


vantae: what do you want?

love.ksj: look I know you hate me right now especially after thing that has happened and what was being said but I want to make things better with you

vantae: awww

vantae: you want to be friends?

love.ksj: yes exactly!

vantae: look jin as much as I would love to hang around the that tried to sleep with my man i think I'm going to have to pass

love.ksj: but I did nothing with Jungkook! ive only ever slept with one guy in my whole entire existence which was Yoongi hyung!

love.ksj: but he broke up with me or took a break or some dumb it doesn't matter it still feels the same but i really need someone right now

vantae: why dont you go bother mommy and daddy huh? ask them to buy you some friends

love.ksj: i don't have parents...

vantae: what? omg are you an orphan? kid im sorry...

love.ksj: well technically yes but at the same time no my parents disowned me they still pay my bills and things like that but yeah...

vantae: why?

love.ksj: why did they disown me?

love.ksj: im not like my brothers I make alot of mistakes, im not as smart and ontop of that I'm gay so

vantae: Jin im sorry

love.ksj: its ok...

vantae: but can I just say you're really living that (y/n) life

love.ksj: yesss

love.ksj: i used to read Yoongi x reader fanfics all the timeeee

love.ksj: but dont tell him that please I would die

vantae: i so screenshotted that lololol

love.ksj: πŸ™ƒ

vantae: you really love him huh?

love.ksj: yes! ive had the biggest crush on Yoongi hyung since forever and then being able to get to know him better and seeing how sweet and amazing he is just ugh and then waking up next to him i could never get tired of that so yeah I do love him alot

vantae: things will get better soon you know?

love.ksj: im not sure... j_97.95 keeps spreading rumors and taking the things i do around Jungkook out of context

love.ksj: i just want you to know I would never do anything to break your relationship apart... I know you don't like me but i look up to you two so much I couldn't even dream of it...

vantae: hey do you wanna hang out one day??

vantae: i was thinking like we could go to the mall or maybe a cafe?

love.ksj: id love that!

vantae: great text me whenever you're free and we can go but for now I have go

love.ksj: ok! talk to you soon?

vantae: ofc bye Jinnie πŸ’œ

love.ksj: bye hyung! πŸ’œπŸ’œ

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Hey so its a texting au but there are written chapters as it goes on! <33


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Chapter 66: the drama is so damn good!! can't wait for more!!
Chapter 29: idk if to cry or laugh......
Chapter 7: this story is so good! I was about to sleep but now I feel like I don't need to !! I LOVE THIS STORY!!