sunny day. White, fluffy clouds drifted across the clear, blue sky around Seoul City, everyone has their own life.. Some are working, studying, walking with their special someone or pets, eating, and chit-chatting in the food chains.

And there's one lady in her 30s sleeping soundlessly in her messy bed. Her room was filled with books, folders, and crumpled papers, together with some bottles of Soju.


Last night was stressful for her- every day and night rather..


Her name is Bae Joohyun, she grew up and studied in Canada together with her childhood friend a.k.a girlfriend. 

And she'd rather be called by her English name- Irene. 

She's a 34 years old Associate Professor of neurology at Eunwoon Medical Center


Yesterday, she made an appointment with other senior and junior residents. Which happened to be today


Unfortunately, she's having fun inside her dreamland

Not until someone doorbells her door a countless times


Irene was already half awake and let out a loud groan like she had a really good sleep. But the latter is still sleepy

Seconds later of ignoring the doorbell, her phone rang

She took her phone with her eyes half-closed and answered it without looking at the caller ID


"Hello?" She mumbled


"Babe! I'm here in front of your apartment. I've been knocking and pressing your doorbell, don't tell me you're still sleeping?" Frustration can be heard in the caller's voice, it was her Girlfriend; Wendy


"Moonbyul and Joy have been calling me, oh god"


Irene's eyes widened and abruptly jolted out from the bed.

She ran out fast out of her room and opened the door for her Girlfriend


"Hey babe, wait for me" She smiled at the latter as she opened the door and rushed inside the bathroom, leaving her girlfriend frowning behind

Wendy let out a sigh as she closed the door and went to the kitchen to make some coffee for Irene


"This girl has forgotten to fill her stomach with a hot drink first"



As Irene arrived at the hospital building, she immediately ran off from the car without saying goodbye to Wendy

The latter entered the building and every staff are greeting her but she only respond with a smile


When she arrived at the conference room, everyone was looking at her with their blank faces

"I'm sorry everyone, just had a little drink-" Irene was cut out when one of the doctors spoke up


"It's okay, Professor Bae.. It's just I have to assist surgery 2 hours from now" He forcefully smile


Irene chuckled awkwardly, "Uh, okay.. so, we must start"


They started the meeting and talked about every patient's condition. Minutes later, one of the doctors raised his hand

"Yes, Doctor Cho?" Irene flashed a smile, giving him a gesture to talk

"Patient from room 405- Suyeon who's diagnosed with Acoustic Neuroma. We had another CT scan and there's something..that surprised me" Doctor Cho took a breath, "I want to undergo another session for chemotherapy"


Everyone inside the room gasp in surprise as well as Irene but she keep her expression calm, "But you already had a session just a weeks ago, Doc" She said as her head tilted


"Also, you can't have another session yet. And it's impossible to treat her.." Doctor Seo added


"I know.. But her parents desperately want to save her.. As well as me." Doctor Cho reasoned out, wanting everyone to agree with him "We have to do it as soon as possible. Or else-"


"Stop giving them high hopes, Cho" Doctor Song stated nonchalantly with his arms crossed

Doctor Cho looked at him in disbelief and scoffed, "I am a Doctor, Song Min Hyuk. I want to save people's lives!" he exclaimed and desperation could be seen in his voice.

Doctor Park smirked, "All of us here are doctors. And we failed to save people's lives many times over!"


Irene sighed in frustration as she watch them arguing, she took a glance at Moonbyul- telling her through eye contact to stop them right away

"I don't care-"

"A doctor is not a religious one. You shouldn't and never give people false hope or possibility!" Doctor Park retorted


"Doctor Cho.." Irene called him and everyone shut their mouth 

"Y-yes, Professor Bae"


"Have some word with Mr. Park, then get back to me at my office"


Irene decided to end the meeting and left the room, some things are stressing her out. Such as what just happened in the meeting

As she's walking towards her office absentmindedly, her assistant blocked her way- catching her breath


"What's the problem, Sooyoung?" She asked and her brows furrowed. Her assistant a.k.a a friend-Joy took a deep breath and said, "Room 506, emergency" 


Then the announcement can be heard from the whole building


"Code blue, fifth floor.."

