Chapter XIV

In Disguise
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Reminder: It's a long chapter than usual, so grab some snacks now:>> Enjoy!



Baekhyun has been smiling from ear to ear as he's watching Seulgi and Joohyun walking side by side in front of him even when it is just Seulgi who does the talking

For the clarification, Seulgi changed her clothes and act as if she visited her so-called father inside the palace to Baekhyun


"Why are you smiling?" A man with a sword in his grip asked Baekhyun. It was Heechul beside him

"Nothing, they are just adorable" Baekhyun answered him with a grin, "Aren't they look good together? They are like a beautiful couple of flowers"

Heechul just scoffed. Yes, they make a beautiful pair. But he knows that they should not


"Are you sure you are not mad at me for hiding my identity from you?" Seulgi asked Joohyun in a low voice for the tenth time

"Like, you were part of the selection to be my Crown Princess-"

And it's slowly making Joohyun annoyed. Yes, that's what she wants. To get annoyed at Seulgi

"How many times should I say no, Silver spoon?" She frowned

Seulgi pursed her lips in childlike and held her chin to think, "Until you call me Your Highness. But I prefer you calling me silver spoon" She waggle her brows playfully at Joohyun who just rolled her eyes

"Oho! You should show some respect, My Lady. Don't forget that I am-"

"Fine!" Joohyun snapped her out and faced her

It also surprised Baekhyun and Heechul behind


"Your Highness" Joohyun mumbled, almost inaudible

Seulgi heard her but she stops herself from smiling to tease Joohyun that she didn't hear it

"What? Can you repeat it?"


Joohyun didn't utter anything and just stare at Seulgi in tranquil before she leaned in to whisper

"Do you want me to say it louder in front of your friend, Baekhyun?" Joohyun asked and leaned back a little to meet Seulgi's gaze, "Huh, Your Highness?" A small but mischievous smirk flashed on Joohyun face

Then, she stepped away from her

She did that— afraid to let Seulgi hear her crazy heartbeat.

Yes, that's right. She's having a heart attack again


"Hey! How about we go to the night market tonight?!" Seulgi exclaimed as she ran towards Joohyun to catch her pace

"No, I want to go home. I wasted too much time for the whole day with you" Joohyun said, didn't dare to look at seulgi

And Seulgi chuckled, "Wow, I didn't ask for you to cure my knuckles" she said and look at her fist that covered well in cloth

"Your wife and mother did" Joohyun muttered

That caught Seulgi, "Really? Mother did too?"


Joohyun nodded her head and turn her gaze at Seulgi, "I talked to her earlier and she told me that you are such an annoying child"

Of course, that's a lie. She made that up

Seulgi lips twitches up with Joohyun's statement and held the latter's shoulder to stop her from walking

"You.. My mother loves me that much, she didn't say-"


Seulgi was cut off when an arrow just flew in between their space of Joohyun in swift

That nearly hit neither one of them

Heechul who was there to protect Seulgi; immediately took his sword off from his scabbard and stood up to cover the Crown Prince


Joohyun flinches in surprise and Baekhyun almost faints as it planted just a few inches on his foot

Seulgi's eyes widened and look at the arrow that planted perfectly on the ground

But she remembered that Joohyun is with her.

She immediately pulled the latter behind her, "Stay behind me and don't let go" she told Joohyun and tightened the grip on the lady's hand


"I.. I am still alive, right?" Baekhyun stammered as he looks at Joohyun who was also surprised by the sudden attack

Both Seulgi and Heechul look around, wandering their eyes to see who happened to be the assassin that attacked them but it was too dark


It's the first time that Joohyun encountered this since she was transported to this era, and ever since she was born!

And this is scaring the hell out of her

Well, at least her heart is beating fast from fear


Slowly, Joohyun looks up and is greeted by Seulgi's facade

The latter is eyeing around with her full attention, but Joohyun can see how Seulgi is trying to protect her too

The way Seulgi is holding her hand, while the other one is like using it as a shield to protect Joohyun

But the grip is so tight


It hurts Joohyun that's why she decided to intertwine their fingers. And it fits perfectly

But Seulgi seems didn't notice it, she just responded to Joohyun's small fingers

And there goes her crazy heart pounding hard like she is not in the deadly situation

Well, might be a deadly situation. It's dark around, and only a few lights from the houses support the way


"N-noona" Baekhyun called her, "Let's go run, I don't want to die-whaa!"

