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Chapter Eighteen







Maybe I had. However, had I ever imagined that it would feel this satisfying and heartwarming? Again, maybe I have but this one right here, right now, is so much better than my imagination could ever come up with.

Simply because this is real. He is with me and I am with him.

Pulling the sheets to fully cover my body, I turned to his side of the bed where he was still soundly sleeping. He was lying on his stomach, his head facing my direction giving me the best morning view I could ever ask for.

Naturally, the corners of my lips rose to a small smile as I laugh at myself for the realization that it had always been him and my heart had ceased longing when I came clean about the way I feel for him.

Thank God, it wasn’t too late.

My hand, seemingly having a mind of its own, stretched to his face to give his cheek a gentle caress. He looks so handsome, so at peace while he still sleeps. Gazing at him and trailing my attention down to his bare shoulders and back, I instantly thought about how things got intimate between us last night. I could not help but feel the slight warming of my cheeks.

I vividly remember how he held me in his arms which made me feel like I always mattered to him. My attention then darted to his mouth which did nothing less than make me feel good, loved, and cherished. The way his mouth, these beautiful set of lips that navigated like my body was a territory he wanted to mark and explore. I let my fingers graze his lips just admiring them, however, my said act seemed to have unintentionally woken him up.

With eyes still closed, his head tilted to my hand as if pleased with the warmth my palm brought to his skin.

“Good morning, my love.” He murmured with a voice that sounded like music to my ears.

I smiled, lifting my upper body, and planting my elbows on the mattress to get a better view of his face.  

“Good morning to you too, Byun Baekhyun.” I greeted him back, a smile lingers on my face.

 I watched how his mouth formed into an upward curve as he momentarily opened his eyes as if to locate me before closing them again and positioning himself to face my direction.

 “How do you feel?” He asked, automatically stretching an arm to my head and have it a gentle rub.

“Ravaged,” I uttered, deciding to wake his brain up.

As I expected, his eyes flew open, and stared at me.

“Was I too rough on you?” He asked with a notable look of concern.

I could only suppress my smile for a second before I gave in to a small laugh, amused at his reaction.

“No, baby, I’m kidding.”

He seemed not to know how to take my response, so I let out a small laugh. When he continued to just stare at me, I inched closer to kiss his mouth.

“I meant,” I whispered. “You were perfect,” I added, wanting to clarify. “I am so happy and relieved that we finally made love.”

There goes the please smile of satisfaction on his handsome face.

“You must have been thinking about it so bad that you feel relieved now.” He replied.

I decided to fake a frown due to his obvious teasing. 

“Well did you mean I was the only one thinking about it so bad?” I did an eyebrow raise at him.

It was his turn to laugh before taking me into his arms and making me lie down closer to him. We were facing each other while he had one arm draped over my body.

“What are you talking about Seol?” He asked. “There is no way you would have thought about it more than I have.” He said in a matter-of-fact tone with another growing smile on his lips.

“Are you sure this is not some damage control remark?”

“No.” His laugh was a bit louder this time as he lifted a hand to clear my face of stray strands. “I love every inch of you.” He said, leaning down at me to give me a firm kiss on the mouth.

Though the kiss was brief, it felt so satisfying.

“Plus, you were amazing,” He halted his speech as if pondering. “Hm, actually you’re pretty wild.”

“Huh?” I frowned at him once more. “What are you talking about? I’m pretty demure, you mean?” I protested as I tried not to laugh at my responses.

He tilted his head to the side, amused by my remark.

“Demure?” He turned to me, “Please Kang Seolhee, you’re not.” He added and opened his mouth to speak once more when I threw him a questionable look. “You don’t remember how you placed your pretty mouth on the waistband of my boxers and bite it all the way down to my feet?”

My jaw dropped at how amazing he was at making this up.

“What the hell Baekhyhun?” I laughed unbelievably at him. “I wasn’t drunk, you don’t get to make up stories like that.” I reasoned out as his eyes turn into crescents in amusement. “Plus, what is so clear to me is when I almost fainted out of shyness…” I trailed off seeing his eyes grow wide. “When you took off the very last piece of garment, I wore last night.”

His boisterous laugh filled my room which kind of complemented mine because I might have taken this exaggeration quite too far by saying I almost fainted.

