Stars on the cracked ceiling


It's already.. wait, and how much time has passed since that moment? Year? Two or three already? I no longer count the days, I live for the moment of now.


I settled in Seoul and decided to try my luck here. Surprisingly, things are going uphill by leaps and bounds. In the first year I signed a contract with one of the best companies, and I became a performer that same year.


I have already paid off the company's debt, and now I get most of the money stipulated by the contract in my own pocket. A mansion and two apartments bought with money from concerts, two dream cars for which I saved up since childhood are now a reality.


There are still many friends, as it was, even twice as many. Fans and gifts from them are increasing every day. Girls.. I can be with any of them, but for some reason I don't want to.


Now I am a frequent guest of such evenings, where all the elite of this Seoul gathers. Constantly at these meetings I look around, as if looking for someone. I do not know why. And Seoul doesn't appeal to me, but for some reason I don't want to leave either. As if I'm waiting for something.


And, yes, after that evening I never saw Jisoo again. I had no right to break into her life, she was happy. Up until this day I stayed in the training room until the mornings, stretched my muscles a couple of times, ended up in the hospital from overworking, lost my voice and suffered from insomnia - all for one purpose. Which I have reacher.


Now, wherever you go in Seoul, no matter what party you come to, or no matter what music channel you turn on, I will be there. You will see me, hear my songs that you loved so much, you will understand that they are all about you. And when you feel that you want to meet me, to escape from this damn place back to our little world, to a shabby apartment with a ceiling full of artificial stars and warm nights next to each other's side: I will be there.


How long will it take?


Another evening party, another fake smiles and flattering words. I smile back, accept flattery, drink expensive wine and sometimes look around. Why haven't I bumped into you in so many years?


I am stuffy, the crowd and this high ceiling overhead suffocates me, I need to see the stars. I went out onto the balcony, taking out a pack of imported expensive cigarettes as I walked.


Since when did I start smoking?


“Since when did you start smoking?”


He stopped short, holding a lighter, and a fresh cigarette between his lips. This voice. Did it sound in his head, or did he really hear it?


Ears caught the sound of heels, someone stood next to me, also leaning on the railings. The same person takes an unlit cigarette from my lips, throwing it down, several floors down.


He froze in one position, unable to turn my head. And she also was in no hurry to take action, but just stood by, blowing his mind with her presence alone.


“Ten.” Her soft voice was full of tenderness. No one could say his name the way she did. “I was the first to find you.”


At that moment, he felt her tender arms embrace him, and she pressed against him. The warmth spread through his body, giving goosebumps, and as if defrosting him. He turned sharply to her and looked at her. That's her.


Only her eyes could shine so brightly, but now a drop of bitter tear rolled down her face. She looked breathtakingly beautiful tonight.




“Ten, why didn't you look for me?” She said with a sob, no longer holding back her emotions. There was so much unbearable resentment in her voice that his heart felt like stopping. He felt guilty.


She began to sob convulsively and again pressed herself against him. He carefully bound her body with my hands, protecting her from the whole world around her.


Ten felt... freedom. As if something that had weighed down on his soul for many years had finally disappeared. The wings grew again behind him, and he felt that he could fly with her anywhere, if only she asked.


“Can you still feel me?” Ten asked the most important question for him at the moment.


She sobbed again and looked at him. Her eyes shone even more and reddened with tears, as did the tip of her nose.


“Feel what?” there was a feeling that she was teasing him, to which he grunted.


“Eh, I thought you were smart enough to understand right away.” he looked at her with a sly smile, to which she laughed, hugging him tighter. He her head. “I hoped you'd get angry and hit me in the old tradition.”


She snorted and laid her hands on his cheeks, reaching out to him.


“No way, alien.”


“As you say, ert.” he had no time to grin, as she had already pulled him into a sweet and long-awaited kiss. He waited a long time, as she did. Although, if both listened not to the people around them, but to their hearts, which were calling for each other, they would not have gone through so many thorns.