Another arrow was shot on their spot, but this time it slid on Heechul's arm, leaving a small slice on it

But it's like it is nothing to him as he saw the one who's been attacking them


A man wearing all black with a mask that covers his nose and mouth, but it runs away as soon as their eyes met

Heechul was about to follow him when Seulgi told her not to


"Oh my god, I'm leaving!" Baekhyun panicked but Joohyun pulled him

"Just stay here"


Seulgi then looked at Heechul's bleeding arm, "Don't run after him, we should go"

Joohyun then tightened her grip on Seulgi's hand to have her attention, "I will take care of his wound, let's go" she said

Seulgi look at Joohyun's sincere eyes and nodded her head


"You can walk, right?" Seulgi asked Heechul who chuckled softly as he nodded his head


As they continued their way toward Joohyun's house, Seulgi couldn't help but feel anxious about what happened

She's still looking around and staying alert for what might attack them again

Especially that she's not just the one who's at risk. Joohyun is with her, and Baekhyun, her friend as well


But little did she know, she's still holding Joohyun's hand tight

Now she realized how soft the latter's hand is like she's not a physician, it's small and soft. She can also see the wristband she gave to her

She couldn't help but smile along with her heart beating fast

Yes, that helps her ease the anxiousness that Joohyun is not letting her hand go and the wristband is still on Joohyun's wrist


But she's snapped out when Baekhyun was in rush to open the house gate

She didn't notice they had already arrived at Joohyun's place


"Emergency! Emergency!" Baekhyun exclaimed that alarmed his companions at the house

"What the hell happened?!" Sooyoung's eyes widened as she saw Heechul bleeding arm

This time, Joohyun finally let go of Seulgi's hand








Later that night, Seulg went back to the palace with Heechul

She feels a little nervous when she was told that her father is waiting for her inside her quarter


As well as Eunuch Shin beside him, but she keeps her tranquil face

"Where is Court Lady Choi?" she asked her eunuch

"At their quarter, Your Highness"

"Is she okay?

She was worried until now that Court Lady Choi might be unhappy about what happened now that felt embarrassed with her short hair

But Eunuch Shin didn't answer. Seulgi knows the answer and didn't say anything


She step in front of her quarter's door and took a deep breath before the door servants open the door

Seulgi entered her room, looking at the ground


And as soon as the door closes, she lifted her chin. Only to be greeted by her Father with his nonchalant yet Seulgi knows he's mad

She kneeled to greet her father with a bow


"Where did you go this late at night?" King Dongwon asked her


"Why? What did I tell you about this, Seulgi?!" The King snapped her out before she could answer

Seulgi flinch a little when her father raised his voice

"And look what have you done! I told you to get the trust of our visitors from Ming!" King sighed, "Instead of apologizing, you went out and see that Lady you are fonding for!"

"We need their help, we need their power for us to be prepared for any invasion of our enemies!"


"Father, I apologize for what I did but please hear me out-" Seulgi was cut out again when her Father spoke

"Don't let yourself out of madness just because he cut Lady Choi's hair. She is just a court lady and you are a Crown Prince, Seulgi!"

"No matter what happens, they are just your servants! Don't risk your title for that!"


His statement now caught Seulgi off guard

"What?" Seulgi looked at him with her frowning brows, "Just a court lady, Father? Just servants? Is that what you said?"

"Yes, it is!" King Dongwon sighed in frustration


Seulgi scoffed bitterly and stood up, "How ashamed of you, Father to say that when they are the ones who made me feel what the real life is! They made my childhood better while being stuck here inside the palace just to study because I am the so-called Crown Prince of this nation when I was just born to be the princess!"

"Watch your words, Seulgi!"

The Crown Prince shook her head, "You are the one who should, Father. I did it because he has done enough. You don't know what happened!"


