Thirty Two

Don't make my mind all scrambled up





“I wonder how our Luvies would react if they knew that they’re talking to me and not you.” Irene giggled as she typed out another reply.


“They would probably freak out, that’s for sure.” Seulgi chuckled.


“Come here and read what I said.” Irene beckoned Seulgi closer.


“I am under my blanket—who’s the same with me—raise up your hand.” Seulgi read in a monotone. “Well, then, why don’t you tell them you’re snuggled up next to me and you’re hogging all the covers?”


“Yah!” Irene kicked Seulgi away because the younger one was snaking her arms around Irene’s waist. “Let me finish this sentence first!”


“I’m starting to think that you love our fans more than me.” Seulgi pouted.


“Aww, Kang Seulgi..” Irene pulled Seulgi closer. “Of course I love them more than you.”


“Unnie!” Seulgi whined.


Irene just cackled as she stood up and left a still fuming Seulgi.










“Seulgi-yah,” Irene said lovingly. “Can this be included in your wall, please?”


Seulgi rolled her eyes when she saw what Irene was holding gingerly in her hands. “Fine.”


 Irene smiled happily as she carefully taped a poster of The Notebook on Seulgi’s wall. When Seulgi turned around to fix her chair, Irene sneakily put up another movie poster.


“That’s a big one.” Irene tapped Seulgi’s shoulder and pointed.


“Oh, right.” Seulgi shyly smiled. “Well, that reminds me of our Monster shoot.”


“Is this movie any good?” Irene asked as she surveyed the poster.


Seulgi shrugged. “I don’t know, I haven’t watched it. I would’ve put up our own photo but it would’ve been too obvious.”


“You are such an idiot.” Irene smiled as she handed Seulgi a small paper bag. “Here. A gift for your new space.”


“But it’s not exactly new..” Seulgi chuckled.


“I know,” Irene nodded. “But our relationship is.”


“What’s this?” Seulgi smiled at the framed photograph. “It’s the five of us.”


“Try pulling this secret tab.”


Seulgi’s eyes widened when she pulled the tab and the frame revealed a polaroid picture of the two of them. Behind it, a small note written in Irene’s neat handwriting:


We’ll be together for as long as we can, but I will love you always.


“I figured you could look at it when you’re..” Irene fidgeted with her hands. “Looking for inspiration or something.”


Seulgi engulfed her in a bear-like hug. “I love this. And I love you.”


“I love you, my Seulgi.” Irene whispered back.








“Unnie, please?” Seulgi pouted.


“No.” Irene just rolled her eyes. “You do it yourself, you big baby!”


“Pretty please? I love you so much, my Joohyun.”


Irene’s glare faltered. Seulgi smiled because she knew she already won. Whenever Seulgi uses those seven magic words, Irene would instantly cave.


“All right.” Irene sighed resignedly as she got up to make her girlfriend an iced vanilla latte. “I seriously do not understand why you would want a cold drink in this cold weather.”


“I don’t know, I just feel like drinking Avara.” Seulgi shrugged as she watched Irene prepare her latte.






“Pink hearts for my Joohyun!” Seulgi said happily as she posted her stories on Instagram. “Thank you, unnie!”


Irene shook her head. “You are such a baby.”












“No, I don’t want to post this!” Seulgi frowned but Irene was too quick with her phone.


“Oh, come on, Seulgi-yah! You look fine!” Irene snapped more photos of Seulgi pouting. “Don’t be such a grumpy bear. I’ll give it a filter, don’t worry.”


“You better make me look cute.” Seulgi huffed.


“You always look cute, my Seulgi.” Irene smiled widely and Seulgi’s heart thumped.





They were all lounging on the living room when Joy suddenly snorted.


They all turned to her.


“Seulgi-unnie, you look ridiculous!” Joy guffawed as she showed Seulgi her phone.


“Yah! Sooyoung-ah!” Seulgi blushed.


“What the heck, unnie?” Yeri was also cackling. “You look dumb.”


“I told you, I look dumb!” Seulgi whispered to Irene but the latter just shook her head.


“You don’t look dumb, Seulgi-yah.” Wendy chimed in. “In fact, you’re starting to look like Joohyun-unnie.”


“Well, they say you are what you eat.” Joy shrugged.


Irene grabbed a pillow and hurled it towards Joy.








“Will you still love me even when my monolids are gone?” Seulgi asked in a small voice as they prepare to leave the dorm for a recording. “You said you liked this feature the most.”


“Of course I will.” Irene reassured her. “Seulgi, I will love you.. Always.”






It was 4 in the morning and the girls were tired from recording and rehearsals for the upcoming online concert. Irene heaved a great sigh as she meticulously covered herself.


The girls were surprised to see their fans waiting for them outside. After a brief conversation, they hurried home to get their much-needed rest.


“You’re such a crybaby, Seulgi-yah.” Irene teased as she held Seulgi’s hand on the elevator ride to their dorm.


“I can’t help it.” Seulgi sniffed. “It’s so late, and they all waited for us.”


“They were so excited to see you, Wendy-unnie.” Joy gushed. “They really missed you.”


“Yeah, it’s great to see our Luvies still so energetic even when it’s late.” Yeri yawned widely.


“I know.” Wendy looked fondly at the letter she received. “It feels great to be back. I couldn’t have done it without them, and of course without you guys.”


They all teared up a little bit as they held each other close.


“Such crybabies.” Seulgi commented and she was immediately teased by her members.








“You nervous?” Seulgi whispered as they cuddled in the dark.


“A bit.” Irene admitted.


“Don’t worry, I’ll be close by in case you get too nervous.” Seulgi kissed her forehead.


“Just remember, don’t get too close, all right?” Irene chuckled. “And we’ve got to start distancing ourselves from now on, Seulgi-yah. I’m worried I might accidentally hold your hand or kiss you out of habit.”


“All right, all right.” Seulgi pulled Irene closer. “Starting tomorrow, let’s sleep in our own beds. Tonight, I just want some cuddles.”


“Seulgi-yah.. we can do this, right?” Irene peered at her in the dark. “Please tell me we can do this.”


“We can do this.” Seulgi smiled as she held Irene’s cheeks carefully with both of her hands. “Do you trust me?”


“Of course I do.” Irene nodded.


“Do you love me?” Seulgi smiled.


“Always.” Irene smiled back.


“Then we’ll make it work.” Seulgi kissed her tenderly. “For as long as we can.”


Irene nodded.


“For as long as we can.”









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kreidz #1
Chapter 41: SAKIT
Min_Villacorta #2
Chapter 41: sana sinaksak mo na lang ako.
AliceODonnell #3
Chapter 41: It is the realistic ending I was expecting but I am heartbroken 💔 Could there be a sequel of epilogue that would heal our hearts??? 🥺
pag nasa mood akong umiyak binabalikan ko lang 'to tapos ayun, naiiyak na ako. skskskss
Alahnis #5
Author-nim, please make your story available offline. Please. Please. Thank you.
Chapter 41: Beautiful. Thank you for this. :)
Chapter 41: IM CRYING
Every consiquence we face depends on Every small and big decisions we take in our life, may be they are not strong enough to fight for themselves and that's it that's their decision so their should not be any regrets.
Chapter 41: That's a beautifully realistic ending. I get how it should end this way for the two of them but wow I kinda feel I need closure 😭😭 this is a masterpiece 🥰
Jenlisinbyaaah #10
Chapter 41: Noooooo 😭😭😭