Haunted Memories

Memories Past

“Kris! Slow down!”

“Maybe you should move faster!”

“You’re such a jerk!”

The boy just laughed at your pout as you struggled up the hill with your short, eight-year-old legs. How the lanky boy could climb this high angled slope with no difficulty, you couldn’t figure out.

Kris waited for you at the top of the hill, smirking down at you. Huffing and puffing, you pouted at him.

“It’s not nice to leave me behind,” you whined.

He ruffled your hair, messing up your mother’s hard work from this morning. “I won’t ever leave you behind, silly.”

“Do you mean that?” You looked up at him with wide, hope-filled eyes.

Rolling his own eyes, Kris took your hand. “Of course. Come on. We have to hurry back or my parents will get mad at me.”

You nodded and started to go with him until something shiny buried in the dirt caught your eye. Letting your hand slip out of his, you stayed where you were, bending down to pick up the object that had stolen your attention.

It was a pretty, shiny rock, opaque in color, with rough edges and rainbows dancing across the surface. Smaller than your palm, you smiled down at the wonderful find.

“What are you doing?” Kris scolded. “Didn’t you hear that my mom will kill me if we’re not back by dinner?”

“Look!” You held the rock up for him to see. “Isn’t it pretty?”

“Yeah, unlike you,” he scoffed.

That made you frown. “Why are you so mean sometimes?”

Kris sighed. “I didn’t mean it. You are pretty. For a girl.” He snatched the rock out of your hand, looking at it closely. “I’m calling dibs!”

“What!” you yelled. “No fair! I found it first!”

“But it’s a moon stone!” Kris argued. “That means I should be able to keep it!”

You crossed your arms. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

Kris opened his mouth, but then quickly snapped it shut again. He shoved the rock back into your hands. “Nothing. Never mind about it. You keep it. Think of me when you look at it.”

“Kris, what were-”

“Come on!” He grabbed your hand once again, pulling you away from the woods that had always been your playground, back to his house where food would be waiting for you.


For the most part, your life was pretty much how you pictured it going. You’d finished high school with good grades, got accepted into a nice college with a worthwhile pedigree, and graduated with honors. You even met your current fiance in a cute way at the bowling alley when you both went for the last eight-pound ball.

Now, you were at the beginning of your graduate school career and busy planning a wedding. Well, sort of planning a wedding.

After Huan was promoted and needed to move to this smaller, university town for his job, your plans had to slow down a bit while he adjusted to his better-paying position and you assimilated to life in this new place. One little high note about moving to this place was the fact that you were now able to attend graduate school on a campus rather than the online courses you were originally planning on. You preferred to sit in the classroom and ask the professor questions face to face rather than sending an email and waiting impatiently for the answer, so you couldn’t complain too much about the switch up.

It was a spur of the moment change and you were lucky that the university accepted your last minute application. You still submitted it within the proper time frame, just a day or so before the closing deadline, but you hated being so behind when it came to things like that. Only the extenuating circumstances made you do it.

So, there you were, driving to the university after making an easy breakfast for two, kissing Huan goodbye, and seeing him off to work. Classes had been in session for about a week or so and you were already getting used to your new routine. You were early enough to snag a decent parking spot that wasn’t reserved for one of the professors thanks to very light traffic through the city. It seemed like today would just be a good day.

Grabbing your messenger bag from the passenger’s seat, you slid the strap over your shoulder and locked up your car before walking up the wide path to the beautiful green courtyard. Your first class was in a building on the far end of the campus, but there was no need to hurry. The weather was still nice, if a bit warmer than what you were used to this time of year, making the commute from the parking lot to the old fashioned, red brick building a pleasant one.

Dozens of students littered the area, some leisurely strolling and talking with their friends while others were power walking or straight up running to get to class on time. There were times that you missed those days, the early years of college. They weren’t too far behind you, barely even as you just graduated with your bachelors last May, but you still reminisced about those times when you didn’t have a clue about what you were doing or what you would major in. It was a bit chaotic, but it was life. Shouldn’t it be a little chaotic and unpredictable sometimes?

Admittedly, your life had become a little predictable as of late. It’d fallen into that “normalcy” zone where you did what nearly everyone else was doing.

