
Memories Past

Kris was leaning up against his car waiting for you when you got out of class. At first, when you saw him, you tried to keep your walk at a normal pace, but the excitement couldn’t be held back anymore. Breaking out into a run, you practically jumped into his arms when you finally reached the car.

After giving you a deep, loving kiss, Kris pulled back and greeted, “Well, hello, there. Miss me?”

You shrugged, trying to play off your enthusiasm. “Just a little bit.”

“Let’s go,” Kris chuckled, opening the car door for you. You slid into the passenger’s seat and waited patiently for Kris to round the car and jump into the driver’s seat. All day you’d been eager to see him, to get alone time with him after having so many double dates and group outings with the other pack members.

Your stomach growled at you, making Kris laugh when the sound reached his ears.

“I’ll take you to dinner,” he promised. “I just have to stop by the shop real quick.”

“Weren’t you just there?” you asked with a frown.

Kris shook his head. “Nah, I left a few hours ago to go home and shower.”

“Which I very much appreciate,” you teased. Kris was much more attractive when he didn’t smell like motor oil.

While he looked like he really wanted to say something snarky back, he simply sighed. He intertwined your fingers before kissing the back of your hand.

The two of you sat in comfortable silence as he drove to the shop. You stayed behind in the car as Kris ran inside. Brian waved at you from under the hood of a Toyota before going back to working on the engine. You trailed your gaze to the sign above the garage, taking you back to that first night when the truck driver had brought you here.

The word “Lang” seemed so familiar to you and yet you couldn’t put your finger on it. It had nothing to do with Kris’ name, so how did you know it?

When Kris got back in the car, you turned to him and asked, “What does ‘Lang’ mean?”

“You don’t remember?” he laughed.

You shook your head. “No. That’s kind of why I’m asking.”

With a nostalgic look in his eye, Kris explained, “It means ‘wolf’ in mandarin.”

Oh. Oh.

Now you remembered. Kris’ mom would call him “xiao lang” all the time. “Little wolf”. You chuckled to yourself, thinking of the fact that the truth was in front of you all along. Memories of his mother’s voice cooing at him with those words echoed in your ears.

“I’ll take that look as you remembering now,” Kris chuckled.

“Yeah,” you sighed happily.

“Alright,” Kris put the car in drive and glanced over at you, “what do you want for dinner?”


You wished this bathroom was big enough to pace around so you wouldn’t be forced to just stand there and not stare as the timer ticked down on your phone.

For the past few weeks, your entire body had been completely off. A few times you’d woken up in the morning to run to the toilet and empty out your stomach. It wasn’t every day and afterwards you’d be just fine, able to go on without worrying about whether or not you were getting sick. By the time you were through your second class of the day, you’d nearly forgotten about it.

But it kept happening.

And then you realized you were late. Very late. According to your calendar, almost an entire month had gone by since your last period. The only reason you hadn’t noticed was because between class and spending time with Kris, your mind simply never drifted in that direction.

You had no idea what would happen if those two little lines showed up. How would Kris react? Would you have to put your master’s degree on pause? Would Kris be excited? Or would he freak out?

The timer on your phone began to yell at you, saying it was time. Taking a deep breath, you flipped that little plastic stick over. Still holding on to it, you crumbled down to the floor. With a thud, you leaned back against the wall.

Well, .

That was your first reaction. But then that initial shock and panic gave way to giddiness. Kids had always been in your future plans; the first one just came a little earlier than expected. And you’d seen Kris interact with children at the shop or when you were wandering downtown. He certainly had a way with them. You could only imagine how he would be with your own.

Pushing yourself up to your feet, you dropped the stick into the little plastic bag you’d grabbed earlier before stuffing it in your back pocket.

Slowly, you climbed up the stairs to the main floor of the farmhouse. Kris was in the living room playing video games with Baekhyun and Chanyeol on the main TV. His focus was on the big screen until you stepped into the room, then he looked to you, his wolf-mate senses tingling. Noticing the way you were chewing on your bottom lip and shifting from foot to foot, he stopped paying attention to the game.

“What is it?” he asked. “What happened?”

“Nothing,” you replied a little too quickly. “Can I talk to you? In private?”

Kris glanced at the other two wolves who were still concentrated on the game. “There’s not really any such thing as privacy here, baobei.”

You huffed. “Okay, can we at least feign privacy? Please?”

“Yeah, of course.” Kris swiped the controllers from the other two wolves’ hands.

“Hey!” Baekhyun whined.

“Get out,” Kris ordered. “We can finish playing later.”

Grumbling back and forth, Baekhyun and Chanyeol shuffled out of the room. Kris patted the space next to him on the couch, but you continued to stand.

“What is it, baobei?” Kris frowned in concerned. Butterflies in your stomach went off whenever he called you that. It made you feel special as none of the other mates were called that pet name.

You took a deep breath, preparing for whatever reaction Kris might have. Finding the words to say it out loud was much harder than you’d expected.

“Kris,” you started, “you know how I haven’t been feeling well lately?”

He nodded. “Did you finally go to the doctor?”

“No, not yet.” Although, now you were going to have to go. For a very different reason. You opened your mouth to say it, but instead, out came, “Kris….”

Your handsome mate knit his eyebrows together. “(y/n), what is it?”

“I’m pregnant.”

Clank! Clankclankclank.

The controller fell from Kris’ hands, hitting the coffee table before dropping to the hardwood floor with a clatter.

“W-what?” he stuttered.

Pulling the plastic covered stick out of your back pocket, you handed it over to him. The mark on your neck that displayed to the world that you were Kris’ mate was barely healed and here you were, already carrying a tiny, bean-sized baby.

You handed the stick over to Kris, who stared at it opened mouthed. “You’re really pregnant.”


“Damn it, Baekhyun!” Kris threw the stick down and started stomping towards the hallway. You caught him by the arm just in time.

“Kris, just let it go,” you urged. “They would find out soon, anyway.”

Turning back towards you, Kris stared down at your stomach, placing a shaky hand right over your belly button. He laughed, softly at first before growing in volume. Wrapping his arms around your waist, he picked you up and twirled you around as you squealed.

After putting you down, Kris kissed you deeply.

Footsteps alerted you to a new presence and as you pulled apart, Junmyeon stepped into the living room from the front parlor.

“Uh, what’s going on?” he asked, looking back and forth between you and Kris.

Before either of you could answer, more footsteps thundered in from the kitchen. Almost all the other wolves came tripping over each other into the living room.

“(y/n) has a bun in the oven!” Jongdae blurted out.

Junmyeon’s jaw dropped. “Are you serious?”

You nodded bashfully.

Rubbing his face with his hand, Junmyeon groaned. “As if this house wasn’t crowded enough.”

Looking up at Kris, you felt a little guilty. It really was crowded in this house with so many bodies and now you were about to bring another one in. One that would take a lot of attention and time. But seeing that spark in Kris’ eye, that gleam of happiness and excitement for the future, all guilt melted away.

Who would have known that the little boy and girl that were attached at the hip would come to this point so many years later just to create a family of their own? It was the fairy tale ending to your beautiful little love story.

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189 streak #1
Chapter 14: Awwww......awaiting the arrival!
Chapter 14: So so sweet~ Such a heart warming read, thanks for sharing!
Chapter 14: Aaaaw.. i love this, too!! And they will have a baby!! I'm so excited to read the next story :-)