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Chapter Twelve


Project orientation D-day.

9:30 AM

I arrived at the building that would be the home of the project for the next few months. The meeting was at ten in the morning and I had some time to spare. I was inside my car, mentally counting the things I needed. I had to make sure everything was with me. After all, this was my first project in Korea.

A few minutes later, I decided to leave. Closing the door of my car, I saw my reflection. I wore plain but stylish, white long sleeves. The neckline wasn’t that deep but it still somehow showcased a part of my collarbones. I partnered it with black, wide-legged pants and a decent pair of black-heeled shoes. I didn’t want my hair getting in the way, so I made sure that they were neatly tucked behind my ears. I applied just the right amount of makeup to complete the corporate look.

With my MacBook, I walked to the elevator. The meeting room is on the 48th floor making me press the exact button. Just when the doors of the lift were about to close, I could hear someone walking toward it.

“Wait up!” I heard a woman’s voice from outside.

I pressed the button to hold the doors.

It was a sophisticated-looking woman who joined me in the lift the next second. To say that she was beautiful felt like an understatement. Her hair was tied in a neat ponytail, with tendrils on either side that complimented her small face. She wore a matching black suit that went very well with her height and her feminine physique.

By the looks of it, she and I were somewhat the same age, even almost the same height.

“Are you nuts?” She was talking on her phone. “You better make it on time or you’re going to make dinner for me for one straight week.” She said in a serious tone as her attention seemed to have landed on the elevator buttons where she was in front.

She didn’t press any.

Could it be that we were going on the same floor?

Probably noticing the floor I was headed to, she glanced at my spot. We instantly made eye contact as I was looking at her too. She had this seemingly ice-queen aura.  Someone you would never dare smile at first.

She didn’t say anything but there was just something with the way she looked at me. Like she saw someone she knew but not in a good way. Well, she didn’t roll her eyes or something but it was kinda off in a way.

“Yeah, I’m here.” She spoke once more as she retrieved her attention from me to face forward. “You wish I’m kidding.” She scoffed. “It’s your fault for being a good cook…anyway, you better get your in here in ten minutes or you’re dead.” She let out a laugh. “Okay, bye.”

She straightened her posture as soon as she ended the call. 

If there was something I had learned working with different races, you don’t make the first step to being friendly. If you do, they might think of you as someone they can easily step on. So, being kind and polite on the first day wasn’t in my vocabulary.

We spent a few more moments being silent until the elevator doors opened on the 48th floor. She went out ahead of me, proving that we were heading to the same floor.

Could she be part of the same project?

Following her in the hallway, I noticed how she walked. She walked with poise and confidence. I watched how the receptionists on the floor paid great attention to her as she approached. They were in awe of her, undeniably. Who wouldn’t, she is gorgeous.

Then as I trailed her, I seemed to have caught the staff’s attention as well. Their eyes equally grew a bit wide seeing me. Well, I hope it’s because of a good reason.

I went straight to the receptionist and asked about the conference room for The Hamilton’s. One of the male staff politely offered to me to the said room.


As I entered the room and saw about four personnel who were seated on the chairs.  

Two of them were Native Americans who I thought were sent straight from The Hamilton’s. When they came to me to introduce themselves, I learned one was Engineer Mike McCarthy, head Engineer of the hotel and the other was a representative of The Hamilton’s, Mr. Jensen Arkins.

“Architect Kang Seolhee of Viega Arquitectos.” I said after they have done making introductions.

“Architect Kang, we finally met.” Engr. McCarthy beamed. “I heard so much about you from Architect Ramirez. He said you’re one of his aces in the firm.”

I smiled at his remark. “I hope I really am Engineer McCarthy.”

“I don’t have any doubt about that.” It was Mr. Arkins. “We’ve seen a lot of your work and they’re pretty impressive. Viega must have a different level of luck to have an Architect who is not just talented but is very beautiful too.”

“Thank you, Mr. Arkins,” I said, not knowing to react to his compliment.

They both smiled at me before they let me move to the others.

The other two were Koreans in charge of the Tech, Engineer Song Eunwoo, and Electrical Engineer Oh Taehyun of the building project. They seem to be in their late mid or late thirties. Definitely not what you call old.

