Chapter 1

Sweet Pea

The sound of little feet pounding against the wooden floor resonates throughout the living room. The household is enlightened by loud giggles of a three-year-old Byul, who is joyfully running around in circles flying his favorite white helicopter toy.

"Byul, baby, be careful. You will fall down if you keep running around like that." A deep and husky voice calls out, as the said person enters the living room, carrying a blue basket full of clean clothes. Byul comes to a complete stop and frowns for a bit.

He watches his appa walk to the front of the brown couch, taking a seat on the floor, and settling the basket next to him. Byul softly walks in front of his appa, showing displaying a cute frown. Chanyeol stops folding the small dinosaur print shirt, once he sees the small shadow and looks up to face his son. His son is showing him one of the cutest frowns, he has his arms folded, and is puffing his chest ‘Ahhh…they’re exactly alike’ Chanyeol couldn’t help but softly chuckle at his thought. Chanyeol warmly smiles at his son, “you know…this pout won’t work on me…your appa always makes this face all time”, he brings up one of his hands and boops Byul’s button nose.

Byul unfolds his arms and jumps to hug his father, Chanyeol groaned at the sudden impact, but tightly held onto Byul, as he clings around his neck. "I won't fall appa! I pwomise!" Byul suddenly says, releasing he arms around his father. Byul changed his pouty face to a wide grin, showing his baby teeth.

“Hmm…you said that last time and you ended up falling” Byul looked at him with a confused faced, trying to recall this event “appa made both of us sit down at the corner of the room and made us raise our hands” this made Byul suddenly remember the horrific event and shook his head.

“How about you help fold the clothes while we wait for papa?" "Yes!" Byul enthusiastically answered as he made a little jump. Byul sat next to his father and was cautiously following his father’s steps to fold his little shirt.

"Appa...?" Byul asked in his pitched voice "Hmm...".. " when are we eating? Byul is hungwy". "We'll eat soon, your papa should be arriving anytime now" Chanyeol took out his phone to check the time, it was already 6 o’clock, ‘Baekhyun texted me forty minutes ago, he must be stuck in traffic’.

Byul sighed at the thought of having to wait a few more minutes to eat something. “Can I get cookie appa?” Chanyeol looks at his son, who is tapping his growling stomach, “okay” Byul grinned at the thought of eating a cookie before dinner. Chanyeol stood up from where he was sitting and extends his hand to Byul “come on kiddo, let’s give you some apples”. Byul took his appa’s hand and walked together to the kitchen. Byul really wanted some Pororo cookies, but he was too hungry to complain about eating apples.

Just as Chanyeol was going pick up Byul to place him on his designated chair, the sound of a pair of keys opening the front door echoed across the house. Byul rapidly ran up to the main door and beamed of delight once he saw the person behind the door. "Papa, papa!" Byul anticipatedly shouted while jumping. He hugged his papa’s legs the moment Baekhyun closed the door. Byul looked up to his papa with puppy eyes, waiting for his papa’s reaction. "Hehe” Baekhyun picked up Byul “did you missed me, my little star” Baekhyun asked him as Byul snuggled against his neck. “I always miss papa” Byul’s responses warmed Baekhyun’s heart, he would never trade in his beautiful family for anything.

Across the room, Baekhyun saw his husband standing with a proud smile on his face, capturing the beautiful moment with his phone. “Yeollie” Baekhyun cutely whined. He currently looks like a mess after working an 8-hour shift; his ironed dress shirt was now wrinkled, and his brown comma hair was now everywhere. Knowing exactly what his hubby was thinking, Chanyeol walked and stood in front of Baekhyun, placing his hands on Baek’s waist. Chanyeol gazed at Baekhyun’s brown eyes full of fondness and love. “You know” Chanyeol started as he slowly leaned in “no matter what…you always look beautiful. And nothing will ever change that” with these last words he softly kisses Baekhyun’s forehead. Baekhyun sighed of content, he was happy to be home.

Their moment was suddenly interrupted by low squeal “Papa! Appa! I’m still here!” little Byul wiggled around Baekhyun’s arms, wanting to catch the attention of this parents. Both parents couldn’t help but laugh at their son’s words. “Come on little ones, let’s eat dinner before the food gets cold”

“Yayy! Byul is hungwy!”

“Hey! I’m not little, you’re just a giant.”

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Beau1996 1379 streak #1
Chapter 5: This is very good - you do a good job describing family dynamics, and how lack of communication leads to all kinds of trouble - looking forward to reading more👍