girls can do anything boys can!

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TITLE: girls can do anything boys can! SUMMARY: In which six guardians come in for Kim Mi Young when she and her friends get into a scuffle about ism at school.     Kwang Soo was anxious as he waited outside Mi Young’s school for the others, constantly craning his neck both sides of the road to see if they had arrived yet.   They had been called in because Mi Young had gotten into a fight during recess time. From what the principal’s secretary had told him, Mi Young and two of her friends had fought with a boy from a higher grade — the girls were safe but still had scrapes and would-be bruises to come.   During the call, there wasn’t any reason mentioned as to why it happened, which is why Kwang Soo was practically sweating bricks out of nervousness as he stood and fidgeted by the double-door entrance. Jong Kook and Ji Hyo were going to kill him for letting Mi Young get hurt on his watch.   It wasn’t often that Mi Young was left with him (or So Min, depending on both their availabilities) whenever her parents had something to do. It was especially not often when both parents, Ji Hyo and Jong Kook, would be out of town for their schedules simultaneously. Ji Hyo was in Busan for her drama filming, whereas Jong Kook was out of the country for his music production. Though both parents were apologetic that they had to be away at the same time and promised they’d be back in two days time, they couldn’t really do much about it due to contractual obligations.   Mi Young being left with him didn’t often become a problem. They had their own fun ways to spend time with each other.   Her parents being away only became a problem when something big happened to her. And they weren’t there to know about it.   Kwang Soo was already scared to his bones thinking about what the tiger parents would do once they’ll be informed of today’s...activity.   He wasn’t able to dwell on his fears any longer because soon, cars started parking after each other, with the Running Man members springing out from each one, quickly approaching Kwang Soo who visibly deflated in relief at their arrival.   “I came right after I shot my scene,” So Min was slightly panting as she said this once she got close enough. Se Chan patted her back lightly to help her catch her breath as he spoke, “I rushed here as soon as I could too, I thought you’d all be in there by now.”   “What happened, Kwang Soo-yah?” Jae Suk turned to the tall man and asked.   “Is something wrong with Mi Young-ie?” Suk Jin asked as well.   “I-I don’t know, hyung,” Kwang Soo replied. “Oh God, Jong Kook hyung is going to kill me. Ji Hyo noona is going to curse my family for this.”   “Yah, Kwang Soo-yah, calm down. Jong Kook hyung and Ji Hyo won’t do anything to you. What ever happened to Mi Young wasn’t your fault,” Haha tried to placate the tall man who looked like he was close to a mental breakdown.   “Hyung, I’m Mi Young’s primary guardian when they’re away, and Mi Young-ie got hurt on my watch.” Se Chan moved over to Kwang Soo and rubbed his hand up and down his back to also help calm him down.   “Yah, come on,” Suk Jin started herding all of them to enter the school before Kwang Soo really burst into tears, “why don’t we go inside first and find out what really happened?”   Just the sight of all six celebrities entering together was quite intimidating within itself, but pair that with the determined yet worried expressions on their faces, it could be downright terrifying.   Though they were all listed as Mi Young’s emergency contacts and guardians, it was  quite unusual for all six of them to attend for Mi Young in the first place. This case was an exception, though, since both of the little girl’s parents were unavailable. And said little girl was hurt. So imagine the shock on the secretary’s face when she looked up and found all of them standing in front of her table, standing in as Mi Young’s representatives, with varying degrees of concern on their faces.   “We’re here for Kim Mi Young,” Jae Suk spoke up for them all.   “Oh!” the secretary perked up as she schooled her face back to a normal (or as close to normal when in face-to-face with six of Korea’s big stars) expression. “Please take a seat first while we wait for the other parents and guardians.”   The group led themselves to the rows of chairs outside the office, huddling together.   “What do you think happened to our Mi Young-ie?” Se Chan wondered to break the silence.   “I hope it’s not too serious,” Haha said.   “Actually, the school said Mi Young and her friends got into a fight with an older boy,” Kwang Soo chimed. His thoughts were now rational after he had calmed down greatly.   “What?!” the group collectively exclaimed, causing Kwang Soo to wince at the loudness.   “Who dared to fight our gongjunim, huh?” So Min fumed, already starting to crack her knuckles as if she was preparing to fight. Fight whom, they choose not to know.   “Ah, jinjeonghae (calm down). Mi Young-ie is tough, she can hold herself against others,” Suk Jin tried to assure them all.   “Hyung, it’s not the fact that she can hold her own in a fight that’s the problem. It’s the fact that she even got in a fight in the first place,” Jae Suk said with a shake of his head.   “Hyung, we know Mi Young wouldn’t deliberately fight anyone without a valid reason. Jong Kook hyung and Ji Hyo raised her to be that way,” Haha spoke up which garnered sounds of agreement from the others. “She probably has a good reason why she got involved in the first place,” Se Chan added, nodding.   “Whatever it is, I hope it’s not too big,” So Min sighed.   There was a lull in the conversation after that, as each of them mulled over the possibilities as to what could have happened.   