"CPR in the pediatric ICU.."

"Fifth floor at the main building"


Irene's eyes bulged and rushed towards the elevator going to the pediatric ICU floor. 

It's one of the treasured patients she has been taking care of for 2 years- A 11 years old young boy who has a brain tumor and has been coma for 3 days with a life support machine on him


Irene rushed inside the room and saw the other nurses from her team pumping the patient's chest

She took a glance at the Holter monitoring as she promptly had her way and took the defibrillator paddles


"Where's Junmyeon?" Irene asked, panting

One of the nurses bowed at her, "He's currently at the ER, Doc.."


Irene cursed under her breath, "200 joules, now!" She exclaimed and did the first shock


The latter took a glimpse at the monitor and nothing changed


While Everyone inside the room is just staring at Irene and other nurses saving the patient's life

Irene then decided to do the manual pump


The latter can feel the desperation inside of her for saving the kid, she's sweating and she could feel nothing but blind terror


"Come on, buddy... 19..20..21..22-"


"Doctor Bae, please save my son" The mother of the kid begged desperately


"Eonnie, it's not working anymore" Joy muttered slowly as she stopped the latter from what she was doing

"No! Please no!" The mother shouted through her lungs "Doctor Bae p-please!"


Irene was breathing heavily and staring at the kid laying down on the bed lifelessly "I have to do this, Seon-u.." She mumbled as she took her white coat off and once again, grab the defibrillator paddles




"Get ready for the second shock, 300 joules! Now!" She commands before Joy could stop her

One of the nurses just followed and turn the defibrillator energy level to 300


Irene took a deep breath and said, "C'mon buddy, you have to help me out" she mumbled and used the paddles to pump on the kid


"Seon-u baby please I want to see you more! Eomma is here!" The mother wailed behind her


And there are still no changes in the heart rate and line..

Irene almost passes out knowing that she's losing hope for saving the kid. She once again failed on saving her patient's life

All she can hear is the indistinct noise of Seon-u's mother crying; begging her, and the flatline sound coming from the machine


But with just a blink of an eye, a miracle happened.


The monitor shows the electrocardiogram went back to the normal peaks and troughs of Seon-u's heartbeat. Irene felt almost giddy with relief, "You did it, Eonnie" Joy smiled at her


"I.. i have to rest" She whimpered and left the room



It's been an hour since it happened and Irene has just stayed inside her office, staring at her pictures with her late patients. She knew that no matter what she'll do, Seon-u is just holding on to the life support connected to his body


"Here's your tea, Eonnie" Joy placed down the tray of tea on Irene's table and refilled one for her

"What made Junmyeon stay at the ER?" She asked 


Joy then replied, "I've heard he has to take care of someone that is related to him. Maybe his family or what"

Irene nodded her head and looked at her as she set her palms down flat on the table, "Do you think we should stop giving them hopes?" She asked

Joy let out a short sigh, "It feels like we have to do what we should do, Eonnie. He suffered a lot" She said


"And it won't make him suffer more as well as his family" Joy added as she pursed her lips

Irene sighed as she ran her hand through her hair in frustration, "I hate this"


"You have to make a decision, Eonnie.. Talk to them" Joy lent the cup of tea to the latter "Come to think of it, I'll be with Byul Eonnie and Yerim'' She said before leaving the room to give her friend a time to think


Irene took a sip of the tea as she think of it before Doctor Cho came to her office with their Medical Director



On the next day, it's still the usual day for Irene; Her girlfriend is gonna pick her up, send her to her workplace and face the patients inside the hospital..


