She was beautiful




Glittering tree-shaped lanterns, a huge chandelier hanging from the ceiling, an elegant room decorated in the style of a mystical forest at night. And the same elegant people. Stately men dressed in suits with unrealistically pearly white teeth and young mistresses. Ladies in extravagant dresses of world brands that cutesy cover their mouths while laughing quietly. Even the children running around the hall are dressed exclusively in clothes no cheaper than several thousand dollars. Paparazzi scurrying from one corner to another, looking for scandals and beautiful shots, add some kind of separate brilliance to this place.


Ten felt out of place here. Too fake, too unnaturally bright. He had been to a place like this once, when he worked part-time in a five-star restaurant as a teenager, and vowed that someday he would go to such evenings himself, not as a waiter, but as a guest of honor.


Now he is at such an evening. As a guest. But he doesn't feel happy at all. Although, not quite like a guest, he made his way here with an endless stream of people, and he was not even noticed.


And now he has been standing at the nearest marble column for an hour and was observing everything around, but his eyes want to see not those people at all. He came here for something else, for something that he still hopes was his.


He didn’t believe she left him like this. There must be an explanation for this, he is not an idiot to make hasty conclusions. He should at least talk to her, see her.


“Mr. Chittapon.” Ten looked back at the voice that had called him. A woman stood in front of him, looking with an irritated and arrogant look. Does she know him?


“How can I help?” He smiled at her, not showing that he was surprised, but the woman did not respond to his smile, but simply nodded towards the white door nearby.


“Come with me” She spoke with such confidence that he understood - she was the hostess here. As soon as he wanted to argue with her, she continued: “Let's talk about my daughter. You're here for her, aren't you?”


The smile on his face immediately faded. He realized that he was caught red handed, and assessing the situation, he followed the woman in front of him. For a while they walked down a long corridor, and then they turned towards the nearest white door. Inside was a room, with various decorations, dresses and other women's accessories scattered around. Two girls were cleaning it and at the sight of Ten they stopped, but the woman nodded to them, and they hurriedly left the room without questions.


The woman sat down on an armchair that was as white as the rest of the room and invited the guy to sit down, but he politely declined. Then she started a conversation.


“Chittapon.” She paused for a second, examining the guy's face, and then continued. “Or is it better to call you Ten?”


“As you please.” He smiled again, amazed at how much she already knew about him. What else did she manage to dig up about him?


“Then I’ll call you Ten. Your real name is pretty hard to remember.” She smiled, but clearly not kindly, to which Ten simply nodded, deciding to listen to what she had to say next. “You came here for Jisoo?”




“You know this is her wedding?”


Ten paused for a second, smiling. Of course he knew it was her wedding. From the moment he read this devastating article and broke his laptop. He wandered the streets until morning, got caught in the rain, but it was all worth it. He knew she was worth it.


“I know.”


“Then tell me, Ten, why did you come here?” The woman raised one eyebrow inquiringly in a sarcastic manner. “Do you want to ruin her life?”


And again silence on his part. And what can he answer? Of course, he does not want to destroy her life, but if in her eyes he sees what he came for, he will take her out of here.


“Ten, did you see how many journalists were in the crowd?” She waited until the guy slowly nodded and continued: “Now imagine, what will become of my daughter's life if every news magazine writes that she is a cheater who disappeared for six whole months just to betray her fiance?”


“I wanted to talk to her in person.” He said loudly enough for the woman to stop slandering his girl.


“Ten, do you understand that she didn't love you?” Sympathy slipped through her voice, such an unpleasant and bitter sympathy. The smile faded from his face and he frowned. “Poor boy. Believe me, my daughter had so many guys, you won’t be able to count. She told every one of them that she loved them, but does she remember them now?”


The woman shook her head, looking with sadness and empathy at the guy. He stood there, with his hands in his pockets, internally denying all her words. Although he saw the news of her ever-changing lovers.


“As soon as we took her away, she almost burst into tears of happiness, she ran out of money, and the apartment in which she lived... My poor girl, as soon as she arrived home, she immediately blossomed. She did not leave the house for days, did not get away from her Chenle for even a second! Forgive me for telling you this, but it’s better for me to tell you this than you seeing it with your own eyes.”


Ten didn't want to hear this, much less see any of this. Hands had long been clenched into fists, he did not believe it. She... she couldn't just forget him.


“Ten.” He was already annoyed by his own nickname, uttered by her lips. He just wanted to interrupt her, but did not have time to do so: “Do you love her?”