“Nice to meet you Engineer Song and Engineer Oh. I’m Architect Kang Seolhee of Viega Arquitectos.”

“Viega Architectos, from Spain right?” It was Engineer Song.


“Have you had any projects here before?” He asked.

“No,” I answered. “This is the first time our firm took on a project based in Korea.”

“Wow.” Engineer Oh exclaimed. “This project pulled the top-notch companies together.” He tilted his head down. “I heard E&J is part of the line up too.”

“E&J?” I asked, curious.

“It’s the top-performing Korean Engineering firm in Asia. If it’s true that they’re part of the project, you’ll meet them later…” he trailed off as the door of the meeting room opened.

It was the gorgeous woman who joined me in the elevator earlier. She sauntered into the room with grace and confidence like she knew her worth exactly. The sound of her heels clinking filled the quiet room.

So, she’s part of the project?

All the other men in the room turned to her naturally which was reasonable, to be honest. Only a fool would not give his full attention to someone like her.  

“Good Morning.” She greeted me, this time smiling at everyone before her attention reached my spot.

She mirrored my expression as we made eye contact. Unlike what she did in the lift, her eyes didn’t linger as she looked away immediately and turned to the other people in the room.

“See, E&J is in the house.” Engineer Oh proudly said, proving himself right.

“Good morning, I’m Engineer Choi Soojung of E&J.” She introduced herself before walking towards the Native Engineer and representative of Hamilton.

“So, E&J really won the bid?” I heard Engineer Song.

“No,” Engineer Oh replied. “From what I heard this project was directly offered to them.”

“Ah really?” He asked. “Well, they’re famous for all the great things. They just finished the later skyscraper in Yeouido.” He added. “And since Choi Soojung is here, her partner will have to be here too.”

I watched as Engineer Choi talked to the representative, conversing in her perfect American accent. Right after she finished with them, she went to the two Engineers next to me. She shook hands with them.

“We finally get to work with the E&J goddess.” Engineer Oh remarked.

“Goddess?” The corner of rose at the compliment.

“You know a lot of people in the field refer to you as Engineer Athena, don’t you?” The male Engineer replied.

“Oh please, I’m not even Greek.” She stated, sounding effortlessly friendly.

Then she stood in front of me. The smile on her lips disappeared as we spent a few seconds just staring at each other. For some unexplainable reason, I get the feeling that she dislikes me.

“Hi.” She greeted, not smiling. Just Civil. “I’m Engineer Choi Soojung.” She introduced herself before extending her hand.

My attention fell to her offered hand making her wait for a few seconds before I looked up to meet her eyes. Her gaze remained steady and it was obvious that she wasn’t pleased that I had not taken her hand yet.

“Architect…” I introduced myself, finally taking her hand. “Kang Seolhee.” I looked at her, unblinking as she did the same thing.

With our hands still linked, the door of the meeting room opened once more.

At first, I didn’t pay much attention to who it was as I was still facing Engineer Choi.

“It’s ing him.” I heard Engineer Oh whisper to Engineer Song. “I knew it.”

What I heard from him made me turn to the door and gave my full attention to the newcomer. I was just curious at first as my eyes landed on the dark-haired man who just entered the room. He had one of his hands inside his suit pocket. He was looking the other way and I was somehow drawn to every move he made until he turn to where I was.

My jaw dropped. My breath hitched.

I exchanged looks with him and knew exactly whose pair of eyes those were.

. I was sure I hissed in a whisper.


An aggressive yet completely confused voice in my head yelled.

I was sure my brain was playing tricks on me, so I blinked. He’s still there, in fact still staring back at me. I blinked once more but he remained immovable on his spot.


He’s still there.

He was wearing a pair of black suits which I must say made him look a thousand times better than his old college clothes. His hair, I could see he cut it shorter than the last time I saw him. It was neatly styled like he was some model from a magazine. Never had I imagined, I’d see him like this.

“Byun Baekhyun.”

It was Engineer Oh’s triumphant remark who verbalized the very name that was ruling my thoughts. I heard him murmur some more words but they were drowned out by my confusion and utter shock.  

WHAT THE HELL? No, to say that I was shocked was an understatement.