Irene entered the hospital lobby together with Joy and Moonbyul as they came from the cafeteria nearby to have their lunch

"Is Yerim busy? I haven't seen her around" Irene asked the two when she noticed that the youngest wasn't around

"I've heard that her cousin got into an accident yesterday. So, she has to take care of her" Joy answered "And I think, it was the person Junmyeon Oppa has to take care of"


Moonbyul, who's busy scrolling through her phone, stopped on her track and was immediately noticed by her two colleagues "Yerim and Doctor Kim's cousin and older sister are K-pop idols, right?" She looked at Irene and Joy


Irene shrugged her shoulder, "I don't have an interest in K-pop"

Joy was quiet for seconds and suddenly her face brightened when she remembered it


"Aha!! Kang Seulgi! The one that I have a crush on!" She exclaimed in happiness catching the attention of the people around the lobby


But Moonbyul didn't mind and clasped her hands with Joy, "And Solar!! Her cousin, oh my god they're both hot! Especially, my solar babes, she's so damn y ugh!"

"But what happened to Kang Seulgi, omg. Please note her handsome and beautiful face!" Joy faked a sob


Irene just rolled her eyes in embarrassment with her friend's behavior. Knowing that they should act professionally for the position they have

"These two are embarrassing to be with" She mumbled


And suddenly, a bunch of cameras flashing can be seen at the entrance

Irene frowned as she saw a lady wearing a long black trench coat and a face mask enter the lobby with some bodyguards and some people were taking pictures of her "Is she an idol?" She poked the two


Joy and Moonbyul followed Irene's gazes. 

Both of them squinted their eyes and without a blink of an eye, they looked at each other with bulged eyes "Solar?!" They screamed in unison


Without a second, they left Irene dumbfounded by their behavior, running toward the idol 

Irene clicks her tongue, "I wonder how they became my friend" She mumbled and walked away


The latter had her way towards the elevator but then one of her colleagues and been trying to win her heart- who seems in a mess, he looks pale and sweaty

"Junmyeon? what's wrong?" She asked with worries

"Can you take over my cousin? She's at the VIP ward 1. Just check her up. This is urgent, I have to burst it out" He said and groaned a little as he rubbed his belly

Irene realized what he meant and let out a short chuckle, "Okay, I got you.."


Junmyeon sighed in relief, "Thank you, Irene"

"It's my pleasure. Go ahead, I can smell it already" Irene teased and pinched her nostrils playfully

Junmyeon rolled his eyes playfully and ran in limping


Irene just chuckled once again at him before she had her way toward the VIP wards 

"Her cousin must be pretty rich to be an idol and have a VIP room huh" 



Irene reached the room and saw Yerim in her nurse suit, talking with someone on the phone in front of the door


"Yerim-ah?" She called her

The younger hung up with the call, "Eonnie.. I'm sorry, I wasn't able to join you for the lunch"

"It's okay.. Catch up tomorrow" Irene flashed a reassuring smile


"Yeah.. Anyway, what are you doing here, Eonnie?"

"Your brother asked me to check your cousin's condition. How is she?" 


Yerim sighed, "She's sleeping as of now, Eonnie.."

Irene nodded her head and asked, "So, what happened to her?"

"She fell down from the stage while performing. The platform was slippery. So, when it went down without a signal, she fell down. And now, she has broken left arm and ankle"


Irene scrunched up her face after hearing Yerim's statement "That's worse" She muttered, "Let's go, I'll check her up"

Yerim opened the door and let the older one enter first


As soon as Irene entered the room, she saw three tall guys wearing suits and between them is a middle-aged man and the lady she saw earlier

Yerim then pokes Solar from behind, "Eonnie.. The Doctor is here" she whispered. Enough for the other to hear


They looked at Irene and bowed their head a little for greetings, same as with the latter

"I'm Doctor Bae, an associate professor in the neurology department. Doctor Kim asked me to take over for a while" Irene lend her hand to the middle-aged man and to Yongsun


"It's nice to meet you, Doctor Bae. I'm Jung Jihoon, CEO of SYJ entertainment. This is Yongsun, Seulgi's cousin. '' Mr. Jung introduced himself formally and shake his hand to Irene


Irene did the same thing with Yongsun


Then the latter took a glance at the patient behind who was in a deep sleep with some cuts and scrapes on her face down to her arm



Seulgi woke up to the pungent smell of hospital disinfectant that invades her nostrils.

