Chapter 2: Unexpected Visit

Sweet Pea

Baekhyun groaned at the loud ringing of his alarm. Half awake, he sat up and reached over to the nightstand to turn off the annoying ringing. He was enjoying the peaceful silence of the room for a moment, before it was suddenly interrupted by one of Chanyeol’s powerful snores.

Huffing, Baekhyun flopped across of Chanyeol’s chests, whom, stirred and whined from the coalition.


Baekhyun blankly stared at the white wall before turning his head to face his husband, laying his head on top of Chanyeol’s chest. He scanned Chaneyeol’s face, who was soundly sleeping and masking a peaceful face. He traced his finger from his closed eyes to the bridge of Chanyeol’s nose and then slightly tugged Chanyeol’s protruding ears “cute”. His cute protruding ears were the first thing he noticed about Chanyeol.


It was Spring of his second year in university, when he first met Chanyeol. It was a time when Baekhyun was struggling to create a design for his fashion merchandising class. He did everything that usually inspired him to design, like browsing through images, sightseeing, going to the park, etc. But nothing seemed to work for him. He clearly knew he was dealing with artists block, but he didn’t know how to overcome it. Jongin, his best friend, tried to help him by suggesting him to try something new. Thus, he decided to take Jongin’s advice and venture out. He was mindlessly walking around the large campus for 20 minutes when his eyes caught site of a dome building. He knew that the school had a planetarium, he never bothered to check it out…since it wasn’t something, he found interesting…until this moment.

 Baekhyun walked around the building in search for an open door. He was about to give up, when he noticed that they were all locked, until he finally found an unlocked door. Not knowing whether he was allowed to enter or not, he discreetly opened the door and stepped foot inside the building. He was carefully walking down the hall, when all of a sudden loud music started to play, which caused Baekhyun to flinch ‘omg I almost died of a heart attack’.

However, curios over what was happening, he continued to walk down the hallway until he was in front two black curtains. Carefully, he opened the curtain and peaked his head out. What he saw was beyond words. The dome celling was covered with thousands of shiny stars, making him feel as he was floating in the universe.

               Amazed by the show, he did not notice someone walking behind.

“umm…excuse me…” a soft deep voiced called out as the person tapped Baekhyuns shoulder.

Caught by surprise, Baekhyun loudly screamed “oh !” as he closed his eyes and clenched his chest with his hands.

 “Omg! Are you okay?!...I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean to startle you like that…” the stranger asked with a worried voice.

“No, no…i-it’s okay…sorry…I was just… umm caught by umm surprise…” Baekhyun looked at the floor, embarrassed by the way he reacted.

“I…really am sorry…”

 After calming his racing heart, decided to look up to the stranger. Baekhyun instantly regretted it because he felt his heart beating faster compared to when he was scared.  The stranger was a cute giant, he had puffy brown curly hair, and those…protruding ears were just so...”cute”

“ohh…um thank you” the tall strangers covered his right ear while wearing bright red face due to the unexpected complement. After realizing that he said that out loud, Baekhyun wanted to crawl under a cave and never come out.


“Am I that handsome, that you can’t stop staring at me?” caught red handed, Baekhyun felt a sudden pool of heat surrounding his cheeks. Chanyeol chuckled at Baekhyun’s flushed face and softly pinched his mochi cheeks. “since when have you been awake” Baekhyun asked with a pouting face.

“I’ve been awake since the moment you decided to jump on me”

“You were snoring too loud” Baekhyun continued puffing his cheeks.

“well…if it wasn’t for my snores, you would be falling back asleep and be late to work.” Chanyeol reached to Baekhyun’s bed hair and started it.

“you know me too well. Now come on, duty calls. You have a presentation to get ready for and I have to drop off Byul at day care and get to work” Baekhyun patted his husbands’ chest, as he stood up.



Baekhyun was thoroughly working on his computer, until there was a loud knock on his door. Clearing his throat, Baekhyun softly shouted “come in”.


His eye grew large when he recognized the person opening the door was the chief executive of D’Verve. He was wearing his usual black and white suit and grey hair styled back.


 Quickly, he stood up to greet the CEO, extending his hand for handshake.  

"Good morning, President Wong. Please take a sit" Baekhyun quickly gestured to seat in front of his desk. Baekhyun was actually panicking inside, the President doesn’t usually visit other offices unless it was urgent, or worse, to fire them. But he had to keep himself maintain.  


"Hello, Baekhyun. I'm sorry, for coming here so unexpectedly. You must be busy preparing for the next show”

“I am in the process of reviewing the designs”

“Hopefully, everything is going well, with minimum troubles.”

“Yes, sir, everything seems to be going well”

“I am glad to hear that. Actually; I am not here to discuss about the project but regarding something else…there is something important I would like to speak to you about." 


Baekhyun’s mind was filling up with many scenarios. ’Is he going to fire me…but why? Did I do something wrong’. Keeping his cool down, Baekhyun normally asked “What would that be sir?”


