A Fluffy Addition To The Family

Jongho Drabble/Oneshot Collection
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Summary: A puppy follows Jonghyun home, and he can't bear to part with it. Jonghyun brings the puppy inside and tries to hide it from Minho.
~ Home AU

'Only you can give me that feeling'
Love       Warmth       Trust       Protection


It was a Friday afternoon as Jonghyun tiredly walked home after buying groceries at the nearby store, lucky for him their apartment was a street away as his working day at the bar had been tiresome. So far the only thing he was longing for was filling his belly with warm food and cuddling up to his boyfriend on the sofa until he fell asleep to a cheesy comedy show. 

The thought of his boyfriend brought a smile to his face, it had him wonder what Minho was cooking for dinner. Yawning while rubbing his aching eyes, he contemplated just running the last bit home even though that wasn’t the brightest idea cause of his drowsy brain and the uneven pavement, he didn’t exactly want to fall flat on his face and have Minho laugh and bring it up for the next 6 months. 

Small steps on said pavement luckily snatched his attention away from the not so smart idea as it made him realize that he wasn’t the only one on the road...he was being followed. He spun around and saw a tiny dachshund puppy look up at him with huge pearly eyes.

Jonghyun would never admit it but he was such a er for puppies and his heart melted when its fluffy tail started wagging at finally being noticed. ''Hey there…'' Jonghyun coed, squatting down to pat the dog.  ''You’re such a gorgeous puppy, what are ya doing here all alone?'' Jonghyun asked, not expecting an answer back. 

Scratching the pup behind the ear was apparently its favorite spot as its wagging tail went nuts, Jonghyun chuckled, ''Such a cutie!'' After giving the pup the desired attention, he stood back up, ''Alright I gotta go now, Minho expects me back in about 10 minutes, bye bye puppy!''    

Waving with a grin, Jonghyun started walking again, passing by his favorite coffeehouse and music store he often liked to visit, meanwhile the puppy kept following him. Jonghyun blinked as he heard the puppy bark, ''Why are you following me?'' He murmured, bending down to tickle its chin.

''Go back to your master.'' With an encouraging nug to its bottom, Jonghyun left only for the puppy to follow again with a spring in its step.

He sighed with a small pout, ''Well aren’t you a stubborn little thing.'' The reply came in the form of a wet nose pressing against his leg. There was an urge to take the puppy with him but Minho wouldn’t be pleased. ''Your master might be worried, go back!'' After a few more failed attempts of encouraging the pup to go, Jonghyun gave up, especially as dark clouds were forming into the night sky.

'', it’s going to rain soon,'' Jonghyun mumbled looking from the sky back at the puppy sitting in the middle of the roadway all innocently. There wasn’t a collar around the puppy’s neck so either it had no master or it escaped from somewhere. Jonghyun fought internally with himself before eventually making a decision…

''Minho is not going to be happy with me,'' Scooping the puppy up into his arms he crossed over to the other side of the street, ''Come on, I’m not leaving you here.'' And with that, he ran home, hoping not to get all too wet or get in trouble with his boyfriend. 


It went way differently than Jonghyun had envisioned when he got home. He stumbled into the apartment with a brilliant idea to keep the puppy a secret from Minho until he had the perfect speech ready to tempt him into keeping her. Yes, the puppy was a female cause he had been curious.  

He dropped the grocery bags in the hall before treaded lightly up the stairs without announcing his presence and went to their guest-room that Minho never saw reason to set foot in. ''Which is very fortunate right now,'' Jonghyun smirked down at his fluffy companion. 

After placing the puppy on the ground, he yanked a few blankets out of the closet and made a little bed for her, just to keep her warm while Jonghyun thought about how to get her food without Minho growing suspicious. 

''Stay here girl,'' Jonghyun whispered, patting her head. While walking back to the door, he held his hands out with a warm smile, ‘’Stay.’’ the puppy tilted her head to the side and to Jonghyun’s relief plopped down into the circle of blankets. ''Good girl!'' He whispered then closed the door while letting out a breath he didn’t know he had been holding. 

A few minutes later, Jonghyun wandered out into the kitchen and was met with a delicious scent, ''Mmmm, do I smell my favorite food, or is that just me?''

Minho jumped slightly and spun around with a spatula in his hand on full defense but relaxed when he realized it was just Jonghyun. ''You’re back! I didn’t hear you come in-''

For obvious reasons but his boyfriend didn’t need to know that.

''-but yes, I’m making us the beef salad that has you moan as if you want it badly.'' 

Jonghyun laughed cutely, ''I see...someone is tonight.'' Minho smirked back and returned to flipping the steaks, ''As if you mind, 90% of the time it’s you initiating it with your neediness.'' He responded, making Jonghyun blush. 

''You should stop being such a handsome bastard then.''

Minho couldn’t help but grin at the whiny tone in the other’s voice, his small boyfriend was the cutest person in the world and he loved to for those very reasons. He faced away from the salad to look at his boyfriend, watching Jonghyun rummage around in a cabinet, his cute bubbly wiggling before he stood straight up with an item that made Minho arch a dark eyebrow.