Baekhyun’s attention was on me and the woman in front of me, his eyes trailing to our hands. That was when we both realized that we had not let go. And as soon as we did, Baekhyun and I made eye contact once more before his eyes trailed to Engineer Choi.

I frowned. I couldn’t comprehend how he was in the same room with me. I turned to Engineer Choi and saw her signal Baekhyun to go to the Natives.

They knew each other.

Then it hit me, was he the one she was talking to on the phone earlier? Still confused, I turned to Baekhyun who already left his spot to introduce himself to The Hamilton’s Representative.

Engineer Choi also left her spot to join Baekhyun. I was tempted to look at them but I resisted. I momentarily shut my eyes closed, wanting to process all of this. This was crazy. I suddenly felt stressed out.

I haven’t checked on the names included in this project. Or did I just miss it? I wouldn’t miss his name easily. Then I realize that I had not seen the complete line-up.

“Of course, E&J will send Byun and Choi together.” It was Engineer Song who spoke this time, breaking my train of bothered thoughts. “I have heard of their unstoppable chemistry at work.” He added, his voice intentionally discreet.

Right. Baekhyun is an Engineer. Civil and Landscape Engineer to be exact, of course, he has all the right to be here. I was mentally face-palming my head in my thoughts.

“You think they have a thing?” Oh asked his seatmate, in an intentionally minimized voice.

This time, I couldn’t help but watch Baekhyun with the woman and I happen to see how the latter gave Baekhyun’s arm a slight squeeze as they conversed with the natives.

“Hm.” Engineer Song replied. “There’s a high chance.”

“Byun is surely out of his mind if he didn’t make a move on her.” Oh scoffed. “Damn, he’s lucky.”

I turned around to Engineer Oh and he must have sensed that I could hear everything, he gave me a polite nod.  

That was when they stopped talking.

I sat on my chair, still not sure of what to feel about this. However, the moment I looked in front of me, I saw Baekhyun and Engineer Choi occupy the seats right across mine.

He saw me watching him and gave me that subtle eyebrow raise.

My god, why is he here? Of all people.

I did my best not to get distracted by his presence the moment the meeting started. The Americans began with a brief introduction of the project and then proceeded with the line-up of the firms that would work together and handle it.

“We have chosen only the best of the best for this project.” The Hamilton representative said. “Not only we have thoroughly checked your company’s profiles, but we also have gone through each of your credentials and carefully selected you to be a part of this team. With that being said, we expect not only a great outcome from the world of Engineering and Architecture’s finest people but also impeccable teamwork. I hope that we can all work together to give the people of South Korea a taste of what The Hamilton’s can offer.”

 Everyone seemed determined to take on the challenge after his short introductory speech. Then he started with engineering firms.

“For E&J, of course, we picked the Byun-Choi Duo.” He said with a wide smile. “We are aware of the killer partnership that you both have which has made your previous projects truly satisfying. I hope you guys deliver the same perfection for The Hamilton’s.”

I did not dare look at them.

Then he went to talk about the next two Korean firms which were also renowned in their fields. I watched how Engineer Song and Engineer Oh were nodding and smiling at the representative.

“And then we have Europe’s best.” He looked at me. “Architect Kang Seolhee.”

My lips formed into an upward curve as he acknowledged me in the room.

“And I believe we are expecting another architect from your firm Architect Kang? Architect Kim Junmyeon.”

“Yes,” I answered. “I suppose our firm has already discussed his status as to why he’s not here yet. He will be joining us in a few days, he’s just wrapping up a project in Germany.”

“Ah yes, we were informed. Thank you.” He answered. “Viega Arquitectos is considered top tier in Architecture and it is in demand in the whole of Europe. So, we are glad that we have two of their best Architects on board.”

I smiled at him politely as I felt both Baekhyun and Engineer Choi’s eyes on me. I still chose not to acknowledge them.

Afterward, the Native American Engineer talked about the exact structures most of The Hamilton’s branches use. Then also went to present the related stuff from all the companies involved in the project.

“We expect E&J and Viega Arquitectos to work on what’s best for our hotel. Of course, we’d like you to make some improvisations on the original designs, maybe a bit of alteration just to suit the market here in Korea.”

I nodded before he moved on with the tech and electrical matters.