“You almost fainted?” He asked in between his laughs. “Oh my god, Seol…”

“Oh,” I faked a gasp. “You know what maybe I did faint for a second.” I fanned myself as if my cheeks were hot from the blushing. “My gosh, just the memory of it makes me blush…” I acted shy and turned to the opposite direction.

I just had to pause when he pulled me into a loose-back hug, one hand draped over my chest while the other was on my waist.

“ baby, you’re so funny,” He said while I could feel his laugh right behind my right ear before giving it a playful bite. “I love you.” He said planting a quick kiss on my temple.

I held on to his arm in front of me as we both laughed in unison and just enjoyed each other’s company like that for a few minutes.

“Aren’t we late for our friends’ wedding?” He reminded in a still amused tone.

“What time is it?” I asked as he let me go so I could check his watch on the bedside table. “We have to get ready now Baek, or else the bride and groom will kill us both for being late,” I spoke before I turned around to where he was.

“Or we could tell them what kept us up all night,” He suggested a crazy handsome grin on his face. “I bet they would understand.” He added accompanied by an eyebrow raise.

Letting out a small laugh,  I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him but he easily caught it.

“I’d appreciate it if you throw the blanket…” He pointed at it while I clutch it to cover my body. “At me instead.”

I laughed out loud this time fully aware of what he meant.

“Yah!” I said in between my laughter.

My eyes grew wide when he was next to me the next second. He made me lie down before pulling the blanket off me which earned an automatic combination of a shriek and a giggle from me. I could see his playful smile before he covered us both with the blanket.

Underneath the blanket, he hovered over me leaving our faces inches from touching. The playful smile on his lips disappeared and was replaced by a fond look on his face. I was still smiling when his eyes darted to my mouth before leaning closer to give it a cute, single-lip kiss.

He didn’t do it just once, not twice or thrice but maybe five times. He kissed my mouth repeatedly while we both chuckled in the process. His hands were cupping my face, holding it steady as if making sure I don’t dodge any of it.  

“Baek,” I murmured while his lips were on mine. “We’re seriously…going to be late…”

“Let’s call Dae to be the maid of honor and best man instead.” He suggested.

“Oh my god,” I couldn’t help but laugh and tilted my head up making his mouth land on my neck instead. “Dae is going to curse us both.”

I could feel his laugh vibrate on my skin. I waited for him to face me once more. We gazed at each other for a few seconds while I stare at him to my heart’s content. As if I needed to convince myself that I wasn’t dreaming, I lifted both of my hands to his face to make sure that he was real.

“I love you,” I spoke, my voice just above a whisper.

A subtle smile was on his lips after hearing what I just said.

“Love you too.” He replied before planting the gentlest kiss on the tip of my nose. “And more.”


December 18; Wedding D-day

Minseok and Naeun’s wedding was the most beautiful. It was held at a huge wedding hall.

For the event, I wore a lovely, plain satin, long -sleeved-maxi, lavender dress with a sweetheart neckline. I didn’t style my hair that much and just kept it neat and down. Baekhyun on the other hand was handsomely donned in a black three-piece suit. His hair looked slightly damp in a dashing comma hairstyle, showing just the right amount of forehead. Damn, he looks good.

Jongdae looked amazing as well in his black three-piece suit as well. Actually, he looked quite happy having his date, Song Ahjin, around. He said that they met about a month ago and have been trying to check what they feel for each other. Though, it was obvious to me and probably to everyone that they like each other already.

Gramps and Dad were there too. We made sure to sit with them and share a few minutes of conversation before we got ready to assist Minseok and Naeun.

I went to check on Naeun alone. She was seated in her waiting room, dressed in the most beautiful wedding gown. I could instantly feel tears as soon as we had eye contact. I walked toward her and we hugged each other tightly but carefully not to ruin the dress.

“Naeun, you look lovely,” I praised her, my hands around her before we broke the hug.

“Thank you, Seol.” She replied. “I’m glad all five of us are here.” Her lips formed into a small downward curve. “Well, except for Minseok because he obviously is the one I’m about to marry.”

We both laughed, forgetting about feeling emotional for a moment.

“Aw,” I went to fix her veil. “Anyway, let’s not make you cry, it will ruin your makeup.” I reminded her. “Minseok has to see how gorgeous you look right now.”

She laughed at my remark.

“But Naeun, I know I said this a million times but I’m so happy for you both. You’re perfect for each other.”

