He Is Mine

Jongho Drabble/Oneshot Collection
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Summary: A fit of jealousy hits Minho as Jonghyun expects a special visitor and doesn't tell him who it is.
~ Home AU
Series: Five times Minho was jealous

'Only you can give me that feeling'
Love       Warmth       Trust       Protection


''Yes yes go GO!'' Minho shouted, pumping a fist into the air as he watched a match play out between Arsenal F.C. And Man. City on the flat-screen TV. His eyes were as huge as a deer caught in the headlights, arms frozen in the air as all his attention was on the intense moment, was Bukayo Saka going to make the winning goal? The man evaded one of the attackers and Minho almost bounced in anticipation.

''Come on, you CAN DO IT!''

The only person standing in the young man's way was the goalkeeper, the fans in the stadium were screaming as wild as Minho but his scream changed into agony soon enough as the screen went black and a small frame obscured his vision.

His eyes trailed up two bare legs, over white shorts and a blue top, smooth exposed collarbones and up into Mocha eyes.
''What the Jjong!!''

Jonghyun shot him a glare, ''Don't curse at me Minho-yah.''

Minho let out a huff "What are you doing?!" he growled instead, wishing he could shout or punch his boyfriend in the for letting him miss the game. ''You promised to let me watch this in peace!''

''Well...'' Jonghyun put hands on his hips, ''...that was before I got a call from a visitor, we need to clean the apartment now.''

''Visitor?'' Minho paused from destroying the pillow between his clenching hands, ''since when do you care about anyone seeing our pleasant way of living?''

Jonghyun was quiet for a moment while Minho took the opportunity to sneakily reach for the tv-remote, the blonde frowned, ''I go in stride with your mess all the time but not today, we need to impress her,'' slapping Minho's hand and snatching the remote away, the smaller man ignored Minho's complains and disappeared from the taller man's peripheral vision.

Minho was confused, so they were expecting a female visitor and it couldn't be Taeyeon as she has been in their messy household countless times, so who else could it be?

''In case you forgot, there will be a replay of the game this weekend.'' Jonghyun's voice came from behind him, he turned his head to offer the blonde a glare but was met with gym shorts to the face, sputtering, his arms flailed around to get it off.

''Jonghyun...'' Minho whined, folding his arms over his plain red T-shirt, it was near impossible to argue with his boyfriend, when he had his mind set on something, it was hard to get him to listen. ''Nu-uh,'' Jonghyun wiggled a finger, ''chop chop, everything has to be shiny clean.''

With a frown, Minho looked around the apartment, noticing the dirty dishes on the counter and his tracksuit hanging over a chair at their dining table. He sighed in defeat "Yeah, but—whatever-" He muttered, putting his arms back in its rightful spot at his sides and stood up. ''-where do you want me to start?''

Jonghyun grinned at Minho, standing on his tippy toes to deliver a chaste kiss to his lips. ''Thanks babe, start by throwing your smelly garments into the laundry basket where they belong.''

Minho only grunted in response but that was before he felt a hand smack his and a loud un-masculine yelp left his mouth. With a smirk in Minho's direction, Jonghyun sauntered away, chuckling in amusement as promises of revenge and punishments flew around his ears.


Quietly the two boys began the task of cleaning the apartment, Minho picked their discarded clothes off the floor and tossed them into the laundry basket while Jonghyun kept himself busy with the dishes.

After they were done, they began the task of tossing unnecessary decorations in boxes. They worked in silence but not completely as Jonghyun hummed softly under his breath. Something about Jonghyun's voice was so soothing, Minho could listen to it all day and his frustration for missing the match was pushed to the back of his mind.

Minho packed the last of the boxes and shoved them in the hall closet, ''I think that's all of them...'' He flexed his hands, ''are we finally done?'' Jonghyun glanced up from the old papers in his hands, ''No, you need to show your cooking skills tonight.''

The taller man crossed his arms defiantly, not really in the mood to cook for this stranger who seemingly was special to Jonghyun to the point they had to clean up and now cook too?

''How about I order take-out?'' He suggested. Jonghyun's brow disappeared under his fringe, ''Are you serious? A girl deserves a five-star dish, not a hamburger!''

''Jjong...'' Minho groans but Jonghyun interrupted him, placing small hands on his brawny forearm and looking up at him with big pretty puppy e

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I'm back with a fluffy drabble featuring our Tom&Jerry couple ♡ I hope to add a Christmas fic to the collection soon too!


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880 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness, so cute~ It started out all angsty, that Minho was sad. But of course his friends are there for a reason. they wouldn't let Minho be sad, especially on Christmas. I'm glad that Jonghyun wasn't busy for the season, he was able toc ome visit. And Minho had a lot of courage to say all of that. It was super adorable with the star scene, when Minho picked Jjong up XD I can just imagine it now, Jonghyun moves into Minho's apartment when he graduates. Then Minho will have Jjong all to himself~ <3
You did so wonderful with this!! I'm sorry I was late to read it, but it's still cold where I am heheh
Chapter 10: So damn cute! Merry Christmas, Jenn! Miss you! ♥
Chapter 10: so cute
880 streak #4
Chapter 9: Awwww such a cute little secret Jjong has. I used to eat in the middle of the night too. And then Minho's secret! So sweet and comforting that they can have peaceful sleep together. ❤
880 streak #5
Chapter 8: Mhm, Jonghyun is just too much. He doesn't want Minho to leave, but he knows that he needs to go. Why not make the morning interesting? Makes me wonder if he does this every time Minho has a trip, or if it was the first time he bothered Minho so much. XD and look at you advertising Fall Guys, I see you ;)
880 streak #6
Chapter 7: Oh gurl, they started out being . I have reason to believe that Minho wasn't actually drunk, or if anything, just buzzed. He remembered way too much. But with them teasing each other in the morning as if they've been lovers for a few years was too funny. And of course Jjong's still hungry. Go on and get clean and dirty in the shower lol
Chapter 8: It's so cute and fluffy :) , really love their teasing and lovely moments
Domestic JongHo is bliss, I really love this update.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this beautiful and lovely update , it's put smile on my face in my little hard time :)
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for this ❤
Chapter 3: Honestly I'm a hardcore JongYu shiper But I enjoy reading JongHo also ;)
Thank you for little bit JongYu here <33 Haha
And yes I enjoyed this
Thank you for writing^^
Chapter 7: Wow, I always thought that if you added more hotness in this Jongho collection, and you did :)
Thank you for this update, and yes happy 3rd year also, I wish you continue writing Jonghyun fics and be always happy ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks again.