The room was silent, just her breathing and the monitor noises

She slowly opened her eyes, squinting in an attempt to sharpen the blurred images around her. It was all white


'Oh yeah, I knew it' she cursed in her mind

But then a voice of a lady murmuring can be heard


Seulgi glanced around and saw a lady wearing a long white coat, back facing her

She tried to get up but flinched in pain when she suddenly felt the pain in her back, arms, and legs 


Irene turned around when she heard Seulgi flinch who tried to get herself up

"Don't move too much, except that it'll hurt" Her angelic and soft soothing voice caught Seulgi's attention. 


But once again the latter accidentally moved her ankle that making her winced in pain, again

Irene let out a sigh and carefully pinned Seulgi down


Seulgi groaned, "How long have I been here, Miss?" She asked and lift her head up to look at Irene


The idol was stunned when she saw Irene staring at her.

Seulgi felt like time stood still and she was wrapped in bliss. She doesn't mind the pain all over her body, she doesn't feel it anymore. 


She is.. captivated


'kismet.. dimwit, is it true?'


All she can hear is the indistinct sound of the machine beside her bed and the voice of Irene asking her if she's okay


' It's corny, but am I in heaven? S-she's too perfect to be a human  '


Irene then snapped her fingers on Seulgi, "Miss Kang, are you okay?"

Seulgi was caught out and blinked her eyes several times, "I-i'm sorry, who are you?"


Irene let out a soft chuckle as she noticed Seulgi has been shifting her gazes around the room, trying her best not to meet the older one's gazes

"Are you avoiding me, Miss Kang?" She flashed a gentle smile on the idol


"N-no! I-i'm not!" Seulgi retorts nervously

"Oh.. okay, if you say so" Irene said, trying her best not to laugh at the latter. "I'm going to rub some antiseptic on your wounds on your face, okay? Tell me if it hurts" She softly said as she pour a few drops of antiseptic on the cotton swab, avoiding what the idol just asked her


Seulgi just nodded her head a little, still not looking at Irene

"You can close your eyes if you don't want to look at me" Irene chuckled and gently dab the cotton swab on Seulgi's wound on her left cheeks


Their faces are just inches far from each other making Seulgi stiffen

Instead of the hospital disinfectant, Irene's scent invades the idol's nostrils


'Oh god, this is making me insane. She smells like a rose fresh from the garden. Damn'


"Does it hurt?" Irene asked softly. But she didn't receive any response from the latter. 

Seulgi just can't take her eyes off of the Doctor. She can't believe to herself what she's seeing right now


She had a lot of rumors about dating girls and boys in the industry. But she knew to herself that she never fell in love with all idols that linked with her. Neither one of them


All she knows is she has a breathtaking view of heaven. For herself, right now


Seulgi eyes traveled from Irene's dreamy eyes, and nose, down to her soft-looking lips with a tint of natural pink 

"I'm not in charge of being your doctor. And I'm a neurologist. You don't have to get scared of me, I just have to check you up for now.." Irene's soothing voice lingered on Seulgi's ear


"You're too perfect though" Seulgi bluntly said 


Irene was surprised by what she witnessed from the idol's mouth, "I'm sorry?"

Therefore, their gazes locked on each other, and Irene felt a different kind of warmth slide through her. 


"Have we met before?" Seulgi asked

Irene's brows furrowed after she heard Seulgi's question


"What? No" She straightened herself and made a fake cough after the staring competition with the idol. It was too awkward for her

Likewise with Seulgi


"Doctor Kim will be here by any minute," Irene said, trying to cool down the atmosphere

Seulgi nodded her head, "Thank you" then her gazes went to Irene's name tag on her coat "Doctor Bae"


Irene flashed a small smile at her, "It's nice to meet you, Miss Kang-"

The latter raised her right hand to stop Irene's statement, "Just call me Seulgi, Doc.. Or if you want, call me to love" she winked

And now, the idol shows her true colors after getting captured by the beauty of Doctor Bae Joohyun