“Aw Seolhee,” She held my hand. “Please know that I am also the happiest now that you and Baekhyun, your best friend of over 20 years, have finally come to your senses realizing that you actually could not live without each other.”

I laughed at her statement as she gave my hand a gentle squeeze.

“Took you a long time but I, Minseok, and Dae feel relieved that you guys are finally together now.” She added.

“Thank you.” I smiled at her, my heart was warm. “But let’s not make this about me and Baekhyun. This is your and Minseok’s day. I can’t wait for you guys to say I do.”

She gave each other another hug and spent a few minutes more talking before I left her.



The ceremony was about to start.

I watched how Baekhyun and Dae were conversing with Minseok across my spot which somehow made Minseok chuckle. Dae motioned to jokingly feel Minseok’s heartbeat and it made them, including me, laugh.  

Baekhyun turned in my direction and caught me watching them. I smiled at him and he also did, the one that reached his eyes. Then he took his phone out. The next thing, he seemed to be typing a message then looked at me again to signal me to check my phone.

I took my phone out of my purse to read what he could have meant.

You look the most beautiful, I’m glad I am the one you’re in love with.
2:58 PM

I could not help but smile at his message. However, instead of typing in a reply, I went to look at him and maintain eye contact for a few seconds before mouthing a silent I love you to him.

His response came in the form of an upward curve on his lips and a momentary closing of his eyes as if mentally trying to save the memory.

We resumed eye contact when he looked at me once more before the music played signaling the start of the ceremony. I tore my attention from him when the guests all stood to welcome the bride for the march.

I, with everyone, waited for Naeun to appear down the aisle. She was stunning as she walked down the aisle making Minseok tear up as he watched her walk to him.

Reaching the end of the aisle, Minseok moved to walk to Naeun.

My heart, oh my heart. It gives me a certain kind of joy knowing two of my closest friends married each other and will love each other for a very long time. Tears of joy filled my eyes.



After the wedding ceremony, we enjoyed the reception with everyone. Baekhyun and I were seated right next to each other, alone at our table, while we watched Naeun and Minseok have their first dance as a married couple. We were drinking the champagne in our glasses when Baekhyun leaned his back against his chair. Almost naturally, I also did the same before he made placed a hand on my chair and moved me closer to him.

I was surprised but nonetheless just chuckled. I proceeded to lean closer to him while he draped an arm over my shoulders.

While my eyes follow Minseok and Naeun’s movements on the dance floor when he casually planted a quick kiss on my temple.

The spotlight was on the newly-wed couple leaving our spot and the rest dim. And for some reason, I had the urge to be closer to him. Not having any intention to resist it, I draped my hands around his chest for a loose hug and leaned my head on his shoulder.

He seemed to have been pleased by what I did and replied his hands gently rubbing my shoulder.

“You don’t mind me being this clingy right?” I asked him, lifting my head to meet his eyes.

Instead of responding to my question right away, he tilted his head to my face and signaled to me that he’d like to say something. I leaned my head closer until his mouth was next to my ear.

“I love it.” His voice was gentle and playful at the same time.

The corner of my lips rose, amused by his reaction.

“Good, because I’ll be doing this whenever I see other ladies paying you unnecessary glances,” I stated, rolling my eyes.

“You’re too cute,” He chuckled at my remark, his eyes turning to crescents. “Makes me want to make you feel jealous more often.”

I was not able to argue anymore when the next thing he did was lift a hand to pinch my chin for a second before pulling my chin closer to his mouth for a quick but gentle kiss.

Of course, the purpose of the kiss was to shut me up, I was aware but also realized that we were in public. I leaned away, taking my hands off him.

“.” I hissed. “I forgot Gramps and Dad are here.” I suddenly felt embarrassed and imagined being scolded by them. “They’re going…especially Gramps, he’s going to disown me for having a little PDA sesh with you.”

Baekhyun, well, he decided it was probably funny because he just laughed at me.

“C’mon Baby,” He teased by touching my cheek. “Be true to yourself, don’t resist it.”

“Shut up, Baekhyun.” I jokingly rolled my eyes at him. “I told you, I’m demure.”

He burst out laughing this time at my last statement. His laugh was a bit too loud that I had to immediately cover his mouth with my hand for him to realize. Thankfully though, it was also the exact time the guests clapped their hands as Naeun and Minseok finished their first dance.

