Chapter 4 - Two Pursuers

My Lover in the Alternate Dimension


"Hello new interns, today will be your first day working at Wang Corporation. I am the Human Resource Senior, Liu Haikuang and today there will be a short introduction and I will be assigning your positions to you"

All the interns were gathered in the Board Room as Liu Haikuan introduced them to the company. 

Xiao Zhan and Luhan were sitting next to each other near the visualizer at the front right of the long glass table which was taken up by all the other ten interns     

Xiao Zhan and Luhan were sitting next to each other near the visualizer at the front right of the long glass table which was taken up by all the other ten interns. 

This year we have picked 12 interns to join the company, please stand up and introduce yourselves." 

A lean boy with with a beautiful eye smile rose from his chair across Xiao Zhan, 

"Hello, my name is Kai Feng. I am 26 years old. I studied Business Management at Lou Xiang University. I am an extremely fit guy and am happy almost all the time, you guys can just call me Kai." 

Kai sat down and a boy next to him with distinct and handsome features stood up.

"Hello, my name is Oh Sehun. I am 26 years old. I majored in Technological Designs at Chong Qing University. I am good at tasks given to me. You can just call me Sehun."

*Fast forward the introductions*

"You may stand up. It is your turn." Haikuan said gesturing to Luhan. 

Luhan, who could not contain his energy, jumped up almost knocking his chair down in the process. 

Xiao Zhan had thankfully caught it before it fell to the ground. 

"I am Luhan but you can just call me Lu, LuLu or HanHan. I don't mind. I am 29 years old. I majored in Computer Science also at Lou Xiang University."

Luhan pointed guns at Kai smiling and Kai smiled gleefully back. 

"I am extremely optimistic, hardworking and loyal to my friends...unless I have to betray them to make them do things they usually would not." 

Luhan looked at Xiao Zhan with a smirk and Xiao Zhan glared at him. 

Haikuan gave Luhan a weirded out stare and then turned his head to the man next to him.

Haikuan in a sharp breath as his eyes fell on the undeniably hot man next to Luhan. 

He even had to make a mental reminder not to choke on his saliva when he addressed the man.

This behavior did not go unnoticed by Detective Luhan and he started planning out and imagining how to make life at work as interesting as possible. 

"It's your turn now" Haikuan signalled to Xiao Zhan getting the short opportunity to drown in his wonderous black eyes when he looked up at him. 

Xiao Zhan gave Haikuann a small smile, internally killing Haikuan, and stood up. 

Xiao Zhan was shaking with anxiety, he knew nothing about his life here apart from his name and age. 

"Hello, my name is Xiao Zhan. I am..." 

At that moment there was a distinct knock on the glass door. 

"Come in." Haikuan called out. 

The receptionist from earlier came walking into the Board Room with a brown leather Briefcase.

"This briefcase was found outside the bathroom of Hall 4. According to the name tag I believe this belongs to you." 

The receptionist raised an eyebrow and held the bag to Xiao Zhan. 

Xiao Zhan who was still confused accepted the bag with an uncertain smile. 

He opened the bag and to his rescue he found a bunch of papers and a resume. 

His resume. 

Xiao Zhan skimmed over his resume quickly before he thanked the receptionist and went back to his seat. 

"Thank you Mrs. Wen Qing for bringing the bag up." Haikuan called after the receptionist. 

"I am Xiao Zhan you guys can call me Zhan Zhan or Zhanie. I am 27 years old and I majored in Design and Business Management at, ummm, Jing Tian University. I am good at talking with and convincing people, in summary I am good with words and speaking. I am very creative and a very clumsy person, so beware of my dangerous falls."

 At that Kai jumped up, 

"Hahaha that is so true. You practically bulldozered Mr. Wang and were not fired. You are my literal god right now!" he shouted getting a stare from Haikuan for his too loud voice. 

Xiao Zhan bit down on his bottom lip, scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly.

Xiao Zhan bit down on his bottom lip, scratched the back of his neck and smiled sheepishly (*ya get the point)            

Haikuan tried his best not to melt right then and there. 

His throat became dry and his heart was beating quickly in his chest. 

As a biual man, there was no way that he would not be attracted to Xiao Zhan's body and shy yet y behavior. 

"Okay, now that we are done with introductions I will start assigning you to your stations." Haikuan half-choked, half-said. 

Luhan who again noticed Haikuan's flustered state, smiled to himself in amusement. 

Luhan's eyes then drifted to the glass walls enclosing the room and he spotted, none other than the boss of Wang Corporations, Wang YiBo observing the meeting. 

Following YiBo's graze Luhan figured that he was mustering Xiao Zhan's features and body.

Luhan's heart beat in absolute excitement as he had just spotted a love triangle.

"Xiao Zhan you lucky but poor man. Two tigers are going to go after you. Two hot-blooded y young males. You may or may not suffer, and I get to enjoy the thrill of watching this beautiful drama unfold." Luhan thought to himself, giggling away.



I actually have already written some more chapters but because I wrote them on paper, I have to transfer then to text and that take a lot of time. 

Srry. :)

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