Irene frowned as she shoved her hands in her coat pockets, a seconds later she let out a soft chuckle "I've heard that already, Seulgi-ssi" 


' Oh no, she dumped me already ' Seulgi slapped herself on her thought


"Anyway, your agency paid that much for you to stay here on VIP wards huh" Irene tried to tease the idol

Seulgi just shrugged her shoulders in response, "Paparazzi and sasaeng fans are crazy. Maybe that's why I'm here"


Then suddenly, someone came into the room. A man wearing the same uniform as Irene

"Oh, your doctor is here" Joohyun said and faced her colleague "What took you so long, Professor Kim Junmyeon?" She jokingly rolled her eyes in annoyance and crossed her arms


Junmyeon sticks his tongue out on Joohyun, "Why? Did you wait for me, Your Highness?" He flashed a coy smile and wrapped his arms around Irene


Without knowing that Seulgi has been watching them with her straight face


"Aigoo, of course, too pretty to be single. Too bad, it's him" she hissed at herself


"Stop playing around and take care of your patient" Irene playfully punched Junmyeon on his arm

She then took a glance at Seulgi who immediately avoided her gaze

"I have to go now, Seulgi-ssi.. Hope for your recovery soon" She bowed at her and left the room


Seulgi stared at her leaving the room, "How I wish she's my doctor" she mumbled. Enough for Junmyeon to hear it

"Most of the patients are saying that because she's too pretty and kind. Sorry not sorry, Seul. I'm in charge" Junmyeon mischievously smirked to the idol



Irene slumped herself on the couch as she went home. She then let out a loud groan


It's been 2 days since she met Seulgi, and that's just nothing for her. It seems normal for her the patient to stare and flirt at her the whole time

But she has been in deep thoughts since the meeting with the pediatrician and neurologist.

And had the final decision of Seon-u's family that crashed her world


Suddenly, someone came out of the kitchen. It was her girlfriend, holding a duster "Hi babe!"

"Baby? Why are you here?" Irene asked, still laying down on the couch

Wendy smiled at her, "I cl

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Don’t worry, I am hoping that Seulgi is still alive too 🧐


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1o21seesee #1
still waiting
Ysleland #2
I got attached to the characters. I hope the love story of Silver Spoon and Lady Bae will continue in the past and present!
Chapter 26: happy ending please huhuhu i wonder what happen to modern seulgi :((
433 streak #4
Chapter 26: 😱😱😱
Chapter 11: Please please make this story as happy ending 🥺🙏 my heart can't take any angst stories from now on 😭 it hurts me a lot :((
Kpopno_ob21 #6
Chapter 26: That cliffhanger should be illegal... but what a great chapter, the feels were everwhere.
byulsmoon #7
Chapter 26: This has been a great read, thanks author for updating, I enjoyed it a lot
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 26: OMG, hope seulgi going to be fine, thank u so much author nim for update 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 stay safe and sound 🤍
A new chapter?! Hell yes!
Chapter 26: After reading the previous chapter, I was just hoping that the King really did have a secret plan or backup plan and didn't simply send Seulgi on a war to spare him from the fight in their homeland/capital while at the same time shut up the naysayers and have Seulgi show her worth as future ruler. As it is, was the secret plan just the ship and crew (assumingly also a force)? Did the King and Lord Jung also have another plan to safeguard Seulgi's safety and ascension to the throne? They must have made something or put a plan in action already to counter the betrayals waiting to be unfolded because I cannot imagine being so naive as to not do or put a failsafe especially in regards to power struggles and family problems within the royal family and the kingdom. Given that they actually suspected a betrayal from within the Palace, I just hoped that they assembled a team/force 100% loyal and reliable that would help them put things into right again.

On another note, this is another hope in that Joohyun didn't get suddenly married off or something once Seulgi gets found. She already ed up with the past marrying Bogum and then doing alot of emotional damage to a very much devoted and in love Seulgi to her....unless, that supposed memory was actually a vision of the future 🤮😡. That was one unforgivable betrayal, in my opinion.