When the guests asked for a couple's kiss, they graced our request with the famous wedding dip kiss.

It was such a great moment.

Overall, the wedding was a success. We all had a great time. Naeun and Minseok looked genuinely happy too like all the stress during the wedding preparations had paid off.



Later that night, we were the last few ones to leave the venue. We were with Jongdae and his date and Dad and Gramps. Dae and Ahjin left first when we reached the basement parking lot.  

Baekhyun and I offered to drive Dad and Gramps home but Dad insisted that we should not bother anymore. Gramps, on the other hand, all of a sudden, went silent as he stared at me and Baekhyun. I just knew he was about to say something I wasn’t ready to hear.

“You both know whose wedding I am expecting to happen next.” He spoke, proving me right.

I was embarrassed standing next to Baekhyun because it almost seemed like Gramps was dropping hints on Baekhyun.

“Gramps,” I uttered. “We just started dating, remember?”

“So?” Gramps frowned at me as if I said the most ridiculous response ever. “You’ve known each other since you were kids, what else is there to know?” He added as he turned to Baekhyun. “Right boy?”

I panicked, and without paying Baekhyun a glance, I clung to Gramp’s arm as we walked ahead of them going to their car.

“Gramps, don’t pressure Baekhyun like that please,” I told him in the quietest voice possible, not wanting the others to hear. “He might think you’re asking him to marry me already.”

“Well, do you intend to marry someone else?” He blinked at me. “Because if you do, don’t give me false hopes and just break up with him.”

I was surprised by how he phrased his question.

“You better get your decisions in life right, Kang Seolhee.” He sounded like he was scolding me. “It seemed to me that all his life, he waited for no one but you.”

I opened my mouth to reason out but stopped when Dad and Baekhyun caught up on us as we reached Dad’s car. Baekhyun stood next to me, placing a hand on my waist.

“Baekhyun.” Gramps turned to him with a serious look on his face.

“Gramps.” I was practically begging him already.

Gramps exchanged looks with me for a second.

“Take care of my granddaughter.”

I inevitably let out a sigh of relief hearing Gramps’ next words.

“Of course, Gramps,” Baekhyun answered.

“We all know she can be stubborn and a pain in the neck sometimes…”

I exhaled sharply which earned a laugh from Dad and Baekhyun.

“But you know you’re the only man I trust, should there be other men, you better kick their butts. Do you understand?”

Baekhyun replied with a salute, a smile plastered on his face.

“Of course, he understands, Dad,” Dad replied on Baekhyun’s behalf. “Now, let’s go so you can rest and leave the kids alone.” He suggested, unlocking the car and opening the door of the passenger’s side.

Gramps obediently walked toward the door.

“I’m expecting that great-grandchild soon.” He stated.

“Oh my god, Gramps.” I blurted out, embarrassed as I covered my face with my hands.

I was sure I heard Dad and Baekhyun burst out laughing at the same time.

My face was hot and I felt Baekhyun’s gentle pull on my waist making me lean closer to his body before I felt his lips on the temple.

“It’s okay Baby.” His little laugh resonated in my ear.

“Make sure to come and visit before you fly back to Austria,” It was Dad’s voice that caught my attention.

When I removed my hand, he was already in front of me. Baekhyun let go of me, so I proceeded to hug my father. He gave my head a gentle rub.

“I will Dad,” I told him as we broke the hug. “Love you.”

“Love you too, sweetie.” He replied before he turned to Baekhyun’s spot and pulled him into a fatherly hug.

The sight warmed my heart, and the corner of my lips formed into a subtle downward curve. I was sure Dad said something to him but I was kind of emotional on the inside to make out of what it was.

The next thing, we watched them drive away.



9:40 PM

We decided to go over to Baekhyun’s place. However, we had to drop by Oasis because he had some stuff to take care of first. While he went to the room upstairs, I decided to just stay and have a drink at the bar counter to relax for a bit. I was still wearing my maxi dress, Baekhyun’s suit jacket, and stilettos.

I ordered something new on the menu and didn’t even bother asking what it was as I wanted to try it and give Baekhyun feedback. The bartender, however, gave me a disclaimer that it might be quite strong for some people which I immediately denied I was one of those.

