
Unspoken (Prev. University of Somnies)
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Minji and bora stick to their schedule. Attending classes, finishing their assignments, having lunches together. Minji been diligently doing her assignment since the due date is this Friday. It’s not easy but it’s not that hard also. All she needs to do is do a trip to the library and search for the needed info. Library is like a second home to her now for the past few years so it was easy for her to collect the information. It is just like the back of her hand. That is how easy it was.



The night before the day of the party, minji sends messages to bora to voice out her current state of mind.



To: Kim Bboya

I don’t even know what to wear for the party tomorrow.



Minji was laying down, staring up at her bedroom’s ceiling when she receive a text back.



From: Kim Bboya

Don’t worry. I’ll come by at your place tomorrow and we’ll see what you got.



Minji sends an ‘Okay, night’ and get ready to go to bed.



After classes, minji was on her way to Professors’ room to send in her assignment. She enters and went to the pigeon hall instead of the Prof. Park’s table since it was still lunch hours. She slides her assignment in the pigeon hall under the professor’s name and proceed to exit the room. Minji feels rather happy since she completed her workload on time so she rushes down the hallway feeling content with herself. When she turns at the corner, because of her speed she didn’t have time to react and crashes onto another human being that was on her way to the opposite direction. The impact made the stranger fall backwards because of minji’s force and brings the latter with her also. They landed pretty rough. The stranger’s came in contact with the hard floor first then her hands next. She quickly puts energy to the palm of her hands to stop her body from kissing the floor as well. Not even a second later comes minji crashes right onto her. With minji wanting to grasp anything near to braces the fall, she automatically wrap her arms around the stranger’s neck and forces their body down more. Making the latter’s hands lost her grip and slips, tried to land on her elbows. Ouch. This is what you call a chaotic landing.


They stay in that position for a few seconds as their minds were processing what just happened. Their fronts were pressed together. Minji can feel the other’s warm breath hitting her right ear. Realizing their position, without thinking twice minji hastily back up on her knees and stand up. In the process of doing so she pushes the stranger’s shoulder down in order for her to go up and grunts can be heard from below her. Bad move.


‘I- I’m- I’m sorry! I’m really sorry! I- I didn’t see you coming.’


The stranger was slowly standing up while grunting. Her grunts made minji stop talking. She was dusting off her clothes and that moment made minji take a look at her appearances. The stranger has a jet-black hair like herself, wearing crinkled denim jacket with black shirt inside, ripped blue jeans and a pair of black colored sneaker with a little bit of white to it. She gazes up and found the stranger’s eyes gave her an unpleasant stare.


‘I’m sorry-’


‘Yeah yeah.’ Voice sounded mock-alike came out as the stranger sighs forcefully.






The very first word came into her mind but minji fully understand that this was totally her fault to begin with for rushing in the hallways. She was glad that it was another student she crash onto. What if it was some professor?



Well.. she be damned.



Minji was contemplating but she asked anyway.


‘Are you okay?’ She gave minji that stare again.


‘I’m fine. So yeah thanks for making my day better.’ The stranger walks off to the opposite direction not before giving her a stoic eye.



Minji gave herself punches of words for not being careful and for being so stupid. She regretfully leave the campus and arrived at her peaceful apartment. Hitting the bed was the first thing she does and a sigh skip her lips. The accident happened earlier forgotten as she feel sleep was inviting her. She gladly accept it.


About an hour or two later, she woke up and sees a message from bora saying she’s on her way to her place. Minji gets up and immediately winces. She grab her knees. Earlier she had bumped her knees when she fell. Minji wonders how’s the girl feeling since she took most of the fall. Then she remembers the unpleasant stare. It was like the girl hates her for it. She worries that if the girl hated her for a lifetime. Maybe she wasn’t having a good day. Yeah that’s probably it. After telling herself some positive thoughts, she went to take a bath.



Done showering minji wrapped in towel went into her bedroom and was shocked by an appearance of a small brunette. What else would she be doing. She screams.


‘Bora you scared the heck out of me!’


‘Hey I think these will look good on you.’ Taking the clothes she picked out from the closet.


‘How did you get in?’


‘I use my amazing hair pin to unlock your door.’


‘You what?’


‘Kidding. The door was unlocked. You’re lucky it’s me and not some random guy. Unwanted things’ Bora eyeing her body out ‘might happen, y’know. But huh I don’t remember you being so careless though’


Minji roll her eyes but thanks her nonetheless. She was right after all. Things could have gotten bad if someone had come in while she was asleep. Minji doesn’t remember locking the door earlier maybe because she was tired, she guesses.


Bora disappear through the door while announcing minji that she’s going to the kitchen because she’s thirsty. Oh she also told minji to dress up. Minji shift her focus to the clothes on her bed. Long sleeve white shirt and fitted black skirt reaches her knees. Minji wears it and reassure her knees was alright and out of view since the bruise started forming by now. Later then she apply some make up. Starting with foundation, eye liner, mascara, eyebrow pencil, blusher and lastly applying lipstick combining pinkish and reddish color to make it look soft but bold at the same time. Also brushing her hair parting it to the side after using some hair oil. Not forget to spray her favourite perfume on.


Pshht. Pshht.


Smells nice.


After some last touch, she looks into the mirror and dec

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Siyeon21 #1
Who's the main ship tho?
Chapter 1: I like this story already! I’m hoping for more updates :)