You didn’t hate your life. Not at all. You couldn’t wait to really settle down with Huan and start a family. But a little surprise every once in a while wouldn’t hurt.

Sighing to yourself, you pulled open the door to the business school. Before you could enter it completely, loud whoops and hollers caught your attention.

A group of six or seven boys were wrestling, tripping, and all together messing with each other as they traveled across the courtyard. No two were alike, sporting different hair colors from natural black to dyed silver and ranging in various heights. Their camaraderie and playfulness made you smile before you stepped inside the building.

Heading straight for your class, you took your now normal seat in the second row, pulling out your laptop and notebook. You were ready for just another uneventful day of class.


Kris really didn’t want to get out of bed this morning. He’d stayed up way too late last night, out running with the younger wolves. Sehun and Tao just didn’t know when to call it quits and go home and someone had to keep an eye out on them to make sure they stayed out of trouble. Why Kris took it upon himself to be their watcher, he was still trying to figure out. The instinct of responsibility was too strong inside to ignore. Sometimes, he really hated his genes.

Forcibly tossing the blanket to the side, he stood up out of bed, scratching his scalp and stretching out his sore limbs. Maybe it’d be okay for the boss to just call in sick?

No, then he’d just be bored all day once he finally caught up on his sleep. And boredom usually led to thinking about Jiyoon and the past. He’d much rather be busy and sleep deprived rather than sitting in his room, just picturing her face. Too much had already been spent like that, he didn’t need to waste more of his life away.

The weight of his guilt and sorrow was too much to carry some days. All he wanted was to go back and change his choices. So much would have been different. For the better. The pack never would have been split, he and Junmyeon would have never feuded, and Jiyoon would still be alive. His feisty, hardheaded, tough-as-nails Jiyoon.

No. He needed to stop thinking about it or else he’d be stuck in this room all day, unable to move.

With heavy steps, he shuffled out into the hallway and to the bathroom. Which was already locked and in use. Great.

Kris managed to suppress a groan as he leaned against the wall next to the door, folding his arms over his chest.

Five minutes later, the door swung open, letting out a cloud of steam. Baekhyun sauntered out of the bathroom fully dressed and hair dripping wet.

“You really shouldn’t use that much hot water,” Kris chastised.

Baekhyun squealed and jumped a few inches off the ground, not expecting the older wolf’s presence.

“But it feels so good,” he whined with a mischievous grin.

Shaking his head, Kris replied, “Yeah, well, the rest of us would like some hot water, too.”

Baekhyun just shrugged. “Don’t be so slow in the morning.”

Passing by the punk, Kris slapped him upside the head – getting a yelp out of Baekhyun – before taking over the bathroom.

The air was thick and heavy, microscopic water droplets floating in the air and landing on every surface. Baekhyun really needed to learn self-control when it came to his shower time.

Opting for a quick wash and rinse off, Kris managed to be in and out in less than ten minutes minutes. After wrapping a towel around his waist, he headed back into his room to get dressed for the day’s work. With a clean pair of gray coveralls stuffed into his bag to change into once he arrived at the shop, he headed downstairs and to the kitchen where breakfast would hopefully be waiting for him.

By pure luck, Kyungsoo was still around, guarding the last plate of food from the other pigs. He silently handed Kris the plate when he approached.

“Thanks,” Kris smiled before heading over to the coffee maker, made fresh by Minseok, who was already finishing off his first cup and starting on his second. “Any left?”

Minseok nodded. “Of course. Go ahead.”

Grateful as ever, Kris put his breakfast down just long enough to make himself a cup. The striking difference between his very light liquid and Minseok’s almost still black coffee made Kris chuckle to himself.

Kris didn’t bother to sit down as he scarfed down the food, choosing to lean up against the counter as he sipped away on the warm liquid that would help him wake up.

“Hey, Hyung?” Sehun called out from the breakfast booth. To be honest, Kris was amazed that he was even awake right now and ready to head off for class. Sitting across him were Chanyeol and his mate Lanie, who Kris took an immediate liking to considering her similar personality to Jiyoon. They both had that tough exterior and it made Kris soften when she was around. Not in a romantic way, of course, more like a sibling feeling.

“Yeah?” Kris answered between sips.

