Secrets that I hide

Behind the Mask
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Jeongyeon's POV:

I watched and observed the screen looking for any kind of unnecessary movement while Mina slipped inside the building. Sana was watching the exit while I guided Mina through the corridors.

"Take the left one here.. There are 3 guards patrolling the corridor.. Make sure to avoid them Mina" I spoke and I saw her nod to the camera.

She easily avoided those guards and made it to the room we were to break into. I watched as she silently gagged the guards and tied them up in the corner. She cracked her neck and opened the vault door.

I quickly changed screens to get a better view of the vault. I gasped as I saw a masked figure sharpening their blade as if they'd been waiting for Mina to arrive. I instantly shifted my eyes to where Sana was standing only to find her gone too! What in the world?

I ran a hand through my hair and tried to locate Sana but all the footage suddenly went blank. All except the one with Mina. I slammed my hand on the table and cursed. We'd been caught. I just hoped Sana and Mina could escape. I sent a silent signal to them asking them to abort their mission. I grunted when I heard Mina turn on her audio. I had both audio and visuals as to what was going on there.

I watched as the masked figure circle Mina while twirling her dagger in hand. There was no other sound other than the screeching of metal as they masked figure clashed her two blades together.

I gripped the table tight when I saw Mina lunge at the masked figure. Mina tried to throw a punch to the ribs only to get blocked. I heard Mina's cry of pain when the other just twisted her hand and pulled it behind Mina's back. In desperation Mina drove her other hand at the latter. Another mistake as the person just grabbed both hands and rammed her knee into Mina's back causing her to fall onto her knees. I gaped as I watched Mina fall. When did Mina lose this easily? Mina never fought this sloppily before! I grabbed my gun and was about to rush out when a battered and bloody Sana entered and collapsed at the door. I rushed to her and helped her up. I checked for vital injuries and when I found none, I gently placed her on the ground. I jumped out of the van and ran to the building. I was about to enter when I saw Mina tied to a tree. What was happening? Was someone expecting our attack? Did they know who we were? Did they know what happened to those who messed with us? Oh they didn't look like they knew. I ran to Mina and quickly untied her up. She fell into my arms and I picked her up and ran back to the van. I placed her next to Sana before shutting the door and jumping into the drivers seat and driving away.

Nayeon's POV:

"You know... " I started as we were having breakfast

"Hmm?" she hummed as she scrunched her face at the salty omelette.

"I was checking out a couple of houses or rooms to rent over the few days... So I might move out once I do find a good place. Besides I need to go and retrieve what I can from my old house. It's safe to go now right?" I asked Momo. She looked at me with an unreadable expression and then nodded hesitantly.

"I suppose yes, but if you're going there I'm coming with you."

"But... I've troubled you so much already! Momo I appreciate it all but it's too much to ask and trouble you"

"If you haven't noticed Nayeon, life is much more fun with you here." she said closing her eyes

"When you talk like this, you make it seem like we've known each other for a long time"

"Hmmm, well.. What if I say we have?" she asked with a strange look in here eyes. I frowned and said "Uh.. We know each other for a relatively short time, but I guess it does feel like I know you." I admitted biting my lip. Every time she hugged me or when I snuggled into her at nights, I always felt a familiar feeling of having been there. She made me feel safe and whole. I had to admit I was falling for her. I guess it was good that I'm finally able to fall from someone other than my ex, but I still had the nagging behind my mind that maybe she left because she didn't want me. That I wasn't good for her. That she had finally gotten tired of a blind girl as her lover. One who could never do much without struggling.

"It does?" she asked breaking my thoughts.

"Mhmm" I hummed getting up to put away my dishes. She followed me and leaned back on the counter while I washed them.

"If you ever met your ex, would you forgive her?" she asked me suddenly. I stiffened and frowned as I looked at her. I expected her to have a goofy face but she had a unreadable expression on her face.<

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I guess this means I'm not dead even though its been over a year?


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Chapter 27: omg!! this story is getting tense and exciting
Wivern #2
Chapter 27: Happy new year authornim!
Hope you feel better! 💞
1197 streak #3
Chapter 27: Welcome back!
bbnxxx #4
Chapter 27: Omg yessss i was waiting for you to update :’)
twiceff #5
Chapter 26: I just finished the latest chapter and I’m hooked. update soon ?
Wivern #6
Chapter 26: Things are not looking good for Namo. 😯
Chapter 25: Irene is sooo right ...nayeon must be shocked
Chapter 24: I have re-read the chap again because why not!
thuy9601 #9
Chapter 24: Great story, tks for the update
Chapter 24: Oh GOD!now how am i supposed to wait for next chapter...nay will be hella worried...that guy doesn't like loosing as i can see