"I know, Seulgi. I know everything"

"You don't know everything"


Seulgi once again scoff, "You didn't even try to ask me what happened or why I came home late and just put a blame for seeing Joohyun"

"You don't have to know why. Just keep your pride until I die" Seulgi said before she bow her head and she turns around as she walk towards the door


She then look over her shoulder, "We weren't even like this before"





Junmyeon was catching his breath as he ran towards the servants that came out from the quarter

And Haneul is with them


"What happened to you?" Haneul frowned and stared at his cousin's appearance

"I have something to tell His Royal Highness. I've heard that she's here at Seungwan"

Haneul nodded his head, "That's why I'm here. But I think she just wants to talk with Yongsun and Seungwan. The crown princess is inside too'


Junmyeon sighed, "But I found this" he lifted the ledger from his hand

"What is that?"

"Jongin gave me this one. As I studied this, it's all stolen golds of the Emperor. Which happened to be done by one of his trusted people"


"Seulgi must know about this"

Then, they made their way back to the quarter





"What is that?" Seulgi sniffled as she wipes her runny nose after bawling her eyes out to Soojung and the other two princesses

She took the ledger from the table, "private assets?" She mumbled and look at her brother and cousin


"Well, His Majesty's guard, Jongin. He said that his father has been meeting with the envoy discreet last night because of two reasons" Junmyeon said

"What is that?"

"Before that, take a look at this" Junmyeon took something inside his robe and placed it on the table

"Jongin also handed me this one. It's one of the collections Chief Eunuch Huang gave to his father"


All of their eyes went bulged in surprise when they saw the gold hairpin with a dragon ming emblem

Except for Haneul and Junmyeon

Soojung took it immediately, "W-wait. This is truly rare! You can't have this easily even if you have a position in Ming!" She said and look at Seulgi

"Yes, there is only one thing why you can have it" Yongsun said


Junmyeon sighed as he nodded his head, "Jongin told me that his sister was an imperial concubine. And their father is taking an advantage of it and became a gambler to sell those rare collections from Ming"

"Which he keeps using his daughter to have those collections from Chief Eunuch because he knew that his daughter and that Eunuch have a romantic feeling for each other" Haneul continued Junmyeon's statement


Seulgi frowned at their words

"He takes things like this from Eunuch Huang?" Seulgi asked

Soojung faced Seulgi, "I have this feeling that Eunuch Huang stole those things from the Emperor"

"That is why you should take a look on that ledger, Seulgi" Haneul added as he motioned his hand to the ledger that his sister is holding


"We can kick his using the secrets inside that ledger, Seul" Seungwan said, nodding her head

Seulgi opened the ledger immediately. She flipped all the papers one by one to read everything inside

Which highly surprised her. All of them





Joohyun was peacefully studying some medical herbs she still doesn't know

She was wearing physician clothes instead of a noble lady's fancy silk clothes


While filling water in a bowl, her eyes caught the wristband on her wrist

She suddenly remembered what happened last night. But to be clear, not the sudden attack of the assassin, but her sudden almost heart attack instead

She remembers how her hand perfectly fits on Seulgi's delicate and soft hand and how their fingers intertwined like a twined root of the tree that cannot be just untwisted by anyone

Little did she know, a smile plastered on her face


Not until she noticed her three friends, along with Minjeong and Baekhyun staring at her right at the door with those squinting eyes

"Omo!" She was startled by their sudden presence

"What are you doing there? You all look like creepy humans out there!" She grumbled


Byul-yi huffed, "You've been smiling there like a crazy in love old woman"

Joohyun looks at her in disbelief, "Excuse me?"

"Is that because of Young Master Donghee?" Sooyoung asked

"It is!" Baekhyun reacted, followed by Minjeong raising both of her thumbs


"What? No! No!" Joohyun shook her head, along with her pair of hands

Yerim sneered, "I saw you two holding each other hands last night. My eyes are faster than you think, Eonni!"

Joohyun's mouth went parted for seconds before she sighs in defeat, "Oh my goodness" she palmed her forehead"


"That is not what you think, okay? Nothing is going on with us" she explained herself, "You know what happened last night. Someone attacked us, and it scared me"


But the skeptical gazes from the five persons in front of her truly defeated her immediately

"Don't disturb me here. I am practicing"


"Practicing what? Not to smile while thinking about him?" Baekhyun asked and they suddenly burst into laughter





"I'm going to Lady Bae's place today" Yongsun said as she took the arrow in front of her and position herself

Seulgi looked at her, "What?"