The next thing that was discussed was the timeline of the project. As it was initially mentioned to us, it would be for six months if there would be no delay. They were very clear about the deadlines that we have to meet.

Then the companies present were asked to proceed with the presentation for the project. E&J started having Baekhyun and Engineer Choi at the front. They talked eloquently as they were presenting. Baekhyun sounded very confident and made me realize how different he was from the one I knew back in college. It was as if I barely knew him.

Engineer Choi complemented him well during the presentation. Her presence demands attention when she speaks. Very charismatic. They both were. They would exchange looks from time to time which made me conclude that they must have been working, no maybe they’ve known each other for a while now.

I was the next one to present. I had done countless presentations before and I knew very much just what to say. However, Baekhyun staring at me, somehow made me conscious. However, the moment I flashed the blueprints Jun and I worked on for this project, I became engrossed and had totally forgotten about anything else.

I finished everything with ease and as I was walking back to my seat, I noticed Baekhyun watching me. I didn’t know what to make out of his expression though.

The other two companies also did their presentations as well. The meeting lasted for an hour and a half before they seemed to have discussed everything on the agenda. The Representative thanked us and commended what we have prepared for the project, telling us that they will be discussing it with the headquarters.

“Anyway,” Mr. Arkins said toward the end. “Also, please be informed that as we always do, there will be an official project launch. There will be a kick-off party for The Hamilton’s chosen charity here in South Korea sponsored by the investors in two weeks.” He announced. “As all of you are essential to this project, we expect you to all be there.” He went on. “We will surely send you details about it soon.”

The Natives were the ones who left the conference room first followed by Engineer Song and Engineer Oh. Just when I was left with the E&J Engineers, I looked up and saw them facing each other and it seemed like the woman was discussing something with Baekhyun.

I didn’t wanna disturb them or something but the need to confront Baekhyun was eating me.

“Baekhyun,” I called him when they were done talking.

Naturally, I got both of their attention but it was Soojung’s displeased stare that bothered me. It was as if I said or done something wrong.

“Engineer.” She said with a firm tone. “I think it would be appropriate for you to call him that since we’re technically at work.” She added in a matter-of-fact tone.

I got irritated but remained cool and resisted the urge to roll my eyes at her. I watched how Baekhyun faced her and gestured as if telling her it was okay.

“Engineer Byun.” I complied anyway.

He met my eyes.

“Can I have a minute?” I added.

“Yes.” He answered briefly before turning to her. “I’ll meet you at the parking lot, Soo.”

Soo. I almost scoffed at how he called her informally. I wanted to tell him that he should address her properly since we’re at work but I shrug the sarcasm off.

It was obvious that she didn’t approve of it but Baekhyun momentarily held her arm. With that, she agreed and left the room.

“So you knew?” I fired right away as he walked to the other side of the room and stood in front of me. “All this time that we’re working together on this project?” I went on. “And you didn’t tell me?”

I was annoyed.

“Hey, hey chill Seolhee.” He replied casually.

“Architect Kang.” I corrected him. “Since we’re at work.”

Baekhyun smirked as if being able to read my mind as to why I exactly said it.

“I’m sorry, Soojung can be a little…”

“Just answer the damn question.” I intercepted as I wasn’t interested in anything or anyone else.

“Questions, you mean.”

I sighed in frustration as I turned to the other side and he must have sensed it right away. The next thing he did was step right in front of me.

“What did you expect me to do?” He spoke as he waited for me to look at him. “We’ve only met again once.” He added as if reminding me. “It would have been completely inappropriate to discuss work at that time.”

He’s got a point. But still, he should have mentioned it, the voice in my head insisted.

“Well, I still think you should have mentioned it somehow.” I reasoned out. “You must have been laughing at me at that time for being clueless about this,” I added. “You could have told me in the car or something.”

He sighed, momentarily looking away.

“I just thought that…” He sighed. “I haven’t seen you in a long while and we were reunited with our friends.” He stated, turning to me. “I didn’t wanna bring something work-related, especially this. It would have come like a bomb not just to you but to Namindae as well. Can you imagine how would they have reacted at that time? It’ll be a scene stealer. It’ll ruin the reunion.”

I shook my head as I turned to the table to fix my things. Not sure what to feel about his excuse.