''What are you planning with the dog food?'' 

''Oh, umm…'' Jonghyun bit his bottom lip, ''Kibum said there is something in Garcon’s food cause he keeps defiling the carpet, I’m getting the food that we use when he stays over?'' Jonghyun acted as though the kitchen counter was suddenly very interesting to look at.

Minho scrunched his face up at too much information mainly when they were about to eat dinner although there was something off about Jonghyun’s face...

''Why do you have the expression of someone making this up?''

Jonghyun scoffed, Minho knew him all too well! ''I don’t know what you are talking about.'' He mumbled and left the kitchen, not noticing Minho going after him until he was by the stairs. ''Hmm sure you don’t...and why are you taking it with you up the stairs?''

Jonghyun gasped lightly, clutching his heart, ''Choi Minho, stop putting your nose into my business! You know how bad that is!'' Minho quickly held up his hands with a quizzical look on his face, ''I’m sorry but you put your nose into mine all the time Hyung!'' 

''That’s normal.''

The taller man of the two gawked, ''How is that fair?’’ Jonghyun nonchalantly waved him off, ''Stop nagging and let your boyfriend relax.''

''B-but I didn’t even get my ‘I’m home kiss’,'' Minho pouted at his boyfriend, the smaller man rolled his eyes. ''Yeah yeah yeah, come here you big baby.''

Minho came closer and tilted Jonghyun’s chin up, leaning forward to brush their lips together, the latter’s eyes fell shut at the touch as his hands reached upwards to slip his fingers between the soft dark strands. Angling his head to the side allowed their lips to glide freely over each other, it felt so good that Jonghyun was unable to stop the moan from bubbling up.

Minho pulled back, squeezing his firmly, ''Aaah I missed that.'' 

Jonghyun smiled up at him, ''What? The kisses or my ?’’

''Both,’’ Minho said, emphasizing the claim by pecking his lips and slapping his bottom. The smaller man groaned, mostly because a puppy was waiting for food, or else this could have been the perfect opportunity for some y times on the stairs.

He pushed a protesting Minho away, ''Let’s make a deal.’’ Smirking, he pointed at the discarded grocery bags in the hall, ''You put the groceries away, we eat dinner and you get some of this later!’’ He turned, pinching his .

Minho arched an eyebrow, glancing between the groceries and the alluring display while considering the deal.

Jonghyun saw this and decided to have some fun, ‘’Or are you going to tell me you can’t do it?’’ Clicking his tongue, Minho instantly went over to grab the bags, ''I will get you later for

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I'm back with a fluffy drabble featuring our Tom&Jerry couple ♡ I hope to add a Christmas fic to the collection soon too!


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795 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness, so cute~ It started out all angsty, that Minho was sad. But of course his friends are there for a reason. they wouldn't let Minho be sad, especially on Christmas. I'm glad that Jonghyun wasn't busy for the season, he was able toc ome visit. And Minho had a lot of courage to say all of that. It was super adorable with the star scene, when Minho picked Jjong up XD I can just imagine it now, Jonghyun moves into Minho's apartment when he graduates. Then Minho will have Jjong all to himself~ <3
You did so wonderful with this!! I'm sorry I was late to read it, but it's still cold where I am heheh
Chapter 10: So damn cute! Merry Christmas, Jenn! Miss you! ♥
Chapter 10: so cute
795 streak #4
Chapter 9: Awwww such a cute little secret Jjong has. I used to eat in the middle of the night too. And then Minho's secret! So sweet and comforting that they can have peaceful sleep together. ❤
795 streak #5
Chapter 8: Mhm, Jonghyun is just too much. He doesn't want Minho to leave, but he knows that he needs to go. Why not make the morning interesting? Makes me wonder if he does this every time Minho has a trip, or if it was the first time he bothered Minho so much. XD and look at you advertising Fall Guys, I see you ;)
795 streak #6
Chapter 7: Oh gurl, they started out being . I have reason to believe that Minho wasn't actually drunk, or if anything, just buzzed. He remembered way too much. But with them teasing each other in the morning as if they've been lovers for a few years was too funny. And of course Jjong's still hungry. Go on and get clean and dirty in the shower lol
Chapter 8: It's so cute and fluffy :) , really love their teasing and lovely moments
Domestic JongHo is bliss, I really love this update.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this beautiful and lovely update , it's put smile on my face in my little hard time :)
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for this ❤
Chapter 3: Honestly I'm a hardcore JongYu shiper But I enjoy reading JongHo also ;)
Thank you for little bit JongYu here <33 Haha
And yes I enjoyed this
Thank you for writing^^
Chapter 7: Wow, I always thought that if you added more hotness in this Jongho collection, and you did :)
Thank you for this update, and yes happy 3rd year also, I wish you continue writing Jonghyun fics and be always happy ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks again.