"Seungwan is going with me" Yongsun answered and made a perfect shot on the target board along with Seungwan

She asked for both of them to have some rounds of archery at the training field


"It's been a long time since I visited Sooyoung, I miss her" Seungwan said

Seulgi's face winced in disgust, "You are not funny"

"I am not joking though" Seungwan stick her tongue out to her sister, "As if you don't miss Lady Bae that is why you send her home last night" she smirked before she took another shot


Seulgi eyes twitches, "Yah, I'm-"

She was cut off when Yongsun pointed the arrow at her back

"You should shut your mouth and make an aim, Your Highness" she took it off and take a shot on the target board

"I am now regretting inviting two of you instead of my brother" Seulgi mumbled


"Is there anything you want to give to your lovely Bae Joohyun? I can give it to her" Seungwan said as she put down her bow to drink a water

"I'll send four guards from my men with you"

"For what?"

"For her. To protect her from any future attack. Also, tell her not to leave her place without any of my men. She shall abide the Crown Prince" Seulgi stated nonchalant and shot a bullseye


Yongsun and Seungwan eyed each other before they shrugged their shoulders


Seulgi will do anything just to protect Joohyun. Last night might be a warning attack, but it scared her. She doesn't one anyone to hurt Joohyun, not everyone around her

As she was about to take another arrow, Yongsun elbowed her, "His Majesty is watching us from afar" she whispered

Both Seungwan and Yongsun bow their head at the King


So do Seulgi, but after that, she placed down her bow and arrow and left the field

"What's with her?" Yongsun asked

Seungwan chuckled softly, "She and Father had fought last night"

"Oh. That's new"

"I don't think it is good, they are not on good terms now"





Seulgi looks up as the door opened. Heechul stepped in and greeted her with a bow

"Any update with the investigation from last night?" Seulgi asked

Heechul sighed and shook his head, "Crown Princess asked her father Lord Jung about the arrows, Your Highness"


"Yeah, right. He knows everything about the arrows, where is he right now?"

"Currently, Lord Jung is back at Gyeonggi-do. However, we sent the arrow privately with the help of Lord Jung's trusted men"

Seulgi sighs in relief, "That is good to know. Did Seungwan and Yongsun leave with my men?"

"Not yet, Your Highness"


Before Heechul could leave, he remembered something, "Anyway, Your Highness. Prince Yeongchang(Bogum) is the one who's escorting the envoys for lunch today. Yet, Eunuch Huang asked for your presence tonight for a drink at the guesthouse"

"I will go. We need to talk after all"

Heechul bow his head and left the room


Seulgi let out a long exasperated sigh and look at her hand

"I already told your servants to clean your wounds until it heals. And on the third day, just the herbal powders I told them to" Joohyun told her last night

Then, she smiled as she remembered it

"Maybe we are a perfect couple in our next lives. I will make that happen" She mumbled


"Your Royal Highness, your meal table for lunch is already here" An announcement suddenly can be heard outside her chamber

"Come on in"


The servants for serving foods came in and Ryujin is one of them

"You may all leave, Ryujin you stay here" Seulgi told them

The other servants looked at each other before they said to Seulgi

"Yes, Your Highness"


As they finished arranging the food, all of them left the room without Ryujin

The other servant elbowed the other one, "She is so close to His Royal Highness" she whispered

"Yes, His Royal Highness always asks for her. She is such a great attention seeker"

They hissed


As soon as the door closes, Seulgi smiles at Ryujin, "Did you get it?"

The kid nodded her head and took something inside her uniform, it was a perfume pocket for women

The lavender smell of the pocket invades Seulgi's nostrils, making the latter close her eyes in satisfaction

"This scent would be perfect for her" she mumbled


"Is this for Lady Joohyun, Your Highness?" Ryujin asked

"Yes.. Look, I made a poem for her earlier" Seulgi unfold the paper she took from her book and show it to Ryujin

"Meet me where the falling stars live. I will wait for your day and night" Ryujin read what was on the paper that Seulgi wrote

She looks at her master and saw how Seulgi's anticipation for her answer


"You will give to her, Your Highness?"

"Yes, how was it?"

