Who is he?

Behind the Mask
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Hey! For those of you who didn't read the previous chapter that I uploaded yesterday, please do read it before you read this one.. ^-^



Momo's POV: 

"Three more rounds! You can do this!" the trainer said clapping in the air to motivate Jihyo and Nayeon to finish their training session.

"Momo" I heard Jennie call me and I turned to her. 

"Boss wants to speak" she said and I nodded. I got up from my chair and headed inside. 

I pushed open the door to find Chaeyoung and Tzuyu there. 

"Hey unnie" the both greeted and I nodded back. 

"Oh you're here?" my boss, Irene asked 

"Mhmm" I hummed as I took a seat. 

"Okay, I don't want to waste unnecessary time by beating around the bush, so I'm going to get right to it." Irene stated gesturing to Chaeng and Tzuyu to get something out. They pushed a picture before me and I stilled.  How-  

"Your father is looking for this man. Lim Jaehyun. This… this has to do with his plan right? The one you despised?" she asked but I couldn't take my eyes off that picture. That man- he… he… I'd- I…oh gods no 


"MOMO" she snapped and I winced as I looked at her. 

"Sorry" I mumbled 

"Who is he?" Tzuyu asked 

"He…. He was my father's business partner of sorts. He was originally a scientist who became interested in the underworld. He joined my father and together they made the agency what it is today. He studied the human body, so he made programs and modules to help enhance our training and make it most effective. Using technology and old school training methods and his study, they were convinced they could create the best soldiers. But my father got greedy, he wanted something different. He wanted soldiers who were something like his pets. Who didn't think or ask any questions and blindly did what they were told. And the assassins that they were training weren't all that capable so he- He managed to cheat this man to create some sort of serum or something, which gives you a burst of strength and energy for a short period of time. I  don't know how it works exactly, but it's something along that line." I answered trying to keep my voice from wavering 

"Serum?" Irene asked 

"It's a drug of sorts, the more you take it the weaker your muscles get and there would be a day you cannot live without it. So, in that way you are forever bound to serve my dad. And the feeling that you'd get after having taken the drug in is said to be heavenly. But honestly I doubt it. And my dad's plan was to administer this into children. He wanted them to be exposed to this at a young age! And I- I lost it. He's changed into someone I didn't know. Or maybe he was always like this and I never knew since I always believed his good façade. " 

"I'm guessing Jeong got the case?" I asked since everyone had fallen into a stunned silence. 

"Huh? Yeah.." Chaeng answered. 

"So this file that they have.. Does it contain anything important?" Irene asked pointing to the picture 

"I don't think so.. Since Sana unnie has been complaining about the database for the past week. I think they are searching for him on the database" Tzuyu said earning a scoff from me. Irene looked at me and narrowed her eyes "You know more don't you?"  

"Why do you think my father hates me if I didn't know about it?" I asked  


Jeongyeon's POV: 

"There has to be a catch here that we are missing!" Sana groaned as she paced around the room. 

"All we have now is this, he was a partner of your uncle. And your uncle only dealt with drug dealers. So that would mean he was in that line of business. But, we searched and there is no drug dealer named Jaehyun" Mina summed and I nodded vaguely. 

A knock was heard and we looked up to see Tzuyu and Chaeyoung at the door. I wanted to tell them to come later but Sana shot up from her seat and ran into Tzuyu's arms. 

"Tzu Tzu!"  

"Um hey unnie. Me and Chae thought we'd get you some coffee since you guys seemed to be cooped up in here all this while." Tzuyu answered as Sana covered her with kisses. I winced at the sight and looked away. Chaeyoung took that as an okay sign and came to our table. I didn't miss the way her eyes scanned the table in one clean sweep. She placed the coffee down and walked back to Tzuyu who was t

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I guess this means I'm not dead even though its been over a year?


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Chapter 27: omg!! this story is getting tense and exciting
Wivern #2
Chapter 27: Happy new year authornim!
Hope you feel better! 💞
1196 streak #3
Chapter 27: Welcome back!
bbnxxx #4
Chapter 27: Omg yessss i was waiting for you to update :’)
twiceff #5
Chapter 26: I just finished the latest chapter and I’m hooked. update soon ?
Wivern #6
Chapter 26: Things are not looking good for Namo. 😯
Chapter 25: Irene is sooo right ...nayeon must be shocked
Chapter 24: I have re-read the chap again because why not!
thuy9601 #9
Chapter 24: Great story, tks for the update
Chapter 24: Oh GOD!now how am i supposed to wait for next chapter...nay will be hella worried...that guy doesn't like loosing as i can see