I was even surprised I was being like this in front of him, not pretending to be cool about this and making it obvious to him that this was a big deal to me.

He transferred in my direction once more.

“C’mon Seolhee.” He said, trying to persuade me. “I didn’t mean any harm, okay?”

I didn’t answer, I went on with my stuff but I could feel his eyes trailing my every move until I looked at him once more. He just stared at me as if waiting for me to say something. As if waiting for me to let it go.

I sighed. I was overreacting, I thought.

“How long have you known?” I asked in a calm voice.

“Probably a few weeks after the project was offered to our firm.” He answered right away. “Well, to be fair at first I heard rumors about the account to be handled by an architectural firm in Spain and just confirmed later on when I saw the line-up for the whole thing.” He explained calmly.

“How did you manage to see the line-up, they said it was supposed to be a secret.”

“I don’t know, our director showed it to us.” He replied. “I was just as shocked as you are when I first knew about us working together.”

“So, you knew all along that I was coming back.”

“Well, for the project, yeah.”

“That was why you were so calm the first time we met again.”

“I was calm, huh?” He emphasizes, making eye contact. “So, you weren’t?” He asked with that subtle eyebrow raise again. “Are you telling me that seeing me again initiated some sort of a storm inside you?”

There he went being confident and so certain about stuff.

“Well, yes I wasn’t so calm because I never expected you to show up out of nowhere riding some dangerous motorcycle like that,” I explained in a matter-of-fact tone.

He smirked at my description.

“I’m even this close,” I added, matching my words with a hand gesture, “to thinking that have you turned into an adrenaline junkie or something?”

“You’re cute.” He chuckled.

“Thanks,” I replied briefly which made him laugh louder. “Now stop changing the topic.”

It still felt a bit foreign to see him laughing like this in front of me.

“Look Seolhee.” He said as he straightened his posture while he shoved his hands inside his pockets. The expression on his face changed to a more serious one. “Truth be told, I’m glad that we’re in this project together.” He made sure to meet my eyes.

Hearing him, I relaxed all of a sudden.

“I never would have imagined working with you. And in fact, I feel lucky I get to work with one of Spain’s finest Architects. I anticipate learning a lot from working with you guys.” He added, sounding like he meant every word that came out of his mouth.

“You’re glad?” It was all that I could say while I process his kind words in my head.

He nodded.

“You’re not bothered you’ll be seeing me a lot?”

He shook his head.

“Even the slightest?”

He shook his head once more.

I took a deep breath.

“So, you’re not mad at me for real?”

He smirked, “I thought I already made that clear last time.”

“Well,” I shrugged. “I don’t know, maybe you were just trying to act cool in front of our friends.”

He tilted his head to one side before making eye contact once more. There was a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips.

“I’m just happy I get to you see you again.” He told me, sounding sincere. “P.S. Not trying to look cool.”

The curve on his lips spread into a cocky one.

“If I look cool that’s because I am in the first place.” He ended his statement with that slight eyebrow raise.

I shut my eyes closed briefly as I laughed at his remark for the first time. I could not almost believe I was hearing from him. He talked with so much ease making him sound so mature, given our history.

He was staring at me by the time I looked at him again.

“By the looks of it, you’re not glad we’re in this project together?” He guessed. “Hm?”

I exhaled loudly.

“I don’t know what to feel about this yet.” I decided to be honest. “At this moment, I’m just surprised seeing you walked into the room earlier.”

“Well,” He nodded as if he acknowledged how I reacted. “Will you let me know how you feel about it when you figure it out?” He asked, a hint of a smile at the corner of his lips.

“Does that matter?”

“Of course.” He replied. “It matters to me, at least.”

I looked at him a bit confused.

“I mean this is a huge project. I’d like to make sure our relationship won’t be an issue in the long run. That’s why I thought it’d be best for us to be on good terms.”

“Ah,” I uttered realizing this was all about the project. “Yeah, of course, but don’t worry I’m not the type to make something personal be an issue at work.”

We looked at each other for the next few seconds and I got a whole moment to look at him and the totality of his presence. He looks good, like a whole different good from how I remembered him. I already feel proud of what he had attained but I still wasn’t sure if it was a good idea that the universe made us work together on this project.