"Does this mean, you will wait for her? Is she willing to come for you, Your Highness? You keep doing things you are not sure about" Ryujin told her

Seulgi blinks her eyes, realizing what Ryujin has said.

The kid was right. Joohyun never answers her nor gives her a word about it, especially now that she knows her identity and is married with soojung


"Uhm, I don't know. Let's just do things without thinking" Seulgi chuckled at her own words and folded the paper

"Since I am forbidden to leave my quarter, can you pick up some daises for her?"

Ryujin looks at her, "Me?"

"Yes, I will give you four days to stay with your family and leave this jail" Seulgi told her with a smile

And excitement can be seen in the kid's eyes


"However, I want you to go to My Lady's place to give the perfume pack, this letter, and that flowers. You got it?"

Ryujin nodded her head in eagerness, "Will do, Your Highness!"


Seulgi smiles in satisfaction and started to eat her meal. Then, she noticed that there was one plate that haven't been presented to her yet

"What is that?"

Ryujin bow her head at her, "Your Highness, I am truly honored with the kindness you always show and give to me and to my family" she said and took the covered plate

"I know this is your favorite that is why I decided to cook this one for you even if it is not part of your cuisine for today"

Seulgi frowned as she tilt her head to the side, "What it is?"


Ryujin takes off the cover from the plate, "It's your favorite rice cake with sweet fillings, Your Highness"

Seulgi eyes twinkled as soon as the colorful rice cakes greeted her

She even forgot to take her chopsticks to feed herself a piece of rice cake, instead, she uses her fingers


Ryujin was glad to see how the Crown Prince devour the rice cakes inside

She knew that the latter haven't eaten this for months now as she was not allowed to eat her favorite food due it's hard to trust anyone else inside the palace


After Seulgi finished her meal, other servants went in to take the food table. And Ryujin already has the things that Seulgi will give to Joohyun

"Pack your things after this. Don't worry, Court Lady Choi knows about this already, and Heechul will send you there"

Ryujin bows her head, "Thank you, Your Highness. I wish you a healthy and long life"






Minjeong was humming happily while she's watering the plant outside the border whole with Yerim

Then, they heard heavy footsteps with some metal clanking that caught their attention


They turn their head around and found the Princesses with five armed men, they were wearing all red and their hat has a red and black feathers side to side

But the younger one among them has a different uniform

Yerim couldn't imagine how heavy their weapons are


Minjeong went in the beam as soon as someone behind Seungwan waved, no other than Ryujin

She greeted the princesses with a bow first before she ran towards her stepsister


Yerim then to Yongsun, ignoring the armed man around them

"What makes you visit us, Princess?" Yerim asked both Seungwan and Yongsun

"Are your friends inside?" Seungwan asked

Yerim nodded her head but then she took a glimpse at the men around them

"But, who are they? They look so scary" she mumbled


Yongsun chuckled, "I heard about the sudden attack last night to Lady Bae, so I decided to send some of my men here to guard you all up in case it happens again" she lied. Of course, she has to. That's Seulgi's command

"Oh. They won't hurt us, right?"

"No. They are just going to protect you"


Joohyun then suddenly came out of the gate as she noticed that the two kids are talking with someone

Her eyes widened as soon as she saw Seungwan and Yongsun, and she was a little surprised too to see some guards with weapons


All of them are holding a long spear with a shining sharp blade on the top, a bow and set of arrows hanging on their back, and a sword on their belt

She blinks and realized their uniforms. Probably from palace


"It is nice to see you, Lady Bae. I apologize that we come here without any notice" Seungwan said and greet her with a small bow

Joohyun slowly smiles at her. As always, Seungwan looks beautiful

"T-that's alright. Let's go inside" Joohyun motioned her hand to go inside


As soon as Yongsun went inside with Yerim, Ryujin greeted her

"Hello, My Lady. Can I stay here for a moment? I want to talk with Minjeong"

"Yes, sure. You don't have to mention that, go inside now" Joohyun patted her shoulder

"Thank you, beautiful lady" Ryujin giggled and held Minjeong's hand as they went inside


Now, it's only her and Seungwan at the gate

"I know you know that he is the Crown Prince, right?" Seungwan asked her suddenly


Well, it's a bit awkward that she's with Seungwan alone now. Knowing that this lady in front of her is her girlfriend that whom she shared a lot of memories of their present lives

And now, this princess doesn't even know a single thing about their memories together


"Uh, yes. That was an accident"

Seungwan laughs a little, she knows that it was Bogum's doing. Seulgi told them everything

"These men are actually waiting for me to introduce you to them" Seungwan pointed to the men who were in the line up in front of them

"May I ask what are they doing-"


Seungwan cleared , "As per the Crown Prince's command, starting today, you shall keep your guard up to protect Lady Bae Joohyun; the Chief State Councilor's only daughter, along with her companions from any attack. Understood?"