Sehun’s face scrunched up with worry. “Do you talk to Junmyeon?”

“Every day,” Kris deadpanned. It was true. He never went a day without talking to Junmyeon. While their bond wasn’t as strong as it had been before… well, before he left, it was getting better and maybe someday, they could be like brothers again.

“That’s not what I meant,” Sehun grumbled.

Sighing, Kris put down his now empty cup. “What did you mean?”

“He’s been acting… weird lately,” the youngest wolf elaborated.

“No kidding,” Chanyeol, chuckled. “He’s been jumpy and he’s hardly ever home anymore. It’s been going on the past week. You don’t think that’s strange?”

Kris shrugged. “It’s the beginning of the semester. Maybe he’s just stressed out.”

“I don’t think so,” Minseok interjected. “He’s been through plenty of semesters, it’s routine now and he’s never acted like this before.”

“Well, I have no clue,” Kris admitted. “I think you should just give it some time and he’ll-”

“Morning everyone.”

Nearly all of them jumped out of their skin as Junmyeon’s sudden presence. They all failed at acting normal, as if they hadn’t just been talking about the alpha. If Junmyeon had overheard any of it, he gave no indication. He simply pulled a thermos out of the cabinet and poured himself some coffee.

“I’ll see you guys later,” he nodded, heading for the back door.

“Are you going to run with us tonight?” Sehun asked hopefully. Kris was just as antsy.

Yes, please do. So I don’t have to.

Junmyeon shook his head, dashing Kris’ pleas. “I can’t. I’ve got… other things I’ve got to take care of.”

“Like what?” Kris questioned. Of course, he was the only one brave enough to voice the inquiry.

Junmyeon exhaled deeply. “Later, okay? We’ll talk about it later.”

Before Kris could protest, Junmyeon was out the door.

“Something is definitely going on,” Chanyeol murmured, his usually cheerfulness nowhere in sight.

“If it was important or something to be worried about, I’m sure he would tell you guys,” Lanie reassured.

Kris agreed with her. As strange as it still was to have a girl in the house full time, he definitely appreciated her level head. The boys needed more people around them who could actually use their brains.

“I’ll see you guys tonight,” Kris waved, aiming for his own car parked out back.

“You’ll come with us tonight, right, Kris?” Tao asked before he could escaped.

Suppressing a groan, Kris turned to him and nodded. “Yeah, I will. I promise.”


After your first two morning classes, you headed on over to the library to get a good head start on the major paper that you knew was going to give you some trouble. Paper writing was never exactly your strong suit. Why did you have to choose communications as your major again?

When you first settled into a seat near the windows, the library was only moderately full with plenty of seats and computers open for anyone else who wanted to study away without being disturbed. But over the course of the next hour, the library started filling up to capacity. You hardly noticed, deep in your research to find credible books on marketing and word usage to appeal to the widest audience possible.

“Excuse me.” Tap, tap, tap.

Looking up from your laptop, you pulled out your earphones to find a girl around your age with beautiful long hair and a friendly smile on her face.

“Hi, I’m sorry, but do you mind if I sit here?” She pointed to the empty seat across from you.

“No, not at all!” Quickly, you shuffled your things around in order to give her room for her own belongings.

“I’m Ji Yeon, by the way.” She held her hand out for you take.

You shook it a couple times before letting go. “(y/n).”

Making friends for you was always a hot and cold experience. It wasn’t too daunting of a task, but it hadn’t been at the forefront of your mind since you moved here. Ji Yeon seemed friendly and she’d approached you first, making it even easier. And with Huan’s unpredictable hours, you kind of needed someone else to spend time with to keep you sane. Perhaps, she could fill that space?

Noticing your textbook that was laid out by your computer, Jiyeon concluded, “Grad student?”

You nodded. “Yeah. Communications. You?”

She held up an expensive looking Canon camera. “Technically marketing, but my focus is photography.”

You could feel your eyes light up. “Really? My focus is in marketing, too!”

Ji Yeon laughed. “Okay, that’s so weird. I knew I picked the right person to ask for their extra seat.”

“Well, I’m honored,” you giggled honestly. Too curious for your own good, you couldn’t help but ask, “So, you’re a photographer?” She nodded. “Can I see? I mean, only if you’re comfortable.”