Pulling back, he frowned for a second.


“Your husband…”


“Are you serious now?” She rolled her eyes and in front of his eyes took off an expensive ring with a huge sparkling diamond from her ring finger and threw it after the previous cigarette. Slyly looking at him, she continued: “Well, now let's go back to our stars on the cracked ceiling and finally buy a normal lock with a bell for the door.”


The smile never left his face, he felt in his place now. Finally he feels at home.


“We won’t buy that apartment, I sold it for a cheap price to a woman with children, I do not want to deprive her of housing.”


“But our stars…”


“I'll glue you new ones.”


“But this is our home…”


“Jisoo” the smile faded from his face, and he looked seriously into her eyes, in which a noticeable resentment was still raising. “My home is wherever you are.”


She flinched at these words, blushed more than usual and pulled him into the kiss again. This time the kiss was more protracted, languid. He chuckled at this, stepping back and slyly narrowing his eyes, whispered in her ear:


“ทะลึ่ง (Thalụ̀ng).” to which she immediately hit him playfully, smiling happily.


“That’s for calling me a ert!”


“Oh, somebody's learned Thai.” Ten started to laugh openly again. How long has he not laughed like this.


“And I also learned to dance. And in general, I have a lot to tell you. About myself.”


He looked at her and saw in her eyes such a sincerity as he had never seen before. She is ready to open up to him. And he, too, will definitely tell her why he was such an idiot and did not come for her right away. He will definitely beg for forgiveness. In his own way, with flirtatious teasings. Now they have their whole life ahead of them, they will have plenty of time for themselves, and now he will get to know the real Park Jisoo.



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745 streak #1
Chapter 3: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

Despite everything that had happened in Jisoo's life, the ups and downs she had, she still stayed strong, looking for something or someone that would make her happy, and she finally has. She has found her Ten. 💗 As for Ten, he was sneaky to stay in Seoul and become famous so she could see him on every channel and event. *winks* Great move!

I am glad that finally, they can spend their life together. 💗

Thank you for this lovely series! 💗

745 streak #2
Chapter 2: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

He was really brave enough to appear at her wedding and he was ready to talk to her, he was ready to take her away with him... but then the conversation he had... *shakes head* That woman is unbelievable. Why can't Ten make her happy? She was happy when she was with him. Who gave her the right to measure someone's happiness? -_-

Poor Ten... watching the girl he loves, marry another man. *sniffs*

Thank you! 💗 I loved it! 💗

745 streak #3
Chapter 1: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

The first chapter was truly mind-blowing! I loved the way you described his feelings and his relationship with the people around him. He kind of reminds me of myself when it comes to friends, and also we share the same lucky number. My birthday is on the 10th of January, and all the good news happened to me on the 10th. 💗👌 So I must say, I can relate to that... but now let's get back to the main topic.

I loved how his emotions towards her were described as well and the progress of how she became his muse and how his feelings towards her were developing. Their moment together and the way he danced and she watched. It was lovely and a very emotional part as well, especially the last part when he saw the news. 😥😭

I loved it! Thank you! 💗🌹✨

745 streak #4

I am already in love with the plot and I can't wait to see what happens next! 💗🌹

Chapter 3: finally they found each other!!!! T_T
So I'm here from the previous story.
Author. Why you make me cry? Why you do dis?? ;_;
Like damn finally they're together. Ten is so so so so perfect, made me wishing for a guy like that. Also, he had to go through a lot of pain. And really why? They could've been together just without any obstacles, but OF COURSE.
I. Hate. Her. Mother.
Wth, she gives out such a kdrama vibes, hate it. like f off lady, your daughter can be with whoever she wants to be with.
And also it was so nice to see all the cute stuff from his perspective, he's such a perfect guy again.
I wanted more drama though haha, like him meeting with the husband Chenle and some fight or drama happening, but whatevs, as long as they're happy
Thank you! I love being emo and crying all over my pillows!