When it was served, I sipped on it and the taste was subtle but there was this distinct feel on my throat which I find oddly interesting. Refreshing, even.

About fifteen minutes later, Baekhyun sent a message that he might take a few more minutes, and while I was drinking my second glass, someone came over to my spot. It was a man who must be in his late thirties. He was straightforward and asked if he could buy me a drink.

“Thanks,” I said, feeling a bit polite to turn him down. “But I’m fine and actually with someone.”

He smirked at me, as if not convinced.

“Isn’t that what women like you always say?”

“Excuse me?” I gaped at him as I instantly didn’t like his tone. “Women like me?”

“Yeah,” The sarcastic grin was on his face. “Women who play hard to get but deep inside want to be pursued badly…”

I scoffed at the absurdity of his remark as I brought the glass to my mouth to empty it right away. I already feel annoyance taking over me. So, I slammed my hand on the counter which kind of caught him off guard. I took a deep breath trying to shake away the anger that was building inside me. I was too happy today to give this man the chance to ruin it for me. So, instead of replying, I stood on my feet and attempted to turn around and leave.

However, the damn man he was, stopped me by the arm.

“Name your price, I can give it to you.” He said, his voice was evidence of how big his ego was. “As long as I get to decide where to take you.”

I turned to him, my glare darting to his hand on my arm before it trailed up to his disgusting face. I shook his hands off but his grip was tight.  

I suddenly felt nauseous probably due to his vulgar remarks because there was no way I was already drunk, I thought. My hands sweating, and I felt warm as anger consumed me especially when I caught him looking at me from head to toe as if I was some object he was inspecting before buying.  

My hands balled into fists and I was about to open my mouth and give in to my anger when Baekhyun appeared next to me. He was now wearing a black leather jacket since I was wearing his blazer.

“I’ll give you one second to let go of her.” His tone was firm.

When I turned to him, I saw how he was looking at the man straight into his eyes. He wasn’t glaring at him but there was absolute danger and authority.

I blinked my eyes as if mesmerized by the sight.

The man scoffed at him and took my attention off Baekhyun.

“Who do you think you are…” He asked, “Clearly you have no business here…”

The man’s grip on my hand tightened.

“Yah.” I groaned.

Seeing my reaction, the man’s statement was cut when Baekhyun suddenly grabbed his hand off me and twisted his wrist. The man writhed in pain.

I saw how the situation got the attention of the other customers and the bartenders whom Baekhyun signaled to stay put.

“Now, I’ll give you another second to leave my bar.” Baekhyun’s voice was still firm and a hundred times intimidating.

It was as if the man had already made sense of who Baekhyun was. He seemed panicked as he roamed his attention around and saw some big men on standby behind Baekhyun.

“Or I’ll have my staff you out after I destroy your face for acting inappropriately toward my woman.” He added, raising an eyebrow as he spoke, and placed a hand around my lower back as if visibly marking his territory.

The man didn’t move, looking a bit stunned at how the situation had escalated. He exchanged looks with Baekhyun for the next second before the latter darted his attention to his watch as if calculating the time that had passed.

The man, looking like he knew he didn’t have much choice, just glared at me.

“If you want to keep your disgusting pair of eyes,” Baekhyun intercepted, grabbing the man’s attention. “I suggest you stop looking at her like that and get the out.” His jaw clenched saying his last four words.

The man took hesitant steps back before he went to his table to get his coat and walked out of the bar.

“Are you okay?” He asked, placing a hand on my cheek, his facial expression had turned gentle.

I nodded, placing a hand over his own as I proceeded to hold it. After making sure that I was fine, he turned to the other customers and apologized for what happened. He also told the staff to take care of everything else.

As we walked out of Oasis, while he held my hand, I could not help but watch him. I kept recalling how cool he was dealing with that ert earlier. I had always known Baekhyun could protect me but to see it flash before my eyes in real time was somewhat exhilarating. I don’t know, though I should not be so glad about what happened but I could not help but admire what he did.

I must be crazy. Yes, that was the only explanation.

Once we were out in the street and about to walk to where his car was, he glanced at me. I didn’t know what he saw but he stopped and just exchanged looks at me. Did he see the look on my face? Did I look too smitten by him? Too excited? Too by what he did earlier?

“Something is going on.” He stated.

Wow, he’s good.  

“Are you sure, you’re okay Baby?” He brought his hands to my head and cupped my face. “Hm?”

