
In the past, present and future, I want to be with you
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Maybe the day I will really have to leave her forever is coming soon. I’ve been stalking her every day after she officially started dating with her Chinese CEO. He is rich, young and handsome. There is no any negative point from him. He always takes her to good places, gets her expensive gifts and gives the best life she deserves as a girlfriend of CEO. The way he treats her and the way she happily dates him make me become calmer and calmer. I feel less painful as since long time ago I’ve put her happiness more matter than my own. I think I can put trust on this man. After all, one will not long for another one forever. Stella, you finally can move on from me. I’m painfully happy for you.




I’m stalking them today as usual but today something isn’t right. I feel like Stella is trying to do something.

She took her boyfriend to the pizza shop we always went together in the past. I was standing outside, secretly watching them through the glass wall. She even took him to sit on my place.

“You used to tell me even though I can’t come here with you in the future, you won’t come with other but now… you said you won’t take anyone to go to the places you always go with me but now…..” I recalled her past promise and feeling so upset. I know I shouldn’t feel this way but I can’t help. She was the one who promised me like that but now she broke her own promise.


As I was sobbing, feeling upset, watching them from outside, they both seemed to have an argument. Her boyfriend left her alone. Stella was crying and eating the pizza alone. I felt curious and worried at the same time about what they fought for…

“So it’s not him. The future scene I saw in the past while I was eating pizza here with her 7years ago, she was smiling and happily eating with a guy who I couldn’t see his face clear isn’t Xiao Zhan? Then who is that? Does this mean she will meet another guy? Who is that guy she was smiling brightly at?”


I wanted to go inside and comforted her but I don’t think it’s right to do. I remained silent and waited till she finished eating. She sadly walked back to find him at his car.


After leaving the pizza shop, they went to a cinema. I followed them inside the hall. I was sitting a few rows behind them so I couldn’t hear what they talked but I noticed Stella didn’t look fine. She looked so sad….. So the future scene I saw in here 7years ago, the man who she comes here with isn’t Xiao Zhan either? Then who? Who is the guy she was enjoying the movie with? So she will really meet someone else?...


The movie is romantic movie but Stella kept being sad. She didn’t look like she enjoyed the movie at all. When the kiss scene came, Stella rushed to leave her boyfriend. She was trying to escape from his kiss. She looked like she was crying so I quickly followed her behind. She rushed into the bathroom and cried her pain out. I was so worried. I wanted to go inside to console her so much but I can’t.

“Minhyun would watch cartoon movie with me and bought sweet pop-corn for me.”

That is what I heard from outside… “ So she is doing all of these because of me?... Stupid girl, I thought you’ve stopped longing for me already.” I cried along with her outside but I couldn’t make my sound loud like her. I didn’t want her to know I’m here.



After watching movie, they went on a walk together. I kept following but from a distance. Stella seemed to have problem with her high-heels and her boyfriend rushed to go somewhere maybe to get a new pair of shoes for her? I don’t know for sure but Stella suddenly started sobbing again. I wonder what made she cry again this time? What did she think of?..... Perhaps she thought if it was me I would not leave her alone, I would just give my shoes to her?.....


A moment later, Xiao Zhan came back with new shoes for her then they continued walking. However, it is

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Chapter 24: TT TT TT TT TT
I loved this story sooooo much. I don't have words to tell you how I'm feeling rn. You have taught me an important lesson. Thank you.
I will keep reading this story whenever I'll want to give up on something so that I can get strength.
Thank you is enough yet Thank you TT
Chapter 22: TT TT
Chapter 21: I am in love with stella too TT
Chapter 19: TT TT TT TT TT TT
Chapter 18: TT
Chapter 16: Why all of this sounds so sad?
Why is life so unfair?
Ssly If I could die in exchange of 'Stella and minhyun can live happily ever' I'd gladly do that
Chapter 15: Poor Minhyun TT
Chapter 14: Minhyunnnnnnnnnnnnn TT
Chapter 13: He is Minhyun, My dear Stella. He's the man you love TT