


vantae: hey I hope you are okay today

vantae: Kook and i broke up yesterday and since I have no friends I assumed I could just text you right?

vantae: im gonna guess you're sleeping but pleaseee text me back when you get this we can hang out??

vantae: bye πŸ’œ

β† β†ž


j_97.95: Hey.

j_97.95: Lets talk.

vantae: uh wtf...

j_97.95: I need your help.

vantae: no im not doing that again

j_97.95: Is that so...?

vantae: you blackmailed me and made me lie and betray Jungkook and my friends

vantae: why tf would i ever help you again?

j_97.95: Are you forgetting how your "friends" treated you? Jimin your so called best friend slept with your boyfriend...

vantae: i forgive them now...

j_97.95: Uh huh... Do you also forgive Jin?

vantae: what does that have to do with anything??

j_97.95: You can't tell me you're not mad... He made your boyfriend fall for him... Well your ex boyfriend now...

vantae: how do you even know that???

J_97.95: I have eyes everywhere...

J_97.95: Now I need you to befriend Jin, get him to trust you, and have him tell you all of his deepest darkest secrets... Can you do that??

vantae: I would never...

J_97.95: Oh really??

J_97.95: Do you want all your fans to know about the cheating and drinking?

vantae: ill tell them myself... you have nothing against me

J_97.95: March 20th, 2018

vantae: how do you know about that...?

J_97.95: BTS member V kills man in drunk driving accident.

J_97.95: I can see the headlines now... All the hate you will get for paying your way out of prison where you deserve to rot.

J_97.95: You killed an innocent man but only seemed to care about yourself shameless bastard

vantae: I think about that night everyday you know nothing about me

J_97.95: And yet you kept it secret to save your ... Yes you do care so deeply...

J_97.95: Don't forget you're my , so you're going to do as I say.

vantae: you

J_97.95: Yes or no Taehyung, the choice is yours...

vantae: fine ill ing do it...

vantae: why are you even doing this...? you like ruining people's lives for fun???

J_97.95: Kim Seokjin isn't the person you think. You'll see soon.

J_97.95: It was nice talking to you Taehyung.

vantae: the feeling isnt mutual...

J_97.95: :)

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Hey so its a texting au but there are written chapters as it goes on! <33


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Chapter 66: the drama is so damn good!! can't wait for more!!
Chapter 29: idk if to cry or laugh......
Chapter 7: this story is so good! I was about to sleep but now I feel like I don't need to !! I LOVE THIS STORY!!