I gazed at him trying my best not to laugh because deep inside I wanted to laugh at myself for reacting this way. For finding him so hot for what he did earlier. And the more I think about it, the harder it got to suppress a smile and it was too late when I felt the corners of my mouth rising.

The smile immediately earned a puzzled reaction from him. His eyebrows furrowed in confusion, his entire body language anticipating an explanation.

“I’m sorry.” I apologized making a step back that made him let go of me. 

I turned around and covered my mouth with my hands so I could laugh.

“Kang Seolhee, what did you drink?” He asked. “You couldn’t possibly have more than one glass, could you?”

Oh, I did drink. Could the drink be the reason why I feel crazy?

I turned to him this time trying my hardest to suppress another laugh. My face was hot too and I was not certain whether it was the amount of alcohol in my body or just the fact that I had fallen head over heels in love with him for the nth time.

“I’m sorry…” I trailed off. “I just…”

, I really wanted to laugh at myself.

And I did. I burst out laughing in front of him. Suddenly and unreasonably feeling warm despite the winter air.

“How could you laugh after what happened inside?” At this point, he seemed to be bewildered.

“I know.” I tried to reason out. “I will, I uhm, I  just…what happened was crazy…” I suddenly seemed to have developed the inability to form coherent thoughts.

We exchanged looks and it was obvious that he was trying to connect the dots. I focused on his face. 

“But you know what was crazier?” I placed my hands on my waist, momentarily looking away to distract myself from how good he looked right now.

“What?” He replied quickly.

Facing him, I debated for a second whether to tell him the truth or not.

“Me finding what you did so HOT.”

I saw how his eyes grew wide at my reason. I couldn’t take the embarrassment and did some defense mechanism a.k.a laughing as I leaned closer to him. I wrapped my hands around his neck and did a little tiptoe in the process.

“I’m sorry Baek, I know I’m supposed to be mad or scared but I forgot because you look so hot handling the situation earlier.”

I was torn between crying and laughing.

“Oh, my god.” I heard him exhale aloud before I felt his hands around me, reciprocating the hug. “Was I gone for that long, how much did you actually drink Seol?”

“No Baek, it’s not what I drank. I’m sure, this is me overtaken by my love for you…” I reasoned out as I leaned away with my hands still around him.

“Oh , yes, you are drunk.” He intercepted. “Let’s get you out of here.” He added as he walked me to the passenger’s seat of his car.

“Baby, I am not drunk.” I insisted as I struggled to turn to him. “I only had two glasses, c’mon don’t treat me like I had a pitcher-”

He clicked his tongue, giving me the look to stop talking and get inside the car and I did.

I sat and waited for him to walk to the driver’s seat. When he got in, he seemed to be talking on the phone.

“What did you serve her?”

I was sure he was talking to the bartender.

“What?” He spoke once more as he looked at me unbelievably. “Okay, it’s fine. Bye.”

He ended the call, turned to me, and was the one who fastened my seatbelt. He also wore his seatbelt before turning to face me.

“Now tell me why of all the drinks, you chose the one with an unusually high alcohol content?”

He wasn’t mad, if there was something noticeable, it was the glint of concealed amusement I see in his eyes.

“Ah really?” I blinked my eyes. “I was just curious since it was new, I guess I wanted to give you feedback…”

“Well yes, the feedback is quite obvious right now.” He replied with a subtle grin before he turned to the steering wheel. “You are not to order that again unless you’re with me, okay?”

I nodded at him.

Seven minutes into the drive, I was still not convinced I was drunk until I began to feel sleepy. I fought the urge to sleep during the rest of the drive. I must have dozed off that the next moment, he was helping me walk in the hallway. For some reason, I started to feel dizzy and my feet were kind of wobbly.

It was dark when we got inside his unit. He carefully put me down on the couch before he the lights in the living room. The instant glare hurt my eyes, and I squinted. He must have noticed and adjusted the lights before he went to sit next to me.

He gazed at me, removed the stray strands of hair from my face, and tucked them behind my ear. There was a fond look on his face as he seemingly memorized every part of my face.

“Why don’t you transfer to my bed, so you can get some rest?” He suggested. “You’re sleepy, right?”

I nodded once more.

The next second, he stood and scooped me from the couch, and walked me to his bed. He only turned the lampshade on the left to provide just the right amount of light.