Then my phone rang which made me take my attention off him to check my phone. Seeing the caller’s name, Jun, I faced Baekhyun once more.

“You can go ahead, I have to take this call,” I told him, pointing to my phone.

“Okay,” He agreed, a subtle smile on his lips. “I’ll see you around.”

My response came in the form of a nod before he left the room. I watched him close the door behind him as I answered Jun’s call.



For the next few days, I had been busy being in contact with Jun concerning the Hamilton project. Since the time zone was an issue, we’d both have to sacrifice our sleep alternately. However, he had been very cooperative and made sure that I was the one who didn’t lack sleep.

He wasn’t so vocal but I could feel his subtle way of taking care of me. Even if he was away, he made sure to be present when I had inquiries. Honestly, I just hope he’d finish the Germany project sooner so he could come here and we could put an end to our LDWR, long-distance work relationship.



The first week of the project ended with me meeting with the Hamilton representatives once more. After about an hour of discussion with them, I left the building.

With the necessary stuff almost finalized, I didn’t have anything to do on a Friday night. So, I found myself heading to the same bar where I drank the last time at ten in the evening.

I occupied the same spot the last time I was here, however, the bartender was different. I ordered the usual one and started when the night was still young. While sipping on my first glass, I was reminded of the question that had been boggling my mind.

How did I get to our house the last time?

No matter how much I thought of it, my head was just blank. I was certain I’d end up having a headache if I didn’t stop trying to figure it out.

But where did my other shoe go?

There went another question in my head. I sighed, giving up.

I looked around trying to distract myself but found a place full of people I didn’t know.

On my 2nd glass, some guy came over and asked to buy me a drink. To be brutally honest, he wasn’t my type. Based on the ring on his finger, he was some married man trying to get laid for the night and I didn’t have any plan to be a part of his miserable life. So, I ended up telling him I was waiting for my date and that he was on his way. He left me alone after I said that, thankfully.

I drank in peace for the next thirty minutes before another man approached me. This time, he didn’t have a ring on his finger. He seemed loaded as well based on how he carried himself. He looked presentable, however, he still looked like trouble to me.

“Sorry, but I’m waiting for someone,” I told him, declining his offer to buy me a drink.

“To be fair, I’ve been watching you for a while now.” He said in his deep voice. “You’ve been here for over an hour. If you’re still waiting for someone after being here for this long, I suggest you have a change of plans.”

Gosh, he sounded rude.

“Why don’t you join me in my spot? We can have fun.”

The urge to punch him in the face was strong.

“I’m sorry but…” I faked a smile when I looked up at him. “I’m willing to stick to my original plans which is better than any of the plans you might suggest. Thank you.”

“Well.” He seemed offended. “Suit yourself.” He added, leaving me with a bitter look on his face.

I let out a harsh sigh, suddenly feeling annoyed.

I called the bartender for a drink, this time upgrading to a harder one.

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Chapter 1: Campus crush Byun Baekhyun is just something else😭
i miss baekseol so i’m here🥺
968 streak #3
Chapter 21: I think Baekhyun fell in love with her and never stopped loving her more and more, despite the difficulties. He is such a patient lover. Seolhee is quite a difficult person to deal with and her career really took a toll on their relationship. I actually thought she would resign when forced to take the Vienna project. I would have done that!
And Gramps also fell in love with Baekhyun. It's always hilariois when he asks Baekhyun when he will marry his granddaughter.
Thank you for sharing their journey.
968 streak #4
Chapter 19: I just knew that he would be in Vienna but I didn't anticipate the proposal. Great job!
968 streak #5
Chapter 12: Seol always finds something to be missed about. I hope she just learns to take things in stride.
968 streak #6
Chapter 7: Wow!
Finally the confession and the acceptance.
968 streak #7
Chapter 6: I just love how straightforward is Jongin.
968 streak #8
Chapter 4: Chapter 4: I started reading this today.
The ending scene of this chapter is so dramatic with the four characters.
Jcdfdc4BBh #9
Chapter 23: Can’t wait to start reading this new story!
56% is one of my favorite stories here in AFF.
Chapter 23: Yes, I'm sure I'm gonna love it🤍