An Act Of Love

Jongho Drabble/Oneshot Collection
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Summary: A jar of Rainbow sprinkles causes Jjong trouble but Minho is there to make it all better.
~ Home AU

'Only you can give me that feeling'
Love       Warmth      Trust      Protection  

The Rainbow sprinkles, an important component on every Ice Cream Sundae ever made and currently standing proud on the top shelf in their kitchen, which was quite the problem for the smaller man in the household.

‘’Ooh...come here stupid sprinkles!’’ Jonghyun grunted and jumped at it, winching as his abdomen banged against the edge of the counter yet he came nowhere near close to the top shelf.

With pursed lips, Jonghyun looked down at the desserts waiting to be delivered to his friends outside. It was hot and humid this time of the year and besides a small kiddie pool that fit two people, there wasn’t any kind of refreshments. That’s when the smaller man had a brilliant idea to make tasty cool Ice cream Sundaes.

Sulking and pouting childishly, he reached for the stepping stool and stepped on it, reaching out above his head, a smile blooming on his face as his fingers brushed the bottom shelf and standing on his tippy toes provided only a bit more reach to touch the bottom of the chocolate powder box on the middle shelf.

‘’Urgh c’mon, c’mon, c’mon!’’ Jonghyun gritted his teeth, trying to stretch his petite body out to reach the top shelf. He cursed as he nearly knocked the box of chocolate powder off and gave up.

The smaller man huffed and puffed, blowing a white strand of hair away from his sweaty forehead, and kicked the stepping stool in a burst of annoyance.

Minho, seeing his boyfriend struggle for a while now after wondering what took Jonghyun so long, couldn’t help but laugh at the temper tantrum. ‘’Hey, Hyung! Need some help?’’ He tried to keep his laughter contained, jogging over to where Jonghyun was cooling himself off by flapping a folder from a takeaway restaurant, back and forth.

Jonghyun huffed, his ego was already damaged, he didn’t need a tall tree to safe the day, ‘’No, Minho-yah, I’ve got this,’’ He answered, a burst of confidence hitting him as he tried to show off to his boyfriend that his unfortunate small height didn’t stop him from getting what he wanted.

Rubbing his hands together and flexing his biceps had Minho raise an eyebrow at the display but he couldn’t deny that the sight was delightful.

Reaching out again, Jonghyun climbed onto the counter this time, smoothly like a pro which was a damn lie as he felt like a drunkard, clumsily scrambling up and clinging to the curtains to fight for balance.

His cheeks reddened as Minho snickered behind him, he glared over his shoulder at his boyfriend warning him to shut up or face the consequences. Years of being together made them able to communicate through their eyes and Minho quickly slapped a hand in front of his mouth, not that it helped the unstoppable laughter.

‘’Stop laughing!’’ Jonghyun whined, his knees trembling a bit as the sudden distance with the floor had gotten very large. ‘’Sorry Hyung, are you sure you don’t need my help? It seems you’re having a bit of trouble...’’

‘’My fist in your face is gonna be trouble.’’ Jonghyun sneered, turning away and focusing on the jar with Rainbow sprinkles. Minho teasingly hissed, ‘’Hmm so aggressive, me likey!’’

Jonghyun let out a long-suffering sigh, deciding to ignore the dork, and stretched to the top shelf, easily bypassing the middle self. He held on as best as he possibly could to the curtains and attempted to grab the jar with his free hand, tongue between his lips. Minho nervously watched on, stepping closer to the counter as protective instincts kicked in.

Slender fingers curled around the jar and a beaming grin broke out onto Jonghyun’s sweaty face as he successfully received it from the shelf and excitedly swung his arm around to show it triumphantly to his boyfriend. ‘’I got iiiii-’’

The swing was too enthusiastic and Jonghyun lost his balance with a yelp, Minho’s reflexes were faster than a racecar, catching him before he hit the ground, holding the smaller man bridal style.

‘’Aaaand that’s why you should let me help.’’ Minho fussed, holding his smaller body close to make Jonghyun feel secure as he still had his eyes tightly shut, mostly out of fear.

Pretty Mocha eyes were revealed as long lashes fluttered open and Jonghyun blinked a few times just to realize that he never hit the ground but was in Minho’s strong arms. Jonghyun pouted up at his attractive boyfriend especially now with his bangs held back by a snapback cap and a tank top that exposed his powerful arms. He averted his stare to the floor rather than his boyfriend.

‘’Who put those shelves up anyways?’’ Jonghyun whined quietly as Minho placed him on his feet and his hair, knowing from experience that he might be ashamed of what just happened.

‘’They came with the house Hyung,’’ Minho answered, pulling off his cap and putting it on Jonghyun’s head instead to give his forehead more exposure to whatever fresh air came from the open windows. ‘’I will take them down after the heatwave.’’

Jonghyun hummed, smiling up at him, ‘’Thanks, Minnie.’’ Minho smiled back, bending down to hug him tightly, Jonghyun s his arms around his neck, sighing contently against his collarbone.

Not a minute later they parted w

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I'm back with a fluffy drabble featuring our Tom&Jerry couple ♡ I hope to add a Christmas fic to the collection soon too!


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795 streak #1
Chapter 10: Oh my goodness, so cute~ It started out all angsty, that Minho was sad. But of course his friends are there for a reason. they wouldn't let Minho be sad, especially on Christmas. I'm glad that Jonghyun wasn't busy for the season, he was able toc ome visit. And Minho had a lot of courage to say all of that. It was super adorable with the star scene, when Minho picked Jjong up XD I can just imagine it now, Jonghyun moves into Minho's apartment when he graduates. Then Minho will have Jjong all to himself~ <3
You did so wonderful with this!! I'm sorry I was late to read it, but it's still cold where I am heheh
Chapter 10: So damn cute! Merry Christmas, Jenn! Miss you! ♥
Chapter 10: so cute
795 streak #4
Chapter 9: Awwww such a cute little secret Jjong has. I used to eat in the middle of the night too. And then Minho's secret! So sweet and comforting that they can have peaceful sleep together. ❤
795 streak #5
Chapter 8: Mhm, Jonghyun is just too much. He doesn't want Minho to leave, but he knows that he needs to go. Why not make the morning interesting? Makes me wonder if he does this every time Minho has a trip, or if it was the first time he bothered Minho so much. XD and look at you advertising Fall Guys, I see you ;)
795 streak #6
Chapter 7: Oh gurl, they started out being . I have reason to believe that Minho wasn't actually drunk, or if anything, just buzzed. He remembered way too much. But with them teasing each other in the morning as if they've been lovers for a few years was too funny. And of course Jjong's still hungry. Go on and get clean and dirty in the shower lol
Chapter 8: It's so cute and fluffy :) , really love their teasing and lovely moments
Domestic JongHo is bliss, I really love this update.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for this beautiful and lovely update , it's put smile on my face in my little hard time :)
Al-Qamar #8
Chapter 7: Thank you for this ❤
Chapter 3: Honestly I'm a hardcore JongYu shiper But I enjoy reading JongHo also ;)
Thank you for little bit JongYu here <33 Haha
And yes I enjoyed this
Thank you for writing^^
Chapter 7: Wow, I always thought that if you added more hotness in this Jongho collection, and you did :)
Thank you for this update, and yes happy 3rd year also, I wish you continue writing Jonghyun fics and be always happy ♥️♥️♥️
Thanks again.