I sat on the bed as he removed my shoes for me. After that, I struggled to stand on my feet and spread my arms sideways. He must have gotten what I meant exactly because the next second, he was taking the blazer off me. As if he need not be told what to do next, he circled his arms around me to reach the back of my dress to it. Once it was loose, he pulled the sleeves down my arms until my dress pooled on my feet.

When I was only left in undergarments, he gazed at me. Only looked into my eyes for a few seconds before he turned around to walk to his closet. Coming back, he made me wear one of his loose, plain black shirts. The fabric was smooth and smelled like him, it gave me a different kind of comfort.

I watched him pick my dress and his blazer from the floor and place them in the laundry basket next to his closet. I sat as my legs started to feel tired wearing heels the entire day.

“Sorry.” I apologized when he was next to me. “The bartender said it was strong but I also thought I was strong.” I scoffed before sighing. “We could have had some y time if my eyes weren’t too heavy right now. Ugh, so annoying.”

He let out a small laugh, placing a hand on my cheek before leaning to give me a firm and steady kiss on my mouth. His lips grazed on mine with just the right amount of gentleness. It was so good and made me yearn for more but my flesh was very weak. Damn it. I even took a few seconds to open my eyes after he broke the kiss.

“We have plenty of time for that, why don’t you sleep first Seol.”

He helped me to lie down and tucked my lower body in the blanket.

“How about you?”

My voice was weak at the feel of the blanket on my skin. It was as if it was lulling me to sleep more.

“I’ll join you later.” He gave my head a gentle rub before leaving.

The sight of him closing the door was the last thing I remembered before sleep won me over.



4:27 AM

I stretched my arm to the other side of the bed and found it empty. I was expecting him to be sleeping next to me. Confused, I opened my eyes and was welcomed by the dim room. I turned to the side of the bed and found my purse on the bedside table. I fished for my phone inside and saw the time.

Didn’t he go to bed? I wondered.

Feeling a bit better and sober, I decided to get off the bed and went to the bathroom. Seeing my face in the mirror, I was horrified that I had not even removed my makeup, so I washed my face and then brushed my teeth afterward.

Once done, I came to appreciate the way his bathroom looked. It radiates a manly aura and scent as well. My eyes darted to the products he used for his skin and his shave.

Sometimes, I seemed to still be stuck with the memory of us in college as best friends stuff like this kind of takes time for me to process. Baekhyun is my boyfriend now and he’s not that twenty-three-year-old friend I often bickered with. We still bicker from time to time but we had long gone crossed the line of being just friends. I should get used to his things and his place.



I walked out of the room to find where he could be. There was another room in his huge unit. The door was ajar and there was light coming from it. As soon as I was next to it, I saw him seated next to his desk. Though the main lights were dimmed, there was a desk lamp that let me see that he was working on his laptop.

He’s working. I concluded.

He even seemed tired as he took off his glasses and went to massage his temples.

Latching my hand on the doorknob, I made careful steps inside.

I was about two feet behind him when he noticed me getting in.

“You’re awake?” His voice was a bit raspy as he turned

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Im updating this tomorrow! ^^


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Chapter 1: Campus crush Byun Baekhyun is just something else😭
i miss baekseol so i’m here🥺
968 streak #3
Chapter 21: I think Baekhyun fell in love with her and never stopped loving her more and more, despite the difficulties. He is such a patient lover. Seolhee is quite a difficult person to deal with and her career really took a toll on their relationship. I actually thought she would resign when forced to take the Vienna project. I would have done that!
And Gramps also fell in love with Baekhyun. It's always hilariois when he asks Baekhyun when he will marry his granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing their journey.
968 streak #4
Chapter 19: I just knew that he would be in Vienna but I didn't anticipate the proposal. Great job!
968 streak #5
Chapter 12: Seol always finds something to be missed about. I hope she just learns to take things in stride.
968 streak #6
Chapter 7: Wow!
Finally the confession and the acceptance.
968 streak #7
Chapter 6: I just love how straightforward is Jongin.
968 streak #8
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this today.
The ending scene of this chapter is so dramatic with the four characters.
Jcdfdc4BBh #9
Chapter 23: Can’t wait to start reading this new story!
56% is one of my favorite stories here in AFF.
Chapter 23: Yes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it🤍