“Absolutely!” Ji Yeon beamed. Turning the camera on, she flipped it around so you could see the small, three-inch screen. “These are my latest ones.”

As she slowly clicked through the photos, you could tell that she had an amazing eye and great love for nature. While some were of interesting angles of buildings and people around the city, a majority were of the forest and the animals that resided in there. A favorite subject, you noticed, was of a tannish wolf with a white neck and underbelly. He seemed playful, even posing for the camera in some pictures.

“Are all the wolves around here so friendly?” you questioned.

Ji Yeon’s eyes widened before she stumbled in putting her camera away. “Uh, yeah. Some of them are. I’d still stay out of the words, though, if you can. You never know what might be lurking.”

She finished the strange ramble with a nervous laugh, but you pushed it away. Maybe she was just worried about getting in trouble or someone finding out about her overgrown pet. You didn’t see much issue with it.

“I grew up next to a forest, so I get it,” you told her. “There were plenty of times that I got in trouble for sneaking away to play in the trees.”

“Sounds adventurous,” Ji Yeon said, impressed.

Little she know that you were actually quite the scaredy cat. “Yeah, well, it was mostly my friend’s fault. He was always getting us into trouble.”

The two of you talked for another fifteen minutes or so, completely forgetting any school work that needed to be done. Then your alarm went off.

“Crap!” You scrambled to get your things together. “I’m so sorry, I have to go. I’m going to be late for class.”

Ji Yeon’s look of panic mirrored yours. “Oh, god, no I’m sorry. Go, go, go!”

You laughed at her enthusiasm. “Thanks. I’ll see you later!”

“It was nice meeting you!” she yelled after you as you ran for the door.

You gave her a wave back. Hopefully, you’d run into her again and be able to exchange numbers. With the short amount of time you’d spent with Ji Yeon, you felt a kindred spirit in her and wanted to get to know her a little more.


After a long day of classes, you were absolutely exhausted and couldn’t wait to get home to food and your fiancé. It was nearly seven o’clock in the evening, the sun was disappearing along the horizon. Your brain was fried.

Hopping into your car, you the radio and sang along with the songs you knew, making up words to the ones you didn’t. Today had been a good day, as you felt it would be.

Until your car sputtered to a stop out of nowhere just a few blocks from your apartment.

“No, no, no, no, no,” you groaned. What could possibly be wrong with this thing? It wasn’t that old, maybe five or six years, and you always took good care of it.

Getting out of the car, you didn’t bother opening up the hood. You knew squat about cars and staring pointlessly at the engine for it to magically start again would just be a waste of time. Instead, you leaned against the front of the car and called Huan.

It went to voicemail. Great.

He was probably in a meeting or working through an account and not paying attention to his phone. At least modern technology allowed you to search online for a local tow service.

It took about half an hour for the truck to arrive. The driver was friendly and cordial, first asking if you were alright before hooking your poor car up to the back of his truck.

“Do you know where you want me to take it?” he asked.

You shrugged. “I just moved here so I have no idea where the closest auto shop is.”

He nodded. “That’s okay. I know a good place. He does a good job and is fair with his prices.”

“Sounds… good.”

The man was kind enough to let you ride with him to the shop that was only a few blocks away.

Lang Auto Shop. Interesting name.

You paid the man for the tow, thanking him profusely for the amount of help that he gave you. After he was gone, you called a cab to take you the rest of the way home. As you waited for your second ride of the night, you jotted down your first name and contact number as well as a description of what happened. With your spare set of keys attached to the note, you shoved it through the mailbox slot in the door, watching it land with a rattle on the polished tile. Hopefully, that should make it hard to miss.

The cab arrived and you gave the driver your address that you were barely able to remember. You couldn’t help but watch the shop over your shoulder until the driver turned down another street, obstructing it from view. There was something about the name that was so vaguely familiar to you. Or… not the name Lang Auto Shop specifically. Just that one word.


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194 streak #1
Chapter 14: Awwww......awaiting the arrival!
Chapter 14: So so sweet~ Such a heart warming read, thanks for sharing!
Chapter 14: Aaaaw.. i love this, too!! And they will have a baby!! I'm so excited to read the next story :-)