Suddenly, a door to their right slid open and out came little Mi Young, with red-rimmed eyes and a sad but angry look on her face. Her two classmates, also her best friends, trailed behind her, as well as the boy who they guessed was who the girls fought with.   When Mi Young raised her head and caught sight of her relatives, she quickly broke out into a sprint as she called to them. “Samchondeul! Imo! (Uncles! Aunt!)”   She flew right into Somin’s embrace, who was the nearest to her, and once she felt her aunt’s arms wrap around her, the dam burst and on came the tears.   Truthfully, she wasn’t crying because she was in pain nor was she hurt in any other way. She was crying because she was so frustrated at the whole situation. As simple as that. Hopefully, now with her army of aunt and uncles, this would all be resolved and that boy would get what he deserved.   While they waited for the other kids’ parents and guardians, Jae Suk and Suk Jin slowly approached the crying girl and crouched down in front of her.   “Uri Mi Young-ie?” Suk Jin called for her softly, patting his hand lightly on her back for comfort.   Mi Young leaned away from Somin’s neck and peered slightly at her uncles.   “Would you like to tell us what happened, uri gongjunim?” Jae Suk asked her.   There was a beat of silence before Mi Young shifted in So Min’s arms so she was totally facing Jae Suk and Suk Jin. She grabbed on to her So Min imo’s hands tightly and wrapped them around her more.   “Come on, Mi Young-ie. Tell your samchondeul what happened,” Jae Suk prodded lightly again.   “The boy was saying mean things to me and my friends,” Mi Young started.   Haha moved to crouch in front of her too, “What mean things did he say, Mi Young-ie?”   Mi Young had felt a newfound anger as she remembered what happened earlier that day.   It was recess time, and Mi Young and her friends, Na Eun and Ha Ra were sitting by the swings near the ball field. They watched as boys from the higher grade played soccer around the field with a ball they acquired from the teacher.   “I want to play soccer too,” Ha Ra announced suddenly.   “Really?” Mi Young asked. “Neh, me too!” Na Eun chimed in.   “Should we go ask if we can play too?” Mi Young proposed.   Na Eun shared a look with Ha Ra before nodding vigoruously, “Kaja!”   Together, the three friends approached the boys excitedly. One of them had moved away from the group, nearer to the girls, to grab the ball that rolled their way. Once he’d thrown it back to his friends, Na Eun tapped him on the shoulder.   “What do you want?” the boy snapped at them, obviously irritated at being interrupted.   The girls were taken aback at his sharp tone but, nonetheless, brushed off the sudden hostility.   “We want to play soccer too, sunbaenim. Can we play?”   Instead of delegating them a response, the boy simply burst out in laughter, which the girls could sense had mockery in it.   “Why are you laughing?” Mi Young asked, confused at the reaction.   “Do you really think poopoo girls like you can play soccer?” the boy asked. “In your dreams!” he exclaimed before any of the girls could reply.   “That’s not very nice,” Ha Ra said disapprovingly.   “Yeah well, you’re not nice!” the boy retorted proudly.   “Hey, stop that!” Na Eun stomped her foot on the ground.   “Hey, stop that!” the boy mimicked her tauntingly.   “My friend asked you to stop, sunbaenim,” Mi Young cut in, now irritated as well with the sunbae's childish behavior.   “What are you going to do about it, huh girlie? You’re just a weak girl. You can’t do anything to me.” the boy walked closer to Mi Young and suddenly pushed her harshly, causing her to lose her balance and fall on her bum, her hands taking most of her fall. “Even an ant can hurt me better than you.”   “What’s your problem?!” Ha Ra exclaimed and pushed him right back.   Everything happened so fast after that. Mi Young had kicked the boy in the shin when he had pushed her friends too, and they’d all gotten scrapes on their hands from the small rocks on the ground. The teacher saw them and broke the fight up. They were brought to the school clinic right after, where their injuries were taken care of.   Mi Young’s tears were flowing nonstop as she recollected what had happened to them. She and her friends had only wanted to play. If the boy didn’t want them to join, he could’ve just said s
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i’m not actually going to stop posting one-shots !! dw hehe the complete status is just so that other people (who are like me who don’t touch incomplete works lol) know this is a one-shot collection and otherwise complete 😅


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Zanqueen90 0 points #1
Chapter 2: Seru bgt baca nya 😭
Zanqueen90 0 points #2
Chapter 1: Akan ku baca semua fanfic mu,asalkan itu spartace ☺
jk_lau18 #3
Chapter 13: yay!! I really miss your updates authorniim..Thanks for updating...its soooo sweet and reading stories like this feels so good💙..I miss Mi young too😊...still be wAiting on your nxt update.
rishou #4
Chapter 13: huhu this was so sweet! thank you for writing this 😭
jihyojihyojihyo #5
Chapter 13: AAAAH!! im so spartace fic deprived so tysm for this (& keeping your promise last rmfm jks hahaha) ilyy - Louise (feel like i have to insert my name for u to recognize me lol)
ChoKwanGi #6
Chapter 13: welcome back!
Chapter 13: that nose to nose touch made me remember the crumbs during RMFM🤣 but seriously, she could've gave him a one big blow for a revenge, though jihyo being the sweetest and kindest woman she is won't have the heart to do it to her husband🤭 thank you for the update, I know I just finished reading this, but I hope you'll update soon mhie❤️
Chapter 12: ahhh merry christmas maknae~ this is so cute!!! thank you 💖
elainefun88 #9
Chapter 12: Omg I was so happy to see that you updated!!! Welcome back! I’ve missed you authornim! This story is sooooo heartwarming! ❤️❤️❤️ love love love! Merry Christmas!