The men bow their heads to Joohyun to show their courtesy


Joohyun chuckled at her thoughts, 'Seulgi did this for me? What a stupid silver spoon'


"You are not allowed to leave this place even your companions without any one of us, My Lady" One of the men told Joohyun

Joohyun found this weird but cool at the same time. Seulgi doing this to protect her from any attack again


It is better but the men's faces are kind of creeping her out. Aside from the young man who talked to her

He's still young, built, and looks friendly

Then, the other two men positioned themselves side by side of the gate, the other two went inside while the other one stayed in front of them


"See how His Royal Highness is head over heels with you, Lady Bae" Seungwan giggles and elbows her

"By the way, the is man is one of the trusted guards of the Crown Prince"



Seulgi is peacefully inside her library, reading a few books from her collections

Then, there's a man who's trying to hide between the bookshelves. He's moving light where Seulgi even didn't notice that he opened the door and came in

But he was wrong. He was about to surprise her but she spoke

"I know what you're trying to do" Seulgi lift her chin only to see the young man with his pair of hands in the air, ready to surprise her


"Choi Minho"

The young man cackled, "I thought you forgot me, Your Highness, after my months of absence" he said and bow to her

"Why would I forget that ugly face of yours" Seulgi replied nonchalantly and turn her attention back to her book, trying her best not to laugh at Minho's reaction

"Your Highness! I just came back, stop playing around-"

"Yes, you came back in the middle of the Ming envoys' visit. Stupid" Seulgi cut his words and close her book to give him her full attention


Minho just chuckled at her, "Anyway, Your Highness. I heard that you almost killed the Chief Eunuch from Ming"

Seulgi eyes widened, "Kill? Yah! I just punch his face!"

Minho laughed at her reaction, "I can see that. Look at your injured hand." He sighed, "You must take care of yourself"


"I know. And speaking of which, since you are already here and I trust you. I have a favor to ask"

When Minho noticed how Seulgi's solemn face, he composed himself and kneel down

"I will be willing to do whatever it takes, Your Highness"

Seulgi let out a long exasperated sigh, "Last night, we were attacked. Heechul Orabeoni was hurt too"

Minho frowned, "What? Have you found the culprit?"

"Not yet. But I have Lord Jung's help"

"That's a relief, Your Highness. Is there anything I can do to ease your anxiousness?"


"Seungwan and Yongsun Eonni will be leaving at any moment now, they are with my four men to protect those important in my life"

Seulgi stood up from her seat and look at Minho, "And I want you to be a person who will protect her from any danger when I am not around"

Minho went frowned, "her?"

"Yes. It's Councilor Bae's daughter"

"Wait. Why do you-" Minho lifted his chin to meet Seulgi's gaze


"Your Highness" he mumbled


"By any chance" He rose, "Are you.. in love?"

Seulgi laughed at his round eyes that went wider

"How do you say so? I just want you to protect her"


Minho scoffed, "We're friends since we were born, Your Highness. You always told me you will never fall in love with a man because they are cocky"

Seulgi smiled as she remembered how she told them those

"I thought you will like Soojung, I mean, the Crown Princess. But knowing now, you have someone in your heart already" Minho grinned wide


"Why would I like Soojung? You are the one who likes her-"

"Your Highness!"

