Twenty Five

Don't make my mind all scrambled up




"I missed your bed!" Irene said as she jumped on Seulgi's bed. 


Seulgi just watched her in admiration. 


"What are you staring at?" The smaller girl pouted as she sniffed Seulgi's pillow. It smelled like Seulgi's shampoo and it was a scent that always made Irene feel calm. 


"Just.." Seulgi chuckled nervously. "Remembering the last time we were here."


"Oh, right." Irene hid her face in Seulgi's pillow. "Sorry."


"No, that's all in the past now." Seulgi joined Irene on the bed. "What matters is we're finally okay."


Then Seulgi placed a pillow between them. 


"Just in case." She half-smiled. 


"I'm not sleepy. You want to watch Start Up with me?" Irene asked. 





Halfway through the first episode, they noticed that they were both leaning on the pillow. 


"Okay, let's just remove this." Irene said as she chucked the pillow and they scooted closer together. 


But that didn't seem like enough because as the episode ended, Irene was leaning on Seulgi's shoulder. 


By the time the second episode started, Seulgi had her arms wrapped around Irene's waist.






"Seulgi." Irene whispered. Her head was on the taller one's chest and Seulgi's steady heartbeat was slowly rocking her to sleep.


"Hmm?" Seulgi responded sleepily. "I wasn't sleeping."


"You're such a liar." Irene giggled.


Seulgi ran her hand through Irene's hair. "Maybe you're sleeping."


"I wasn't." Irene closed her eyes. "Yah. Stop my hair, you're making me sleepy."


"Let's just sleep, Joohyunnie." Seulgi pulled her closer and now most of Irene's body was on top of her. "Sun's almost up anyway. And we don't have anything scheduled today."


"All right. But just a quick nap, okay? We agreed to clean the dorm today. Sooyoung even said she'd wake up at six in the morning. On the dot." Irene reminded her as she was on the verge of falling asleep. "Good night." 


"Wait." Seulgi suddenly tapped Irene on the arm. "Unnie. Let's watch the sunrise."


"But I'm sleepy." Irene snuggled closer to Seulgi's neck.


"Come on, just stay awake for thirty more minutes!" Seulgi said excitedly. "The view's really great from my room but I always sleep in so I rarely get to watch it."


"Fine." Irene yawned. "Thirty minutes. Not a second more."


Seulgi spent most of the next half hour coming up with ways to keep Irene awake and she more or less succeeded. Irene grunted and yawned a lot but at least she was still responding to Seulgi. 


"Five more minutes!" Seulgi whispered excitedly. "Look, the sun's already peeking out!"


She disentangled herself from Irene to adjust her curtains and look by the window. Irene stretched then she followed suit. 


"Wow, that's so beautiful!" Irene's eyes widened. She opened the curtains a little wider and a ray of sunlight hit her face. "Omo, that's bright."


Irene raised a hand to shield her eyes from the sun. "Seulgi—" Then she dropped her hands as she turned to Seulgi. "Yah, you're not even watching the sunrise!"


Seulgi was stunned because the sun hit Irene's face just right and for a second she was breathless because Irene was just so painstakingly beautiful. 


And Seulgi knew that they shouldn't.. couldn't.. wouldn't.. but she thought, to hell with that.


She looked at Irene and Irene looked at her. 


And as if Irene read her mind, all she said was one word:









They both closed the distance in one swift motion as their lips met.





It wasn't like any of the times they kissed.



The first time, all those years ago, was sweet and innocent, a promise of something more. 


The second time, on the set of Monster, was completely an accident.


The third time, after promotions, was a brief moment of weakness.


The fourth time, after they had a big fight, was out of desperation.


The fifth time, in the bathroom, was mostly driven by overwhelming desire.


The sixth time, in Irene's room, was interrupted. 


The seventh time, right now in Seulgi's room, was by far the most perfect. 




It was like their lips were made for each other, and the kiss itself was passionate but it was't rushed or fueled by anything other than love. They both took the time to convey every thought left unsaid. 


Nothing else in the world mattered right now except the two of them, in this moment.


The sun had long risen but their lips were still together. Only now they weren't by the window anymore.


They were on the bed.





Then there was a loud knock on the door.




"Seulgi-unnie!" Joy's booming voice rang from outside the window. "It's time to get up! It's cleaning day!"


Whether Irene or Seulgi heard her, they didn't seem to care as they kept on cherishing the moment, never pulling apart. 


Joy seemed to walk away for a second but soon she was back.


"Yah, wake up! And go wake up Joohyun-unnie too! I'm too scared to knock on her door, Wendy-unnie's cooking breakfast, and Yerim's not allowed near the room because she kept sniffing the leftover paint smell." She said as she knocked repeatedly.


It was like Joy was talking to the wall, for all they cared. She left again and was back after several minutes.


"Wait.." Joy's voice changed from annoyed to teasing. "Is Joohyun-unnie in there with you?" Then she cackled as she walked away. "Yerim-ah! Come over here for a second!"


"Did you lock the door?" Irene asked in between kisses.


"I don't know." Seulgi breathed.


Irene sighed into the kiss and she reluctantly pulled away. 


Seulgi pressed their foreheads together, breathing heavily. "These damn kids."


Then they both laughed. 


Joy was back with Yeri. "We're coming in, so you guys better be decent." 


Seulgi kissed Irene one more time on her forehead, then on the tip of her nose, and then she placed a chaste kiss on Irene's lips. "Later."


"Later." Irene flashed her iconic lopsided smile.


Then after they both fixed their hair and clothes, Irene and Seulgi got up and headed for the door. 


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kreidz #1
Chapter 41: SAKIT
Min_Villacorta #2
Chapter 41: sana sinaksak mo na lang ako.
AliceODonnell #3
Chapter 41: It is the realistic ending I was expecting but I am heartbroken 💔 Could there be a sequel of epilogue that would heal our hearts??? 🥺
pag nasa mood akong umiyak binabalikan ko lang 'to tapos ayun, naiiyak na ako. skskskss
Alahnis #5
Author-nim, please make your story available offline. Please. Please. Thank you.
Chapter 41: Beautiful. Thank you for this. :)
Chapter 41: IM CRYING
Every consiquence we face depends on Every small and big decisions we take in our life, may be they are not strong enough to fight for themselves and that's it that's their decision so their should not be any regrets.
Chapter 41: That's a beautifully realistic ending. I get how it should end this way for the two of them but wow I kinda feel I need closure 😭😭 this is a masterpiece 🥰
Jenlisinbyaaah #10
Chapter 41: Noooooo 😭😭😭