Nouveau départ (New Beginning)

Au delà du monde

“Renjun, wake up!”

“Just 5 minutes….”

“You already told me 5 minutes earlier” Renjun heard him sigh deeply

“Urghh… You’re so annoying in the morning Mark!” Renjun took his pillow and pressed firmly both side of his ear

“Renjun, even though you do that, I can still speak to you in your mind you dumbhead”

“URGH!” Renjun jumped out of his bed and went to his bathroom to get ready “Are you happy now?”

“Good morning to you too Grumpy boy” Mark chuckled


While Renjun was brushing his teeth, he saw a familiar mist appeared beside him and slowly took the form of a human.

Renjun is a purificateur d’esprit, in English, it means Spirit purificator. Since his young age, Renjun can see spirits in our world. Pretty cool uh?

The mist started to fade out to make place to a man pretty much the same age as Renjun. He smiled widely to Renjun and the other man look at him weirdly


“Why are you that happy in the morning?” Renjun asked

“Do you remember the lost spirit kid in the park last week”

“The kid that asked me to find his ball? What about him?”

“Well the ball was the favorite ball of his deceased dog. After you give him back and proceed the channeling to send him to heaven, his dog was waiting for him to the gate of the heaven.” Mark got emotional at the end “isn’t that sweet!”


After their dead. Some spirits got stuck in our world because of some unfulfilled wish or action that didn’t have time to do it in their life being, or they stay here and become bad spirit. Being a Purificateur d’esprit consist to realize their last wish and maintain order between human and spirit world. You can say they’re like medium or the grim reaper.

Renjun was happy for the spirit, it’s already hard to die in a young age and to be alone beyond the other side of the world could be terrifying. Indeed, a dog is the best friend of the man.


“I can feel we are the best team together!” Mark was flying around his bathroom and got hit by the bar of the curtain’s shower and fell to the bathtub

“What kind of ghost get hit by physical object?” Renjun sighed while leaving the bathroom and close the door behind him

“I was too happy! I couldn’t control myself” Mark becomes mist once again and go through the closed door.


Mark is a spirit called Gardien d’esprit, it translates as Spirit Guardian in English. As mentioned before, some spirit could also be bad and stay in our world. Being a Gardien d’esprit is to repel bad spirit from his owner. So, they’re kinda their Angel Guardian. They also help Purificateur to bring the spirit to heaven or purify the bad spirit. Purificateur and Gardien works hand in hand together to make a better place.

Renjun and Mark know each other since Renjun Ritual Day to become a Purificateur d’esprit. At the beginning of their teenager life, Purificateur have to channel a Gardien beyond their world to start their journey.

Fortunately (or sometime unfortunately when Renjun thought about it) it was Mark who respond to his call. Since that day, they made the pact to become Purificateur and Gardien for each other. Since the pact, Renjun and Mark accomplish many small channelings to send spirit back to heaven.


“Are you excited to start you’re first day of High School?” Mark follows Renjun down the stairs and float around the kitchen while Renjun grabbed something quick to eat.

“It’s just school, you already saw me going to school before” Renjun makes him remember

“Yeah but not in Korea! New place! New friends! New love! -“

“New dramas, new evil teacher, new bullying” Renjun added

“WHO DARES BULLYING MY OWNER?” Mark rolled his sleeve.

“I was kidding” Renjun chuckled


Mark was chatting some more about new things until someone come in the room.


“Why are you still here?” His brother, Winwin, went to the kitchen by all the noise he was hearing

“I was going to go; I was just grabbing something to eat” Renjun said


After grabbing a choco pie, he went to the entrance and put his shoes on


“Renjun come here” Winwin gesture him to come closely


He replaces his little brother’s tie and smile to him


“Be careful out there, Kun told me spirits are more agitated these days in Korea.”


His brother was also a Purificateur, and his Gardien was a spirit named Kun


“Don’t worry, I will be careful.”


Winwin smile to him and look up to Mark who was still floating in the air


“Please protect my brother if anything happens Mark”

“Yes sir!” Mark went down and do a salute to him

“Alrigh” Winwin laughed “Now shoo! You will be late to school.


Mark went first by going through the main door and Renjun follows him, opening the door first.

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