"I'm just kidding" Seulgi laughed, "Just go follow my sister. And please, don't tell Joohyun that I am a woman. She doesn't know that yet, she only knows I am the Crown prince"



Sooyoung is looking weirdly at the man who keeps following Joohyun by his eyes wherever she goes

"What is that man doing?" Sooyoung mumbled

Seungwan heard her, "He is now Lady Joohyun's personal bodyguard. It's a command from the Palace"

Sooyoung's eyes widened, "I am sure it's from the Crown Prince"


Seungwan shrugged her shoulder and watch Yerim playing with Yongsun and Byul-yi

Then, Sooyoung spoke again

"He looks young. And he is handsome"

And that caught Seungwan off guard


Sooyoung nodded her head, "It seems like he has a good and y body too" she breathed softly as she held her chest, probably daydreaming about the man with Joohyun


Seungwan scoffed bitterly, "you're saying that in front of me?"

"E-eh? W-why?" Sooyoung blink her eyes innocently at her

Well, it's scaring her with the way how Seungwan aura changed

"I'm jealous"



A moment of silence and Seungwan just keep her eyes straight directly on Sooyoung 

She's bold enough for that

"I said I'm jealous. Don't you get it?" Seungwan repeated, this time, she leaned a bit on Sooyoung

On a flustered Sooyoung


Yongsun poked Byul-yi as soon as she saw what was happening with the two, "Look at them"

Byul-yi turns around, and even Yerim

"Omo, are they going to kiss?" Byul-yi eyes widened, only to receive a smack from Yerim

"Watch your words, Eonni"

Yongsun chuckled, "Sooyoung's face is red as crimson now"


"Well, a Princess doing that stare at her. I might feel hot as well if I was in the situation" Byul-yi muttered

That caught Yongsun's attention, "Do you want to try?" She asked straightforwardly

Yerim bulged out as she got what she meant but Byul-yi didn't get it immediately

"Try what?"

Another smack on her head from Yerim, "You are such a slowpoke"


"Yah! You got enough on smacking my head you little rascal!"

Yerim run away to protect herself from Byul-yi's heavy hand


And of course, Byul-yi runs after her. Leaving Yongsun to watch them with a smile on her face

She sighed then look at Seungwan who's already turning a blind eye on flushed Sooyoung now


"This princess already made a move, eh?" She chuckled, "I am trying too but she is so stupid" she looks at Byul-yi that running after Yerim





"His Royal Highness is giving me this?" Joohyun asked Ryujin as she held the pocket of perfume

She leaned on it a bit and her favorite scent  invades her nostrils


"Yes, My Lady. Also, this" the Kid took the folded paper from her pocket and give it to Joohyun

Joohyun takes it and reads what's inside the paper


Once again, Joohyun barely couldn't understand it

She sighs softly, 'Kang Seulgi, you won't give up, aren't you?'


Then, she turns her gaze back to Ryujin, "Are you close with him?"

"I can say that, My Lady. His Royal Highness and I talked a lot about many things"


Joohyun can say that Seulgi is really friendly. Far from what she's expecting since the latter grew up inside the palace


"He is so kind and if it weren't in my position, I could treat him as my older brother, My Lady" Ryujin added, "And you are so lucky that the Crown Prince likes you"

"Am I?" Joohyun chuckled softly, "His Highness is married, why does he keep himself to me, then?"

Ryujin didn't answer because she doesn't know. All she knows is her master is head over heels with the beautiful lady in front of her. But also thinks that Seulgi can marry Joohyun as a royal noble consort


"Don't mind my question. However, may I know if you do really know your Crown Prince?"

"Pardon me, My Lady?"

"You know, for me, she looks like a woman"

Ryujin stare at her for seconds, blinking her eyes like an innocent kid, surprised by Joohyun's sudden statement

Then, she burst into soft giggles, "Aigoo, His Royal Highness is such a beautiful man, My Lady. I also thought of that when I saw her with his hair down"


Joohyun frowned and Ryujin said, "If he's a woman, she must be the most beautiful woman I've ever since"


'So even this kid doesn't know her real identity'






"We will check for the further information, Your Highness" Jongin bow his head in front of Seulgi, "But I beg you not to kill my father"

Seulgi chuckled softly, "Just trust me, Officer Kim"

"Thank you, Your Highness"


As soon as Jongin left her chamber, Eunuch Shin came


"Eunuch Huang is waiting for you at the guesthouse for a drink with him and Minister Zhang" He said

Seulgi let out a long sigh as he get up then Eunuch Shin stopped her


"Your Highness, I have a bad feeling about this. He is probably mad about what happened" Eunuch Shin told her

But Seulgi just ignored it and look at Court Lady Choi who has been quiet since what happened

"Do you want me to inform the royal guards?"