“My youngest nephew is moving here, to Seoul, in about 2 weeks. In the meantime, he will also finish his last semester in Seoul University.”


Baekhyun was just questioning how this applies to him, but he was too reluctant to ask, so he just let him President speak.


“My wife thought it would be a good idea, if he could gain some experience about the company while he finishes his last semester. Unfortunately, since I travel frequently, I won’t be able to teach him. But you are one of my most trusted employees in the company. I know I can trust you to teach my nephew about working in the company. And you have nothing worry about, he is a great kid”    


Baekhyun was astound. Minutes ago, he thought he was about to get yelled at or lose his job, but to have the director express his appreciation and trust in you was once in a lifetime moment. Therefore, he did not think about it twice before accepting his request, confidently he answered “I would be glad to provide my assistance, President Wong”


"Thank you" Director Wong happily cheered as he stood up. “I was actually afraid you would reject my request, but I am content. I will ask Secretary Kim to send you the rest of the information later. You may continue with your work Mr.Byun ”.


Once the President had left his office and closed the door, Baekhyun let out a sigh of relief.


It was lunchtime when he received an email notification from Mr. Wong's secretary Ms. Kim, with the subject titled Wong Lucas. He was about to open the file when one of his most rowdy co-workers, Jongdae barged in followed by a calm Minseok carrying his cup of coffee.

"Ya! Baekhyun" Jongdae walked in his office, wearing his infamous large smile. Meanwhile Minseok just gave him small wave. As both of them took a sit in front of Baekhyun’s desk, Baekhyun gave Jongdae a deadly glare.

"Could you be any louder Jongdae” Baekhyun sarcastically replied.

“I saw Mr. Wong leaving your office this morning” Minseok mentioned while taking a sip of his coffee.   

“Is everything okay?” Jongdae asked with a deep concern in his voice, suddenly stopped bei

Baekhyun did not want to mention about Mr.Wong's request yet. But the concern expressions of his two friends did not make it easy for him to hide it. Eventually he will have to tell them sooner or later.

“Everything is okay. Mr. Wong came since he wants me to be his nephew's advisor” Baekhyun replied, while giving them a soft smile to ensure them that he was not in trouble.

“Wait...hold up. Advise his nephew?” Minseok asked while carefully placing his coffee down, tilting his head. Baekhyun strongly nodded. While Jongdae gave him a soft wow.

“He said that he does not have time to help him. And that’s why he came here, to ask me for help” 

“Did he tell you about his nephew?” Jongdae asked, raising his eyebrow

“No. Ms. Kim just sent me a report about him.”

“Let’s take a look at it” Jongdae said impatiently, as he scooted closer to Baekhyun’s desk.  

Baekhyun looked back and forth between his two friends, who were looking at him with sparkling eyes, full of curiosity “Now?”

“Uh yeah…come on Baekhyunnie” Minseok pleaded with a pouty face.

Minseok’s and Jongdae’s curiosity, induced Baekhyun’s curiosity about Mr.Wong’s nephew. Baekhyun let out a loud groan, as a sign of defeat “Fine”. 

Jongdae and Minseok proudly celebrated their win with a loud high five.

When Baekhyun opened the document, the first thing that showed on the profile was a picture. Baekhyun couldn’t lie to himself, the man on the picture was very handsome. He had large dark brown eyes, thick eyebrows, straight nose and thick lips.  ‘Baekhyun, do you hear yourself. You’re married.’

“He sure is handsome, isn’t he?” Jongdae whispered as he wiggled his eyebrows. Minseok just rolled his eyes at Jongdae’s comment

 Clearing his throat, Baekhyun, continued to read the profile out loud “His name is Wong Lucas Speaks four languages, Korean, Chinese, French and English”

Jongdae whistled “impressive. I can barely speak one.”

He is studying Business, particularly Merchandise. Will be attending Seoul University and will be graduating soon. He has lived in three different countries so far, lived in France before starting college in Hong Kong. Likes to do volunteering work”

As Baekhyun read further ahead, he decided to close the document before he further exposed Mr. Wong’s nephew, he trusted Minsoek and Jongdae. But it felt wrong to expose a stranger’s information business to other strangers.    

“Awaaee” Jongdae whined as he was trying to obtain as much as information about Mr.Wong’s nephew.

Baekhyun shut off his computer and started organizing his desk “we should probably head to lunch right now”

“But I didn’t finish looking at it”

Minseok quickly jumped in to save Baekhyun from Jongdae’s whining “let’s head to lunch, before the café down the corner starts to get packed”

“You’re right. Alright! Let’s go I’m starving”

As the trio walked out of Baekhyun’s office, Baekhyun kept thinking about Lucas. ‘he seems like a good kid, like Mr. Wong said. Hopefully, he won’t give me a hard time’.

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 5: This is very good - you do a good job describing family dynamics, and how lack of communication leads to all kinds of trouble - looking forward to reading more👍