Fists unclenched, and a storm rose in his soul. Did he love her? Yes, he loved, even words cannot describe how he loved her. He sold off everything, he almost broke the contract with the company, but he came here. He came here for her. It’s not even love, it was something more, and he knew she felt it too. He just needed to see her.


“Yes, I love her.” Ten answered seriously, without a drop of a smile. “And with all due respect, I can't believe your words. I'll leave with her.”


He bowed briefly and walked towards the door. Doubts tormented his soul, but he could not give up so easily. He should at least see her.


“Ten, if you love her, let her go.” He heard the last words of her mother behind him. “You can't make her happy.”


As he stepped out the door, he paused, thinking over the last words he has heard. Why can't he make her happy? She will not be sad even for a minute with him, he will take care of her.


As soon as he left this long corridor, the lights in the hall were dimmed and solemn music began to play. He went to the column and he saw... her.


She was so beautiful.


Her sparkling eyes glittered even more under all those spotlights and lanterns, a long wedding dress emphasized her slim figure, and her smile... Her happy smile shone brighter than anything else.


She walked by the hand with her father to the altar, where this guy from the photograph stood. Also in an elegant, expensive suit, he also smiled sickeningly happy.


The priest read the oaths, sometimes camera flashes sounded. And she kept smiling. She smiled like he had never seen. For some reason, Ten could not take his eyes off her, could not even move. He saw only her.


The question Ten was scared of sounded.


“Zhong Chenle, do you agree to marry Park Jisoo, live with her in sorrow and in joy, in illness and health, until death do you part?”


The guy did not stop smiling happily, holding Jisoo by the slender fingers.


“I agree.”


“And you, Park Jisoo, take Zhong Chenle as your lawful husband, live with him in sorrow and joy, in wealth and poverty, until death do you part?”


Ten felt every muscle in his body tighten, he didn’t take his eyes off her face, trying to find even the slightest sadness. Why doesn't she look into the crowd? Doesn't she feel he's here?


“I agree.”


“I declare you husband and wife!”


Ten didn't believe this was happening. He did not want to. But then there were loud cheering and applause from the crowd, the music of the orchestra. All the people around him were jubilant. Only he stood on weak legs, and watched as Jisoo was carried away in arms of the other guy.



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745 streak #1
Chapter 3: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

Despite everything that had happened in Jisoo's life, the ups and downs she had, she still stayed strong, looking for something or someone that would make her happy, and she finally has. She has found her Ten. 💗 As for Ten, he was sneaky to stay in Seoul and become famous so she could see him on every channel and event. *winks* Great move!

I am glad that finally, they can spend their life together. 💗

Thank you for this lovely series! 💗

745 streak #2
Chapter 2: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

He was really brave enough to appear at her wedding and he was ready to talk to her, he was ready to take her away with him... but then the conversation he had... *shakes head* That woman is unbelievable. Why can't Ten make her happy? She was happy when she was with him. Who gave her the right to measure someone's happiness? -_-

Poor Ten... watching the girl he loves, marry another man. *sniffs*

Thank you! 💗 I loved it! 💗

745 streak #3
Chapter 1: 💗🔥💗🔥💗

The first chapter was truly mind-blowing! I loved the way you described his feelings and his relationship with the people around him. He kind of reminds me of myself when it comes to friends, and also we share the same lucky number. My birthday is on the 10th of January, and all the good news happened to me on the 10th. 💗👌 So I must say, I can relate to that... but now let's get back to the main topic.

I loved how his emotions towards her were described as well and the progress of how she became his muse and how his feelings towards her were developing. Their moment together and the way he danced and she watched. It was lovely and a very emotional part as well, especially the last part when he saw the news. 😥😭

I loved it! Thank you! 💗🌹✨

745 streak #4

I am already in love with the plot and I can't wait to see what happens next! 💗🌹

Chapter 3: finally they found each other!!!! T_T
So I'm here from the previous story.
Author. Why you make me cry? Why you do dis?? ;_;
Like damn finally they're together. Ten is so so so so perfect, made me wishing for a guy like that. Also, he had to go through a lot of pain. And really why? They could've been together just without any obstacles, but OF COURSE.
I. Hate. Her. Mother.
Wth, she gives out such a kdrama vibes, hate it. like f off lady, your daughter can be with whoever she wants to be with.
And also it was so nice to see all the cute stuff from his perspective, he's such a perfect guy again.
I wanted more drama though haha, like him meeting with the husband Chenle and some fight or drama happening, but whatevs, as long as they're happy
Thank you! I love being emo and crying all over my pillows!