Seulgi shook her head, "Nothing will happen. Just take care of Court Lady Choi" she said and nodded her head to Heechul as a sign that they will go now


Leaving Eunuch Shin with worries

He saw how mad Zitao was earlier while having breakfast with Bogum as he passed by


As Seulgi arrived at the guesthouse, Zitao already prepared snacks and drinks for both of them

He was just waiting for her

Seulgi was greeted by Zitao, the side of his lips was busted. And that is because of her


But she noticed that it's only two of them

"It seems like Vice Minister hasn't arrived yet" She said and take a seat in front of him

"Men can resolve this kind of matter by drinks. So, don't bother anyone about this" Zitao said with a smile on his face

Seulgi knew it was fake. He's not a good actor, pfft she's better


"As a peace offering, I've asked you to come to show you something interesting" Zitao said and took a sip of his drink, "What do you think, Your Highness?"

Seulgi frowned and follow Zitao's gaze over his shoulder, "Come on out" he said loudly


In the pavilion hallway, Seulgi heard the sound of the blade sliding through the ground

And within a few seconds, she saw a shadow of a tall, big, and built man come out from the dark holding a wide sword that even a butcher could use for the hard meat

It can easily behead you

Heechul couldn't help but surprise as well by what he saw


"I've heard that your guard over there is one the best swordsman in Joseon" Zitao said

Seulgi looks over her shoulder to see Heechul frowning. This man in front of her is probably putting her in a trap

He knows the ones that matter to her.


"Care to test his skills with mine, Your Highness?" Zitao smiled and pointed to the big man beside him

Seulgi was correct, he put her in a trap.


Worried that Heechul might not take those blades, she boldly told Zitao

"Whose is better doesn't matter" Seulgi uttered, "If this is why you asked for me, you can count me out" she stood up

"I have a lot of things to do after all" She added and stepped down from the pavilion, leaving Zitao chuckling silently


"Let's leave" She told Heechul

Heechul followed her behind

Zitao then, looks over his shoulder, which permits the big man

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Don’t worry, I am hoping that Seulgi is still alive too 🧐


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1o21seesee #1
still waiting
Ysleland #2
I got attached to the characters. I hope the love story of Silver Spoon and Lady Bae will continue in the past and present!
Chapter 26: happy ending please huhuhu i wonder what happen to modern seulgi :((
433 streak #4
Chapter 26: 😱😱😱
Chapter 11: Please please make this story as happy ending 🥺🙏 my heart can't take any angst stories from now on 😭 it hurts me a lot :((
Kpopno_ob21 #6
Chapter 26: That cliffhanger should be illegal... but what a great chapter, the feels were everwhere.
byulsmoon #7
Chapter 26: This has been a great read, thanks author for updating, I enjoyed it a lot
Oct_13_wen_03 11 streak #8
Chapter 26: OMG, hope seulgi going to be fine, thank u so much author nim for update 🤍🤍🤍🤍🤍 stay safe and sound 🤍
A new chapter?! Hell yes!
Chapter 26: After reading the previous chapter, I was just hoping that the King really did have a secret plan or backup plan and didn't simply send Seulgi on a war to spare him from the fight in their homeland/capital while at the same time shut up the naysayers and have Seulgi show her worth as future ruler. As it is, was the secret plan just the ship and crew (assumingly also a force)? Did the King and Lord Jung also have another plan to safeguard Seulgi's safety and ascension to the throne? They must have made something or put a plan in action already to counter the betrayals waiting to be unfolded because I cannot imagine being so naive as to not do or put a failsafe especially in regards to power struggles and family problems within the royal family and the kingdom. Given that they actually suspected a betrayal from within the Palace, I just hoped that they assembled a team/force 100% loyal and reliable that would help them put things into right again.

On another note, this is another hope in that Joohyun didn't get suddenly married off or something once Seulgi gets found. She already ed up with the past marrying Bogum and then doing alot of emotional damage to a very much devoted and in love Seulgi to her....unless, that supposed memory was actually a vision of the future 🤮😡. That was one unforgivable betrayal, in my opinion.