it was a bad idea

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TITLE: it was a bad idea SUMMARY: In which a bedtime story takes a turn for the worst.



Jong Kook was preparing dinner in the kitchen when Ji Hyo and Mi Young finally arrived home from trick-or-treating. He wiped his hands on the apron tied around his waist and left to go to the foyer where his wife and daughter still were.   Being greeted by the sight of them, he can’t help but smile silly at how cute they looked. Both Ji Hyo and Mi Young had agreed on dressing up in matching costumes for Halloween, and they decided to go as Morticia and Wednesday Addams this year.   “Eo, how was it? Trick or treating with Dong Hoon’s kids?” Jong Kook asked, crouching down to help Mi Young shimmy out of her coat. After, he stood up and hung the coat on the rack beside them before greeting Ji Hyo with a kiss, “Hello, yeobo.”   “It was so fun, appa! Look at all the candies I got! Eomma has my bucket. It’s filled right up to the top!” Mi Young answered excitedly, bouncing on her toes as she waited for Ji Hyo to give her said bucket.   Jong Kook groaned when he caught sight of the candy-filled cauldron. It was a rather large cauldron bucket too — definitely brewing cavities for the coming days.   Ji Hyo chuckled, “You should have seen Dream, Soul and Song’s buckets, oppa. Theirs were bigger than Mi Young’s, but they were full too.”   Jong Kook groaned once more. “That doesn’t sound good for their teeth. Poor Go Eun-ah, she’ll be dealing with their toothaches soon, I’m sure.”   Mi Young interrupted their conversation by tugging on both of their clothes. “Candy, please! Candy! Candy!” She was still bouncing around and was no doubt already in a sugar rush.   “Did you let her eat candy before you arrived, yeobo?” Jong Kook turned to Ji Hyo and asked her, raising his finger to point at her in mock accusation.   “Aish, you know I’ve got a sweet tooth too, oppa.” Ji Hyo swatted his finger away. “I made a deal with uri Mi Young that we could eat five pieces of chocolate each before dinner, and the rest after it.”   “Yah, she’s already in a sugar rush from just five! And we’re still going to let her eat more later?”   “Aniyo, eomma! You’re wrong!” Mi Young piped up. “I ate more behind your back!” the little troublemaker confessed with a cheeky grin. “Songie told me it was okay because she also ate some more too!”   Ji Hyo gasped. “Yah! You promised we’d eat only five!” she exclaimed childishly, playing along with their daughter’s mischief.   “Mianheyo, eomma!” Mi Young giggled through her apology. “The temptation was too yummy!”   Ji Hyo stuck her tongue out in retaliation, and Mi Young followed her example. Now they both were just sticking their tongues out in an impromptu game of who could do it the fastest.   Jong Kook could only shake his head helplessly. When Ji Hyo got this playful with Mi Young, an end wasn’t anywhere near in sight. Sometimes, he felt like he was raising two mischievous kids instead of just one.   “Come on, you two,” he interrupted their battle. He dragged both of them to the kitchen. “No candies for both of you yet because dinner’s ready, and I need you to set the table.”   When dinner was finished and the table was cleared, Jong Kook and Mi Young lounged in the living room after, eating through Mi Young’s newfound candy stash while waiting for Ji Hyo who volunteered to do the dishes.   Jong Kook had caved in with the request to eat candy after Mi Young stuck her bottom lip out and widened her eyes in a sad puppy-like expression, uncannily mimicking the face Ji Hyo always made when she wanted something from him. He was a huge er for both his girls anyway; regardless, he’d still give in in under any circumstance.   “Appa,” Mi Young called out while poking Jong Kook’s arm to get his attention.   Jong Kook removed the lollipop from his mouth (he couldn’t help himself to one, just one) and answered, “What is it, gongjunim?”   “Can you tell me a scary story before bed?”   “A scary story? Why? You’re not going to be able to sleep tonight with that one.”   Mi Young shook her head, “Aniyo. I’m brave! I can still sleep even with a scary story! Please, appa! Just one, I promise.”   “Mi Young-ah…”   “Please, appa!“ She made the expression again, the one she used earlier to push her father over to let them devour the candy. “All my friends from school will get their scary story too, and we’ll all share it together when we
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i’m not actually going to stop posting one-shots !! dw hehe the complete status is just so that other people (who are like me who don’t touch incomplete works lol) know this is a one-shot collection and otherwise complete 😅


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Zanqueen90 0 points #1
Chapter 2: Seru bgt baca nya 😭
Zanqueen90 0 points #2
Chapter 1: Akan ku baca semua fanfic mu,asalkan itu spartace ☺
jk_lau18 #3
Chapter 13: yay!! I really miss your updates authorniim..Thanks for updating...its soooo sweet and reading stories like this feels so good💙..I miss Mi young too😊...still be wAiting on your nxt update.
rishou #4
Chapter 13: huhu this was so sweet! thank you for writing this 😭
jihyojihyojihyo #5
Chapter 13: AAAAH!! im so spartace fic deprived so tysm for this (& keeping your promise last rmfm jks hahaha) ilyy - Louise (feel like i have to insert my name for u to recognize me lol)
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 13: welcome back!
Chapter 13: that nose to nose touch made me remember the crumbs during RMFM🤣 but seriously, she could've gave him a one big blow for a revenge, though jihyo being the sweetest and kindest woman she is won't have the heart to do it to her husband🤭 thank you for the update, I know I just finished reading this, but I hope you'll update soon mhie❤️
Chapter 12: ahhh merry christmas maknae~ this is so cute!!! thank you 💖
elainefun88 #9
Chapter 12: Omg I was so happy to see that you updated!!! Welcome back! I’ve missed you authornim! This story is sooooo heartwarming! ❤️❤️❤️ love love love! Merry Christmas!