
Unspoken (Prev. University of Somnies)
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A few weeks had passed by and they were on their own activities again. Occasionally passing by and waves to one another. Minji wonders why she has never met or passes by any of them before but then she remembers that she has schedule that she follows consist of attending classes, spending time in the library and went to her comfortable home once her classes finish for the day. Her schedule maybe looks simple but clearly not the subjects and moreover the assignments given. Sometimes the assignments and project could take months to finish because of details and research that need to be done. The marks on it of course are big and being the diligent student she is, always strive to do her very best in getting a flying color result. Wherein bora is the type to mingle with everyone else and having to know them. That explain why the small one and the juniors know each other at the parties.



There are two classes in a semester. One is full-time study where student will 100% focus on their academics whereas the other class is just as the same as the first one but with curriculum activities. Students are allowed to choose between the two classes in order to gain their best interest in the Uni. The first class is less packed than the second because there is no curricular activities. That is why minji would always spend her time in the library while waiting for her next classes since there’s time gap between them. She rather not spend most of her scholarships money on transport. The scholarship was used to pay for her education in University of Somnies and to support her payment for the apartment where she lives now. She also got income from science competitions and talks she won in the past years. Her parents would offer to give her monthly pocket money but she insist that she wanted to live independently. Besides, the money was more than enough to give boost for her to live comfortably as a student in a private college.



The evening was chill in Happy Face Cafe with jazz music on the background, the front door of the cafe opened as people coming in to get their own coffee for the day. The place was pretty popular for students to hangout since it is near the campus. Minji and bora were seated at the very right corner of the building, having conversation and occasionally laughs over a joke the latter would throw out. They had decided to get coffee. They haven’t had lunch much together these past few weeks because of the pilling assignments given and needs to be done also with bora being busy with her curricular activities which is dance class. That’s why they are happy to be able to spend their evening together at the moment.


‘Bora unnie! Minji unnie!’ The seniors both turns to the source of the voice and sees a twinkling pair of eyes. They both smiles.


‘Gahyeonie!’ Bora stands up to hug the sophomore. The little one then gives out hug to the sitting senior also as bora sit back down.


‘How have you been doing?’ Minji asked as soon as she back away from their hug.


‘I’m doing great. Even though there are lots of assignments to be hand in but yeah I’m doing great.’ The sophomore grins.


‘Oh yeah I’m here with my teammates. We just finished with our training and went here.’ She added.


‘Where are they then?’ Bora was looking around.


‘They are at the counter and I’ve been given a task to take a table. Do you mind if we join you guys?’ Both of the seniors nods and took another unoccupied chair to make the numbers 5 since the table fit for 4 only but it will manage. Gahyeon waves her hand in the air motioning the others her whereabouts after noticing them done paying on the cashier.


‘Hey guys, over here!’


‘Okay I see you bring us some company, gahyeonie.’ The tallest stated while sitting down on a chair beside gahyeon and yubin. She was at the side of the table.


‘Shut it, jock. Like you didn’t enjoy our company last party.’ Bora beam an obvious fake smile.


Minji was looking at them, enjoying the exchange of their little banter as soon as they see each other.


‘Of course I enjoy your company, tiny.’


Oh. She’s daring. Minji thought.


‘What was that?’


‘What? I didn’t say anything false there.’ Yoohyeon mirrors Bora’s action earlier. Tiny fist was about to be launch to the tall jock but stopped by yubin.


‘Okay lets just have our drinks before yooh lost a body part.’


Gahyeon chuckles. ‘Agree. I need my caffeine.’


Minji nods at that while sipping her drinks. She likes the feeling of having the bittersweet of her coffee on her taste bud. Bitter but sweet.




She moves her gaze to look across the table.




She was sipping her coffee from the straw when hearing her name was being called upon. She tilted her head to the side a bit. ‘Yes, minji unnie?


‘I just thought that you’re not the type of person to drink coffee when I first met you. But looks like my gut feeling was wrong.’


‘Your gut feeling is not entirely wrong though.’


Gahyeon nods. ‘Yooh unnie is right. I’m not used to its taste since I prefer juice over coffee but my preferences have change, I guess. I like having coffee now.’


‘Woo our youngest team member is all grown up now.’ Yubin cheers for her.


‘Great! Next is alcohol!’ All of them chokes on their drinks after the suggestion came out from bora.


‘What- no!’


‘Ughh c’mon yooh she’s all grown up now. She can drink it.’






‘I said no.’


‘Since when do you have a say for her?’ Bora was beginning to feel irritated by the star player jock.


‘Whatever you say it is still a no.’ Both of them begin a staring match. Making the table quiet as seconds pass by.


‘Um.. I would like to try it.’


Yoohyeon gasps. She can’t believe her own ears.


‘Let her. She pass the age system for it now. I don’t think the government are against it.’


‘And that is why you lead the volleyball team, yubin. Wise, not like a certain giant on this table.’ Yoohyeon throws a glare across the table. Bora giving her a smug look.


‘Yeah, as long as you know your limits and not drunk driving. It is okay.’ Minji adds to support yubin’s point of view.


Bora raises her right eyebrow at yoohyeon. Three against one. (Four actually but yoohyeon won’t count gahyeon choice into it.)


Yoohyeon sighs. Surrendering. ‘Fine. You heard them. As long as you follow their advice then, why not.’


Bora and gahyeon cheering by giving high-five to each other. After their little argument, they continue with having conversation between them all the while trying to tone down the volume of their voices since they noticed that they garner attention of passerby and people near their table but by the end of their evening, they knew they failed to do so when an individual reach out to their table.


‘It seems you guys are having fun here.’


‘Handong!’ Bora stands up to give a high-five to which was reciprocated as Handong do the same to minji. She quickly noticed the foreign presence of the other three. They bowed to each other instantly. ‘This is our juniors. They play for the volleyball team.’ Bora introduces them.


‘Yes, I’m quite well aware of their contribution in the campus bora unnie. Besides,’ She stares at the triplets of jocks for a second before continue ‘you guys are eye-catching enough not to pay attention to.’ They laughed it off together saying it was nothing as they enjoy playing volleyball but still thank the vice president for the flattering words.


‘Were you from campus just now?’ Minji had asked after the laughter died down.


‘Yeah, I stayed for a bit since the student body committee made a call for a last minute meeting.’ Exhaustion was evident in her voice.


‘That’s a bummer. Are you okay? You seems tired.’


‘I’m fine, thanks minji unnie.’ A tired smile can seen on her face. ‘I was on my way out actually but the loudness here piqued my interest to pay you guys a visit.’ She giggles motioning their table.<

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Siyeon21 #1
Who's the main ship tho?
Chapter 1: I like this story already! I’m hoping for more updates :)